TRINITY-ISSUE 5.1F.qxp_Layout 1 16/11/2016 08:06 Page 2 d’vis du nord-êt Issue no 5 Autumn 2016 Prizes for parishioners at Autumn Fair TRINITY-ISSUE 5.1F.qxp_Layout 1 16/11/2016 08:06 Page 3 7ULQLW\ VQHZ GHVWLQDWLRQIRU &219(1,(1&( KDVILQDOO\DUULYHG )LQGXVDORQJ5XHHV3LFRWV 8QGHU1HZ0DQDJHPHQW +RW'ULQNV )UR]HQ)RRGV +RW3LHV 0LON 6DQGZLFKHV (JJV 6QDFNV -(3DQG1DWLRQDO3DSHUV &RQIHFWLRQHU\ 3KDUPDFHXWLFDOV &ROG'ULQNV %DE\(VVHQWLDOV )UHVK)UXLWDQG9HJ *HQHUDO*URFHULHV )UHVK%UHDG 3DVWULHV /RWWHU\ )UHVK0HDWV (DV\'LQQHU5HFLSHV 0216$7$030681$030 ZZZIDFHERRNFRPWULQLW\YLOODJHVWRUHVFRP WULQLW\YLOODJHVWRUHV#JPDLOFRP 'HVLJQHGE\)UHHSLN TRINITY-ISSUE 5.1F.qxp_Layout 1 16/11/2016 08:36 Page 4 WELCOME Welcome to our Autumn Edition I’m not sure if fellow parishioners feel the same, but for me, the colours this autumn have been pretty spectacular. Our IN THIS edition daily commute into town has been enriched with a 4 From the Connétable and Deputy wonderful display of oranges, yellows and browns, triggering ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhhs’ from yours truly, whilst 6 Church news husband drives along wondering what all the fuss is about! Our journey starts with a regular check on ‘my tree’ (the 8 School news majestic early horse-chestnut on the corner of Howard Davis Farm) for signs of the first bud, the first leaf, the first 14 Youth Club flower, the first conker, the first brown leaf, all marking the start of the seasons. Then, sadly, the last leaf as winter 17 Trinity’s Napoleonic-era begins to set in. Until the cycle begins again! fortifications As so with the Tattler, for we’re round to the autumn edition again and 20 RJA&HS Show our first birthday. How time flies! In true Trinity style, we’ve embraced the magazine and it’s encouraging to see the email feedback, comments and suggestions to [email protected] growing – thanks to Di 24 Parish Hall at 80 O’Connor who came back to us on the Riley Gates date puzzle, suggesting that 1965 might be the date that Major Riley’s wife, Penny 28 Parish party politics died. My thanks to Elena McGowan for managing the Tattler inbox and 32 Meet Le Trinn’tais indeed to all the terrific team for their superb contributions: Norman Ridley, Jane Rueb, Angela Otterwell, Clive Jones and Collette Bisson. Diary Thanks also to our extended team and guest contributors to this issue. 38 We welcome any articles that have a Trinity connection. So as winter sets in and my tree on the corner of Howard Davis Farm is devoid of leaves, please do have a think of what you might like to see next year’s editions. Hopefully by our next issue which comes out Where is it? in February, it won’t be too long before the first leaf buds start appearing. In the meantime, stay warm and safe and enjoy reading this issue. Rosemary Parker Do you recognise this notice, found somewhere in the Parish? Read on to find out… TRINITYTattler I Summer 2016 p3 TRINITY-ISSUE 5.1F.qxp_Layout 1 16/11/2016 08:06 Page 5 TRINITY From our Connétable As I write this, I realise that by the time you read it, I will have already been Connétable of Trinity for two years. What a privilege and honour it is to head up such a great parish and community. Although I have been part of the municipality for more years than I care to remember and worked closely with the two previous gap, I’m sure the Centre Manager Tonya Bressat would be pleased to Connétables, I am continually learning and whilst the hear from you – please email [email protected]. role can be challenging at times, it is always interesting. Starting at the beginning of January 2017, the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) will be commencing a programme of resurfacing La At the Parish Assembly on 27 October my proposals for the refurbishment of Route de La Trinite. I’m sure you will agree it is something that is long our Parish Hall and toilet facilities were discussed. You will see from the article overdue. The work will commence at Trinity Church and head south in later in this edition that the building celebrated its 80th birthday this year and a number of phases over a 20-week period. Inevitably this will result in the old girl is in need of a facelift. Our Parish Hall is well used by numerous some disruption and traffic diversions will have to be put in place, but clubs, associations and dance groups throughout the year, and the timing is these will be signposted. Please see the DfI’s advertisement elsewhere in now right to bring the facilities up-to-date and have a building of which we magazine. I’m sure that after 20 weeks of pain and inconvenience our can all be justly