•T ■ " f ? " ’ ■ ■■ M ' *- .'■ ■■, • \ t '> ':. !OnB JS ^ a lM R Ur O. •. WentMur NBT PRB8S BtJN ' hew Bavea ^ AVBBAGB DAILT OIRCUIiATION OF THB BVBNING HBRAUD Partly Clondy and J j^ le r to>' ^or the month of Angusti 192T night; Ihnrsday fair.' 5 , 0 4 4 atV PRICE) IH BEB CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN;^ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1927. ( T E N P A ^ ’ ^" VOL. XLI., NO. 301. daMlfled Advertlilng on page 8 -L . \ SIAMESE TWINS LDHENDAHL Here is the $25,000 Witness DODGHBOYIS FIGHTING DEATH PILOT Joined at Hips, One Girl is POPULAR IN SiCk and the Other Tries to GUN SOUGHT Comfort Her. BYSlEUmS FRMHCITY Holyoke, Mass., Sept. 21.— The most unusual and drama­ tic race with death ever reC­ orded here seemed won today Class B Plan^ Nearing when Mary and Margaret Doctor’s Revolver Has Dis^ U. 5 . Vets Leave Hall Legionnaires With Snules Gibbs, 14, "AmeriCa’s Siamese Twins" emerged from the path appeared From His Home; Goal— Class A Group and Ready Cash Making a of the Great Reaper, safe from pneumonia but still sick with While Poincare Speaks Leave S t Paul; Machines Influensa. Police Promise an Arrest Great Hit In Paris— Are Joined by flesh at the hips with her twin sister, Mary for Strung .An Along the - hours lay Close to death’s door. In Two Days. Verdun. France. Sept. 21.— ^De-s right after luncheon. But the task " Behaving Themselves. Margaret, sensitive to every daring that they came to Verdun to of serving the 1,000 Legionnaires pain her sister experienced, en­ taxed the capacity - of the serving visit the battlefields, and not to staff, with the result that the Route, Many Down— Pa­ Couraged Mary to be brave, Hammonton, N. J., Sept. 21.— hear speeches, hundreds of Ameri­ luncheon was not finished until ' TroCadero Palace. Paris, Sept. held the feverish hand beside her, and helped her sister fight Quest for the murderer of Dr. Wil­ can Legionnaires walked out from 2:.’>0 o’CloCk. cific Coast Racers Start; 21— The American doughboy, ■with oft the dreaded malady. Two liam Lllllendahl, aged narCotic spe­ the offidal luncheon tendered them M. Pdlncaro, undisturbed by the his funny headgear, his infeCtious physicians and loving parents, cialist, centered today on the slain In the market place here today, rush for the exits, continued his leaving'Premier Poincare speaking speech to the end, his words carry­ Non-Stop Planes Ready . grin and his poCketful of francs, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gibbs, physician’s revolver which authori­ iipparently has succeeded in aC­ played major roles in the fight. to an almost empty hall. ing high praise of the departing Complishing something which has By a strange twist of fate, ties said had disappeared from the "W e’re not in the army now,. Legionnaires as long as the latter For Flag. been the despair of all the hlgh- during the "flu” epidemic nine Lllliendahl home at Vineland. Let’s go,” the Legionnaires ex­ were within hearing distanCe. ' hatted professional diplomatists. years ago, Margaret suffered It had been learned, acCording claimed when the prolonged lunch­ "I raise my glass to the Amerl- He has succeeded in restoring, CEin veterans; and drink to the im­ most with Mary doing the to Detective Chief Frank Harrold, eon and the length of the official to some extent at least, American cheering at her side. speeches promised to cut short the mortal amity of France and the Glendive, Mont., Sept. 21.— Pilots popularity in France. For hours, physicians feared that Dr Lllllendahl kept a loaded legionnaires’ visit to the battle­ United States,” the French premier Leslie Miller and C. W. Meyers, Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, who Mary would die and perhaps revolver in his home. The weapon fields. They went, forthwith. said. leaders In the Class B, trans-contin­ flew across the ocean into the carry with her in death her has been missing since the doCtor’s Among the notables present at "It Is a brotherhood In arms, heart of France, laid a strong sister as went the Bavarian bullet pierced body was found in the luncheon, in addition to Prem' tested by the most awful, the most ental Air Derby rare from New foundation, and the American Leg­ Siamese twins a few months his automobile near Vineland. ler Poincare, were General Persh­ murderous war In which mankind York to Spokane, took off from ion is building on it a cathedral of ago. An operation might have Find Will ing, General Petain, General Gour­ has ever been Involved. This broth­ here at 7 A. M. today for Spokane. friendship which it hopes will en­ been attempted although medi­ Chief Harrold also announced aud, and the PerfeCt of Muse, de­ erhood can not be short-lived, nor The two pilots, who