P­174 3A5144 CAMBODIA THRU 6/62 ADMINISTRATION Budget (Corres) 1961/62 Budget (Master) 1961/62 Budget (Master) 1960/61 Budget 1960/61 Budget 1959/60 Budget (Corres) 1959/60 Budget& Fiscal General 1958/59 Budget 1957/58 Budget & Fiscal General 1957/58 Budget 1956/57 Budget & Fiscal General 1956/57 Finance & Acct. Exchange General Properties & Equipment Lease General Publicity & Public Relations General Publicity & Public Relations Brochure Registration & Status General 1955/6/62 Reports (Corres) 1961/62 Reports (Corres) 1956/60 General CONFERENCE General Conference Organization Training General INDIVIDUALS BARQUE Georges 6 Cambodian Civil Servants SEE: EDUC. Sch. & Univ. Royal School of Admin. BOU Norin CHENG M. & Mme. Pung Peng CHIVIN Prince Sisowath Duong CHHOEUN Oum SEE: EDUC. Sch. & Univ. Nat’l School of Music CHHOEUR Chhut & PHIM Hoi 1957/9 CHHOEUR Chhut & PHIM Nol 1955/56 CHY LAT SEE: Engl. Lang. Buddhist Lycee Training in USA CHY LAT DAN Un SEE: EDUC. Scholar & Fellow Bamboo Training DAO­POL Mr, DHAMMADHIRA Meas Chan SEE: Organizations­ Pali Assoc. DHARMAWARA Venerable Vira DIK Keam III 1960 DIK Keam II I959 P­174 3A5144 CAMBODIA Thru 6/62 INDIVIDUALS Cont. DIK Keam I 1956/58 EAP Bun Phor HAK Hang Thun HING Kunthap HIU Yang Ming (La Grange College) HO Tong Ho KIM Y Nong (Ambassador) LADE M. Jean III May '57/1959 LAUR M. Jean II April '57 LAUR M. Jean I Mar '56/57 PEAU Slat PHIM Nol SEE: CHHOEUR Chhut PHORN Phra Maha Maen SEE: EDUC. Scholarships Buddhist Monks­Thailand PHOURIN Ing PRINCE SISOWATH ESSARO RAT Sok SAMBET Yen Oun SAMARCH Tea (Scholarship) SARY Sam P­175 3A5127 CAMBODIA Thru 6/62 INDIVIDUALS SAU Plin SMG­MEAKLY Mr. SIVANARY Sysamouth SON Doan Chuong 1960 II SON Doan Chuong 1959 I SON Sone I 1956­July 1960 SONN Savaith (Boy Scouts) SOPHEATNARY Thach SO­SAN Miss (Eng. Teacher) SEE: EDUCATION Eng. Lang Kompong Kanthuot SOUA Ung Kim (Cambodian Student) SU Khac Suon SUMPHA Judge Hell UM Sim VANNUMA Nandary 1 1956/60 VANSY Sim SEE: ORGANIZATIONS CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY YEIM Yisinn (WCOTP) INDIVIDUALS GENERAL ACH­NGUON SEE: Schools & Univ. Inst. Nat'l D’E ides Faculty of Law AUBIN Helene AUCLAIR M. Jean SEE: Inst. Nat'l D’Etudes Juriduques Pol & Econ BALO Diep BAUGEY Christian SEE: UNESCO Conf. on Dev. of Inf. Media in SEA­Bangkok 1960 BITARD Monsieur Pierre BOGATAY Todd SEE: U.S. Individuals: SEE: N. Vannuma BONGERT Mile Yvonne SEE: Inst. Nat'l D’Etudes Juridiques Pol & Econ BOPIN Pho SEE: Royal School of Admin Tour BORY Svay SEE: Royal School of Admin Tour CHAN­PEANG CHANG Mable CHEA Ton CHEN Y­hun CHHEM Chet SEE: General Administration CHIM­PHAN SEE: Educ. Scholar aid to Buddhist CHOAN Eap Kim SEE: IPI 1961 CHOU Seng CHUN Y Hun CHUON Chin SEE: Royal School of Admin Tour de Berval Rene’ SEE: Cambodia Publications DELVERT Jean SEE: SOCIAL & ECONOMIC Rural Lecture by Jean Delvert P­175 3A5127 CAMBODIA Thru 6/62 INDIVIDUALS GENERAL Cont. DITH Yim SEE: WORK CAMP Methods & Techniques FITE Harvey SEE: Cultural Art Study tour GIUILY Henri M. HAUNG Nou Nguon SEE: WORK CAMP­Methods & Techniques HENG M. Bouy SEE: MEDIA Audio­Visual Training in Educ. Radio & Television HIENG Loy Kep HO Tong Lip SEE: SOIL SCIENCE Int'l Congress HOL Mr. Mourn SEE: MEDIA Audio­Visual Training in Educ. Radio & TV HOU Hong HUOT That Venerable (inspector General of Buddhist Educ.) SEE: HUOT That Venerable 7/62 file HUY Kapthoul KANG Boracheat KAY­KOSAL SEE: Scholarships & Fellows/Aid to Buddhist