MAR R IAG E CAKE oun ds ou n d s ex Take five p of fe rvent devotion , three p tract e r of faithfuln s s , four qua ts of heartfelt satisfaction , one pound s ix e each of prudenc e and good nature , sc rupl s each of c onfidence e e and mature deliberation , eight ounces ach of g ntleness and mod e esty , tw lve scruples of matrimonial fidel ity , two pounds c onnu e bial felic ity , three quarts ecstatic nj oyment , one pound each of n patience , industry and economy , ine ounces each of discretion e and benevol nce , four ounces of neatnes s , half pound seeds of e virtu , one ounce essence of purity , seven pints sweetnes s of d S o s itio n m i p , Add to this one quart bal of a thousand ill s , five x e pints c ream of e cellence , one gall on milk of human kindn ss , M e ~ one hundred grains common sense . ix thoroughly with che r e e fuln s s , th n pour into the golden bowl of domestic happines s , lubricated with the oil of gladnes s and bake in the oven of bless e dn e s s m , heated with the fire of true love . While war spread with a frosting of gracefulnes s , In the center place the star of hope , e nc ircled with a wreath of smiles interwoven with pinks of pe rfec tion , and fasten the wreath with golden cords of harmony and s il ver threads of discourse . Mrs . J , W , Paul (Her grandmother ' s c ookbook) A V e V irginia B ach , irginia E ES EL LIES L E R LISH , j , PIC K S ORANG E MAR MALADE 1 orange 1 lemon 1 grapefruit sugar (see amount below) e e e e Squeeze the juice of all thr fruits into bowl . R mov m m membrane fro e pty peelings . Grind the peelings through a m . the eat chopper . (Orange and lemon) Add these two to fruit juice . Put in refrigerator overnight , Grind grapefruit peel . Put in bowl and cover with cold 1 , water . Add teaspoon salt . Let stand overnight In morning , drain grapefruit peel . Cover with c old Water . Bring to boil and e drain . Do this twice more s o grapefruit peel loses bitt rnes s . D . rain well , add to the juice and other peel Measure the 0 amount of fruit and juice and boil for 1 minutes . Add twice as much sugar to the mixture as you had fruit and juice when you x 1 2 started to boil it . (For e ample , cup fruit to cups sugar . 15 Cook , stirring to prevent burning , for about minutes . Test a littl e of the mixture to see if it has reached jelly stage . Allow to cool slightly . Pour in small jelly glas ses . When cold , seal wax with . Mrs . William j . Cowan G R E EN TOMATO PICKL E 7 2 . lb . green tomatoes gal c old water 3 small bottles Lilly Lime Put First time : Wash and slice tomatoes . in water and ix L et 2 4 . lime m ture . stand hours For syrup 5 1 pt . vinegar tsp . whole allspice 8 1 lb . sugar tsp . celery seed 1 1 tsp . whol e cl oves tsp . c innamon x Second time : Wash tomatoes . Put in 1 gall on water mi ed 24 with pound powdered alum . Soak hours . Mix e e Third time : Wash tomatoes again . one ounce powd r d 2 D ginger with gallons cold water . Soak several hours . rain . S : u yrup Cook syr p about hour or l ittle longer . Pour 15 over tomatoes and let stand few hours or overnight . Boil min sl iced tomatoes . Mrs . William Cowan - 1 V B V irginia each , irginia WATERMELON R IND PICKL E 1 8 gal . rind lb . sugar 1 c . Lilly Lime oz . stick c innamon 2 1 Tbsp . powdered alum oz . allspice 1 1 qt . white vinegar oz . whole cloves To 1 gallon of rind soak overnight in water to which has been added cup of L illy Lime and 2 tablespoons powdered alum . x Ne t morning , rinse in clear water several times . Cook in e nough hot water to cover until it can be pierc ed with a tooth 1 8 pic k . Have ready quart white vinegar , pounds sugar , 1 ounce 1 1 c stic k c innamon , ounce all spice , oun e whole cloves in a cloth . 