An Anthology of Poetry Sevä Kuïja Publications Våndävana Gauòéya Maöha logo designed by Çréla Sarasvaté Öhäkura Also published by Sevä Kuïja Publications: Çré Géta-govinda, by Çré Jayadeva Gosvämé with commentary by Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa Gosvämé Mahäräja Çré Padyävalé An Anthology of Poetry 1st edition, January, 2015 (1000 copies) Printed at Rakmo Press, Delhi ISBN 9781310538285 Dedicated to my Beloved Gurudeva yugäcärya nitya-lélä praviñöa oà viñëupäda Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa Gosvämé Mahäräja jéyän-näräyaëa-svämé viçva-pracäraka-prabhu yena mahodayenaiva saàsthäpitä ceyaà sabhä That mahä-puruña who has established this tirobhäva festival and who is the best of world preachers, Çré Näräyaëa Gosvämé Mahäräja – all glories to him! näräyaëaà namaskåtya narottamam-anusmaran sarasvatéà tato vyäsaà rüpajayam udérayet Before we begin our glorification of Çré Rüpa Gosvämé’s sublime books, which are the very means of conquest, we remember and offer obeisances to Çré Näräyaëa Svämé, who is the best of sannyäsés, who is non-different from Çréla Vyäsadeva, and who has been blessed by parä-vidyä Sarasvaté, Çrématé Rädhäräëé. Composed by Çré Bhakti Sarvasva Govinda Mahäräja for the Rüpa Gosvämé Tirobhäva Mahotsava held at Rüpa-Sanätana Gauòéya Maöha, Våndävana, 2014 Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Śrī Śrīmad Bhakti prajñāna Keśava Thākura Prabhupāda Gosvāmī Mahārāja Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Vāmana Mahārāja Gosvāmī Mahārāja Contents Auspicious Invocations . 2 Çré Kåñëa’s Glories . 4 The Glory of Internal Worship . 6 The Glories of the Holy Name . 10 The Method for Chanting the Holy Names. 19 The Glories of Çré Kåñëa’s Pastimes . 23 Meditation on Çré Kåñëa . 25 Love for the Devotees . 27 Draupadé’s Appeal for Protection . 28 The Glory of the Devotees . 28 The Humble Words of the Devotees . 31 The Devotees’ Faith. 37 The Devotees’ Earnest Prayers. .43 The Devotees’ Yearnings. 47 Contempt for Liberation. 52 Fundamental Truths Regarding Devotion to the Lord . .54 Prayers for Offering Foodstuffs to the Deity. 55 The Glories of Mathurä . 57 Adoration of Çré Våndävana. .5 9 Obeisances to Çré Nanda Mahäräja. .60 Glorification of Mother Yaçodä . .60 Çré Kåñëa›s Childhood. 61 Adolescence Manifested in Childhood. 63 Stealing Milk Products. 66 Çré Hari Talks in His Sleep. 68 Instructions and Other Pastimes that Fill Kåñëa’s Parents with Wonder. 69 Protecting the Cows and Other Pastimes. .72 The Exalted Love of the Gopés. .73 Pastimes with the Gopés. .74 Kåñëa’s Love for the Gopés. 75 Çré Rädhä›s Inquiry on First Seeing Çré Kåñëa. .75 The Reply of Rädhä’s Gopé Friend. 76 The Beginning of Çré Rädhä’s Love. 77 The Conjecture of Another Clever Gopé-friend. .84 A Gopé-friend’s Question to Rädhä. 85 A Gopé’s Joking Words of Encouragement to Çré Rädhä. .86 Çré Rädhä›s Love is Described to Çré Kåñëa. 87 Çré Kåñëa’s Love is Described to Çré Rädhä. .89 Çré Rädhä Goes to Meet Her Beloved. 91 A Gopé-friend’s Statement to Çré Rädhä. 94 Joking Words of Gopé-friends Aware of the Divine Couple’s Intimate Pastimes. .95 The Words of an Innocent Child. 96 A Gopé-friend Alludes to Çré Rädhä›s Amorous Play on the Previous Day. .97 Her Meaningful Words . .97 A Gopé-friend’s Joking Words. 100 A Gopé-friend’s Encouraging Words to Go for Abhisära. .101 Çré Rädhä›s Reply to a Questioning Gopé-friend. 101 The Heroine Who Enthusiastically Decorates the Kuïja While Waiting for Her Beloved . .103 The Heroine Who Anxiously Ponders Why Her Lover Is Late. 103 The Disappointed Heroine whose Lover Did Not Come. .104 The Betrayed Heroine . 105 Her Words . .105 The Lament of the Despondent Heroine after Dismissing Her Lover. .107 When Mädhava Returned in the Evening, a Gopé-friend Gave the Following Advice. 108 The Angry Gopé. 108 A Gopé-friend’s Words as Kåñëa Departs. .109 Kåñëa Sends a Message of Pacification. .110 Çré Rädhä›s Reply to the Gopé-messenger. 111 A Gentle-hearted Friend’s Statement to a Gopé Who Has Quarreled with Her Lover. 112 Harsh Words from a Gopé-friend . .112 Çré Rädhä’s Reply . 113 A Gopé-friend’s Jealous Words . 115 Rädhä’s Agitated Words . 115 A Gopé’s Words to Her Friend, Who in Separation Was Lost in Meditation . .116 Çré Rädhä’s Reply . 117 Kåñëa’s Feelings of Separation . 117 By Kåñëa’s Humble Entreaty Rädhä Becomes Pleased . .118 Rädhä’s Gopé-friend Chiding Çré Kåñëa . .119 Narration of Another Day’s Pastimes . 120 Words of a Certain Gopé to Çré Rädhä, Who Was Searching for Çré Kåñëa on the Pretext of Picking Flowers. .122 Conversation between Çré Rädhä and Hari on the Yamunä’s Bank . .122 Çré Rädhä’s Reply . 124 The Gopé Who Controls Her Lover . .124 After Enjoying Amorous Play, Çré Kåñëa Takes a Nap and Speaks in His Sleep . 125 Theft of the Flute . .126 Çré Rädhä’s Words to the Flute . .126 Hari Returns to Vraja in the Evening . .127 A Certain Gopé’s Entreaty . 128 Çré Rädhikä›s Good Fortune . .129 Milking the Cows . .131 Words of Candrävalé’s Friend to Çré Kåñëa . .131 Lifting Govardhana Hill . .132 Boating Pastimes . .134 Conversations between Rädhä and Hari . .141 The Räsa Dance. .143 Çré Kåñëa’s Words. .145 The Reply of the Goddesses of Vraja . .146 The Gopés’ Questions When Çré Kåñëa Disappeared . 148 The Words of Çré Rädhä’s Friend . .149 Words of the Demigods Roaming in the Sky. ..150 Water Sports. .151 Jealous Words of Candrävalé’s Friend to Çré Rädhä’s Friend . .152 Çré Rädhä’s Friend’s Weighty Words . 152 A Gopé-friend’s Words to Gändharva Rädhäräëé . 153 One Gopé’s Words to Her . .156 A Gopé’s Words to Candrävalé . ..
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