PROGRAMME 18/2005 E 41 Firdoze Bulbulia Educational television programmes in South Africa In the young democracy of South cific group areas. Integration was al- government has the added challenge Africa television is of special impor- lowed on a quota system at mainly of creating awareness and educational tance as an educational, enter- private schools and later at semi-pri- programmes about HIV/AIDS. taining and information tool. HIV/ vate schools. The public broadcaster South African AIDS, health and well-being are the The Apartheid government, appre- Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) is great challenges which have to be hensive that television might offer guided by the South African Consti- faced by TV. South Africans a window to the tution and the Broadcasting Act and world, that could tempt new ideals has a mandate to encourage “the and show the horrors of Apartheid, development of South African ex- outh Africans’ using edu- kept television at bay. Television, pression by broadcasting a wide range cational television to cre- therefore, only arrived in South Africa of programming that refers to South S ate awareness about HIV/ in the mid-seventies. When television African opinions, ideas, values and AIDS education in Apartheid South finally made its debut it became an artistic creativity” (Broadcasting Act Africa has been one of the most extension of the Apartheid propagan- No. 4 of 1999, Preamble). The SABC difficult of all the challenges that the da tool. The only images allowed on is made up of three channels: SABC new South Africa, which celebrated television were those sanctioned by 1, 2, 3 – each channel has a specific 10 years of democracy in 2004, has the Apartheid government. target audience. SABC 1 is designed had to deal with. The “Bantu Educa- Considering the above backdrop the for youth audiences. “SABC 1 cele- tion Act“, Act No 47 of 1953, estab- democratic South Africa has the chal- brates what it means to be youthful lished a Black Education Department lenge of making television an educa- and South African”. SABC 1, how- in the Department of Native Affairs, tional, entertaining and information ever, states that “it is not about age, which would compile a curriculum tool. However, the recent scourge of but about mindset-attitudes” (Chan- that suited the “nature and require- the HIV/AIDS virus in South Africa nel Statement – SABC Content Hub ments of the black people“. The has meant that the South African Briefs, 2004). SABC 2 is positioned author of the legislation, Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd (then Minister of Native Affairs, later Prime Minister), stated that its aim was “to prevent Africans receiving an education that would lead them to aspire to positions they wouldn’t be allowed to hold in socie- ty. Instead Africans were to receive an education designed to provide them with skills to serve their own people in the homelands or to work in labouring jobs under whites.” (www.southafricaonline). Education only became equal to all South African children after the 1994 democratic elections. Pre-1994 chil- dren were classified according to race and had to attend schools according to their racial groups and in their spe- Takalani Sesame cast PROGRAMME 42 18/2005 E as a family channel within the Cor- rials and an extensive training initia- porations PBS network, and SABC 3 tive. Based on the American formula, is the Corporation’s Public Commer- Takalani Sesame provides children cial Channel and has the task “to build with literacy, numeracy and life-skills audience loyalty and improve on re- learning concepts. Takalani is the an- turn on investment” (Channel State- swer to some of South Africa’s pre- ment – SABC Content Hub Briefs, school educational programming that 2004). includes the production of resource SABC Education is a section of the materials that can be used by teachers, public broadcaster, with a positioning parents and caregivers. “Takalani inclusion of an HIV+ cast member statement “(to) deliver the public Sesame, a pilot project to provide has created astounding reaction from education mandate as described in the greater access to resources for par- the ultra-right wing – complaining Broadcasting Act (1995), provides ents, caregivers and educators in pro- that it is unacceptable to teach pre- educational content to the channels viding children with early learning ex- schoolers about HIV/AIDS – to Ka- and stations of the SABC, and sus- periences …” mie winning international acclaim tains these through the supportive (http://www.scieninafrica.co.za/ and many awards including the World elements of print, outreach and 2002/august/muppet.htm). Festival “Cine Golden Eagle” in the awareness campaigns” (SABC Con- The characters are all African and the children’s programme category. tent Hub Briefs, 2004). SABC Edu- radical multi-lingual approach has The former Minister of Education cation provides educational pro- been