E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 No. 20 Senate The Senate met at 12 noon and was leaders permitted to speak therein for dent and treating many of these things called to order by the President pro up to 15 minutes. as if they are normal, but America tempore (Mr. HATCH). f knows they are not. We need Repub- licans to start recognizing it, saying it, f CONCLUSION OF MORNING and stepping up to the plate to do BUSINESS PRAYER something about it. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning I understand my Republican col- fered the following prayer: business is closed. leagues will go along with the Presi- Let us pray. f dent 90 percent of the time, but there Gracious God of infinite goodness, EXECUTIVE SESSION are certain issues that are too impor- confirm Your past mercies to us by em- tant that demand putting country powering us to be faithful to Your com- above party. Now is the time to put mands. Help our lawmakers this day to EXECUTIVE CALENDAR country above party. First, on the Cabinet, our norms of use their understanding, affections, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under good government and above all ethics health, time, and talents to do what the previous order, the Senate will pro- are being tested by a Cabinet unlike You desire. May they desire to please ceed to executive session to resume any other I have seen in my time in You with faithful service as You rule consideration of the nomination of public office. There are so many bil- their hearts without a rival, guiding Elisabeth Prince DeVos to be Secretary lionaires with so many conflicts of in- their thoughts, words, and works. of Education, which the clerk will re- terest and so little expertise in the Lord, enable them to fulfill their port. issues they would oversee. duty to love You with all their heart, The senior assistant legislative clerk Take the nomination we are now con- mind, soul, and strength. Take posses- read the nomination of Elisabeth sidering: Betsy DeVos for Education sion of their hearts, and order their Prince DeVos, of Michigan, to be Sec- Secretary. In my mind she is the least steps by the power of Your loving prov- retary of Education. idence. Pour down Your blessings upon qualified nominee in a historically un- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER our Senators that they may ever pro- qualified Cabinet. On conflicts of inter- mote liberty and justice for all. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The est, she ranks among the worst. In her We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. Democratic leader is recognized. ethics agreement, which was delivered THE CABINET to the committee after the first hear- f Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I ing, it was revealed that she keeps in- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE rise this morning to speak directly to terests in three family-owned trusts The President pro tempore led the my friends on the other side of the that have holdings in companies that Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: aisle. could be affected by matters related to I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Now is the time to put country be- the Department of Education. Inde- United States of America, and to the Repub- fore party. I understand the pull of pendent ethics watchdogs have criti- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, party loyalty. I understand deference cized her ethics agreement for failing indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. to a new President. But from what we to deal with these conflicts of interest. f have seen in the first 2 weeks of this On philosophy of education, her administration, party loyalty is de- views are extreme. She seems to con- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME manding too much of my Republican stantly demean the main purpose of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. colleagues on several issues. On the her job—public education. Nine out of FISCHER). Under the previous order, the matter of the Cabinet, on the matter of 10 American kids attend public schools. leadership time is reserved. the President’s Executive order on im- Her views on public education are a f migration, and on the matter of deal- major concern, particularly for Sen- ing with Russia, we need Republicans ators from rural areas. There is not a LEGISLATIVE SESSION to set aside partisan considerations in lot of choice of schools outside major favor of doing what is best for the metropolitan areas. If you don’t have a country; otherwise, our institutions of good public school in your neighbor- MORNING BUSINESS government, our Constitution, and our hood or in your community, you have The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under core American ideals may be eroded. nothing. Any Senator from a rural the previous order, the Senate will be My friends on the other side of the State should be worried about her com- in a period of morning business, with aisle are going along with the Presi- mitment to public education. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S685 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:34 Feb 06, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06FE6.000 S06FEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 6, 2017 We in New York have the third larg- TRAVEL BAN order. Lord knows how he came to it. est rural population in America. I am Madam President, second, the Presi- Every expert on terrorism will say worried for those schools where, if the dent’s Executive order on immigration there are a lot more important and bet- school is no good, you don’t have much and refugees is so poorly constructed, ter things that we need to do. choice; you don’t have any choice. so haphazardly implemented, so con- So let me repeat: The stakes are too Above all, and on basic competence, stitutionally dubious, so wrong in high for party loyalty to stand in the Mrs. DeVos has failed to make the terms of what America is all about, way of doing what is right to protect grade. She didn’t seem to know about and so contrary to our basic values as this country. We ought to scrap the the Federal education law that guaran- Americans that my Republican friends order and start over. The order not tees education to students with disabil- should feel a duty to country to help us only does not protect us from ter- ities. She could not unequivocally say rescind it. Several Members on the rorism but makes it worse. It stands in that guns shouldn’t be in the schools, other side—I think it is over a dozen— the face of what America is all about. and she didn’t seem to know about a have expressed concerns about it. Sev- Our country has welcomed immigrants, long simmering debate in education eral spoke out strongly and unequivo- and the beautiful lady with the torch policy about measuring growth versus cally about imposing any type of ban in the harbor of the city in which I live proficiency. Frankly, Mrs. DeVos’s an- during the campaign, but now that we has beckoned us for generations. swers at the hearings were embar- have such a ban, they are unfortu- RUSSIA rassing, not only for her but for my Re- nately silent. It is time for that silence Finally, Madam President, I ask my publican colleagues on the committee to end and for Republicans to step up Republican colleagues to put country who rushed her nomination through to the plate and start backing up their over party when it comes to Russia. with 5 minutes of questions, only one words with actions. This administration has shown a dis- round, and at 5 p.m. On Friday, the order was temporarily quieting reluctance to criticize Russia Cabinet Secretaries can’t be expected blocked by a Federal judge, Judge when it flouts international norms and to know everything, but this is dif- Robart. On Saturday, the President laws. The administration seems hesi- ferent. The nominee for Secretary of questioned his court credibility via tant to enforce new sanctions and has Education doesn’t know some of the tweet and then asked the country to even hinted at relaxing existing sanc- most basic facts about education pol- blame any potential attacks on the tions at what has always been our most icy. She has failed to show proficiency, country on the judge and the courts. and there is no longer any time for formidable enemy along with ISIS: He is not a ‘‘so-called’’ judge as the growth. Russia and Putin. The American people are speaking in President tweeted but rather a Senate- Unbelievably, just yesterday the one loud voice against this nominee. I confirmed Bush appointee. That is not President insinuated that the Russian have had many people come up to me how we do things here in America. and American Governments were some- There is a separation of powers for a in New York and say: I voted for Don- how morally equivalent. When asked reason. An independent judiciary is ab- ald Trump, but I am making calls about Putin’s authoritarian regime, solutely necessary to ensure Presidents about this nominee. Americans across President Trump responded: ‘‘There are the country in red and blue States have and Congresses do not break the law or a lot of killers.
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