have been fight­ dure forever. cal experts believe the girls that a will, drawn up by the doCtor partment of Mille. can our mutual sentiments be In the four days during which are joined at the spinal 'Col­ but two months ago and bequeath­ The Legionnaires, who had ar­ doomed to destruction in the con­ ing for first position almost since the streets of Paris have been umns and that an operation ing his entire estate to his widow, rived at Verdun from Paris shortly fliCt of Interests that are bound to the start of the race Monday, are thronged with Americans here for had been found. The estate is val­ after noon, were scheduled to leave arrive or persist after great inter­ the ninth annual convention of the would be fatal. due at the Spokane goal line this The twins are well known ued at approximately $50,000. for Ihe battlefields at one o’CloCk. national shock.” afternoon. Five minute stops for Legion, there has not been one to stage and radio audiences Mrs. Lllllendahl, who has been slnjgle unpleasant incident of major fuel will be made today at Billings of the United States. Together placed under $25,000 bond in Con­ • <s> Importance, which in itself is «- and Missoula, Mont. The remaining strikihg evidence of the exemplary they weigh 230 pounds. The nection with the investigation, was INSURES HIS COTTAGE deportment of the Americans, as strongest affection binds them, under the care of friends, today fol­ WESLEYAN COLLEGE AGAINST FALLING PLANES entrants in the Class B race are Y.'Cll as of the tolerance and taCt Margaret is livelier and more lowing her collapse at the doCtor’s strung out all the way from Chicago musiCal than her sister. funeral. Boston, Sept. 21.— A new of the French. to Bismarck, N. D; . , Drank MuCh Wine Expect Arrest Soon STARTS 97TH YEAR type of property damage Insur­ MuCh wine has been Consumed, While authorities announced this anCe— that against damage morning that the search for the ac­ done by falling airplanes— was to be sure, and muCh good-natured jimhyM unes CLASS A PLANES ’ ^ horse-play has taken place, but tual slayer would turn to New written today for John P. the Americans have not pro­ York, ProseCutor Cameron Hinkle Meade. The poliCy Covered St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 21— Re­ Claimed publiCly that they won the deClared: “ We expect an arrest Held under $25,000 bond as a "material witness” In,the mystery Increased Enrollment, Larg­ his summer home at Scituate suming their flight westward, nine but did not Cover Injury to war. The FrenCh have not made FRENCH HONORS within two or three days on the murder of her husband. Mrs. Margaret Lllllendahl is pictured above leav­ of the Class '^'A” planei in the mention of that fi,?ure which some clews we now have developed." persons. trans-continental Derby from New ing state police headquarters at Hammonton, N. J., after the bond has -<& of the Contemporary cartoonists It was noted the proseCutor said been produced. With her are her brother, J. Sherwood Thompson er Faculty and Improved York to Spokane, took off from sketCh as “ UnCle Shylock.’’ the search for the “ slayer” had (left), and her eight-year-old son Alfred. Mrs. Lllllendahl was detain­ here shortly after seven o’CloCk Monday's parade, which saw Mayor of New York Refuses turned to New York. He spoke in ed four days during Investigation of her assertion that she was beaten Plant, Officials Announce. this morning after having rested nearly 20,000 Americans literally the singular whereas Mrs. Lllllen­ and her>hu8band, the elderly Dr. William Lllllendahl, was killed by two here over night. Their first stop take Paris by storm, and which the dahl had claimed two negro thugs GUARDING BOXERS men who waylaid their auto. ___________________________ today will be at Aberdeen, S. D. of majority of the French press com- To Be Decorated; Leaves committed the murder. the 13 planes in Class “ A” that left ' pared to the Lindbergh celebra­ One motive advanced was that of Middl-^-town, Sept. 21.— ^Wesley­ New York yesterday, only nine tion, put over the convention with a narCotic dispute in which the doC­ an University opened its nlnty-sev- ON EVE OF BATTLE reached St. Paul. Of the remaining a bang so far as Paris is Con­ tor might have acquired an enemy For Home Today. enth year^today with InCreased en­ six, one was forCed to remain Ini Cerned. sufficiently enraged to kill him. MODERN, SOENTinC METHODS Chicago over night, two yrere forCed' All France sat along the boule­ rollment, a larger faCulty, and an down by darkness near their goali vards, saw the Legionnaires laugh­ improved plant. The university ing, and became friendly. The Paris, Sept. 21.— Mayor James J.
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