Long Wa,'e ShortWave Cents News Spots die Copy &Pidllres Sl.50 Y..ar iVolume III, No. 23 WEEK ENDING JUNE 15, 1934 • Publi;hed Weekly I This and That fRadio Program Survey Shows Increase ; ,ByMorri.Ha8ting81l. "' In Dr.ama. Classical And Variety Shows SUPPOSE we should wake up / some morning and find that 'the g"bvtrnment had taken over D Rd· TT· R 1 th !' ~~~:~f.1 of radio-lock, stock and oes a 10 "OICe evea e Percent Of There \vQuld be, of course, an n 0"17 S rr d J A· immediate change in organization rerson[' .L es, aVs -narvar azz on lr of radio and in J ' the quality of Is Smaller 1program pre· BC 1'8 II sented over it. The TestsAre aer- arnera u,a fJl1egf!r How successful Radio programs are turning such a change C d t db FI·ght To Be more and morc toward dramatjc would be de· on lie e Y I programs and classical music. pend~ on the This is brought out clearly in an ~i~l~~~~:%ent:~ Dr. Cantril On the Radio analysis of program trends of the the govern­ Columbia Broadcasting System The MAX BUR-PRIMO CAR­ ment effecting made by RICHhRO RED),10NO, a. How much can you tell about a NERA prizefight for the heavy­ it. statistical analyst, who has just person when you hear his voice over weight championship of the The govern­ completed a survey of Columbia'$ the radio? Do you often form an world will be broadcast over a ment would ap­ programs. opinion of what a radio personality coll1bined WJZ-WEAF network The programs Which were can.. Mr. HASTINGS point a board looks like, whether he is old or on Thursday, June 14, beginning or corporation sidered were taken [rom the pe.. young, hght or dark, only to have at 10 P. M. to take charge of the industry in riod from 6 to 11 P. M., when your mental picture of him shattertd its name. That is. the board GRAHAM McNAMEE will do the the radio audience is the largest. by a photograph or a magazine arti­ would attend to details; the gov­ announcing [or the broadcast. The contention that jazz or.. cle? ernment would supervise and dic­ MAX BAER, the challenger, is chestras dominate the air is re­ tate policies. ]f you pick out one ieature of his currently appearing on a thrc:e-a­ futed by 11k REDMOND'S actual personality such as physical appear­ week series of dramatic sketches Most radical departure from measurement. The real leader ance or nationality, you are likely over the WJZ network. former policy under such an ar­ among many types of radio prQ-l In answer to the widely circu­ rangement would be the com­ to be wrong. Dut if you go the grams has been the dramatic whole hog and make a general lated rumor that his radio "..,ork plete elimination of advertising sketch. ]n 1931 lhe dramatic sketch of the person behind the was interfering with his training, and of a great many small, inde­ program was at its height, oc­ radio voice you will more than BhER said: pendent stations throughout the cupying 24 per cent of the CBS likely be right. ~'Broadcasl:ng country. he 1p s to evening hours. Although dra­ This is the opinion of Assistant take my mind off the fight, matic programs have fallen off Radio would be supported, Professor ·G. W. ALLPORT and Dr. and rhe time which I would in perct:ntage in relation to the presumably, by a light tax im­ MAX, BAER, ch"lImger for the H. CANTRIL of the psychology de>­ ordinarily u~e for 'getting other types of programs on the posed on all radio owners and u'orlti'J heal.) tlH:igbJ champion­ partment of Harvard University. into mischief,' as my mana­ ai r, they arc still the leaders. by the profits accruing from ship. For about a year thcy have been ger, Ancil Hoffman, says, is radio pubJication~ issued by the A more even distribution of conducting tests at the psychology spenr in rchearsiug and en­ programs has been reached. And board. At least, that is the way on the challenger. laboratory at Harvard and at Station acting my role on the air. this has not been due to what a it's managd in England. JAMES MELTON, tenor, bets on WEE! in Boston. l'As a matter of fan I put few people in the broadcasting For so extended a country as BAER because he believes a smart Dr. CANTRIL talked with The in only about an hour and a industry have tl].ought_ It has the United States, it would be little fellow can beat a lumbering MICROPHONE about incidents dur- half three days a week on my been brought about because the essential to operate at least two, big one any