Monks KEOMONY Soly KHUON­RAN SEE: Scholarships 8c Fellows/Aid to Buddhist Monks KIMNY H.E. Nong (Ambassador of Cambodia to U.S.) SEE: REGISTRATION & STATUS KIMSAM Douer Nouth KONG Kou SEE: Scholarship & Fellowships­Aid to Buddhist Monks KOR Poch Sin KRENG Nil KYLENG Kouch LAO Meas SEE: National School of Music LASPESYRES M Jean SEE: PUBLICATIONS Asiascope LIM Ny LOEUNG Ly LONG Borret LONG Mr. Bou SEE: SOILS SCIENCE Wisconsin LUN Chai SEE: MEDICAL Nursing School Director MADEC Phnom Penh. MAKOTH Men MAO Meng Chhuk MAO Ngon MAR _UM SEE: Schools & Univ. Inst. Nat'l D’Etudes Faculty of Law MEAN Ung SEE: Scholarships & Fellowships Aid to Buddhist Monks MEASKETH Caimeron SEE: EDUC. mapol cam. for schools MEDHIVONGS Thong Kham MENH Nakry MEN­RIEM Scholarships & Fellows Aid to Buddhist Monks MEYNARD Max SEE: Conf. medical education MOLYVAN Van MORIA Mr. MORY Maing SEE: SOCIAL & ECONOMIC Cultural General P­175 3A5127 CAMBODIA Thru 6/62 INDIVIDUALS GENERAL Cont. NAHN Mr. NATH Chuon NATOUM Keith SEE: ROYAL SCHOOL OF ADMIN TOUR NEM So Mr. NGET­UN SEE: Scholarships & Fellows/Aid to Buddhist Monks NGON Som SEE: EDUCATION Scholarships & Fellowships General NHEAN Sam NHEAN Sath NHEAR Sam NHILEK Tioulong, Minister of Educ SEE: General NILL Kreng NOUTH Panara SEE: Banking General NOUTH Samdech Penn(Prime Minister) SEE: REGISTRATION & STATUS OUM Chhoeun SEE: Schools & Univ. Nat'l School of Music and Theatre PEOU Sieu Pho SEE: MEDIA Publications Modern music PERRET Francois SEE: Royal School of Adm. Amer. Prof PHALANNANO B. Rev PHAN Bhikkuh Chhim SEE: SCHOLARSHIPS & FELLOW AID TO BUDDHIST MONKS­ INDIA PHENG Eng Huto SEE: Cambodia Conf. Training PHLENG Neal PHOEUN Pech SEE: WORK CAMP ­Methods & Techniques PHOUK­CHHAY SEE: Schools & Univ. Inst. Nat'l D’Etudes Faculty of Law PIERRE M SEE: Publications Asiascope PHANG Thach SEE: EDUCATION Scholarships & Fellowships General PHURISSARA Norodom Prince PUNG Mrs. SEE: MEDIA PUBLICATION Journal de la Femme RENNE Chine SEE: ROYAL SCHOOL OF ADMIN TOUR RON In Mr. SAMLOUTH Chuop SAN Chea SEE: ROYAL SCHOOL OF ADMIN TOUR SAR Kimsann SEE: Boy Scout* (ORGANIZATION) SAM Sary SAU Plin SAUTREUIL Franciose SENG Chou SENG Kim Ly SETTINERI Ettore SEE: UNESCO WORLD CONF. on Adult Educ. 1960 SO San SON Phuoc Tho SON Sann SONN Mam SO­Pann SEE: SCHOLARSHIPS & FELLOWS/Aid to Buddhist Monks SOPHONN Saing SOVUTHIPHEAP Nou SRUN Yeth Kim SEE: EDUCATION Scholarships & Fellowships general P­175 3A5127 CAMBODIA Thru 6/62 INDIVIDUALS GENERAL Cont. SUMH SEE: SUMH SUIMPHORN, Phra Maha SEE: School Aid to Buddhist Monks­Thailand SUMPHA Hell SEE: PEN SUM Vadhanayu SUON Ven Am SEE: PALI Association SURIYA Phra Maha SEE: EDUCATION School & Fell­Aid to Buddhist Monks ­TH. SURAMARIT Norodom King SUWANNAJOTO Long Chhun Hiem TABELLINI Maria SEE: Conf. 1957 TAN­KIM­HUON TAN­SENG­HOC SEE: Schools & Univ. Inst. Nat'l D'Etudes Faculty of Law TAT Tek SEE: EDUCATION Scholarships & Fellowships General TOCH Theap THIENN Poc SEE: SOCIAL & ECONOMIC Law General THIOUNN­Thoeun SEE: CONF: 1959 Medical Education TIOULONG Nheik SEE: EDUCATION General TON Chea TONG Dr. Thor Peng SEE: Medical Nursing School TUOTH UNG Boun Heng SEE: S&E Banking UNG Kim Soua VA Venerable Yar VANN Dr. Prouch SEE: SONN­MAM S.E. le Docteur VEN M. Uch SEE: EDUCATION Buddhist (Gard­Ven Uch Corres) VISSCHER Wilhelmina WENGER Miss Heida (WHO Mission) SEE: Medical Nurses to Thailand WIRACH Pheng la­or WONG Gien Hwei YAMIN Muhammad SEE: Individual file YEEN Ai LY YIEM