DEPARTMENT OF 1HE INTERIOR JOHN BARTON PAYNE. SECRETARY NATIONAL PARK SERVICE STEPHEN T . MATHER. DIRECTOR RULES AND REGULATIONS GLACIER NATIONAL PARK 1920 Season from June IS to September 15 ST •. MARY LAKE, GOI NG-TO-THE-S UN CHALETS IN THE FOREGROUND. TOURI NG A PARK TRAIL WASHINGTON Photograph by Fred H. Kiser. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFlCE MANY GLACIER AUTOMOBILE ROAD. 1920 Skirts the eastern end of the park and ends at Many Glacier Hotel. THE NATIONAL PARKS AT A GLANCE. [='lumber, In; total area, 10, ;;9 quare mi'es.) Area in National par];s in I Locaticn. sq uare Dhtinctive chara.cteristics. order of creation . mi!cs. IIot Spr in ~s ____ . __ _ Midd:e Arkansas ... I·} 46 hot sprinq;s pos3ess in ~ curatiye properties­ 1 32 Many hotels and boarding houses-20 . bath­ houses under public control. y ellowstone. _ . .. Northwestern ,- yo- 3,318 More ~eysers than in all rest of world together­ 1872 mingo Boilmg springs- Mud volcanocs-P etri.fi cd for­ ests-Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, re­ markable for gor eous coloring-Large lakes­ Many largo streams and waterfalls-Vast wil­ derness, greatest wild bird and anima l pre­ serve in world- Exceptional trout fi shing. Sequoia ............. Mid'!:e eastern Cali- 252 T he Big Tree National Park-12, 000 sequoia t rees 1 9D fornia. ov er 10 fect in diameter, some 25 to 36 feet in diam eter~Tow er ing m ountain ranges-Star­ tling precipices-Cave of considerable sizo. y osemite . ..... Middle eastern Cali- 1,1 25 Valley of world-famed beauty- Lofty cliffs-Ro­ 1890 fornit> . mantic Yistas- Many waterfalls of extraor­ dinary height-3 groves of big trees- lligh Sierra-Waterwheel Falls- Good trout fishing. General Grant ...... Mi -!d!e eastern Cali· Created to preser"e t he celebrated General Grant I no fornia . ']'roo, 35 feet in dlameter-O miles [rom Sequoia National }'ark. Motrot Rainier. ... \\'e.t cent:r I Wash- 324 Largest accessible single pcak glacier system-28 lSS9 ington. glaCiers, some of large sizc-4 sq uare mil e~ of glaCier, 50 to 500 feet th10k- Wonderfu! suo­ a lpine wild flower fi elds. Crater Lake. .. .... Southwestern Oregon . 249 Lake of extraordinary blue in crater of extinct 1902 volcano-Sides 1,000 feet high- Interesting lava formations-Fino fishing. Winl Cave..... .. South Dakota .. .... 17 Cavern h a " i n~ m an y mi1 c.~ of galleries and 1903 numerou.i chambers containing peculiar forma­ tiOllS. Platt. .. ............ Southern O:Uahoma ... I~ Many sulphur and other springs possessing 1004 medicina I value. Sullys lIm... ....... North Dakota ... .. I } Sma ll park with woods, stream J and a lake; is 1904 an important wild-animal preserve. Mesa Verde . ....... Southwestern Colo- a 77 Most notable and best preserved prehistoric cliff 1905 rado. dwelling; in UniLed States, if not in the world. Glacier. .. ......... Northwestern Mon- 1,534 Rugged m oun tain region of unsurpassed Alpine 1910 tana . character-250 glacier-fed lakes of romantic beauty-GO small glaciers-Precipices thou­ sands of feet deep-Sensa tiona l scenery of m arked individuality-Finc trout fishing. R ocky Motmtain.. North Middle Colo- 39i~ lIeart of the R OCkies-Snowy range, peaks 11 ,000 1915 rado. to 14,250 feet altitude- R emarkablc records of glacial period. IIawail ...... ...... l1awaiL . __. _........ 11 8 'Illreo separate areas-Kilauea and Mauna Loa ,I 191u on lIawaii, llalcakala on Mau!. LaSJcn VOICanic .. j Northern California ... 124 Only ncti,," v olcano in United States proper­ 1916 Lassen Peak 10,465 feet-Cinder Cone 6,879 feet-Hot springs-Mud geysers. Mount McKinlej' . South central Alaska.. 2,200 llighest mountain in North America- Rises 191 7 higher above surrounding country than any other m ountain in tho world. Grand Co..uyon ___ . .. North centra l A··ri :ions. 958 'I'he greatest example of ero&ion and the most 1919 sublime spectacle in the world. La fayette. .......... Maine coast ... : .. ... 8 The group of granite mountains upon Mount 1919 Desert Island. Photograph by Fred H. Kiser. Zion.... ........... Southwestern Utah ... 12~ Magnificent gorge (Zion Canyon ), depth from 00 1919 to 2,000 feet, with precipitous walls-Of great ST. MARY LAKE AND LITTLE CHIEF MOUNTAIN. beauty and scenic interest. From Going·to-the-Sun Chalets. CliJIs oC argillite. Hanging Valley in the distance. 105;:;14 °-20--2 3 CONTENTS. Page. Genera l description ___ ___ ___ __ ___ _______ __ _______ ____________________ 0 The A romance in rocl, '____________________ ___________ _______________ 10 T he Lewis overthrust ________________________________ _____ _______ 11 Magnificently colored strata _____________________________________ 11 National Parks Portfolio Car ved by water and ice _____ ____________·_______ _____________ __ __ _ 13 By Advantages of camping ouL____________ ___________________ _______ 14 A general view __ ______________________ _____________________ _____ 15 ROBERT STERLING YARD The west side__ _________________ ___________________ ______________ 15 History _____ _____ _____ _ .