Published online: 2021-07-13 GebFra Science | Review Development of Hormonal Intravaginal Rings: Technology and Challenges Die Entwicklung hormonhaltiger Vaginalringe: Technologie und Herausforderungen Authors Fojan Rafiei 1,HadiTabesh1, Shayan Farzad 2, Farah Farzaneh 3, Maryam Rezaei 1, Fateme Hosseinzade 1, Khosrow Mottaghy 4 Affiliations Correspondence 1 Department of Life Science Engineering, Faculty of New Dr.-Ing. Hadi Tabesh Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Assist. Professor of Chemical/Biomedical Engineering, Iran Department of Life Science Engineering, Faculty of New 2 Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran Southern California, Los Angeles, California, United States North Kargar street, Tehran, Iran 3 Preventative Gynecology Research Center, Shahid Beheshti [email protected] University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran [email protected] 4 Institute of Physiology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany ABSTRACT Intravaginal rings (IVRs) are minimally invasive polymeric de- Key words vices specifically designed to be used for the sustained and intravaginal ring, hormones, contraception, endometriosis, prolonged release of various type of drugs such as hormones. estrogen deficiency, urogenital atrophy One of the benefits of using topical drug delivery systems (e.g., IVRs) is the fact that systemic drug delivery may cause drug Schlüsselwörter resistance due to elevated drug levels. Topical drug delivery Intravaginalring, Hormone, Verhütung, Endometriose, also provides higher concentrations of the drug to the target Östrogenmangel, urogenitale Atrophie site and has fewer side effects. In addition, when a drug is ad- ministered vaginally, the hepatic first-pass effect is avoided, received 8.11.2020 resulting in higher absorption. Contraception and treatments accepted after revision 20.1.2021 for specific diseases such as endometriosis and hormone defi- Bibliography ciencies can be improved by the administration of hormones Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2021; 81: 789–806 via an IVR. This article aims to classify and compare various DOI 10.1055/a-1369-9395 designs of commercially available and non-commercial hor- ISSN 0016‑5751 monal IVRs and to analyze their performance. Current chal- © 2021. The Author(s). lenges affecting the development of IVRs are investigated, This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative and proposed solutions are discussed. A comprehensive Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial-License, permitting copying search of publications in MEDLINE/PubMed and of commer- and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or cial product data of IVRs was performed, and the materials, built upon. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) designs, performance, and applications (e.g., contraception, Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Rüdigerstraße 14, endometriosis, estrogen deficiency and urogenital atrophy) 70469 Stuttgart, Germany of hormonal IVRs were thoroughly evaluated. Most hormonal IVRs administer female sex hormones, i.e., estrogen and pro- gestogens. In terms of material, IVRs are divided into 3 main groups: silicone, polyurethane, and polyethylene-co-vinyl ace- tate IVRs. As regards their design, there are 4 major designs for IVRs which strongly affect their performance and the tim- ing and rate of hormone release. Important challenges in- clude reducing the burst release and maintaining the bioavail- Rafiei F et al. Development of Hormonal … Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2021; 81: 789–806 | © 2021. The author(s). 789 GebFra Science | Review ability of hormones at their site of action over a prolonged pe- von IVR-Modelle untersucht und grundlegende Lösungsvor- riod of administration as well as lowering production costs. schläge ausführlich besprochen. Zunächst wurde eine umfas- Hormonal IVRs are a promising method which could be used sende Recherche in MEDLINE/PubMed durchgeführt und die to facilitate combination therapies by administering multiple Daten kommerzieller IVR-Produkte wurden gesichtet, um da- drugs in a single IVR while eliminating the side effects of con- nach die Materialien, Modelle, Leistungen und Anwendungs- ventional drug administration methods. IVRs could consider- gebiete (z.B. Verhütung, Endometriose, Östogenmangel und ably improve womenʼs quality of life all over the world within urogenitale Atrophie) von hormonellen IVRs eingehend zu un- a short period of time. tersuchen. Die meisten hormonellen IVRs werden zur Ver- abreichung von weiblichen Sexualhormonen, d. h. Östroge- ZUSAMMENFASSUNG nen und Gestagenen, eingesetzt. IVRs können anhand ihrer Vaginalringe (IVRs) sind minimalinvasive polymere