inspiring. The programme also Prof. Kader Asmal is convinced that grammes across the three channels. succeeds in providing optimum lan- these awards help to demonstrate Funding for the SABC comes from guage quotas. This is significant be- “South Africa’s leadership role in government and advertising. How- cause it gives young learners the op- preventing HIV and AIDS, as well as ever, in order to support South Afri- portunity to listen to different lan- in fostering positive attitudes among ca’s educational demands and to pro- guages and to enhance their own children towards those who are dif- vide greater learning opportunities language competence. Many black ferent”. Prof. Kader Asmal also de- some national departments, like the South Africans speak more than three scribed South Africa as a country Department of Education, Communi- languages, the mother tongue was not “united by a common belief in a so- cations, Health and Labour, have also given priority in the Apartheid era, ciety where all people are afforded provided additional funding for the and it is therefore extraordinary that dignity and respect”. He felt that these production of educational pro- a national television programme is values should be learnt at an early grammes. multi-lingual. age, and in many ways Takalani Sesame embodies this philosophy. Takalani Sesame Takalani Sesame programmes are SABC Education in partnership with Kamie, the HIV positive broadcast on SABC 2, Monday to the National Department of Educa- 5-year-old muppet Friday at 10.00 a.m. and again at 3.00 tion produces Takalani Sesame. Taka- p.m. as well as on Saturday and Sun- lani is South Africa’s version of the The introduction of Kamie, a spirited day mornings at 10.00 a.m. USA acclaimed Sesame Street. Taka- 5-year-old muppet that is HIV+, will lani, which means “be happy” in help educate about HIV/AIDS. Soul Buddyz TshiVenda (one of South Africa’s 11 Kamie explains in simple terms what Soul Buddyz is another award-win- official languages) is produced for the it means to be HIV+. The results have ning educational series that imparts ECD (Early Childhood Development) been astonishing – children are learn- excellent educational values. The phase, which is 0 to 5 years. Only one ing that HIV is not contagious, that focus of Soul Buddyz is to promote million of an estimated 8 million chil- you can hug someone who is HIV+, health and well-being for the 8- to 12- dren in the 0 to 6 year age group are that HIV+ people need love and care year-old age group. Soul Buddyz is a enrolled in some type of pre-school – all these fundamental issues about “multi-media edutainment series”. It programme. taking care of people living with HIV. is developed by Soul City – the Insti- (http://www.scieninafrica.co.za/ “The character is expected to help de- tute of Health and Development 2002/august/muppet.htm). stigmatise AIDS and encourage pos- Communication (IHDC) in partner- Takalani Sesame, however, is aimed itive behaviour towards infected peo- ship with SABC Education. at the 3 to 7 years age group. Takalani ple” (www. Scienceafrica.co.za). Ka- “Soul Buddyz has been developed is a multi-lingual radio and television mie was introduced as part of the Ta- specifically with this age group in programme supported by print mate- kalani Sesame cast. This pioneering mind, because attitudes are often PROGRAMME 18/2005 E 43 formed during this critical time and yet, in the context of a rapidly trans- forming society with technological changes as well as social changes, the needs and aspirations of children between the ages of 8 to 12 years old are often neglected. Emotional and health problems often originate or become embedded in this age group, with social problems such as physical and sexual abuse severely retarding the potential of many children.” ( http://www.soulcity.org.za) As a multi-media project Soul Buddyz has four main components: televi- sion, radio, a life-skills booklet for Grade 7 and a parenting booklet. Soul Buddyz – at the President’s office Soul Buddyz is broadcast on SABC 1. It is a 26-part drama series with each episode being 26 minutes in duration. part of the South African Constitution abuse, xenophobia, HIV/AIDS and The drama unfolds when a group of there are special quotas for the em- environmental issues. The clubs will children, from the multi-cultural ployment and integration of disabled also be engaged in arts, cultural and background of South Africa, meet ev- people. sporting activities. eryday after school at a recreational The group has to deal with the The last ten years of transformation park. The group includes the entire dilemmas that most South African in South Africa have heralded a crit- South African spectrum – all race children are confronted with, for ical boost in understanding and deal- groups as well as a disabled boy on a example peer pressure, school work, ing with educational priorities.
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