NEWSPAPER ARTICLES FROM "THE WEST VIRGINIA ADVOCATE" BY DR. WILMER L. KERNS (by permission of the author) ON FAMILIES OF HAMPSHIRE CO. WV & FREDERICK CO. VA PROPERTY OF BAD VEGAS NEOOONALGENEALOGICAL UERARX 1. The HOTT Family 2. The Adam KERN Family 3. The ALKIRE Family 4. The SLONAKERS 5. The STREIT Family 6. The Ellis PUGHFamily 7. The LA FOLLETTE Family 8. The KACKLEYFamily 9. The HEAREFamily 10. The SLANES 11. The BRUCEFamily 12. SomeEarly Pioneers of Old Virginia 13. Historic Records of Hampshire Co./The Lost Records 14. The Rev. Christy SINE 15. More Pioneers/MC COY, EDWARDS, CAUDY & TAYLOR 16. The Mysterious Jacob OATES 17. The QUEENFamily it .wM, , “«../".1; .A APage 16 History: ‘ ' ~ The West Virginia Advocate Monday, September 13, 1982 The Hoii Famil Editor's Note: Henceforth, Dr. A is: 7"”"Now Although this family name had a Kems' column, reporting history of .«. different families of the re ion, will very humble beginning, descend­ ants of Geor e Hott have played a becate. a negularIt s believed feature that of this e column Advo­ rominent roe in this area. They willassist the many people whoare ave served as: commissioner, tracing their genealo ‘calroots and sheriff, lawyers, doctors, ministers, also provide informa ive and enter­ and ap le growers. At least two taining facts to the general public. descen ants served as bishops in Readers are requested to mail all the_United Brethem Church (now comments or in uiries to: Dr. Wil­ United Methodist), one college president and a host of professors mer L. Kems, c o The West Virgin­ and teachers in various schools. ia Advocate, P.0. Box 171, Capon The first generations of the family Bridfi,:, .\Vilmer W.Va., 26711. L. Kerns were members of the German Re- 3 adition sa s that the Hott fami­ formed Church, but later in Vir in­ ia they affiliated with the Unfted ly migrated rom France to Ger­ (Brethem Church. themany wrath during 0 religious the _1600sto persecution escape 'l'here were numerous marriages during the Reformation. They re­ among the Hotts and Shanholtzers, aided in the Black Forest area of and early connections with the Loy and Fries families. These relation­ Germany for several generations ships are explained in some detail \ until they sailed for America on the in my book on the Shanholtzer shiPhfiadelphia, aiarmin a. Nancy, on Nov. landing 9, 73!. at work.family, if reader will consult that , There were 65 males over the age oflsonthissh andallcamefrom The children of George and Ma - I m ofElizabeth(Kerns)ShanholtzHott(1829-19) ter ofNathanand the Palatine. earliest provea dalena iflhalggl Hgtt Srizwerez ( ) tacre erna,SrMrsHottisshownouthe theHott'sol I housethatwas ancestor in this family line was George ., m t. , 1738, (m on the west bank of the Capon River, at the eastern foot of Sandy Rldfle. about midway 1 Hott Sr. who was born in the ocean and dfgd in 1804 at 1700 Germanyanddiedinl797in Whitehall, Va. He married Eve Frederick Count , Va. He married Rebecca Steidley of Pemisylvania, Ma alena Shan . and a record of their children Hott Sr. settled with his follow: (2) Samuel, born circa 1740 and died in 1811.He married Eliza­ fair: in Lancaster, Pa., shortly inmigrated 810.There to Pickaway were several County, daugh­ Ohio after arrival in 1738.The lived beth Lo , daughter of John and ters of Geor e and Magdalena in the city or bo unt 1772 Elizabeth (Kumpf) Loy of Freder­ (Shantz) Hott r. "fineHott Family’ History ick Co., Va. Most of their descend­ Elizabeth (Kems) Shanholtz, wid­ when they t out in Fred­ ants went west. (3) John Sr., born Children of George and Eve R.­ (Continued from page 16) a. He urchased a (Steidley) Hott Jr.: (1) Geor e, Ill, ow of Martin. Elizabeth is featured erickfarm County‘,the Whi all section circa 1742in Pennsylvania and died 1816 at Bloomery. She married in the picture, taken in 1890on the circa 1822 near Caudy’s Castle in born Oct. 6, 1767, and died ay 8, Peter Shanholtzer, Jr. The bad 12 1866, at Caudy’s Castle in Hamp­ builtudlng a arge the mansion Green Sfiring, . and His Hampshire County. He married children, and many of teir de­ west bani; of the Caépon Bridge Anna Maria Theobold on March 19, shire County. He married Cather­ River and adjacent to audy's Cas­ ine Hott, daughter of Samuel. (2) scendants are living today. (5) tle. This old house bumedt around after3°“ 69°’ his ather's9 -“Vt°°k death We" in the 1797and ““'m' r1765 in Lancaster, Penn. 