March 22, 2013 11 Nisan 5773 Community 1 Published by the Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc. www.jewishlouisville.org INSIDE A refreshed PJ Library is delivering Jewish books to chil- dren from birth until 8-years-old. PAGE 3 Communit■ ■ y FRIDAY VOL. 39, NO. 7 13 NISAN 5773 MARCH 22, 2013 Celebrate Israel@65 JCL UPDATE by Stu Silberman Like another birthday (for those of us who want to stop counting them), it’s now that time of year where the JCL makes an impassioned plea for your attention. I’ll wait… OK, here it comes. We’re Stu Silberman wrapping up the 2013 Federation Campaign solicitation season, and we have not yet secured the Israel@65, on April 14, promises to be just as much fun as Israel@60 was! commitment we need from our commu- nity to continue funding the programs by Shiela Steinman Wallace volunteered to co-chair Louisville’s Is- School to create a short, solemn Yom that make us who we are – Jews. rael@65 celebration. HaZikaron tribute with participation I just completed the JCL interim re- he State of Israel marks its 65th The event will begin at 12 noon with from LBSY students. port to the Planning and Allocations anniversary this year, and Lou- a short, solemn ceremony marking Yom Then the fun begins. Louisville will Committee. That’s the committee, com- isville’s Jewish community is HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day, that join communities across North America prised of your peers, lay leaders in Lou- T joining the celebration. Come to will pay tribute to members of the Israel in the Global Walk with Israel. At 12:30 isville who have dedicated their time to the Jewish Community Center on Sun- Defense Force that gave their lives for p.m., participants will gather at the make the tough decisions about how day, April 14, from 12-3 p.m. for an af- the Jewish State. JCC. After some remarks from Mayor your campaign dollars are distributed ternoon of music, family fun, food and “Israel Independence Day is irrevo- Greg Fischer, everyone is invited to walk among local, national and international spirit. cably linked to Israel Memorial Day,” around the campus and celebrate the needs. What? you might be asking your- “In the current political climate in said Faina, “because you cannot cele- State of Israel. The youngest walkers self. Why does the agency responsible for the world, Israel’s continued existence brate the country of Israel without first are invited to join The PJ Library Story raising the dollars need to ask for them? should be celebrated to underscore how remembering the price paid by soldiers Walk, which will introduce them to Is- Because, in our new model, we want important its existence is for every Jew and civilians.” rael as they walk from one stop to an- to be evaluated along with every other worldwide,” said Faina Kronenberg. The Kronenbergs are working with other and hear an age-appropriate story. requesting agency. We want to be held “Because it was so important for us,” Nathan Goldman, Louisville Beit At the conclusion of the walk, there accountable and measured to the same added Ariel Kronenberg, the couple Sefer Yachad and the Temple Hebrew see ISRAEL@65 page 9 standards as every other requestor. So here I sit, writing responses to the form I wrote, and I have to tell you, it feels great. By the time you read this, my Yom HaShoah commemoration planned for April 11 leadership team and I will have made by Shiela Steinman Wallace learn the lessons of tolerance, valuing of this year’s program is “Righteous our pitch for why your dollars should be our differences and working together to Among the Nations.” allocated, in part, to our agency. While “To every thing there is a season, and make the world a better, safer, more un- During the program, the righteous I won’t go into all the details (but if you a time to every purpose under heaven.” derstanding place. gentiles - those who were not Jewish, but want to know, ask me), I was pleased to Ecclesiastes 3:1 This year, the annual community- whose words and/or actions actively op- include a list of innovative risks we have Each year, there is a time to remem- wide Yom HaShoah Holocaust Com- posed the Holocaust, often at great risk taken this past year. You’re holding one ber those lost in the Holocaust, to cele- memoration program, sponsored by the to their own lives - will be honored. of those risks now, a new newspaper brate the precious gift of life, to honor Jewish Community Relations Council, The featured speaker will be David format. But the risks I wrote about in- those who saved others while risking will be held Thursday, April 11, at 7 p.m. Lee Preston, a reporter for the Philadel- cluded new methods of making our phil- their own safety and security, and to at Bellarmine University. The theme see YOM HASHOAH page 5 see JCL UPDATE page 11 INDEX Teacher and researcher educates Editorial ................................................. 2 future doctors who help world wide Letter to the Editor .............................. 