Vorrich- Grundmaterialien in 3 Hauptgruppen unterteilt werden: Es tungen, die speziell für die langfristige und anhaltende Gabe gibt IVRs aus Silikon, aus Polyurethan und aus Ethylen-Vinyl- von spezifischen Medikamenten wie Hormonen entwickelt acetat-Copolymere. Was die Ausformung angeht, gibt es im wurden. Der Vorteil eines örtlichen Wirkstoffabgabesystems Wesentlichen 4 IVR-Modelle, wobei die jeweilige Form sich (z. B. eines IVR) liegt darin, dass die systemische Wirkstoff- stark auf die Leistung sowie den Zeitpunkt und die Geschwin- abgabe wegen des erhöhten Medikamentenspiegels zu einer digkeit der Hormonfreisetzung auswirkt. Die wichtigsten He- Medikamentenresistenz führen kann. Hinzu kommt noch, rausforderungen bestehen darin, einen plötzlichen Wirkstoff- dass eine örtliche Gabe von Medikamenten zu einer höheren schub zu verhindern, die Bioverfügbarkeit der Hormone im Medikamentenkonzentration im Zielgewebe führt und mit Zielgebiet über einen längeren Zeitraum aufrechtzuhalten geringeren Nebenwirkungen behaftet ist. Außerdem wird und die Herstellkosten zu senken. Hormonelle IVRs verspre- durch die intravaginale Gabe von Medikamenten der First- chen, aktuelle Herausforderungen mithilfe innovativer Ent- Pass-Effekt vermieden, was zu einer höheren Medikamenten- wicklungen zu bewältigen, indem sie den zielgenauen Trans- aufnahme führt. Verhütungsmethoden und Behandlungen port biomedizinischer Wirkstoffe an den Wirkort und dadurch von bestimmten Erkrankungen wie Endometriose und Hor- eine Kombinationstherapie aus mehreren Medikamenten in mondefizite profitieren von dem Einsatz hormoneller IVRs. einem einzigen IVR ermöglichen, ohne die Nebenwirkungen Ziel dieser Studie war es, verschiedene kommerzielle und von konventionellen Methoden der Medikamentengabe. Auf nicht kommerzielle hormonelle IVR-Modelle zu klassifizieren, längere Sicht könnten IVRs innerhalb kurzer Zeit zu einer er- zu vergleichen und ihre Leistungen zu analysieren. Es wurden heblichen Verbesserung der Lebensqualität von Frauen welt- auch die aktuellen Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung weit beitragen. Introduction containing segesterone acetate and ethinylestradiol [12]. Some evaluated IVRs are not being marketed [13]. Intravaginal rings (IVRs) are drug delivery systems (DDS) for the Sustained release means that a drug is released over a pro- systemic or topical administration of one or more drugs [1]. They longed period of time, while controlled release indicates a prede- are doughnut-shaped polymeric devices that can stay in the vagi- termined drug release rate resulting in controlled drug concentra- na between 1 and 12 months. This method of drug delivery over- tions in blood plasma. Such systems mimic drug infusion pumps comes many of the challenges associated with more conventional which maintain stable drug levels in blood plasma by balancing methods, such as gastrointestinal side effects when drugs are ad- the kinetics of release and elimination. Hormonal IVRs are benefi- ministered orally or the hepatic first-pass effect. Another major cial in many ways. Using this type of DDS allows a constant and advantage of IVRs is their ability to deliver drugs at a constant continuous delivery of hormones. Some local (vaginal) side effects rate. Using IVRs as DDS can eliminate the need for minor surgical of IVRs have been reported such as a slight increase in vaginal dis- procedures required for other implantable drug delivery methods, charge [14]. The use of IVRs makes it possible to administer lower making IVRs less invasive and more attractive for patients [2, 3]. hormone doses, leading to fewer systemic side effects from high The first reports on hormonal vaginal rings were published in levels of hormones in the body [15]. In addition, a combination of 1970. The IVR in question was used to deliver the contraceptive different hormones to regulate and improve womenʼsmenstrual drug medroxyprogesterone acetate, but it was not until the cycles can be administered using IVRs [16]. However, vaginal rings 1980s that the first contraceptive trials with vaginal rings were have some drawbacks such as increased vaginal secretions, the conducted in the United States [4 – 6]. Hormonal IVRs are used potential for unintended IVR expulsion, differences in drug ab- to deliver many different types of hormones, particularly steroids, sorption, and cultural sensitivities [17]. Most women who use for a number of medical reasons including the treatment of uro- IVRs report that they do not feel any sexual discomfort when us- genital atrophy and contraception [7 – 9]. Several IVRs are in com- ing it. Studies reported no signs of erosion or bacterial invasion in mercial use today. NuvaRing® is a hormonal IVR used
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