Vol 52. Houiton, Maine, Wednesday, October 30, 1912, No. 44 * ~ it > 11—— staff. Such a course wmdd t»f ;uo-,as hydraulh railroad, and durtivf of more real bom-lit to t in-; migint'i-ring. us account nf t in. WHAT MAINE NEEDS. >iatf than anv other course in its i ifeil teaching force, and ;d-o >\\ ( By John ('. Scutes) curriculum, besides htdng of uv at I til t lie fuel 1 hat till me advantage to many of its students. i little call lrum vt mbiit- \! i). The state and nation are entente-: a ' work in this subject. Inn The Times has received the follow­ In 11is communication Mr. t-mat-> great era of highway dovMopnmnr. [fast t wo year*-. howev. r. n ing communication from John C. urges the establishment ot a course somewhat similar to that of the rail­ ; tcni ion ha> bed, given t- Scates of Westbrook, representative in highway <-ngim'<Ting ami con- roads of half a .-e lit ury ago. In toe : mue!) ill! ere-' has he. a take legislature from ‘ • I'niver-ity of Maine, r w a l to the next few m ars then- is destined to state highway cm m 11 i--1..• < secretary-treasurer of t t ^ ' oted in an article np- he a lively demand for men who i has been ul nine hi a-~-i-! a n ee■in: na i tomobile association, p ..............versity has had such have a scientific knowh dge ot high­ ! wav-. A few of the a rail are­ recalled, has taken an active interest a course in its curriculum since lSP-k Mr. Scares' article is as follows : way construct ion. for the juimitivf'. i taken up this line <,; w.,rk aking owder in the development of good roads in ! B P crude and wasteful methods ot to­ hast two have attaine.1 pr the state. Mr. Scates attended the Khouldjmt the l * Diversity of Maine day must. lie supplanted by a more pn.-it ions. Pa ul I). Sa rgent American Road Congress at A tlan­ establish a course in highway engi­ AbsolutelyPure economical and intelligent syUein. ! now assistant dhvctnr. oflin tic City last month and read of a pa­ neering and construction ? I t is per before that great body in which practically a state institution, deriv- j Our own state has jnst \<Ued >\ an lie roads in Washington, ai h. It. much Interest was manifested. ing a large part of its funds from the overwhelming mn.imdty fm- the a| Barrows. 'oT. is assistant < Cooking under modem methods and con­ preprint mn < ,( MM MM H I fur hie;. Wit V siom-r of highways in Align- c<nisi rnet inii. "The member of t.j<• <!»• j. veniences is made so attractive the whole of civil engineering' who ha •1 family is becoming interested. charge of the course i- one . >f a * • <, i. i mi 11 ee of the Ma i lie Soviet y of < '; v i These biscuits are delicious; this cake is KiignM >-rs on (Jooil Ifoad-. at;d wa excellent, says the father. “ 1 made them,” A FEW WORDS FROM a delegate from the umv* r.-ity to • Anieiican I load < 'ongress at At lam i says the daughter, and both father and • is? month IP a ad ■ of the VO). struct. i..n daughter beam with pleasure. state r<tad last sumtu Royal Baking Powder has made home BEN GREEN ■. the state 11igliway commis-ion, | i ot cement jukI sand use<i in : he baking a success, a pleasure and a profit, and We have been telling you right :stniction of other sections are '.being made by ot her men) her- . d the best cooking today the world over is along in our ads about these depart mmt. done with its aid. | “ In order to develop this c.ur- beautiful hand tailored Suits and a high degieo of ofliciency. so hat not only advaneed work may be giv- Overcoats that the famous f I en to those students desiring it. tent hri'ig.' i.a- brought tor the iuiitb-r after Nov. I when thebo\s who are jadvieo and assistance given to the lua ; i u I'ac u let'-, farmers and <c!e-r kept busy on the farms finish their Hart Schaffner ’people of the state, and test- and < x- business me,u c ■!im-et-ed with larger work. Tim eolh'ge celebrated its perinienfal work carried mi in c-.n- eii!