Weather Distribution Marty (air today. Partly cloudy tooljht. Motfly dandy Today tomorrow. High both day* fo 14,075 the 70s. Low tonight near M. See page 2, WWnk Keaistcr An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership' %r Since 1878 CARRIER Issued Dally Monday (Mough Friday, entered «» Secona Class Mattel RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1960 7c PER COPY VOLUME 82, NO. 222 at the Poit OMr.a at Red Bank. N. J.. undsr tho Act or March 3. 1870. © To UR Agency Ike Weariness RED BANK — Borough Council last night bowed to opposition from several residents and postponed President Golfs on Arrival appointment of five members to the Redevelopment Agency, at least until the July 5 meeting. Mayor George A. Gray had offered the names, but In Hawaii from Far East before any action was tak en, Lionel Lancaster, 54 Plan lluilding CHURCH AND SCHOOL Pictured is the $750,000 church and eight classroom school recently comploted by HONOLULU (AP)—Balmy weather and a rousing West Front St., asked to St. Leo the Great Catholic Church in Lincroft. The church and school were dedicated Sunday. The building i» reception proved a refreshing tonic yesterday to Presi- be heard. At Earle ttepot on the 18-acre former Landau tract on Newman Springs Rd. The new parish was formed in June, 1958. Pending dent Eisenhower, who arrived here weary after his Before the discussion MIDDLETOWN - Earle completion of the church, the parish used the Lincroft Elementary School for Sunday masses. 'ar Eastern tour. was through, seven other resi- Naval Ammunition Depot of- More than 100,000 Hawaiians, the men in short- ficials last night confirmed a dents had been heard in opposi- sleeved sports shirts and tion to either urban renewal in report that construction will Murder Mystery Solved general or the Redevelopment begin In the near future on an the women in gay print Agency. assembly and storage building dresses, welcomed the for one of the Navy's new Name3 Offered weapons systems. Siegle Confesses to Offitzer Slaying Tour Not President as he stepped Mayor Gray had offered the A bid of $943,000 Is under from his big jet airliner. following names: county detectives the following and stopped to give him a Dr. Carmen J. Scarpellino, consideration by naval authori- FREEHOLD — Frederick Sie-|larities in disposing of the bodies Eisenhower grinned as Mrs. story. push. chairman of the Housing Author- ties for construction of the lie, Wall Township, who is be- n the two slayings. William F. Quinn, wife of Ha- building at Earle's main depot Mr. Gawler said Siegle ad- On the evening of Aug. 21 When the car could not be 'Howling ity, for a one-year term; Dr. waii's governor, placed a lei of ing held for murder in the death he left Charlie's Bar, Rt, 35, Lawrence Burdge, chairman of in New Shrewsbury and Atlan- mitted shooting Mr. Offitzer, 32, started, Offitzer asked Siegle bright red carnations around his of a Wall Township woman, has Ocean Township, and headed the Zoning Board of Adjustment, tic Townships. The weapons of Ridgefield, in Ocean Town- to give him a ride to Bclmar, shoulders. admitted a second slaying. toward Eatontown on Rt, 35. two years; Frank McKenna, a system is known as ASW, or ship on Aug. 21 and then taking where he was to join his va- Eisenhower was admittedly ex- Last night county detectives the body to Neptune City. He saw Offitzer's car stalled Success' local real estate agent, three Anti-Submarine Warfare, pro- cationing family. hausted when he arrived from obtained a statement from Siegle Mr. ,Gawler said Siegle told on the road and turned around years; William A. Magee, a gram. Siegle agreed and they Ief By John Scali Korea in this new 50th state member of tho Board of Educa- According to Miss Gertrude that he shot Marvin Offitzer last Offitzer's car in the parking lo at mid-day yesterday (Hawaii tion, four years, and Bernard Neidlinger, Leonardo, who ob- August and dumped the body in Makes Hoxiieg History if Monmouth Carpet Co. on Rt HONOLULU (AP) — President time). Nevertheless he lost little Kellenyi, vice president of the tained the information from Neptune City. 35. Somewhere between Deal Rd Eisenhower's swift Far East tour time in turning to his favorite Planning Board, five years. plans and specifications avail- Siegle, 30, of Wall Church and Asbury Ave., Siegle stopped added up to another personal outdoor recreation. able to the public, the plans Rd., is awaiting Grand Jury his pick-up truck, got out and The Redevelopment Agency triumph but something less than Nine Holes would handle detailed work