MAY 11, 1994 40 CENTS VOLUME 24, NUMBER 19 The buzz on m o s q u i t o e s ________ BY CANDY TRUNZO________ But don’t toss your Cutter’s or calamine just yet. Staff Writer “That’s this week,” cautions Robert Kent, principal biologist with the N.J. ever give a sucker an even break, Office of Mosquito Control Coordination. especially when that sucker is out “Next week, we could have our hands for blood and called a mosquito. N full.” From May to October, swarms of those buzzing, bothersome pests are out to put Kent likens New Jersey to a checker­ board. Some counties have landed on the bite on us. Fortunately, the Monmouth squares that have intense adult mosquito County Mosquito Commission is braced to problems. Other counties, such as help minimize the number of these para­ Monmouth County right now, are seeing sites that are as much a part of the warm that water is receding and draining back weather as Memorial Day or the Fourth of and that treatment efforts are working. July. For a while there, it didn’t look good. But things can change, depending most­ ly on weather conditions. The record rain, sleet and snow over the Water is the key to mosquito breeding. winter months created early-season breed­ ing, according to Martin S. Chomsky, It is in water where, as larvae and pupae, superintendent of the Mosquito mosquitoes spend a major part of their life Commission. cycle. Unfortunately, in Monmouth “But our inspectors started their treat­ County, water is everywhere. ments earlier than normal and we got a According to Chomsky, there are more than 8,000 potential breeding sites here. handle on it,” he explains. The other factor that bodes well for a Many of these areas are quite large and extensive—salt marshes and upland less bountiful mosquito crop is that April swamps—while others are small and can rainfall was well below average. According to Keith Arnesen, staff mete­ be found right in your own back yard orologist with the Rutgers Cooperative Different species live in different types of habitats, explains Chomsky. There are Extension, the April rainfall in Long Branch was 2.11 inches. The average for three major species locally. The first is , the common that month is 4.06 inches. culex pipiens household mosquito. This type breeds in “If that weather trend continues,” says tires, gutters, bird baths and catch pans. Chomsky, “we may have a relatively mild Bill Harris, an inspector with the Monmouth County Mosquito Commission, mosquito year.” stocks a ditch near the Keyport Marina with gambusia affinis or mosquito fish. Continued on page 6 The fish, which eat mosquito larvae, are the size of a guppy but have the appetite Wouldn’t that be lovely? of a whale. (Photo by Rich Schultz) DeVirgilio leaves Planning Board ________ BY MARILYN DUFF________ several breaks over a 30-year period. for two applications last year. croachment permit from the state De­ Age 68, he is also a former Township Staff W riter DeVirgilio abstained from voting on partment of Environmental Protection and Committee member and is extremely or discussing the earlier subdivision ap­ Energy. ongtime Hazlet Planning Board active with the Raritan High School plications, one on Holmdel Road and the The other project is for five building member and current Chairman Booster Club. other on Rapley Place. lots on East Marston Avenue, off Laurel LJoseph DeVirgilio resigned Although Thursday’s board caucus The current Poricy applications are for Avenue, north of Leocadia Court. Thursday. meeting was open to the public, there was two subdivisions, both of which will be Also on May 19, the board will con­ He was present at the board’s caucus no comment about his resignation, and it considered for final approval at the May sider an application for a Red Lobster meeting, but did not participate. was not clear to reporters that he had, 19 board meeting. restaurant on Route 35 and Village Court. “It’s time for me to slow down a little indeed, resigned. One is for a six-lot subdivision on That property was rezoned earlier this bit; I feel it’s time to pull in my wings,” DeVirgilio said his resignation has Park Avenue and Third Street, on the year from business-professional to busi­ DeVirgilio said Monday. nothing to do with his financial interest in north side of Route 36. Another devel­ ness-highway, permitting a restaurant. DeVirgilio has served on the board for Poricy Builders Inc., Middletown. oper received preliminary approval for The Red Oak Diner challenged that a total of 27 years, starting in 1964, with Poricy has two applications pending this project a couple of years ago. before the board and received approval The project requires a stream en­ Continued on page 9 For your convenience, Classified has extended its hours and is open Saturdays from 9 a . m . - 2 p . m . 2 MAY 11, 1994, THE INDEPENDENT U S D O V E R sod SMC • s e s s - ONLY choose irom $ Ava,iab»e BROCKBUSTERS ««.»«■ ' ,"MLA»U COMPOST BIN DRAMM While By Barclay 30” Water Wand ^ ^ ANNUALSift99 Lasts 48 PLANTS PER FROM IU Reg. 99.99 water with ease 99 Reg. 13.99 8 GERAtNIUMS hybrid r a is e d f r o m s e e d SPRAY DOC #101P Raised from Cuttings 1 5 9 3 CU. FT. I e a . o r JUNGLE GROWTH POLY SPRAYER fro m 1 " e a . fbS^hursebY. 1 GAL. 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