>. N. •4 / SATUR^Y, FEBRUARY 20, 1943 '"A - 1 ■ ' ^ A G E t w e l v e * N TheWtatker iSSamtifBUir x^ufuius Average Eteily Circulation F o m o n a ^ U. R. Wenthsr BoNaa For the Month off ffnanaiy, 1943 ■ Miss Marguerite Benge of the Honor Court State Bureau of Child WeUare 7,956 Watmer tonight Mum Inst night. About Town gave the membere of Gibbons As­ Heard Along Main Street sembly, CathoUc Ladies of Colum- ■OAR GRILL' „ ^Member s< ttw . bue, at their monthly meeting last Up on March 1 Gives Awards Baroaa off OticMntioai lir . and U n . Parry Pratt enter- evening in the K. of C. home, an And on SontB of Hanchester*s Side Streets^ Too “WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER’^ / : Mtmeheatar^A City of ViUagm Charm ------------- tha Harvard Road Bridge Interesting and Informative talk ~ y — •tab at tlwlr home laat night Three on the work of the bureau. Due Boy Scouts Receive (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THkEE C E lm Special Town Meeting We don’t quite understand the the preserving thefnselves. One DINE AND DANCE MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1943 _ __ • In play. ■ Mr. and Mra. to' w-ar conditions and the fact store had a hlg supply of preserve (Claaalflad,Adveettataf oa 10) , Warren, aubatltuUng for Mr. logic that induced a group of Merits; Pay Tribute to To the Lilting Tubes of ' VOL.LXIl„NO. 122 that so many of the mothers of Also to Decide on Pur* pi-operty owners in the Chestnut jars and sold cut completely last I li n . Tangerone. were the high voung children ace employed in week. •aoraia for the evening. the war industries, the problems chase of 'Lamh and Laurel streeU area to sign a Frank Maiisfiejcl. petition opposing the request to T o put up canhed goods in that DON MAC AND HIS for their care ate increasing rap­ manner-and to be absolutely safe Trucking Into Tunisia idly. Miss Bengs answereii, a change Chestniit ' Lodge into 'The monthly Court of Honor Michael Raberem, of School Only two matters will come be­ apartments. Perhaps logic didn't Ihe product should be processed i>rive number of ijuesttons of the mem­ was held last night at the East ■treat, waa given a party by 28 fore the voters of Manchester at enter into it. At arty rate it for one hour. Most canned goods RHYTHM MASTERS aC hie frianda at the Garden res- bers which brought out further would be mu.sh if processed that Side Rec with nine awards being Canned GoodS/ the special town meeting, Monday doesn't seem consistent. DELICIOUS FOODS — M0I>ES'I PRiCkS! tanrant laat night Haberem, who details. The charter was draped long. Just transferring the product for Mrs. Rose Molusky. a riiember March 1. One will be the purchase Chestnut Lodge isn't more than made. Members, of Troop 28 re­ Fried Chicken - Tenderloin Steak with Mushrooms te a graduate of the Mancheeter a cotiple of hundred yards from / from the cans to the jars Is very Ibada achool, claaa o f 1940, haa of the aa.sembly who died Thiira- of dn additional piece of land now dangerous. Serious food poison- ceived two, Troop 98 two. Troop Roast Turkey Roast Top Sirloin the Centennial apartments also on 47, art and woodwork;, William F ir s t A r Viay and after the meeting the ing_ could result. The U. S. De­ been ensployed.by AlexaJhJer Jar- owned' by Cheney Brothers sputh Chestnut street. It isn't more Chow Mein Fried Scallops ala aa a carpenter. He leaves members proceeded to the Qulah partment of Agriculture has issued of the Manchester High ■ School, tlian 500 yards from the former 13 one award. They follow: Peter Fine Wines — Liquors and Beer naaday with other Inductees from Funeral home In tribute to her. ■ for which , an appropriation of a bulletin warning of the danger Capra, ’Troop 15. first aid and Cuts N orn Manchester, for Fort Devons, v R. O. Cheney house now used as y ,,, practice So, if there are a 30 Oak Street Tel 3894 $8,000 will b® asked. The other a boarding house for girls. The swimming; Richard. Hubbard, relates to-the'si rvcy of the police