15 r Boil minutes . Seal in sterilized ja s . Mrs . Will iam J . Cowan COOKED SALAD DR ESSING 2 Tbsp . vinegar 2 Tbsp . milk 2 Tbsp . butter Beat egg yol ks in small saucepan . Add salt and sugar . mix Beat thoroughly . Add vinegar and well . Add milk and but l ow e x ter . Cook over h at stirring c onstantly . When mi ture thic kens and begins to boil , take from heat and add a sprinkl ing . ; of cayenne pepper Let c ool then place in jar and keep refriger h ated . T is dres sing will keep for months . Mrs . Joe Rogers MAYONNAIS E 1 tsp . dry mustard 1 oz . vinegar 1 81 tsp . salt c . Wesson oil at fresh ground black pepper a time) twist nutmeg 1 egg 2 cl oves garl ic ( optional) M ix all in blender us ing only the oil . Gradually add remaining oil slowly . Chill . For fruit salad dres s ings , make mayonnaise as above t 2 omit ing garlic . Add Tablespoons dry white wine and cup s our c ream . Suzanne Va nders yd e (Mrs . J . A . — 2 ~ B Virginia each , Virginia CURRIED FR U IT 1 can pears 1 can peaches 1 can apric ots 1 can pineapple chunks e Drain fruit and arrange in cas serole . Melt togeth r 2 1 c . oleo tsp . curry powder c . brown sugar e 325 Pour mixtu re over fruit . Dot with cherri s . Bake at e degr es for one hou r . Delicious with fowl w ild or domesticated . Emily Alexander PINEAPPLE - PEACH PR ESERVES 3 7 0 c . mashed fresh peaches . sugar 1 c . drained c rushed pine appl e " B fu ; , ring to ll rolling boil one you can t stir down boil one Sm full minute . Remove from heat , stir in bottle Certo . Pou r into j elly glas ses . When partly c ool , cover with melted 16 paraffin . Makes about j elly glas ses . Lucy Hause r TOMATO SOY 4 cans tomatoes 2 Tbsp blac k pepper 1 6 1 T small White onions bsp . red pepper 1 2 pt . s our pic kles Tbsp . cloves 4 2 lb . sugar Tbsp . all spice 1 2 T qt . vinegar bsp . mustard 1 Tb 1 sp . sage Tbsp . c innamon 1 3 Tbsp . Worcestershire Tbsp . salt sauce ChO ° 1 2 p s olids fine and c ook (all ) until thick , usually about / ' it s volume . D Mrs . Burton Lee oggett 335 338 318 9? - 3 ~ V i B V irg nia each , irginia EXTRA R ECIPES - 4 Virginia Beach , Virginia If na ture did n o t give yo u that s which is your by right , j u s t nibbl e at the s e dainties to e an e e giv you app tit . ’ E AN D T . V . S HOR S D OEUV R S , PARTY NACKS PICK L ED SHR IMP e 5 l b . shrimp , do NOT over salt and p pper to taste 1 cook pt . Wesson oil e 2 T e pt . cider vin gar bsp . c lery seed s 3 B e 2 bottles caper large ermuda onions , sl ic d 3 bay l e aves thin hot sauc e dash Worcestershire M e v ix ingredi nts , layer onions o er shrimp , pour sauce over " " e Ex all and let marry in refrigerator at l ast overnight . cellent party food , speared with toothpicks . Mrs . j ohn Currie (Gloria) PARTY R OLL 1 large blue cheese lb . sharp cheese (grated) 1 large cream cheese Combine and add 1 tsp . Worcestershire sauce c . chopped pecans 2 2 Tbsp . grated onion tsp . chopped parsley x Roll in wa ed paper . Two hours before serving , roll ball in 1 2 / cup chopped pecans and chopped parsley . Serve on platter with crackers . Betty Barr (El izabeth) HOT C LAM DIP 2 small cans minced clams lemon juice to taste 2 3 ( oz . ) pkg . cream cheese salt to taste Tabasco to taste mix r u Drain clams and all ing edients . Heat in do ble boiler l e or chafing dish . Serve with me ba toast or c rack rs . Sis Nash (Mrs . Monroe Nash Jr . ) MAR INATED MUSHROOMS Cook 3 pounds fresh mushrooms in salted water for about 10 h minutes . W en done add : 8 Tbsp . vinegar 4 pods minced garlic 4 Tbsp . ol ive oil - 5 V B V irginia each , irginia MAR INAT ED MUSHROOMS (Continued) box Put in ice to chill serve with most anything . Anne Baker HOT CRABMEAT DIP 2 3 lb . c rabmeat or drops Tabasc o 6 c . light c ream oz . pkg . cream cheese 1 tsp . minced onion c . mayonnaise 1 cl ove garlic tsp . Worcestershire sauce c . lemon juice salt to taste Pour lemon juice over c rabmeat . Meanwhile , c ombine remaining ingredients and add c rabmeat . Heat in saucepan or in e v a cass erol in the o en . Serve hot with crac kers . Mrs . W . C . Beaman SWEET AND SOUR C OCKTAIL WIENERS l 6 1 k ( oz .
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