'l‘hey Peter, born in 177-1and died in 1300. John, born Se t. 25, 778, and died 1900. Elizabeth Hott made wine, raised a lar e family and have the February 5, 1 5. He married Mar­ both are buried behind the old largest mun r of descendants who He married Catherine Deal, daugh­ and her home was open to storytell­ house at Whitehall. The land stayed ter of Conrad. (3) Samuel, born in aret Rebecca Fries, dau ter of ers. (8) Barbra, born in 1784,mar­ in the hands of family descendants remain in the area, through their 1773 and died in the 1840s at- Mous­ artin and Catherine ( chaull) ried Edward Banks in 1807. (9) until recent years. sons John (178(H840),who married er’s Ridge. He married Barbra Fries. , Eve, born in 1785 and died in 1879. Sarah, and David (1785-1844), who Descendants of this branch went She married John Shanholtzer. some early spellings of the name married Catherine Shanholtzer. Shanholtzer, dau ter of Peter. He was one of the irst wagonmakers to Hardy and Grant Counties, Many of their descendants live in llatz,in Pennsgvania Ho . Hotts, were: Hotz, Hatt, and Hatta.Hottz. John Sr. may have remarried as in Hampshire County, and his son, W.Va. (6) Susannah, born 1782.She this area. (10) Margaret, born in The first tax records in Vir ' ia. tradition says there is Indian blood John, continued the business. (4) married George Wright in 1809. (7) 1787,and (11) Jacob, born July 25, showed “Hatt" but after 1 the in this branch of the famil . (4) Magdalena, born 1775 and died in Condrad, born in 1783 and died 1790, and died in March 1856. He standard ‘spelling of Hott was He , Sr. born in 1744 and led in 1847.He married Mary Ann Stipes married Anna Fries, daughter of . On several occasions the 1805 ‘n Frederick County, Va. He (Continued on page 19) in 1805. His son, William. married Martin. fi “t" was not crossed, and the mamed Christina Loy, sister of name was indexed as “Holt" in Elizabeth. She and their .children court records. Dr. James R. Shinholt of Somerset, Pa.; Mr.and Mrs. Max Shull of 4 Ohellatnpalttreletttettt East Springfield, Pa.; Ellis and Romney, W. Va. 16157.w°¢'¢"‘79 JIle”.l”2 Elsie Johnson of New Alexandria, Pa.; Julian Shanholtz of Worfords­ burg. Pa.; Ronald L. Shanholtz of Huntingdon, Pa.; Don Shanholtz Ziihelliampalttre Beutetu of Williamsburg, Pa.; Philip and (USPS 233-910) Madge Laurella of Greensburg, 'De0|deatNewapapeelnWeatVl|!‘lh Pa., plus a large contingency from IlTI¢0|d6l Towlhwfll Vllllllll Maryland. Many were fascinated with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Shan­ holtzer who drove their camper from Kansas to Romney, their first visit to West Virginia. They recently celebrated their 56th wedding an­ Shanholtzer Special music was presented by niversary. the Ullery Family, Ola Shanholtz, Dr. Kerns awarded Shanholtz Karen Nelson and Donna Bohrer. Reunion Draws family history books as prizes in All were blessed by the music as it four categories: (1) Mrs. Martha 500 People helped create a good spirit. Shanholtzer of Augusta, West Vir­ The largest representation came ginia, received one of the books for The first national reunion of the from Hampshire County, approx­ having the most descendants pre­ Shanholtzer family descendants was imately l$0 people, where more gent, a total of 55; (2) Mrs. Lois held on Sunday, June 20, at Hamp­ descendants reside than in any Nuemberger of Erie County. Pa, _shirePark. Romney. Five hundred county in the United States. born in October i895, received the descendants of Peter and Elizabeth Although the predominant name in prize for being the eldest person in Shanholtzer (I753-1816) came to attendance. though Archie Guy the affair, believed to have been the attendance was Shanholtz(er). there were 30 l-lotts and a scattering of Shanholtz was close; (3) The largest family gathering in the his­ youngest person was a three-month tory of Hampshire County. names such as Arnold, Baker, Bohrer, Catlett, Daugherty, David­ old descendant of Stella (Shanholtz) son, Haines, Fletcher, lser, Kerns, Montgomery of Hampshire Coun­ Dr. Wilmer L. Kerns of Arling­ ty. and (4) Maurice S. Lanning of ton, Virginia. who wrote the family Kline, Miller, Moreland, Martin, Kidwell, Leatherman, Poland, Ran­ San Francisco received a gift book history and helped plan the -big for coming the longest distance. event, remarked that the family re­ nells, Rosenberger, Shockey, Sine, union has always been a central Slonaker, Stotler. Twigg, Ullery, though he won by only 2l miles event for the family. But as the Wagoner, Whitacre, all of which over Janet Nave of Sunnyvale and are very old names in Hampshire by 147 miles over Mr. and Mrs. older generations passed away, the County. Robert S. Shanholtzer of Santa newer ones lost a sense of relation­ Barbara, Calif. Due to the closeness ship and family identity over the (Continued on page 14) of this award, Dan Shanholtz pre­ years. The national reunion, along sented Janet and Bob each with a with Dr.
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