2 by Dianna Ott States to enter the University of Louis- POSTAGE Redesigned Community ....................... 2 KENTUCKY ville School of Medicine with a fellow- LOUISVILLE PERIODICALS Naamani Lecture .................................. 3 Ophthalmologist Shlomit Schaal, ship in vitreoretinal research through Calendar of Events .............................. 5 M.D., Ph.D. is among those who will be the Department of Ophthalmology and Republic Bank Golf Challenge ............ 5 recognized at the eighth annual MO- Visual Sciences. Following that was a Shaliach Comning to JCC Camps ...... 6 SAIC Awards to be held on Thursday, second fellowship in vitreoretinal sur- Three Attend AIPAC Conference ........ 8 May 30, at The Henry Clay. This fund- gery, completed in 2008. She now serves Bette Levy’s Key to Louisville ............. 9 raising event, which benefits Jewish as assistant professor and, in 2011, as- Birthright Israel .................................. 12 Family & Career Services, honors im- sumed the role of director of the Dia- Passover Recipies ............................. 12 migrants and refugees who have made a betic Retinopathy Service. “Many peo- New JCC Middle School Director .... 14 significant contribution in their profes- ple come here, to the United States, like Obama in Israel .................................. 15 sion and in the community. I did, to further their education,” said Teen Topics ........................................ 16 “I am surprised and honored to re- Dr. Schaal. JFCS Feinstein Challenge ................. 17 ceive the award,” said Dr. Schaal, who As both a teacher and a researcher, Chavurat Shalom ............................... 17 was born in Haifa, Israel, and graduated Dr. Schaal, 43, teaches a new generation JFCS Calendar ................................... 18 Summa Cum Laude from Technion Is- of doctors at the University of Louisville. Newsmakers ...................................... 19 rael Institute of Technology. “I think it Many of the young doctors under her 2013 Maccabiah Games ................... 19 is a very nice thing. Being an immigrant clinical supervision will eventually leave Around Town ...................................... 20 means there are unique difficulties. the U.S., taking their skills and expertise Lifecycle .............................................. 21 Your family is across the ocean and al- back to different parts of the world. She D’var Torah ......................................... 23 though you have your close family here teaches medical students, residents and Classifieds .......................................... 23 with you there’s not much help around.” supervises retina fellows from the U.S., In 2005, she moved to the United see SchAAL page 10 2 Community March 22, 2013 29 Nisan 5773 First, there was Apartheid Week on JCPA Plenum Communit y JCRC UPDATE the campus of the University of Louis- Eight Louisvillians attended the an- ville. Apartheid Week, both locally and nual Jewish Council for Public Affairs Community is published monthly by nationally, consists of local anti-Zionist Plenum in Washington, DC, March 9-12. the Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc., by Matt Goldberg, Director organizations hosting speakers and hav- The program included sessions on 3630 Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, KY Jewish Community Relations Council ing events that demonize the State of Is- a variety of topics, including Israel ad- 40205-3216. rael, repeating unfortunate canards like vocacy, Iran, poverty, the environment USPS #020-068 at Louisville, KY. Matanot L’Evyonim accusing Israel of ethnic cleansing or of and same sex marriage in the Jewish The Jewish Community of Louisville is Matanot L’Evyonim, the JCRC’s Pu- being an apartheid regime. community. In addition, we heard from a nonprofit organization. $26 of your pledge rim appeal for gifts to those less fortu- Members of our local JCRC were at amazing presenters like Rabbi David is for a subscription for Community. nate, has been a huge success this year. every anti-Israel event held that week to Saperstein, Israeli Ambassador Michael For more information, call This money was raised for Blessing in monitor the substantive conversations Oren, and Secretary of Homeland Secu- (502) 459-0660, fax (502) 238-2724, a Backpack, a program that provides and how many people attend. rity Janet Napolitano. e-mail [email protected] or check out food for the weekends for children who None of these events attracted many We also participated in an advocacy the website www.jewishlouisville.org. qualify for free lunches when they are people, but we continue to monitor these day, where our group from Louisville POSTMASTER – Send address changes in school. groups and talks. were on Capital Hill and went to the to Community, 3630 Dutchmans Lane, Thanks to the generosity of many of We do not claim that Israel is perfect. offices of our congressional representa- Louisville, KY 40205-3216. you in our community, we raised over You can read the Israeli press every day tives.
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