Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03365-8 - The Ottoman-Iranian Borderlands: Making a Boundary, 1843–1914 Sabriateş Index More information Index Abadan, 110, 111, 152, 317 Ala-es-Saltanah, 299 Abagha Castle, 58 qA¯ lama¯ra-ye qAbba¯s¯,ı 19 Abbas (Shah), 19 Aleshkerd, 216 Abbas Amanat, 53, 88, 193, 195 Alexander (Tsar), 216 qAbbas Mirza, 45–6, 48–50, 52–7, 59, 70 Algiers Treaty, 108 Abbot, William George, 216 qAli (Sheikh, of Merivan), 174 Abd al-Hussein Tehrani, 197 qAli Akber Khan Sharaf ol-Molk, 206 q q Abd-al-Rah.man Pasha (Baban), 44–7 Ali Ashraf Khan, (hakim of Berdesor), 80 Abdulaziz (Sultan), 198, 214 Ali Efendi (OMoFA), 130 Abdulhamid II (Sultan), 26, 214, 218, qAli Ilahi Kurds, 162 230–2, 250, 262–4 qAli Khan, (Faili), 167, 168, 169, 208 Abdullah Bey, (Pasha) Baban, 25, 53, 57, 71, qAli Khan Makoi, 183 73, 74 qAli Pasha (governor of Baghdad), 43, 44 Abdümecid I (Sultan), 91, 194 qAli Rıza Pasha (governor of Baghdad), Aberdeen (Lord), 117 59–62, 114–16, 154 Abou-el-Haj, Riffat, 14 Alison, Charles, 202 Abu Hanifa, 203 Aman-Allah Khan Bozorg, 37 Adelman, Jeremy, 33 Amasya (Treaty), 20–1 Agence Télégraphique de St. Pétersburg, Amir Nizam (wali of Kurdistan), 256 268, 274 Anatolian Railway Company, 289 Agha Muhammad Khan, 31 Anderson, Benedict, 3–4 Ahidname, 40 Anglo-Iranian telegraph convention, 196 Ahiska, 21 Anglo-Ottoman telegraph convention, 196 ahl-al harb, 53 Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 259–60, 299 Ahmad Shah, 264 Anglo-Persian Oil Syndicate, 289 Ahmed III (Sultan), 104 Anglo-Russian commission. See Shipley- Ahmed Izzet_ Pasha, 85 Minorsky commission Ahmed Khan, (Faili), 167, 168, 170 Anglo-Russian Convention, 249, 251, 253 Ahmed Mukhtar Pasha, 218 Anglo-Turkish Agreement, 297 Ahmed Pasha (Baban), 61, 71, 72, 74, 75 Anglo-Turkish Convention, 308 Ahmed Refik Bey (Commissioner), 281 Anichkov, Nikolai, 194 Ahmed Vefik Efendi (Pasha), 189–90 Anjuman-i Sa’adat, 265 Ahwaz, 112, 289 anjumans, 247, 278 Ako tribe, 236 Anzel, 261 337 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03365-8 - The Ottoman-Iranian Borderlands: Making a Boundary, 1843–1914 Sabriateş Index More information 338 Index Arabistan, 18 Baiz Agha, 240, 257, 258, 294 Ardabil, 256, 267 Bajlan, 101 Ardahan, 215, 216 Bakhtiari tribe, 169, 259, 263 Ardalan family, 35–7, 173–4, 177, 198 Balkan Wars, 29–30, 272, 287, 291, 293, 317 Armenians, 128, 214, 215, 295 Balta Liman Treaty, 92, 96, 129, 137 as guerrilla force, 230, 238, 249 Bamishere Canal, 110, 111 Aron, Stephen, 33 Bamu, 163 Artvin, 215 Baneh, 174–5, 181, 270, 278, 280 Asghar Khan, 304 Banu Khafaja, 111 Assyrians, 247, 295 Banu Lam, 165, 168, 171–3, 207, 208, 317, Astrabad, 267 318 asylum, migration as, 209–11 Bapir Agha (Mangur), 240, 294 Austria, 187, 221, 263 Baradost, 247 Austro-Hungarian Empire, 291 Bargh (journal), 266, 269 Avlonyalı Ferid Pasha (Grand Vizier), 244 Basra, 111, 114, 119, 131, 154, 155, 231, Ayni Ali Efendi, 233 244 Ayub Agha (Zilan chief) 215 Bassin, Mark, 6 Azerbaijan, 31–2, 53, 63, 194, 217, 245, Battle of Nizib, 70, 76 250, 254, 256, 258, 261, 268, 272 Battle of Toprak Kale, 53 Babans and, 43 Bayezid, 123, 215, 216, 218, 314 qAziz Khan Mukri, 192 Bebitove (Russian envoy), 