THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, 5th JANUARY 1960 ROYAL BURGH OF ELIE AND EARLSFERRY Square (south roadway) and Rottenrow to the point of commencement which area is delineated in green and EXTENSION OF BOUNDARIES coloured green on the map referred to in paragraph 3 of this BY Deliverance dated at Cupar on 18th December 1959, the notice. Sheriff of Fife and Kinross, has extended for all purposes Dated this twenty-fourth day of December 1959. of municipal administration, the Boundaries of the above Burgh to include (1) Wood Haven (commonly called Ruby ALEX. ROOKE, Town Clerk. Bay) including the Farm Road to the lands of Wadeslea Farm and the footpath from that road to the sea about midway between Elie Lighthouse and the southern point of Wood Haven (2) The road to the Pier with its retaining and parapet walls; the ground to which it gives access ; and the CLEAN AIR ACT, 1956 Harbour all at the south eastern end of the Burgh, as THE GLASGOW POLLOKSHAWS SMOKE CONTROL delineated and coloured yellow on the six inch Ordnance AREA ORDER, 1959 Map which, with a copy of the said Deliverance, will be available for inspection free of charge in the Office of the 1. NOTICE is Hereby Given, That the Corporation of Town Clerk, Elie, in business hours during the fourteen the City of Glasgow in exercise of the powers conferred on days immediately succeeding the date of this advertisement; them by section 11 of the above-mentioned Act on the tenth and also (3) the Sea Tangle Road at the west end of said day of December 1959, made an Order entitled The Glas- Burgh, from the Coach Rock of Culbakie to Chapel Green gow Pollokshaws Smoke Control Area, 1959, declaring the Road, as delineated and coloured red on the said Ordnance area described in the schedule hereto to be a Smoke Control Map. Area which Order is about to be submitted to the Secretary Said Extension of Boundaries shall take effect from 16th of State ror Scotland for confirmation. May 1960. 2. Subject to the exemption provided by the Order and Of all which intimation is hereby given. by virtue of section 11(4) of the Act, if, on any day after the Order has come into operation, smoke is emitted from a ALEX. M. COOK, Town Clerk, Elie. chimney of any building within the Smoke Control Area> January 1960. the occupier of that building shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds unless he proves that the emission of smoke was not caused by the use of any fuel other than an authorised fuel. The authorised fuels are: anthracite and semi-anthracite, briquetted fuels car- CLEAN AIR ACT, 1956 bonised in the process of manufacture, coke, electricity, gas, THE GLASGOW CENTRAL (No. 3), SMOKE low temperature carbonisation fuels and low volatile steam coals. CONTROL AREA ORDER, 1959 3. Copies of the Order and of the map referred to therein 1. NOTICE is Hereby Given, That the Corporation of may be Inspected free of charge at the Office of the Town the City of Glasgow in exercise of the powers conferred on Clerk at Room 28a City Chambers, Glasgow, and at the them by section 11 of the above-mentioned Act on the tenth Offices of the Department of Health for Scotland, St. day of December, 1959, made an Order entitled The Glas- Andrew's House, Edinburgh 1, at all reasonable times gow Central (No. 3) Smoke Control Area Order, 1959, during the period of six weeks from the fifth day of January declaring the area described in the schedule hereto to be a 1960. Within the said period any person who will be Smoke Control Area which Order is about to be submitted affected by the Order may, by writing to the Secretary of to the Secretary of State for Scotland for confirmation. State for Scotland, St, Andrew's House, Edinburgh 1, object to the confirmation of the Order. 