.a ~_~ ....... ~-_. __ .- - Section Grosse Pointe ~ws A Pwllll.hed a. Second Clau Malte. a' the VOL. 42-NO. 15 Pa.t Office at Detroit, MIchlgon GROSSE POINTE, MJC~IGAN. THURSDAY, APRil 9, 1981 40 ~ages-Three Sections-Plus Insert Farms ok's GP probation boosted door to door contact by by Woods bud~et pledge GP Cable By Gregory Jakub It's obvious that (the council) is ably saved the Woods about $29,000 dedicated to the welfare of the peo. last year in jail fees by handling mis. The financially t r 0 ubI e d pie," said O'Shea. demeanor cases instead of sending By Tom Greenwood Grasse Pointe Volunteer Praba- them to the Detroit House' of Cor. tian Pragram was rescued fram The program deters crime because rection at a cost of $90 per day to As a result .of actian taken by the brink .of disaster Monday its seeks to refonn early offenders the city. the Farms Cauncil Manday when the Grosse Pointe Woods before they become involved in more night, April 6, representatives of Cauncil narrowly voted to pro. serious offenses, O'Shea said. In addition, Judge Denis agreed Grasse Painte Cable will be al- vide the remainder of the pra- that the program acts as a major lawed ta make direct persanal gram's cur.ent budget. THE PROGRAM HAS been sup- crime deterrent. natificatian .of' services ta resi- ported over the years by Appeals dents .of the Farms. Despite predictions that the Court Judges George Bashara and "We just might be able to prevent Woods itself is facing a $30,000 Vincet Brennan. Judge Bashara was another Hinkley," Judge Denis said. deficit at the end of June, the at Monday's meeting and said the The vote was 4.1, with Councilman council made a timely move since Harry Echlin voting against the reso- council voted 4-3 to fund its The Grosse Pointe Volunteer Pro- county court reorganization will ~1im- bation Program consists of four pro. lution. Mayor James Dingeman and share .of the program's 1980-81 inate county probation services' for Councilman Nancy Waugaman were budget ($10,471) and committed fessional staff, two clerical staff, and Grosse Pointe. seven volunteer probation officers. It absent and excused frpm the meet. $13,633 for 1981-82. ing. is housed in office space c1Qnated by THE FUNDS WERE approved ovet Woods Municipal Judge Patrick Grosse Pointe Park in the 'city's of. Denis said the local program prob. fices. Until now, solicitors of the company the objections of City Administrator were not allowed by city ordinance to Chester Petersen who maintained that make direct door-to.door contact with the money was earmarked for water home owners. The most company rep- line and sewer repairs. resentatives were allowed to do was But Councilman Dan Grady noted The Pedlar pack,s up leave flyers on doors, and to follow up with phone caUs to hoped.for sub. that 'because the probation program scribers. assesses costs to its clients who can pay, the Woods will recover about 70 percent of what it advances to the for new store on Hill "In actuality, all we are doing is program. The Woods could "provide allowing Grosse Pointe Cable' to con- a model for financing a program that By Joanne Gouleehe duct personal notification of services services the community," Grady said. pursuant to the resolution under the Pointe Pedlar, the kitchen franchise granted to the company by For seven years, the Volunteer Pro- gourmet shap on Fisher Raad "We are so pleased, the Farms," said Larry Campbell, ba~on Program has provided Grosse that took on Detrait Bank and Farms city attorney. Pointe courts with a low-cost alterna. tive to incarceration for some mis- Trust in a fight over its lease, so happy to have a "Furthermore, we see no problems Photo by Tom Greenwood demeanor offenders. has found a new home on the with this type of thing in the future. Hill in Grosse Pointe Farms. home on the Hill," Any organization wishing to do some- !Happy trails to you The five Pointes have funded the thing similar would first have to be program's nearly $30,000 budget with Pedlar owner Joyce Detwiler granted a franchise from the city. It was a perfect day for a horsey ride, so this little cowpoke allocations based on their population said last week she and other -Joyce Detwiler This would occur only after much saddled up and took off, ponytail bobbing in the wind. Luckily size. Probation officials estimate that owners of the stare have signed scrutiny by the council. So residents she and her partner didn't meet up with any banditos, and' if the cities recoup 50 t,:.! 