day. ing the research. radio rehearsals and then listeners have written to the preferably three..... national chains. BABE Rl:TH and FRANK BLACK never at a time when it broadcasters and expressed theiJ;' Under honest, enlightened gov­ "During our tests," said figure on a draw. HELEN HAYES Dr. Cantril," we u!:led about l\'ould interfere wich my tastes. ernment control, programs on training for Carnera." picks BAER because, she insists, these chains should be superior 600 listcners, a great part of "actors should stick togethcr." A staff at the CBS is employed Loyal almost to a man and and better regutated than they them from the radio au~ SLIM TIMBLIN, WOR blackface woman, BAER'S fellow radio constantly in reading the baro.. '(Comimted 011 Page 15) (Conlinlled on Page 15) actors are rooting for and bt:tting (ColI/ilJlled 011 Page 15) .(Continlled on Page 15) ~;..,,, '"lIlIIlIUIlIIllll!MI;jJII~I' ~" -------------~$>r"'" ·l~·~------ It''IO; 1111 ' ... ". ---1'. 11111 "lit "'I" 111' I I' i:;~'11 Kolar Is To 1 News Elashes Post Olfice I~ Conienis Wave Baton ~.M..: Dedication ~ Pidures 7.15 WNAC , VICTOR KOLAR, associate con­ 8.00 WAAM WEAN WORe WMAS Dedication ceremonies of the '. WICC WL8Z WNOII News Flashes Eox Page I GLADYS SWARTHOUT, American ductor of the Detroit Symphony 10.4' WBZ new United States Post Office The Psychology of Radio Voices Orchestra, will direct that orches· 10.30 WABC network, WEAF Net· mezzo·sopral10 From Cove; I work (Tues., Thuts. 10.45) Building in Washington will be MAX BAER, boxer Page 1 Page tra in the series of four·a-week 10.45 WJ2 Network This alld That broadcast over the CBS-WABC Mme. SYLVIA 0/ Hollywood, full hou r concerts to be broad· P.M. by MORRlS HASTINGS Page I cast over the CBS-W ABC net· network on Monday, June II, betJ/lly specialist Page 2 :AI a Rehearsal of the Eno Crime 12.01 WBZ from 3.30 to P. M. NED REESE and GEORGIA work, beginning Saturday) June 12.20 WNAC 4 C1l1e Dramas Page 3 16. • 1.30 W t-:AN '"' ICC wnA WORe Among those who will speak BACKUS, of the Crime Cllln COllcemillg the Applallse of Ihe WL8Z WNOH WMAS Cast Page 3 The concerts will be given in '.00 WAAB SIJldio Allditllre Page 3 6.00 WNAC Wlce WFEA WORC at the ceremonies are Vice-Presi· DPAVID ERCY, b'aCltone Page 4 the fORD Gardens at the 1934 Slatioll Directory Page 4 \X/MAS WLBZ dent JOHN N. GARNER, Postmas- JOHN N. DYER Page 5 Century of Progress Exposition 6.30 WEAN WNBH Edllcalional Box Page 4 7.00 WAAB WLBZ ter General JAMES A. fARI_EY and FRED ALLEN Page 5 in Chicago. 9.45 WAAO . Radio Lalle 11.00 WNAC WEAN Wlce WFEA HENRY T. RAINEY, Speaker of TONY WONS Page 6 They will be broadcast Satur­ WORe WMAS WLOZ WNBH by JIMMY LEONARD Page 5 11.00 WHZ the House of Representatives. JACQUES FRAY, FREDDY SllIdiosily by LES TROy"' Page 5 days from 9.30 to 10.30 P. M., 11.15 WEAF Nu\\,ork; WABC Net· on Sundays from 3 to 4 P. M., woc.k Mr. FARLEY will preside at the MARTIN, MAURY R B. Editorials Page 5 W)Z Network (Wed. 11.15, Sat. PAUL, MARIO BRAGGIOTTJ, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.30) ceremo.nles... Page 7 Society Tllms to Ihe' Radio from 4 to 5 P. M. SUNDAYS Page 7 MUSIC ""til be supphed by the HELEN AMBROSE Page 8 KOLAR, born in Budapest of , A_M. IF,EEl Page Page II United States :Marine Band. MARION McAFEE, soprano, Bohemian parents, studied violin Short IVave Directory Page 13 eo -8.4s WNAC WEAN WICC WFEA The post office building, which Page 10 with JAN KUBELIK and composi- WMAS WLBZ WNBH 11.00 WBZ WEAF-WJZ Network has been completed at a cost of JERRY COOPFR Page u Hall of Fame Program Page 13 tion with ANTON DVORAK. approximately $10,000,000, will CHARLIE RUGGLES, MARY Refleclions by DIANA HERBERT While still a young man, Ko­ P.M_ Page 15 be occupied within a few days DOLAND) JOHN BARRYMORE, LAR came to America and joined 6.00 WNAC WEAN WICC WFIA •. Page 13 ],;TimblewiIJ WLBZ W.MAS ,,,'ORC WNBH after the ceremomes. M I' P the Pittsburgl; Symphony Orches­ 6.45 WAAD . AXJNE, :"0((11sf age 14 by EVERETT SMITH Page s5 9.45 WAA8 It IS located on Pennsylvania JB I' P ".My Pet Subject,'1 tra. He later played in the New 10.4" WHZ JMMY RJI:RLY. voca 1St age 15 ILlS WNAC WEAN WJCC \Y'ITA by JESSICA DRAGONETTE, York Symphony Orchestra under WORe WMAS WLBZ "''NOH Avenue, between Twelfth and IJESSICA DRAGONETTE, soprano, Thirteenth Streets.
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