191 Bedirkhan Bey of Cizre, 63, 69, 70, 75–9, 83, Baqathists, 173 88, 135 Baban dynasty, 25, 32, 36, 42–9, 68, 173–4, Begzadeh tribe, 246, 247, 293, 294 176, 177, 198 Belaiew, M. D., 302 end of, 71–80 Berat, 40 Enveri Efendi on, 98 Berdesor, 247 Iran claiming right to interfere in, 55 Berlin Congress, 147, 221, 222 Kermanshah and, 43–5, 47 Bilbas confederation, 178, 199, 235–46, Suleimanieh and, 42, 44, 48, 61, 71, 312, 317 74, 97 Bitlis, 75, 250 Zohab and, 47, 55, 61 Bohtan, 189 Baban succession wars, 45 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 45 Badrai, 170 Bonner, Michael, 13 Badra-Jassan, 153 border Baghdad, 32, 36, 44, 47, 48, 65, 71, 102, defining, 8, 27 154, 244 pilgrims crossing, 126–7 Babans and, 43 border heartland, 28 first survey commission meeting at, 143 borderlands Ottoman conquest of, 21 alliances in, 16–17 as outer borderland, 28 autonomy of, 1–3, 5 surveys of, 141 changing power dynamics and, 292–6 taxes demanded by, 114 Crimean War and, 187–9, 195 Baghdad Railway, 251–2 defining, 8–10, 27 Baghdad Railway Company, 289 Kurds and, 32–3, 313, 318–19 Baghdad-Basra railway, 228 northern, 187–9 Bagsai, 209, 226, 227, 310 pacification of, 66–8 Bagsai dispute of Posht-e Kuh, 207 Russo-Ottoman War of 1877–78 and, Bagsai-Sayyid Hassan, 209, 211, 226–7 213–21 Bahrain, 297 state capacity in, 34–7 Bairam Shah, 200 tanzimat reforms and, 195 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03365-8 - The Ottoman-Iranian Borderlands: Making a Boundary, 1843–1914 Sabriateş Index More information Index 339 traditional histories of, 27 Erzurum Treaty of 1847 and, 130–2, 134 transformation to bordered lands, 140 Muhammarah and, 99, 105, 117 Bosnia-Herzegovina, 214, 221, 263 on religious questions at Erzurum, 127 boundary Russia and, 120 defining, 8 Shatt al-Arab and, 117 Erzurum Treaty of 1823 describing, 54–5 on survey commission, 160 great power intervention and making of, survey commission instructions from, 64–6 143–4 linear, 9 Treaty of 1639 and, 97 locating in Muhammarah/Shatt al-Arab, Zilan tribe and, 122 151–61 Zohab and, 99, 105 locating in Zohab/Qasr-i Shirin, 161–3 Carte Identique, 186, 202, 207, 212–13, boundary making 222, 224, 235, 273, 306–7 in Kurdish areas, 174 Caucasus, 215, 230 as limit of state, 320 Celaleddin Efendi (envoy), 47–8 Zohab/Qasr-i Shirin, 100–8 Celaleddin Pasha (governor of Erzurum), 50 boundary studies, 2 Cevad Bey, Miralay, 224, 225 Bradost, 249, 255 Cevdet Pasha, 25, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53 Brant, James, 69, 76–7, 79, 188 Chahrik, 58, 182–3, 249 Britain, 134 Charbashian, Enok, 295 Berlin Congress and, 222 Chelebi, Katib, 97 commission of 1874 and, 211–13 Chesney (Colonel), 114, 116 Crimean War and, 29, 187–9 Chia-Sourkh oil fields, 297 Egypt occupation by, 225 cholera, 54 Erzurum Treaty and, 12 Cihannümâ (Chelebi), 97 Explanatory Note and, 136 Cizre, 75, 189 Iran controlled by, 231 Clarke, F. C. H., 223 Iran sphere of influence of, 228 commission of 1874, 211–13 Iranian sovereignty and, 266–8 Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), Joint Turco-Persian Commission and, 231, 232, 262–8, 271–2, 288 285–9 agrarian policy, 275 Karbala incident and, 95–6 Sunni appeals to, 