2. Subject to the exemptions provided by the Order and by virtue of section 11(4) of the Act, if, on any day after SCHEDULE the Order has come into operation, smoke is emitted from a chimney of any building within the Smoke Control Area, The area referred to in paragraph 1 of this Notice is the the occupier of that building shall be guilty of an offence and area in the City and Royal Burgh of Glasgow comprising liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds unless he proves two thousand, seven hundred and ninety-four acres or there- that the emission of smoke was not causeB by the use of any by which is bounded by a line commencing at a point at the fuel other than an authorised fuel. The authorised fuels centre of the railway bridge crossing Barrhead Road; thence- are: anthracite and semi-anthracite, briquetted fuels car- westwards along the centre of Barrhead Road to the munici- bonised in the process of manufacture, coke, electricity, gas, pal boundary; thence southwards, eastwards, northwards low temperature carbonisation fuels and low volatile steam and eastwards again along the municipal boundary to the coals. centre of Thornliebank Road ; thence northwards along the centre of Thornliebank Road and Harriet Street to the centre 3. Copies of the Order and of the map referred to therein line of a proposed access roadway to the Meadow Laundry ; may be Inspected free of charge at the Office of the Town thence north-westwards along the centre line of the said Clerk at Room 28, City Chambers, Glasgow, and at the proposed access roadway to the south-western boundary of Offices of the Department of Health for Scotland, St. the said laundry ; thence by the rear boundary fences of the Andrew's House, Edinburgh 1, at all reasonable times during properties at 10 to 36 Wellmeadow Road to the eastern the period of six weeks from the fifth day of January 1960. boundary fence of the property at 55 and 57 Kennishead Within the said period any person who will be affected by Road; thence northwards by the said eastern boundary Xhe Order may, by writing to the Secretary of State for Scot- fence to the centre line of Kennishead Road ; thence west- land, St. Andrew's House, Edinburgh 1, object to the con- wards along the centre of Kennishead Road to the centre of firmation of the Order. the first railway bridge; thence westwards along the centre line of the railway cutting and embankment to the point of SCHEDULE commencement, which area is delineated in re^ and coloured The area referred to in paragraph 1 of this Notice is the pink on the map referred to in paragraph 3 of this notice. area in the City and Royal Burgh of Glasgow comprising Dated this twenty-fourth day of December 1959. ninety-one acres or thereby which is bounded by a line commencing at a point at the intersection of the centre lines ALEX. ROOKE, Town Clerk. of Rottenrow and North Portland Street thence southwards along the centre of North, Portland Street to the centre of George Street; thence westwards along the centre of George Street to the centre of Albion Street; thence southwards along the centre of Albion Street to the centre of Trongate ^ CLEAN AIR ACT, 1956 thence westwards along the centre of Trongate fo the centre of King Street; thence southwards along the centre of King HE GLASGOW CENTRAL (Ntf 2) SMOKE CONTROL Street to the centre of Bridgegate; thence eastwards along AREA ORDER, 1959 the centre of Bridgegate to the centre of Mart Street; thence southwards and south-westwards along the centre of Mart 1. NOTICE is Hereby Given, That the Corporation of Street and the continuation thereof to the centre line of the City of Glasgow in exercise of the powers conferred on thern River Clyde; thence eastwards along the centre line of the by section 11 of the above-mentioned Act on the tenth day TUver Clyde to the centre of Albert Bridge; thence north- of December 1959, made an Order entitled The Glasgow wards along the centre line of Albeit Bridge, Saltmarket and Central (No. 2) Smoke Control Area Order, 19$9, declaring High Street to the centre of Bell Street; thence eastwards the area described in the schedule hereto to be a Smoke along the centre of Bell Street to the centre of Hunter Control Area which Order is about tp be submitted to the Street' thence northwards, eastwards and again northwards Secretary of State for Scotland for confirmation. along the centre of Hunter Street to the centre of "Duke 2. Subject to the exemption provided "by the Order and Street; thence westwards along the centre of Duke Street by virtue of section 11(4) of the Act, if, on any day after Xo the- centre of John Knox Street,; thence northwards along the Order has come into operation, sjnoke is emitted from a the centre of John Knox Street to the centre of JDrygate; chimney of any building within the Smoke Control Area, thence westwards along the centre line of Drygate, Cathedral the occupier of that building shall be guilty of an offence.
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