____ __________ _________________ ______ __ _, 16 E ast side valleys_____________ ___________________________ _____ ____ 16 Two Medicine Vnll ey _________________________________________ 16 presentation of the national Cut Bank Va lley______ __ ________ __ ____ __________ ____ ____ _____ 1'7 Pamphlet Edition A parks and national monu­ Red Eagle Valley ________________________________________ __ __ 1-7 Sections loose in ments in picture. The selection is St. Mary Valley ________________________________ _____________ 1'7 flexible binding 35 cents from the best work of many pho­ Swiftcurrent Valley __ __ ____________________ _____________ __ ___ 18 tographers, professional and amateur. T he Kennedy Valleys _____________________________ _________ __ 10 Book Edition It contains nine sections descriptive The Belly River Valley_.________ _____ __________ _______________ 19 The S81Tle bound The central valley ____ __ _____ __.. ___ ____________________ _____ _ 19 securely in cloth each of a national park, and one The prinCipal passes ___ ______ . ___ _______ .:___ _______________________ 20 55 cent. larger section devoted to other Gunsight Pass____ __ ____ ______________________________ __ __ ___ 20 parks and monuments. 260 p:lges, Swiftcurrent Pass___ _____________________ ________ ___ ________ 20 including 270 illustrations Logan P ass __ ____ ___ ___ _____________________________ ___ _____ 21 Bro,vn Pass__________________________________________ __ _____ 21 South and west side valleys___ ____________________________________ 22 '1 Sent postpaid. upon receipt of price in McDonald Valley ___ ____ ___ _________ ___________________ _____ __ 22 cash or money order. by the Superintendent Vall eys south of McDonald__________ ______________ _____ ___ ___ 22 of Document •• Government Prin ti ng Office. Washington. D. C. Valleys north of McDonald ____________________ _______________ 22 Bowman Valley _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _______ ___________ ______ 23 Kintla Valley __ ____ ____ ___ _______ __ __________ ____ ___ ____ __ ___ 23 4 Administration __________ ___________________ ____ __ _ ____ _ _____________ 24 How to reach the pa rk ______ ______ ____________ ___ __ _______ ________ ___ 24 Eastern entrance ____ ___ ____________________________ ____________ 24 Western entrance ____ ________ ~_____ _ ____ ______ _ ______________ ___ 26 How to dress___________ ____ ____ _______ ___ _______________________ ____ 26 rost offices______ ___ ___ ___ _____________ ___ _______ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ ________ 27' Telegrams __ ..:_ __ __ ______ __ _______________________________ __ _________ 27 Express __ ________ _____ __ _____ ___ ___ ______ ________________ ___ _______ 27 Hotels and chalets ___ __ ____ ___ _______ ---__ ___ ___ ____ ____ __ - ______ _ _ 27 H otels anel chalets of Glacie.r P a rk H otel Co__ ______ _____________ __ 27 Glacier Park Hotel __ ______ ___________ _____________ _____ ____ _ 27 New Many Glacier HoteL___ ____________ ________ _____________ 28 Glacier Park Hotel Co,'s Chalet Groups____ ___ __ ______ _____ __ __ 29 5 6 CONTENTS, CON.TE-XTS, 7 Hotels and camps--Continuecl, P age. ILLUSTRATIONS. Other hotel '------------------------------ - - - ----- -~ _____ __ __ _ 30 Glacier ParI, Camp-School __________ _--------------- - -- - ___ ____ __ _ 31 'l' ransportation wi thin tIle pa 1'1'-__________________________ ___________ _ 31 COYEll. Slage Hnd a utomobile service - --------------------------------- __ _ 31 Bon t service __ __ __ -------- ------------ --- ----, - --- ----- --------- 33 Touring a park traiL ___________________________. --- ------------------ Front. Baggage and freight _________ __ ______ ___ ---- --- --- ------ --------- _33 St. Ma ry Lake a nd Little Chlef MOulltaiIL _____ __ __ __ ___________ Inside front. Horses and guides ______ __ __________ _______________ ~__ ___ __ __ :. __ _ 34 l\lany Glacier Hotel on Lake McDermotL ______ __________________ Inside back. R ates for 'cheduled trips from hotels and cbalets _______________ __ _ 35 I c ber g La ke ill A ug usL _____________ ---= _____ _ _ __ _ _______________ Inside back, Independent camping tours ___ __ ___________________ --------------- 86 St. l\1ary La ke looking west from St. l\fnry 'l1al ets ___________________ Back. P e rsonall y conducted camping' tOUL _____________________________ _ 36 Many Glacier automobile I'oatl _______________ _______ ______ ___________ BaCk, Trips f rom hotels and chalets __ ___ ___ __________ __ ___ ___ __ __ ______ _ 36 From Glacier Park HoteL __________ ____ _____________________ _ TEXT, 37 P age, From T wo l\1edi
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