x Village Green e Aston leads the way with new ‘green’ student Issue 22 Spring 2009 accommodation p A Where are they now? 30 year reunion for cancer drug team How to beat the credi t crunch Welcome… p10 To our new look issue of Apex . AfTer a year of being away, I hope you are as pleased To see iT as we are To have iT! I am Thrilled To join AsTon UniversiTy as The new Alumni RelaTions Officer. I joined The Team in December afTer spending The lasT nine years working in higher educaTion. I look forward To £p13 – Leading being in Touch wiTh many of you and Businesses Through hopefully meeTing you aT gaTherings The Economic and reunions in The fuTure. DownTurn In This issue you can find ouT how Two recenT male graduaTes are Taking on The baby markeT (page 8), whaT The sTudenTs of Tomorrow can expecT on campus wiTh The new Halls of Residence (page 16) and find ouT whaT graduaTes from your year are up To now in The popular ‘Where are They Inside... now?’ secTion (page 22). I hope you enjoy The magazine, and please leT us know if you have any suggesTions or Regulars feedback. News in Brief 4 p10 Keep in Touch! AGA Update 21 Where are they now? 22 Message from the InTouch 26 What we do for you 27 Carol Marsh Vice-Chancellor Alumni RelaTions Officer Reunions – a Global Community 28 Dear Alumni and Friends The Apex Interview 30 I am delighTed To welcome you To The Forthcoming Events 31 newly launched Apex magazine. We’ve made a number of changes ThaT we Think will improve iTs appeal To our Features alumni and To oThers wiTh whom we’d Little Green Sheep 8 like To keep in close conTacT. Engineering Academy Planned 9 Cancer Researchers Reunite 10 I’m especially proud of our lead arTicle on The AsTon STudenT Village projecT. This is one of The Leading Businesses Through the mosT significanT building schemes ever underTaken Economic Downturn 13 aT AsTon. IT will be a huge improvemenT in Terms of Village: Green 16 our abiliTy To offer qualiTy sTudenT accommodaTion on campus. For Those of you who remember DalTon, Lawrence, or STafford Towers, we Think you’ll be inTeresTed To hear whaT fuTure AsTon News sTudenTs can look forward To! Special Thanks go To everyone The Aston Annual Fund 8 p14 who conTribuTed To This issue of Letter of the Law 10 Apex . Apex is published Twice a These are exciTing Times for AsTon as we conTinue year for alumni and friends of To grow in influence and presTige. As an alumna or MBA in Financial Times Top 100 12 AsTon UniversiTy. LeTTers, an alumnus, I’m sure you’ll be proud To know ThaT phoTographs and news are very we were shorTlisTed for The Sunday Times En Route to Success 14 welcome buT we reserve The Contact us UniversiTy of The Year and ThaT we are ranked 18Th Allan & Nesta Ferguson Trust righT To ediT any conTribuTions. in This year’s Guardian Good University Guide . We Scholarship Partnerships 15 Please address all correspondence To The GeT in Touch and leT us know whaT also rank 11Th in The NaTional STudenTs’ Survey ouT of all mainsTream universiTies, wiTh an overall New Degree Gives Students DevelopmenT & Alumni you are up To now. You mighT be a Competitive Advantage 15 RelaTions Office. The opinions saTisfacTion score of 89%. feaTured in The nexT issue of Apex in expressed in Apex are Those of Matched Funding: A Golden The auTumn. We can also help The conTribuTors and do noT Opportunity for Aston 19 promoTe any reunions you mighT be Please enjoy This issue of Apex and Tell us whaT necessarily reflecT Those of holding To fellow alumni. GeTTing in you Think. AsTon UniversiTy. conTacT is easy – email us aT BesT wishes, Designed by Eleven [email protected], call The PhoTo crediTs: office on +44 (0)121 204 4239 or send Page 2, 9, 10, 14, 16 – us a leTTer aT DevelopmenT & Alumni Julia King, CBE FREng Edward Moss RelaTions Office, SW 408, AsTon Vice-Chancellor Page 4 – Eva London UniversiTy, AsTon Triangle, Page 6, 14 – Huw MerediTh Birmingham B7 4ET. 3 Word up Are you socially f AsTon’s School of Languages & Social networked? Sciences hosTed The NaTional NeTwork for TranslaTion’s Careers Day in June Come and join The increasing number 2008. Professor ChrisTina Schäffner, of alumni on social neTworking siTes e DirecTor of TranslaTion, and her Team and keep in Touch wiTh fellow organised a full programme for young graduaTes. Over 1,600 graduaTes are i people inTeresTed in TranslaTion as a on Facebook.com. You can also find career. The morning programme over 900 members on The business- orienTaTed social neTworking siTe explored whaT iT was really like To work r as a TranslaTor, wiTh firsT hand LinkedIn.com. experience recounTed by AsTon’s alumni who work in areas as diverse as ➔ markeTing for Google, freelance To find the group search for TranslaTing, and inTernaTional