con- call for a large assembly build- action for the June 10 murder Title Back in U.S. got his .22 rifle and went to the ing and extensive storage facil- of Mrs. Alice Bernstrom, 56, passenger side and asked Of- a howling success on the ten- The President took a brief nap nected with applying for federal and then played nine holes of funds for an urban renewal ities. of 1519 Edgemere Rd,, Wall NEW YORK (AP) —The world heavyweight boxing fitzer for his valuables. sion-ridden international front. made a Township. According to Chief golf on a sunny, breeze-cooled study. Miss Neidlinger crown was back in possession of 25-year-old Floyd Pat- When Offitzer refused, Siegli A total of about three million course at the edge of the blue statement containing the infor- of County Detectives John After the lengthy discussions, terson today after a sojourn of less than a year in said he shot him in the head spectators applauded, yelled and Pacific. The temperature was Councilman Frederic E. Giersch, mation in connection with her Gawler, Siegle killed Mrs. Bernstrom in a secluded area Sweden. and then opened the door an even squealed with delight when- in the mid-80's but there was Jr., said he felt it would be "pm- objections to the proposed shot him again in the right side none of the mugginess he had dent" to give the Redevelopment Middletown zoning ordinances. off East Hamilton Rd,, New Patterson, upset last June 26 when he was knocked ever he drove by in Korea, the Covered Body encountered almost everywhere Agency more study. Earle Naval pier Is at Leonar- Shrewsbury, after trying to Philippines, Formosa and Okina 1 rob her. out in the third round by Ingemar Johansson, wrote According to his story, Siegl on his tour to the Philippines, 'Not Clear do in Middletown Township. wa. Nationalist China, Okinawa and "I'm not perfectly clear on the boxing history last night as he floored the blond Swede got back in his truck and drov County detectives questioned But, Eisenhower realized as Korea. authority of this agency," he Siegle all day yesterday on the in the fifth round for a count of 10. No other heavy- around for some time before well as anyone thai the cheers Today, Eisenhower arranged a said. The statement drew a Offitzer case because of simi weight champion ever had returned to the throne. dumping the body near the Nep- round of applause from the Wants Avon tune City ice house. There he of the crowds will not solve morning round of golf, starting agency's opponents. An estimated Polo Grounds crowd of 40,000 saw took $80 from the body and cov- some of the critical foreign poli- about 8 a. m. HST, over the Mayor Gray, in attempting to Patterson send Johansson down for a count of nine with ered it with newspapers. (Mrs. cy problems in the area. same course at the Kaneohe Ma- allay the fears expressed about Job Bach New Position Bernstrom's body was found cov- There are solid signs his brief rine Corps Air Station where he a left hook early in the fifth and then finish him off plans to relax for perhaps the condemnation of houses, said, FREEHOLD - The former ered with a coat.) He then went ilawaiian rest is only an inter- rest of the week before flying "At this point everybody is pre Avon building inspector has filec with another left hook at 1:51. back to Offitzer's car and took lude for a fresh new look al home to Washington. mature. We're not at the point suit in Superior Court to regair For Hughes As Johansson lay on the canvas, Patterson leaned a wheel, tire and some meat. some of the harsh problems that He gave the meat to his wife Warmly applauding Hawaiians where we have to worry about the post he held for five years. NEW SHREWSBURY Mil over and promised the ex-champion a return bout. Pat- turned up during his travels. the loss of our homos." (or the family's dinner, and he shouted the traditional welcome In the suit filed by Joseph V ton G. Hughes, principal of the Eisenhower, weary from his He pointed out that "At thi: terson said he would like it within 90 days. Their con- gave the wheel and tire (o his of the islands, "Aloha," as the Fenton, 400 Garfield Ave., against Sycamore School here since 1956, 16,000-mile tour, has yet to sum point we are merely asking for brother. President stepped smilingly from the borough of Avon, Commis- has accepted a similar position tracts call for one within 120 days. up his personal reaction to his funds to make a sludy of Red County detectives have recov- his big jet airliner on return to sioner Harry B. Crook, and new in Tenafly.
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