•STONAI r K r ^ T t V/Sfe FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 14 1934 NUMBER 217 4 i/A/ITEO % Washington, Wednesday, November 9, 1949 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT CONTENTS PROCLAMATION 2863 Chapter IV— Production and Market­ THE PRESIDENT ing Administration and Commodity T ermination of Colombian T rade Proclamation Pase Credit Corporation, Department of Agreement P roclamation Colombian Trade Agreement Proc­ Agriculture BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES lamation ; termination__ !_____ 6765 OF AMERICA Subchapter B— Export and Diversion Programs EXECUTIVE AGENCIES A PROCLAMATION [Amdt. 1] Agriculture Department WHEREAS, under the authority vested P art 517—F ruits and B erries, F resh in him by section 350 (a) of the Tariff See Production and Marketing Act of 1930, as amended by the act of TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF FRESH APPLE Administration; Rural Electri- June 12,1934, entitled “An Act to amend EXPORT PROGRAM fication Administration. the Tariff Act of 1930” (48 Stat. 943), 1. Section 517.102 is hereby amended Air Force Department the President of the United States of to read as follows: Rules and regulations: America entered into a trade agreement § 517.102 Approved countries. An ap­ Claims against U. S.; apprehen­ with the President of the Republic of proved country shall be any country, sion of absentees or deserters- 6772 Colombia on September 13,1935 (49 Stat. territory, or dependent area specifically Alien Property, Office of 3876), and proclaimed such trade agree­ named in this section. Notices: ment by proclamation dated April 20, Vesting orders, etc.: 1936 (49 Stat. 3875) ; and Austria. Belgium: Eckoldt, Arthur____________ 6782 WHEREAS the Government of the Belgian Congo. Hofer, Carl________________ 6780 United States of America has agreed Ruanda-Urundi. Richter, Karl August, et al__ 6781 with the Government of the Republic Bizone (Germany). Roth, Andreas_____________ 6783 of Colombia that the said trade agree­ Denmark : Stohrer, Charles G_________ 6781 ment shall cease to be in force on and Faero Islands. after December 1, 1949; and France (including the Saar and Monaco) : Army Department WHEREAS the said section 350 (a) of French Zone (Germany). Rules and regulations: the Tariff Act of 1930 authorizes the French American dependencies: Claims against U. S.; apprehen­ President to terminate in whole or in French Guiana. sion of absentees or deserters- 6772 Guadeloupe. part any proclamation carrying out a Inini. Civil Aeronautics Administra­ trade-'agreement entered into under Martinique. tion such section: Miquelon. Proposed rule making: NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. St. Pierre. Transportation for certain CAA TRUMAN, President of the United States French North Africa: employees, free and reduced of America, acting under the authority Algeria. Morocco; French Zone. rate; traffic control and com­ vested in me by the said section 350 (a) munications personnel (see of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, Tunisia. Other French dependencies: Civil Aeronautics Board). do hereby proclaim that the said procla­ Cameroons. mation dated April 20,1936, shall termi­ Civil Aeronautics Board Comoro Isles. Notices: nate and cease to have effect at the close French establishments in India: of November 30, 1949. Chandernagor. Accident near Washington Na­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Karikal. tional Airport, Washington, hereunto set my hand and caused the MaKe. D. C. ; hearing______________ 6777 Seal of the United States of America to Pondichéry. Proposed rule maKing; be affixed. Yanson. Transportation for certain CAA DONE at the City of Washington this French establishments in Oceania: employees, free and reduced Marquesas Archipelago. rate; traffic control and com­ 5th day of November in the year of our Society Islands. Lord nineteen hundred and munications personnel_____ 6776 Tuamotu Archipelago. Rules and regulations: [seal] forty-nine, and of the Independ­ Tubuai or Austral Islands. Identification data: ence of the United States of French Equatorial Africa: America the one hundred and seventy- Chad. Aircraft engine airworthiness- 6770 fourth. Gabun. Aircraft equipment airworthi­ ness_____________________ 6770 Harry S. Trxjman Middle Congo. —. Ubangi-Shari. Aircraft propeller airworthi­ By the President: French Indochina. ness_____ 1_______________ 6770 PTench Somaliland. Airplane airworthiness_____ 6769 D ean Acheson, French West Africa: Secretary of State. Normal, utility, acrobatic, Dahomey. and restricted-purpose IP. R. Doc. 49-9119; Filed, Nov. 8, 1949; Guinea. categories_____________ 6769 12:04 p. m . j (Continued on p. 6767) Transport categories_____ 6769 6765 6766 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com­ Page Production and Marketing Ad­ Page FEDERAL^REGISTER mission ministration Notices : Rules and regulations : Hearings, etc. : Export programs, terms and Mackay Radio and Telegraph conditions : Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Co., Inc_________________ 6777 Apples, fresh_______________ 6765 and days following official Federal holidays, Winter pears, fresh------------ 6767 by the Division of the Federal Register, the Mexican broadcast stations; National Archives, pursuant to the authority list of changes, proposed Potatoes, Irish, in Maine______ 6768 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ changes, and corrections in Rural Electrification Adminis­ proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as assignments------------------ 6778 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ W alKer Newspapers, Inc. tration tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ (KFGT)________________ 6777 Notices : mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Rules and regulations: Delegation of authority to ap­ tion is made only by the Superintendent of Radio broadcast services; prove contracts between bor­ Documents, Government Printing Office, rowers and parties other than Washington 25, D. C. Standards of Good Engineer­ The regulatory material appearing herein ing P ractice Concerning U. S______________________ 6777 Is Keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Standard Broadcast Sta­ Securities and Exchange Com­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant tions ____________ — 6774 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as mission amended June 19, 1937. Federal Power Commission Notices : The Federal Register will be furnished by Notices : Hearings, etc. : mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Hearings,, etc. : Central and South West Corp. per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Consolidated Gas Utilities et al___________________ 6780 vance. The charge for individual copies Corp. et al______________ 6778 Union Electric Co. of Missouri- 6779 (minimum 15£) varies in proportion to the Louisiana Power & Light Co. size of the issue. Remit checK or money Treasury Department order, made payable to the Superintendent and Community Public of Documents, directly to the Government Service Co______________ 6778 See Customs Bureau ; Internal Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Revenue Bureau. Federal Trade Commission There are no restrictions on the republica­ Wage and Hour Division tion of material appearing in the Federal Notices: R egister. Parking meter industry; trade Notices : practice conference------------ 6778 Puerto Rico;, special industry Proposed rule making : committee dissolved------------ 6777 Rubber tire industry (2 docu­ Proposed rule making: 'Now Available ments)— 6776 Puerto Rico; hearing before spe­ Internal Revenue Bureau ' cial industry committee con­ UNITED STATES cerning minimum wage rates Rules and regulations: for various industries--------- - 6775 GOVERNMENT Administrative provisions com­ ORGANIZATION mon to various taxes; verifi­ cation of returns, statements, CODIFICATION GUIDE MANUAL and documents by declara­ A numerical list of the parts of the Code 1949 Edition tion under penalties of per­ of Federal Regulations affected by documents jury—------------------ ----------- 6772 published in this issue. Proposed rules, as (Revised through July 1) Excise taxes; industrial alcohol; opposed to final actions, are identified as such. Published by the Division of the Federal maximum penal sum for ex­ Register, the National Archives port bonds------------------------ 6771 Income taxes; elective inven­ Title 3 Pa*e 725 pages— $1.00 a copy tory computations-------------- 6771 Chapter II—(Proclamations): TA89 (terminated by Proc. Order from Superintendent of Documents, Interstate Commerce Commis­ 2863)_____________________ 6765 United States Government Printing Office, sion 2863 _______________________ 6765 Washington 25, D. C. Notices: Applications for relief: Title 6 Automobile parts from New­ Chapter IV: ton Falls, Ohio, to Fram­ Part 517 (2 documents)----- 6765,6767 CONTENTS— Continued ingham, Mass----------------- 6779 Title 7 Hearses from Freeport, 111., Chapter IX: Civil Aeronautics Board— Con. PaS® to East_________________ 6778 Rules and regulations—Continued Lumber and related articles Part 987-___________________ 6768 Identification data—Continued from South and Southwest Title 14 Certificates, type and produc- to West Virginia_________ 6779 Chapter I: tio n _______ ____ !----------- 6768 Petroleum and its products 6768 Rotorcraft airworthiness------- 6769 Part 2____________ from Southwest tô Wyo­ Part 3____________ 6769 Customs Bureau ming ___________________ 6779 Part 4a--------------- - 6769 Notices : Justice Department Part 4b----------------- 6769 Atlas Tankers, Inc.; registra­ See Alien Property, Office of. Part 6------------------ 6769 tion
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