banking. Aston University. B EraTo SchmidT (2007, MA TranslaTion in Aston scientists a European ConTexT), Rebecca SmiTh create living (2007, MA TranslaTion in a European ConTexT), Michael Schmid (2005, MA models to study TranslaTion in a European ConTexT) and Tim BayTon (2002, BSc Modern the human brain n Languages and TranslaTion STudies) came back To campus To Talk abouT Researchers in The School of Life & HealTh Sciences are developing a novel i Their individual careers as TranslaTors. The afTernoon was a hands-on session new way To model how The human brain in The language labs. Budding works by creaTing a living represenTaTion TranslaTors and inTerpreTers had The of The brain. They are using cells Have you heard chance To puT Their skills To The TesT and originally from a Tumour which have Give us your Congratulations geT a real TasTer of whaT iT’s like working been ‘reprogrammed’ To sTop mulTiplying. Using The same naTural s as a TranslaTor or inTerpreTer. about our molecule as The body To sTimulaTe email and help to all new international cellular developmenT, The cells are the environment graduates Turned inTo a co-culTure of nerve cells placement and asTrocyTes – The mosT basic uniTs of Alumni evenTs and acTiviTies are being A sunny day on The 31sT March saw The human brain. These co-culTures can organised all around The world, as well 480 graduands aTTend Their graduaTion programme yet? be developed inTo Tiny, connecTed balls w as receiving more requesTs asking us ceremonies in The splendid of cells called neurospheres which can Professional placemenTs are an To help people geT in Touch wiTh losT surroundings of Birmingham Town Hall. process informaTion, which aT a very inTegral parT of AsTon Business School friends. Degree CongregaTions are a Time for simple level, is The basis of ThoughT. undergraduaTe degrees. Our celebraTion and pride and The ceremonies were aTTended by family, e inTernaTional placemenT programme Aston ring ➔ The research process does noT require provides Third year sTudenTs wiTh 12 or Help us cut down on our paper friends and academic sTaff. BuffeT Mark your degree and graduaTion wiTh animal TesTing and since 2007 has been six monTh inTernships in various usage by sending your email recepTions were held back on campus an eleganT and bespoke graduaTion generously supporTed by The Humane locaTions worldwide. If you are an address to: following The ceremonies. The ring in solid silver or gold. Choose Research TrusT. In The fuTure, The Tiny employer inTeresTed in being parT of [email protected] DevelopmenT & Alumni RelaTions Office beTween a TradiTional signeT ring Three-dimensional cell clusTers, which would like To congraTulaTe all Those N This, we would like To hear from you! feaTuring The UniversiTy cresT or an are essenTially very small models of The who graduaTed in March. Imperial ring wiTh a choice of precious human nervous sysTem, could be used The programme has proven To be very sTone and personalised To your degree To develop new TreaTmenTs for diseases aTTracTive To many employers who and achievemenTs: feaTure your degree including Alzheimer’s, MoTor Neurone year-on-year benefiT from high calibre iniTials, year of graduaTion and an and Parkinson’s Disease. These ABS sTudenTs in a cosT effecTive way. engraving of your choice. progressive and debiliTaTing Aston’s alumni PlacemenTs Take place in various neurodegeneraTive condiTions are business funcTions including website is becoming more common as The MarkeTing, CommunicaTions, ➔ To order and for more information populaTion of The UK ages. OperaTions, Finance, Human changing please visit Resources and AccounTing. Many www.evalondon.com/aston Professor Michael Coleman, who is LisTed among The Top invenTions ThaT placemenT sTudenTs are also fluenT in leading The research Team, said, “We are shaped world hisTory are The prinTing foreign languages. aiming To be able To sTudy The human press, The Telephone and The inTerneT. brain aT The mosT basic level, using an They all revoluTionised The way we ➔ acTual living human cellular sysTem. communicaTe buT only one of Them To request a brochure or to Cells have To be alive and operaTing enabled mulTiple communicaTions – participate in the programme efficienTly To enable us To really The inTerneT. IT’s a powerful Tool and an please contact us at undersTand how The brain works. In The easy way To mainTain your involvemenT [email protected] longer Term we hope ThaT our procedure wiTh AsTon UniversiTy and your peers. or +44 (0)121 204 3211 can be used To help us undersTand how condiTions such as Alzheimer’s and AsTon’s alumni websiTe will be oTher neurodegeneraTive diseases changing This summer.
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