proud. I am delighted that the meeting agreed to move journey to town will be a much smoother and more pleasant forward, which means it will be necessary to close the hall for approximately experience. three months to allow the work to take place. We plan to do this commencing The Parish Hall will again be a collecting station for the Age 1 January 2017. Concern Operation Hamper Appeal 2016 that supports the elderly at With the eventual demise of Le Shop I was concerned that we would Christmas. Parishioners are being invited to help make Christmas more possibly never see a shop back in Trinity. However, I’m delighted to report that cheerful by donating dried or tinned foodstuffs which some OAPs as from Saturday 12 November it reopened under new management as ‘Trinity might find difficult to afford. There will be a basket in the waiting Village Stores’. The new proprietors are Trinity residents and I hope you will room for any donations. support them in this new venture, which will be of great benefit to our All that remains is for Angela and I to wish you and your families community. all the very best for the Christmas season and a happy and healthy New The development of the final 14 first-time buyer homes at Le Grand Clos Year. continues to make good progress benefiting from the good weather this autumn. This is an exciting time for these young people, as they are currently Philip Le Sueur going through the process of selecting their kitchens and bathroom tiles. If Connétable things continue as planned the homes should be ready for them to move in during July 2017. At the end of the summer term, due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, the pre-school nursery class run at the Youth Centre closed. This has left a considerable gap in the use of the Centre, particularly in the mornings. If anyone has any ideas on how we could fill this p4 TRINITYTattler I Autumn 2016 TRINITY-ISSUE 5.1F.qxp_Layout 1 16/11/2016 08:06 Page 6 From our Deputy As I sit at home writing this update, the sun may be shining, but autumn is definitely here. The summer, though late in starting, was good and carried on well into October with many people continuing to swim in our bays or walk on the cliff paths, enjoying the scenery and the beautiful colour of the heathers. It’s been a good year and it’s worth reflecting on some events over the past months that have taken place in Trinity. Nearly 10,000 people of all ages attended Jersey Live at the RJ&HS, and staying at the RJ&HS, the Autumn Flower and Cattle Show was a true Jersey event. The exhibits were amazing, from the heaviest pumpkin, won by a parishioner, to amazing dahlias, locally grown at Les Platons, to the Jersey cows from Trinity Manor, and everything in between. It was such a successful weekend. Well done to all who are involved. This year’s Jersey Rally took place in mid-October, with entries from many places bringing friends and family to the Island to experience something very different on our narrow lanes – a welcome boost for Visit Jersey. We are so fortunate to have the Durrell headquarters in our Parish and around 800 people ran around our lanes in the Durrell Dash to raise funds for this wonderful charity who do so much work here and around the world. We mustn’t forget that most of these events would not be possible without the excellent support of our Honorary Police team and we thank them for all the hours they give voluntarily to keep our roads and community safe. So as we think of autumn and turning on the heating (only think!) I remember fondly what a good three months we’ve had since the last issue of the Tattler and what a wonderful Parish we live in. May I take this opportunity to wish you all and your families a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Anne Pryke Deputy TRINITY-ISSUE 5.1F.qxp_Layout 1 16/11/2016 08:06 Page 7 YYouou dreamm it HIGH GRGRADE we buildd it ; ) TIMTIMBERR WWee supply high qualityy,, ccustomisedustomised timber frame buildings foor a variety of needs from car ports, ggarages and mobile and barn stylle stables to chicken coops and gardeen sheds. All our timber building are constructed using high grade timber from Blackdown Buildings who operate their own in-housein house sawingsawing, machiningmachining, and presssure treatment facilities, maintaining these all to the latesttest specification. Most builds are totally bespoke, they vvary in size, shape and configuration. Stabling may includee a tack room and hay store while a garage building couldd include a home office.
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