^' Circulation Cotmtries. — ir^^ m Forty Postage One Penny. THE HERAL '7f CiOLDEN Ag£ 'Caiw ^1 <N ':.^;=^>^v ;^' f5^'* im ^s^^u ^^! 'O* i*S<i Vol. W, No. 3. July, 1905. Threepence. ENTKRBD «T «T4TIONBIia' HaLL.. PUBLISHVO QUARTSRLT Edited by Sidney H. Beard. • /- Contents : The Blood Tribute of Christendom ... Sidney H. Beard 41 The Physical Collapse of Business Men Josiak Oldfield, D.C.L., ILR.^.P., Af.R.C.S. How Women may become Beautiful... Alice M. Long ^^|^ The Simple Life The True Path Clara Turner In Causes of Failure and Success Bernard McFaddtn I Editorial Notes Sidney H. Beard ,', .tiV..« The Decay of the British Race—More Medtcat Testimony— A Simple LifeColony—AFruItarian Empire—TheiDiet of Nations —Against ViTisection —A Fn-itarian Dinner—The Power of Humane Sentiment—Our Work and Progress. The Philosophy of Deep Breathing ... Laurence GilberUon The Transforming Touch ... ... AngHe Noireau The Failure to Attain the Ideal Ernest Ne-mlandsmith ^ //^ •^C Concerning Butchery and Vivisection Josiah Oldfield, D.C.L., M.A., Af.R.C.S. Facts Concerning Diet and Disease... Hon. Rollo Russell How to acquire Personal Magnetism Dr. A. Parkyn X Seasonable Hints for Fruitarians 0: •^^'^ JUST PUBLISHED. A NEW AND VALUABLE WORK riiving .-x clear present.ition of the principles relating to simple, whole- A Beautiful and Instructive Gift-Book. some living and the rational treatment of the sick which have proved so successful at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. The Temple of Hrt Tiie Living Temple A PLEA FOR THE HIGHER REALISA- By Dr. J. H. KELLOQQ, This book must be seen to be appreciated, but the following brief, idea of TION OF THE ARTISTIC VOCATION, partial outlines of the most important chapters will afford some the helpful nature of the contents. By ERNEST NEWLANDSMITH SG8 pp. Price Six Shillings, Post Free. the of (Associate of Royal Academy Music ; and Director of The iVliracle of Digestion. the British Musical Society.) The Organs of Digestion—Five Food Elements, Five Digestive — — Gastric — Crown Art Organs What the Saliva Does The Work of the Juice 8vo, Linen, Other Uses of the Digestive Fluids. Second Edition, Price 3/6 Net (post free). Dietetic Sins. Eating for Disease—The Selection of Food—Cereal Foods and Legumes, etc. —Erroneous Notions About Fruits^Predigested Food Contents : — — Medicinal Use Elements in Fruits PVuit Juices Destroy Germs The— I. The Artist's Calling. of Fruits—Fruit Soup—Fruit Cure for Constipation The Fruit Diet — —Milk and II. The Spirit of True Art. —Fruit a Cleansing Food Diseases Due to Milk Cream from Nuts— III. The Source of True Art. Eggs. The Natural in Diet. IV. The Soul of Art. Way Fats Render Food — Vegetable V. Failure to the Ideal. Why Indigestible Objectionable The Attain Fats—Chemical Bread Raisers—Condiments the Cause of Gin Liver VI. The Estee.m of the World. —Dextrinised Cereals—The Daily Ration—Balanced Bills of Fare— VII. The True Minstrel. Too Frequent Eating—The Purest Water, etc. VIII. On Art in Daily Life. The Heart and the Blood- How the Blood is circulated—The Mystery of the Heart Beat- How the Blood Cells Combat Germs—How to Strengthen the Heart. Few people realise what a far reaching and subtle influence the Art in of lUness or Accident. of the day inevitably exercises on their lives and characters —an What to Do case Sudden influence that often affects them quite unperceived—for good or evil. Fainting—Hemorrhage of the Lungs—Hemorrhage from the Stom- ach—A Bruise—The Dressing of Wounds—Sprains, etc. Her Most Gracious the has been " The Majesty Queen reading The Breath of Life. Temple of Art" to H.R.H. the Princess Victoria during her convales- —The Rate at Which Air is needed — recommended it and Proper Breathing Cultivating ence ; the leading newspapers have widely ; — We Breathe when etc. H.R.H. the Princess Frederica of Hanover, Great Britain and Ireland, Lung Capacity Why Asleep, in the and How to Avoid Them. expressed her sincere pleasure by presenting the Author with an in- Dangers Air, — scribed copy of a book written by her late father, the King of Hanover. Draughts Not Necessarily Dangerous —Sleeping in Cold Air Diseases Due to Germs—How Germs Kill—Germs not a Direct Cause of — to Combat Germs— etc. A Few Press Opinions. Disease How DisinfectioB, The Clothing of the Temple. "'The Temple of Art,' by Ernest Newlandsmith, can only be The of Different Clothing Materials—The Best Material described as a beautiful and highly instructive volume. If all artists, Properties for —Common Evils in the Dress of Women in were to work Mr. Newlandsmith's Underclothing Customary every medium, upon lofty — Effect — Deformities of Civilised Women ; of their the effect would be a revolution Waist Constriction The conception responsibility, of Vital of Waist Constriction upon the Kidneys ; Displacement in the artistic world of England."