S 16190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE • October 12, 1971 Access: As to the first of them-the indi­ reconcile their theory to the facts. It is not United states. This translates into a con-' vidual's right to speak: TV time set aside this Administration that 18 pushing legal sumption rate of 1,408 million barrels a for sale should be available on a first-come, and regulatory controls on television, in order first-served basis at nondiscriminSitory to gain an active role in determining con­ day-enough oil to fill 62,000 railroad rates-but there must be no rate regulation. tent.. It is not th18 Adminlstration that 18 tank cars making a train 500 miles long. The individual would have a right to speak urging an extension of the Fairness Doctrine These statistics should be viewed in on any matter, whether it's to sell razor into the details of television news--or into terms of the impact of petroleum prod­ blades or urge an end to the war. The the print media. ucts on our daily lives. In this connection, licensee should not be held responsible for There is a world of difference between the I should mention that crude oil supplied the content of ads, beyond the need to guard professional responslblllty of a free press and agalnst lllegal material. Deceptive product the legal responslbUlty of a regulated press. 43.2 percent of all domestic energy needs ads should be controlled at the source by the This is the same difference between the in 1969. More than 60 percent of this Federal Trade Commission. This private right theme of my proposals today and the current amount was used to power various modes of access should be enforced-as most pri­ drift of broadcasting regulation. Which will of transportation, with the level of con­ vate rights are enforced-through the courts you be-private business or government sumption in this area increasing at an and not through the FCC. agent?-a responsible free press or a regu­ annual rate'in excess of 4.5 percent. Fuel License Renewals: As to the second lated press? You cannot have it both ways­ oil consumption is also increasing at a claim-the opportunity of the public to be neither can government nor your critics. informed on public issues: This is the type rapid rate. of "pubUc interest" traditionally protected Those who oppose the pipeline want to by regulatory agencies, but it should be done THE ALASKA PIPELINE ignore these statistics, and the fact that in a manner which recognizes it as an over­ crude oil consumption is related to ac­ all right, which can1not sensibly be enforced Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, one of tivities which will expand as our popu­ on a case-by-case basis. It can best be pro­ the major challenges confronting us to­ lation increases. It is my view that many tected, I suggest, not in countless proceed­ day is the future direction, methodology, of these opponents would be among the ings involving individual complaints, but in and pace of our science oriented, tech­ the course of the renewal process. The li­ first to protest if they were forced to nological society. Some people have walk many miles to work or to live in censee would be obligated to make the total­ translated this challenge into an attack ity of programming thSit is under his con­ unheated houses because of the lack of trol (including public service announce­ on science and technology, which they sufficient energy supplies. Moreover, I do ments) responsive to the interests and con­ view as antihumanistic and materialistic. not believe that any of us would be will­ cerns of the community. The criterion for I cannot agree with this position. In­ ing to compromise our national security renewal would be whether the broadcaster stead, it seems to me that the challenge by placing too great a dependence on has, over the term of his llcense, made a is to harmonize our technology with good faith effort to ascertain local needs and foreign energy sources. A dependence of more spiritual values. This trend has al­ this type by the United States and its interests and to meet them in his program­ ready begun. As Mr. Charles Reich, the ming. There would be no place for govern­ allies could change world geopolitiCS in ment-conceived program categories, percent­ author of "The Greening of America," a manner that would be extremely detri­ ages and formats, or any value judgment on has observed: . mental to our national interests. specific program content. A new consciousness will arise which seeks There should be a longer TV license pe­ restoration of the non-material or spiritual Thus, our pipeline construction should riod with the license revocable for cause and elements of man's existence ... (and) seeks not be postponed but, rather; we should the FCC would invite or entertain competing to transcend science and technology. use ow' advanced technology to resolve applications only when a license is not re­ the difficulties. In this way, the develop­ newed or is revoked. The eminent scientist, Dr. William mental policies which have led to ram­ I believe these revisions in the access and McElroy, now Director of the National pant pollution and the destruction of renewal processes wlll add stabUlty to your Science Foundation and formerly a pro­ natural beauty in the "South 48" States industry and avoid the bitter adversary fessor at the Johns Hopkins University, can be avoided. struggle between you and your community has expressed general agreement with groups. They recognize the new concerns of I also believe that the pipeline project this concept. In a speech delivered at the must be viewed in the context of past access and fairness in a way that minimizes 30th annual science talent search award government content control. achievements which have been made I'm not saying that this wlll eliminate banquet, he stated that: possible through the prudent use of our controversies. But it will defuse and change The impersonal machine, I believe, has science and technology. Although it will the nature of the controversies. often been the dominant in our lives, and it's be the largest project of its type ever Radio De-Regulation: We can go further high time we reasserted the primacy of man's humanism. undertaken by man, the pipeline is by with radio. Yesterday I sent a letter,to Dean no means the first to involve difficult Burch proposing that OTP and the FCC However, Dr. McElroy was quick to jointly develop an experiment to de-regulate construction and operational problems,J>r point out that we should not lose our to receive well-motivated but unwir'r­ commercial radio operations. sense of balance by reacting in a way that We proposed that one or more large cities ranted public criticism from certain be selected as de-regulatory test markets in .will impair the ability of science to im­ quarters. We need only look at the Pan­ which radio assignments and transfers would prove our quality of life. ama Canal, which includes the world's be pro-forma. Renewais would not be re­ There are simply too many problems largest locking system; the Holland viewed for programming and commercial left unsolved, problems which are de­ Tunnel, which was the first automobile practices. And the Fairness Doctrine would pendent for their solution on the ad­ tunnel ever built; the Mackinac Strait be suspended. The experiment should be vancement of our science and technology. Bridge across Lake Michigan, which is only a first step. For most purposes, we shculd ultimately treat radiO as we now treat Thus, we must find better ways to re­ the longest anchorage-to-anchorage magazines. cycle waste materials, to restore our lakes bridge in the world; the Erie Canal, These are my proposals. The proposals are and rivers, to end malnutrition on a which was the longest manmade water­ just that-I have no legislation tucked in worldwide basis, et cetera. way ever built when it was completed in my back pocket that we are about to intro­ An excellent example of the need to 1825; the Verrazano Narrows Bridge duce. But, I wlll work for legislation if there use our technology for the betterment of linking Staten Island to Brooklyn, N.Y.; is support for these proposals. In short, my mankind is the proposed Trans-Alaska the Golden Gate Bridge; the Grand Cou­ message on all these proposals is that we've pipeline. As time passes, the difference lee Dam, and others. tried government program control and bu­ reaucratic standards of fairness and found between the rate of energy consumption Thus, I believe that we must not stifle that they don't work. In fact, they can't in the United States and the rate of sup­ SCience, which I equate with progress, but work. Let's give you and the publlc a chance ply is growing wider. This alarming dis­ relate it to the needs and activities of our to exercise more freedom in a more sensible parity is compelling evidence for the de­ SOCiety. In her book entitled "Silent framework and see what that can do. velopment of new domestic crude oil Spring," Rachel Carson points out in a There is one further aspect of freedom I sources, the kind of development which dramatic way that everything we do in would like to discuss. Some people suggest would be precfpitated by the construction nature affects something else, and any­ that this Administration is trying to use the of the TAPS pipeline.
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