269–71 as mediating power, 91 Concert of Europe, 87, 188 Muhammarah and, 116–18, 259, 290 Concert of Zagros, 87, 229 Nasir al-Din and, 191 Conference of Muslims, 265 Ottoman occupation of Iran and, 237–8, Congress of Berlin, 147, 221, 222 241–4 conscription, 81–5 Ottoman-Qajar relations influenced by, Constantinople Protocol, 300 32 Council of Islamic Education, 271 Turco-Persian Boundary Commissions Cowley (Lord), 135, 136 and, 86–8 Cox, Percy, 259 Wahhabis opposed by, 32 Crimean War, 29, 139, 186, 214, 235, 255 Zohab and, 285–6 borderland and, 187–9, 195 Buckhingham, James Silk, 102 Ottoman-Iranian relations and, 189–97 Bukan, 270 CUP. See Committee of Union and Progress Bulak Bashi, 311 Curzon, George, 316, 319 Bulgarian Massacres, 214 Curzon, Robert, 89, 90, 94, 132 Büyük Süleyman Pasha, 170 Dainese (Colonel), 63, 90, 143 Canning, Stratford, 54, 74, 154 Dalamper Mountains, 310 on boundary-making, 64–5 Daoud Khan (Kalhor chief), 259 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03365-8 - The Ottoman-Iranian Borderlands: Making a Boundary, 1843–1914 Sabriateş Index More information 340 Index dar al-Harb, 10–13, 14, 52 Zohab/Qasr-i Shirin delimitation and, 163 dar al-Islam, 10–11, 13, 137 Deutsche Bank, 289 D’Arcy, W. K., 289 Dezful, 169 D’Arcy Oil Concession, 262, 288 Diyala River, 105, 163 Dashnaktsutiun Revolutionary Party, 250 Dickson, Bertram, 238 Dasht, 249 Dilbende-i Ulya, 270 Dasht-e Vezneh, 178 Dilman. See Salmas Davud Efendi (Pasha, governor of Baghdad), Dojik Kurds, 79 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 57–8, 59, 167 Dolgorukov, Dimitri, 190, 191, 194 Dawlatshah, Mohammad-qAli Mirza, 44, Dovarij River, 172, 307 47–9, 51–4, 102, 104, 106, 162, 166, Draft Protocol Respecting the Turco-Persian 167 Frontier, 299 defter, 15 Drummond-Wolf, Henry (British Dehbokri tribe, 258, 293, 294, 317 representative), 227 dekhalet petitions, 234–5, 246–55, 257, Duff, Evelyn Grant, 242–3 260, 271, 277–9, 283 Düvel-i Ecneviye Defterleri (Registers of delimitation, 5, 8–9, 13, 160 Foreign States), 55–6 Crimean War and, 190 Dervish Pasha on, 145 East India Company, 113, 114, 150 Istanbul Treaty of 1612 and, 21 Edmonds, Cecil J., 178 pasturelands and, 178 Egri Chai valley, 313 of Shatt al-Arab, 154–5, 290 Egypt, 11, 65, 297 of Zohab/Qasr-i Shirin, 162–3 British occupation of, 225 Delimitation Commission, 140 Syria invaded by, 66, 70 commissioners and duties, 142–6 Elliot, Henry, 213 demarcation, 5, 8–9, 13, 28, 63, 137 Elvend River, 163, 299 Anglo-Turkish Agreement and, 297 Enver Pasha, 263 tribes and, 124 Enveri (Saadullah) Efendi, (Everizade Derik, 58 Esseyid Mehmet), 86, 90, 91, 104, 106, Derneh Begi, 101 124, 134, 179 Dervish Pasha, (Mehmed Emin, Kimyager), appointment to Erzurum Commission, 26, 143, 161, 232, 233, 318 90–2 Banu Lam and, 168, 172, 208 on Babans, 98 Berlin Congress and, 222 on historical sources, 97 commission of 1874 and, 212–13 on Kaqb tribe, 116 on delimitation, 145 on religious issues, 127 Explanatory Note and, 152–3 Erzurum, 28, 32, 36, 45, 50, 53, 58, 76, 77, Faili chiefs and, 170, 171 86, 250 Island of Khizr mapped by, 157 as outer borderland, 28 Kaqb allegiance and, 158–9
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