80 percent of their funds through costs assessed to a lease to .occupy the building of the Farms needn't fear finding they did, Mom was just over on the bench to help out. For more at 88 Kercheval, now tlle office themselves swamped by all types of probation clients who can afford to . photos !:,n. how to .sp~!1d a .s~,~ny ~see ~.> v-",,, ... pay. '., . of Toles Realty. Raymond Smith when his le'ise exP1red recently, he ')" people ~olici~ing door to :door.'" . !!~"" .. of Grosse Painte Farms owns decided the building he now occupies All the Pointes had contributed the buildi'ng. "had more space than I needed." t Mike Reynolds, vice-presldent and their share this year except the Toles said lie is looking at two possi. general manager of Grosse Pointe bilities on tlie Hill for his new loca- .Stick to the ribs recipes Woods which was holding back three. "WE AIlE SO pleased, so happy to Cable, was elated by the vote. "Great! tion. fourths ($10,471) of its payment be. haVe a, home on the Hill," Mrs. Det- \Fantastic! I'm very glad to see it," he cause of its own budget problems. wiler said. The Pedlar is scheduled Before Detroit Bank & Trust can said. "The reason being 'that results The program w~uld have folded with- . to move into its Hill location .June 1. open its first telier window, it must in the Farms for the past two months out the Woods contribution accorlf. FireIDen 'chow down' . file with the Financial Institutions have lagged far behind our efforts in ing to Chief Probation Officer Suzanne Since Detroit Bank & Trust an- Bureau, a first step all banks must .other cities such as the. Woods. solid, hearty fare. T~e kind to get O'Shea . By Tom Greenwood nounced its plan to build a new trust take before they can open new facili- \ them through long, frozen nights facility on Fisher Road nearly a year ties. "Until now, after we left flyers, we On~ popular American belief fighting stubborn fires. "1 feel that Grosse Pointe Woods has done a wonderful thing for the ago, most of the tenants on the Ped- had to wait until residents contacted has it that truck drivers knaw Citizen group Save Our Shops is community and the city will be re- lar site have left. Bayne Optical is the us. You know how that is, people just the best spats to eat. But popu- While some firehouses rotate the waiting for mat move so it can at- cQoking chores, others have volun- warded in reducing its crime rate. only office to remain. Dr. David don't get around to doing that sort lar American myth is mare Bayne said his plans are not finn tend a public hearing in Lansing to of thing. Now we can have direct con. teers to man the pots and pans. In protesl the bank's plan. accurate! Wh¥ do yau think they the Farms, two of the better cooks are yet but he will move somewhere in tact and increase our penetration in refer ta mast truck stap faad Grosse Pointe before his June 1 lease the Farms." Jim MacIntosh, a 2o-plus year veteran, SOS claims a bank on Fisher Road as "grab and graan?" and Don Easton, with 13 years on the with the banK expires. will dest'roy the area's shopping dis- force. trict and add to the already congested Inside Detroit Bank & Trust purehased Reynolds said he would al)nounce If yau really want to know traffic problem. The group has ex- the 405-415 Fisher Road complex in' the news to his company today and where to eat, just follow your An almost traditional meal in the Business llA tensively campaigned against the November, 1979, for $340,000 {rom begin to make plans to contact resi- local reporter to the best, while Farm, on Fridays is fresh fish. flWe Classified 2C bank, attending council meetings, Eppa Heaton, a Grosse Pointe deco. dents "as soon as possible." nat the fanciest, foad in tawn. really like perch over here, so we visiting the Federal Reserve Board Editorials , 14A rator. At one time th1l Pedlar offered £erve it up nearly every week," said in Chicago arid collecting over 7,000 Where? At yaur local fire sta- Easton. '. Letters to Editor 14A to buy back the property, but the "We will, of course, first contact signatures -area residents op- tian. bank declined the offer. riom the city for any final details and sug- Obituaries , 13A posed to a trust facility on Fisher "When you're on duty for 24 hours No matter who cooks it, the recipe Pointer of Interest 14B gestions they might have," he said. The bank says its new trust office Road. a day, two or three days a week.
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