« t'p! i>e-. The bridge, it i-argu- L’dt11 auniversary this year and in ■ junction with the highway rommi — e(l. ha- ti m leu 1 .t • dly brougi't about ......................nil i"; of t lie eve it sub­ & Marx isiou, money is necessary to meet the au increased valuation on Van Bur­ s' a nt ia I w ... id eh gates, appropriately ! expenses. Im I he mach i ues and pa en property ami it has brought tlo- in-crihed. have been "ivetetl at the. ! ' * make-- the standard ; for the extra Iwlp on the teaching town into a prominence wliicb it i ntrane to the ''ul leg- grounds. ; stall. The civil engineering d<*parr- ii“V. r beb.enjoyed. The coll' was founded in lbbT bv make of this country ! nient is ready and anxious to do the < '' inside) aide words has been doim Bi-iinp 1Fitly and was in- | work if tlie faeilities are [.r.o ide.l," during tim -n miner in i m proving timarily for the boys of and we are proud to property and tore.- fine new t'esideti- ' s.'i’ii; living in Hm towns c-'s are iiearn: completion. (bn- of e St. .John valley. The say that we have j Van Buren :!i• ■ -e. a brick -T ruct ui e. i- being' ''oiu'-e i- followed and such built 1 >y ,Jo-i-j>11 Martin and is mm • work Fas been done that The Coming Town of Northern of file 11 o- • - if b-t a U t ia 1 I.oils' > in tin- colb'g . i- far nrir" t han tv 1 ocal had a large sale on I Aroostook m if! m i :, A i "os* imk . Jo.-epii \-\ mst it m .on ae. I draw- its students from a ' ;m - -<! N»*\v Kugland and 'i'liet iaub ha- « i t-vtwl a large frame the ( hi ua I ia11 ie ov j nces. them, and each one JOHN (’. SCATKS. l’e .jile in Van Buren. whit to u-e .., modern design ami Miss A' inovi nn-i!' was undertaken a to whom we sold a its importune.- as a lumber am .Julia I-'arreli has built an attractive vear <.r -o ago to remove the college There is no department of the pub­ factoring and agriculture center to Cot t Ug'e j M ill-e. N. to Brunswick, but as the terms of the charter made the college unre­ lic service where so much of the pub­ the Bangor A: Aroostook railroad are St. Mary's college, conducted by suit or overcoat is the well known teaching order, the movable after years it is now a lic fund is wasted, and in many in­ looking forward to the early operat­ permanent Van Bareli institution. very much pleased stances worse than lost, for frequen :- ing of the Fraud Trunk-Pacific rail­ Marist Fathers, has more than a r ly the roads are injured rather than road, the transcoiit imetital route hundred students registered and ('idling aids engraved and print­ with them, and benefitted by the so-called repairs, now in course of <• o n s t m o t ion. tin-re will b - a substantial increase ed at th* T im us (iitice. than in the construct ion and mainte- which will pass through St. le-on- some have recom- nance of our highways. It is tin- ard's on the opposite bank of the St. questionably safe to state that JO per John and connected with Van Bur-1 to cent, of the money now expended on en by die handsome steel interna-| tVv *■ v, t - the roads of Maine is dissipated. tional bridge. Van Buren is count-j ■yd j'-'V their friends who Tliis means an annual destruction of itu on its proximity to the new rail-; more than $oou,oo<i, which amount I road to briu a 1 Hint Hindi further might just as well he gathered into i development. ■ *. have never worn EasternTrust & Banking Co one piF and burned. The time is Within the last ten veins Van ;M * t r Bran1. -lie-fatI... * . <, >i 1I <iJ Town.'IV Machine amin,,.\ Dexter.TtiWtol" this standard brand “n w a 0 coming when the public will fully j Buren has more than doubled its > appreciate this fact and then t here j population. ft is adding toils po- | will J>e evolved a system somewhat tato acreage each season. It boasts IW* • j similar and as efficient as that, adopt- of having the largest lumber mill in Clip Your Dollars’ Wings '' Now, for the man or young ; ed by our railways. Trained men j New Knglan tin* St. John Humber — make them less likely to “fly away”—by depositing will be necessary to put such it plan1 Co's plant ami it also lias the big Ad * kt them in our Savings Dept. Money lest here is complete­ •man that wants an up-to-date, j into execution. We liave training lumber, lath and shingle mills of | schools for our teachers and those the Van Buren Humber Co.
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