Board Members Ron Morrison, Chairman Councilmember, National City Mickey Cafagna, Vice Chairman Mayor, Poway Ramona Finnila Mayor Pro Tem, Carlsbad Steve Padilla Mayor, Chula Vista BOARD OF DIRECTORS Phil Monroe Mayor Pro Tem, Coronado AGENDA Crystal Crawford Councilmember, Del Mar Mark Lewis Mayor, El Cajon Christy Guerin Councilmember, Encinitas Friday, January 23, 2004 Lori Holt Pfeiler 9 a.m. Mayor, Escondido SANDAG Patricia McCoy th Mayor Pro Tem, Imperial Beach 401 B Street, 7 Floor Barry Jantz Downtown San Diego Councilmember, La Mesa Mary Sessom Mayor, Lemon Grove Jack Feller Councilmember, Oceanside Dick Murphy Mayor, San Diego AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS Jim Madaffer Councilmember, San Diego Corky Smith • PROGRESS ON CONSOLIDATION UNDER SB 1703 Mayor, San Marcos Hal Ryan • FY 2005 TRANSIT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Councilmember, Santee PROGRAM Joe Kellejian Mayor, Solana Beach • IMPACTS OF GOVERNOR’S BUDGET PROPOSAL Morris Vance Mayor, Vista Dianne Jacob Chairman, County of San Diego Advisory Members Victor Carrillo, Supervisor Imperial County PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES DURING THE MEETING Pedro Orso-Delgado, District Director California Department of Transportation YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE SANDAG BOARD MEETING BY Leon Williams, Chairman Metropolitan Transit VISITING OUR WEB SITE AT WWW.SANDAG.ORG Development Board Judy Ritter, Chair North San Diego County Transit Development Board CAPT Christopher Schanze, USN MISSION STATEMENT U.S. Department of Defense The 18 cities and county government are SANDAG serving as the forum for regional decision-making. Jess Van Deventer, Commissioner SANDAG builds consensus, makes strategic plans, obtains and allocates resources, and provides San Diego Unified Port District information on a broad range of topics pertinent to the region’s quality of life. Bud Lewis, Director San Diego County Water Authority San Diego Association of Governments ⋅ 401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101-4231 Luis Cabrera Cuaron (619) 595-5300 ⋅ Fax (619) 595-5305 ⋅ www.sandag.org Consul General of Mexico Gary L. Gallegos Executive Director, SANDAG Welcome to SANDAG. Members of the public may speak to the Board on any item at the time the Board is considering the item. Speaker’s Slips are located in the rear of the room. Once completed, the slip should be presented to the Clerk of the Board seated at the front table. Public speakers should notify the Clerk of the Board if they have a handout for distribution to Board members. Members of the public also are invited to address the Board on any issue under the agenda item entitled Public Comments/ Communications. All speakers are limited to three minutes. The SANDAG Board may take action on any item appearing on the agenda. This agenda and related staff reports can be accessed on SANDAG’s Web site at www.sandag.org under Meetings. Public comments regarding the agenda can be forwarded to SANDAG via the e-mail comment form also available on the Web site. E-mail comments should be received no later than noon on the Wednesday preceding the Friday SANDAG Board meeting. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), SANDAG will accommodate persons who require assistance in order to participate in SANDAG meetings. If such assistance is required, please contact SANDAG at (619) 595-5300 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. To request this document or related reports in an alternative format, please call (619) 595-5300, (619) 595-5393 (TTY) or fax (619) 595-5305. SANDAG offices are accessible by public transit. Phone 1-800-COMMUTE or see www.sdcommute.com for route information. 2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA Friday, January 23, 2004 ITEM # RECOMMENDATION + 1. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES APPROVE A. DECEMBER 19, 2003 BUSINESS MEETING B. JANUARY 9, 2004 POLICY DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING 2. ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS/MEMBER COMMENTS Members of the public shall have the opportunity to address the Board on any issue within the jurisdiction of SANDAG. Anyone desiring to speak shall reserve time by completing a “Request to Speak” form and giving it to the Clerk of the Board prior to speaking. Public speakers should notify the Clerk of the Board if they have a handout for distribution to Board members. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Board members may also provide information and announcements under this agenda item. CONSENT ITEMS (4 through 13) + 4. ACTIONS FROM POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEES APPROVE + 5. LOCAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECTS REQUIRING MORE THAN $1,000 INFORMATION OR THREE DAYS STAFF TIME (Jeff Tayman) Local Technical Assistance (LTA) policy guidelines require that projects involving more than three days staff time be reported to the Board of Directors. A transportation modeling project for the County of San Diego General Plan 2020 update and the provision of special tabulations of the Final 2030 Forecast for the County Water Authority are included in this month’s report. + 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION POLICIES (Julie Wiley) APPROVE The Executive Committee accepted a draft Public Participation Policy concerning Project Development and Construction for review and comment at its January 9, 2004 meeting. Any changes that have been requested since that time are incorporated in the attached draft. Final Board approval of the policy is sought at this time. + 7. AMENDED CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE (Julie Wiley) APPROVE The Board approved the Notice and Proposed Amendment to SANDAG's Conflict of Interest Code for distribution at its December 19, 2003 meeting. The Proposed Amendment reflects updates to the list of designated positions subject to filing annual economic disclosure statements and the financial disclosure categories applicable to such designated positions, which were needed following the consolidation of employees under SB 1703. 3 + 8. ANNUAL INVESTMENT POLICY UPDATE (Resolution #2004-12) (Renee APPROVE Wasmund) The California Government Code requires that the Board, at a public meeting, annually review a statement of the agency's investment policy and consider any changes to that policy. Two minor changes are being recommended. + 9. CALTRANS MASTER FUND TRANSFER AGREEMENT (Resolution #2004-13; APPROVE #2004-14) (Renee Wasmund) Revisions to the Master Fund agreements between SANDAG and Caltrans are necessary to reflect changes in requirements for federal planning funds and to recognize SANDAG's new role under SB 1703 in receiving transit funding. + 10. FY 2005 TRANSIT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (Kim York) APPROVE The Metropolitan Transit System and the North County Transit District have developed their Capital Improvement Programs for FY 2005 which form the basis for the Federal Transit Administration Section 5307 Urbanized Area formula fund grant and the Section 5309 Rail Modernization formula fund grant. SANDAG is now responsible for programming these funds and approving these grants. + 11. FY 2004 OVERALL WORK PROGRAM/BUDGET AMENDMENT (Renee APPROVE Wasmund) The Board of Directors is asked to approve the following amendments to the FY 2004 OWP and Program Budget: (1) accept $125,000 from the Family Health Centers of San Diego to study a program for preventing viral hepatitis; (2) accept $3,000,000 from Caltrans to fund specialty contracts for capital facility projects; and (3) upon agreement of the two agencies, transfer the Human Resources Manager position and funds from MTDB/MTS to SANDAG. + 12. COUNTYWIDE INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN, SUMMARY PLAN TRANSMIT AND SITING ELEMENT (Nan Valerio) COMMENTS SANDAG’s Technical and Citizens Advisory Committees have reviewed the draft Summary Plan and Siting Element of the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan. The Summary Plan, Siting Element, and the advisory committees’ review comments are presented for submission to the County Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors will transmit the Summary Plan and Siting Element for formal review and acceptance by the region’s jurisdictions before submission to the State. 4 + 13. PERSONNEL: RENEWAL OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CONTRACT (Leslie APPROVE Campbell) The Executive Committee is recommending that the Board approve the renewal of the employment contract for the Executive Director. Mr. Gallegos' contract expires at the end of the fiscal year, at which time the new contract would take effect. The Chairman and Vice Chairman have reviewed the contract document, which includes provisions to extend employment for five years with an option of three additional years. CHAIR’S REPORT 14. PRESENTATION OF AWARD OF RECOGNITION TO ASSEMBLY MEMBER CHRISTINE KEHOE Assembly Member Christine Kehoe authored and secured passage of Assembly Bill 361. This bill provided valuable guidance on the preparation of the Regional Comprehensive Plan. Recognizing that sufficient time was need to demonstrate effectiveness as a result of the consolidation directed by Senate Bill 1703, the bill changed the date for the self- evaluation to December 31, 2004 and every even year thereafter; and also changed the date for the Legislative Analyst Office’s evaluation to the Governor and Legislature to December 31, 2005. 15. APPOINTMENTS TO THE POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEES Members and alternates for the Borders, Regional Planning, Executive, Transportation, and the new Public Safety Policy Advisory Committees will be announced. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Public Safety committee will also be appointed. A listing of appointments will be provided at the meeting. REPORTS + 16. CONSOLIDATED TRANSPORTATION AGENCY: ANNUAL REPORT (Ellen INFORMATION Roundtree)
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