Tisinn YOU Mr. TOURS General IND. CAMBODIAN Parliamentary Delegation (Tours, Visitors etc) ORGANIZATIONS ASSOC. FOR THE DEVELOPMENT & EXTENSION OF EDUCATION SEE: Assoc. for Dev. & Ext of Education BOY SCOUTS (chan­Peang & Sar­Kimsann) 1955 BOY SCOUTS General 1956/60 CAMBODIAN MEDICAL ASSIST. ASSN. CHINESE HEALTH AND RECREATION CLUB P­175 3A5127 CAMBODIA Thru 6/62 ORGANIZATIONS Cont. CHINESE WORKERS SYNIDICATE CLUB NAUTIQUE FOYER DES PROVINCES CAMBODGIENNES J.S.R.K. (Work Camps in the Periphery of Cambodia J.S.R.K. (Royal Khmer Socialist Youth) Summer Tours JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE KROM ENYRI (Student Assn.) PALI Association Magazine Loan PALI ASSOC. General RURAL EDUCATION DEMONSTRATION & TRAINING CENTER SEE: Cambodia Education Rural Ed. Dem Trin Ct. SOCIETE D’ASSISTANCE A L’ENFRANCE (Sim Vansy) SEE: Organizations children Aid society WBA (World Buddhist Assoc.) SEE: School & Fellowship US & Int'l Organ. WFB WOMENS’ ASSN. Siem Reap ORGANIZATIONS GENERAL Translations Association AMCEK ASSOCIATION des PLANTEURS de CAOUTCHOUC au CAMBODGE SEE: VE Tang & CHIVIN Prince S,D. Association Khmerak Kayarith BUDDHIST Inst. SEE: 1. DIK Keam 2. Translation & Rites­Budd. Inst. Cambodian­American Assoc. Inst. Cambodian Meteorological Service Cambodian Publishers’ Assoc. Cambodian Royal Socialist Youth Movement SEE: Individual file CAMBODIAN STUDENT ASSOC. SEE: Cambodian Student Assoc. in U.S. Chamber of Commerce­Night Classes SEE: EDUCATION Chamber of Commerce­Night Class Dambauk Khpos Association Govt. Documentation Center SEE: Media ­Library Gov. Doc. Center MAISON DU CAMBODGE (in Paris) SEE: REGISTRATION & STATUS Medical Assistance Association MITT BOUDHIKA VIDYALAY SEE: AID TO BUDDHIST MONKS. Burma, Ceylon, India Cambodia PEN Club UNESCO General SEE: MEDIA Publications Educ. Booklet in Khmer Cambodian Writers’ Assoc. WORLD BUDDHIST ASSOC. SEE: WFB World Health Organizations General Other AID Organization EDUCATION Asoc. for the Dev. & Ext. of Educ. Kompong Cham Library Assoc. for the Dev. & Ext of Educ. Musical Instru. for Kompong Cham Teacher Orch. Assoc. for Dev & Ext of Educ. Playground for kompong Cham Assoc. for the Dev & Ext of Sduc. Playground­Siemreap Assoc. for the Dev & Ext of Sduc. General Buddhist (Gard­Uch Ven Corres.) Buddhist Typewriters for­­ P­175 3A5127 CAMBODIA Thru 6/62 EDUCATION Cont. Chamber of Commerce­Night Classes Chinese Education Advisor & Textbooks 1960 Chinese Education Advisor & Textbooks 1959 Chinese Education General Clothing Grant­Cambodia Teachers English Language American Teachers 1954/5 English Language Colombo Plan­Teachers to Michigan­Ralph Milner English Language Derleth Project English Language Buddhist Lycee­Univ 1960/62 English Teacher­Gordon Elliott Englsh Language Buddhist Lycee Univ. 1956/9 English Teacher­Gordon Elliott English Language Buddhist Lycee Training in USA CHI LAT English Language Kompong Kanthucy Training in USA SO­SM Miss English Language IIS English 1955 Teachers English Language General P­176 3A5131 CAMBODIA Thru 6/62 EDUCATION Language & Vocational Courses Free Public Course in Khmer Map of Cambodia for Schools Rural Education Demonstration & Training Center­Kompong Kantour Scholarships & Fellowships Bamboo Training­Japan (DAN Un) Scholarships & Fellowships 1958/9 ­1960/61 General Scholarships & Fellowships 1956/7 General Services Pedagogiques Audio­Visual Center Schools & Univ.
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