—Sussex Daily ^f^ews, Nov. loth, igo^f. Due to Waist Constriction— Woman is "the Weaker " Organs Why Mr. Ernest Newlandsmith makes an eloquent plea for the higher Vessel." realisation of the artistic vocation. there is more Although How to Be Strong. than a touch of the Transcendental in his criticisms, his observations Two Kinds of Muscles—How Muscles Act—Fatigue—Secondary upon the subject of musical education, a matter to which he devotes are the common sense of the matter Fatigue, etc. particular consideration, plain ; Brain the Nerves. good, sensible ideas, soberly expressed. He distinguishes neatly The and between the art and the craft of the musician." .... Feeling Cells and Working Cells—How Habits are Formed—The Referee, Oct. qth, jgo^_ Proper Function of the Sense of Taste—How to have a Good — Discoveries about Nerve Cells—Insomnia "The work before us is a plea for the higher realisation of the Memory Recent Interesting — Poisons— Cause of Nerve Exhaustion—How to artistic vocation, and very ably does the author urge it. His dedication, Nerve A Common ' ' Mind-cure. To all those who have been there' is to those who have been on the Have a Clear Head—The Problem of Heredity—Rational edge of the infinite and looked over,' who have caught some glimpse of What is Disease ? eternal or of the divine The world is full of the light. beauty ; beauty The Rational Use of Cold Water—Cold Bathing—The Neutral Bath seen in the most ordinary things, but many pass their lives within it —Stomach Disorders —The Hydropathic Treatment of Typhoid and that —hence the for the careful without perceiving beauty necessity other Fevers—Useful Hints for 'the Application of Water—A Retiring training of the coming generation. Many well-known artists, musicians, Bath—Inflammations. fail for the reason their have to express anything, that, though fingers which Enslave and Kill. it Drugs been trained, their souls remain untouched ; is the same with some v. Alcohol The Evil Effects of Alcohol—Alcohol Strength— y, painters and sculptors. They are outside the Temple and will so Animal Heat—Effects of Moderate Drinking—Proportion of Alcohol in remain." Birmingham Daily Post, Oct. 14th, igoif. Various Liquors — The Deadly Cigarette — Appalling Statistics. Many readers who have enjoyed the open-air concerts given by the author at various sea-side resorts be able to his state- may appreciate brief outlines a idea of a book of some ' ' These gWe very inadequate 568 pages, ment that he has played amid a sea of faces, transfixed and motionless, vital interest. written in a fascinating style, and dealing with matters of his music blending with the murmuring of the wind in the trees and the lap of the waves on the seashore, all the people being absorbed in the PARTIAL LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. beauty of the work, and hanging upon every note as his bow swept the The book is FULLY ILLUSTRATED, including a number of—fine coloured this are a few of the illustrated ; strings. And was no mere fantasy ; breathlessly they listened, plates. Following very only subjects Cell Glands, Structure of Liver and Kidneys, Blood Cells, tears stood in people's eyes, small fisher-children would stand in Division, Salivary Malarial Parasites, Different Forms of Starch, Structure of a Grain of Wheat, hushed groups drinking in every note, and others would come and Fork, Beef Blood Cells Destroying Germs, How to stop the hand of the minstrel with a silent fervour and a look that Measly Tape-worm, wring Hemorrhage, Bandaging, A Fashion-Deformed Woman, Effects of Tight Bands meant what could not find words to Who would not be they express." and Heavy Skirts, Diagram showing Abnormal Position of Internal Organs, as this ? . a wandering minstrel to know such moments Normal Nerve Cells, Abdominal Compress, Wet-Sheet Rub, A Healthy Stomach, Morning Post, Oct. 6th, igo.f. Fatty Heart, etc. THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN AGE, THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN AGE, Paignton, England. Paignton, England. The Official Journal of The Order of the Golden Age, Founded to pfoclaim a Message of Peace and Happiness, Health and Purity, Life and Power. m^^smmmmsimMMmm^x^^m^^^Mm, Quarterly]. THREEPENCE. Vol. 10. No. 3. [Entered at Stationers' HaU]. JULY, 1905. [Published to the Judge of all the Earth, who has declared "The of Christendom. " The Blood-Tribute cattle upon a thousand hills are Mi7ie ? Can we, as responsible human souls, who remember Blood-Tribute which the people of Christian that it has been said "He shall be judged without mercy two to aid and The countries pour out upon the altars of their who has shewn no mercy," safely continue of chief Idols—the God abet any longer by our participation, this prevalent system War and the God of Carnal of wanton, wholesale and cruel massacre? —would be Appetite appal- And if we are Christians, — really and truly disciples of if its were for ling immensity Him who shewed the most pitiful regard every living But who actually realized.
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