lot of sick people next winter you mills are only a couple of stone may find out who some of these Troop 98. athletics and pioneering; Because of the shortage of cof­ department. This will also require throws from the Chestnut Lodge M anchester an appropriation, but the exact canned, goods hoarders are. Robert Kurland. Troop 25, busi­ fee, the owners of the Center, location. As a matter of fact the ness; Earl Schmemlnger, Troop 26, lainch have started to ration their figure is not knowhi at present. Date Book The work will be dohe by an out area is-a pretty go-id cros.s sec­ • Not all of the Pratt & Whitney \vhodworking: George Zanis. ’Troop H a lf enppiy. They are serving but one of state man and it is, expected tion of any goml community. workers rode to work last Mon­ 47, art and woodkork; William eop to a customer. Some time ago There's a church, a store Preston; Troop 131 bookbinding. boMuse of the coffee shortage and Monday. Fehnuiry 22 that he will be paid by tjio day. mill. j day and Tuesday. Farly Tue.sday - ------ --- 4 -J- X . ■ Driven Back by Ameri­ .Action Is Put Over 'apartment house. four family morning there were ovefx 1,000 In me^npry of Frank Mansfield, lack of labor. It was found neces- StaH issuing Ration Book No. house, two family house/ single a Marine, gave his life for his See The Houses At Bombs Start Will Replace 2 at alf public schools. Hours 3 to Because there has not been suf­ P&W workers as8cnible^\at ‘Scant Ration’ Program! can C om bat |Tea(mB aaiy to close the restaurant one residence, school and convent all country, ah Eagle acout and Simpler Fuel day each week, on Sunday. n and 7 to 9 p.m. Also same hours, ficient time to get the proper dhaft t^huieli Corners. East Hartforii^^ ready for dividing the town Into within the area. It doesn't seem waiting for a' bus. or buses, to th ^ regular attendant at the Court of c.—Starts Next Monday ; ‘ /■ \ ^'ilb Loss of 14 same places on Feb. 23 and 24. Honor, a few ininutea of silent Fires Visible Women’s’ league , luncheon at voting districU, that matter w ill, reasonable to object to converting plant. Few of them got rides. March AllowanceriPro- iReql Rubber Tanks in Thrusts at There will be a special communi­ Second Congregational church, go over to a later town meeting a“ boarding‘ .house............... Into an apart­ Undeterred by the 25 below, pr^er were held. Oil Rationing cation <ff Manchester Ixx^e of ment house, e.spccially when the TTie members of the Court of WOODRIDGE iir Cooled 12:30 noon. which may be held the latter part weather, men and women, alike vides OnW About Tebessa; Rommell Masons tomorrow afternoon at j of March. It is likely that in -addi­ area isn't -devoted .exclusively to started off on the long trek to­ Honor in attendance were, Chair­ For 50 Miles 2:30 to attend the funeral of Simon Wednesday, l^bruary 24- man. Raymond Mercer, Frank BEFORE YOU MAKE A DECISION In Sundries tempts to Deal Crip­ W'ork on Red Cross Surgical tion the . town will also bo ask­ one type of residence. wards Glastonbury and the lathe Three CiinB Per P^**-/ Plan Urged Johnaon. ed to vote for biennial elections. or bench. Many dozens of thtm Clancy. Hayden Griswold and sec­ By Sp t^ay dreasings at the Am^ican Legion retary, Richard Smith. pling Blow at Brit­ hall between the l)ouri\of 10 a.m. Because of the. set up o f officers A local Ayoman is embarrasiied- received frozen ears and faces and son for^onth; Civih| Hangar Dcjiiolishecl anil ill Manchester due to |ts special THESE HOUSES OFFER THE MOST FOR Group No. 4 of the Memorial and 4:30 p.m. \ ly waiting th. hear whether or not lingers, and- although they got to ian/^up|dy Redu<?ed| Senate Committee Rec­ Synthetic ff'ithin Jlvo ish Units to > North. Mospltal Auxiliary, Mrs. William MiliUry Whist of the Manches­ charter, changes will have to be anyone noticed a serious error she work from one-half-to an hour iUor/<i’ « Biggest Dam Is Other ^iildings Dam­ Xn^skle, leader, will meet Mon­ ter Private Duty Nurses' Associa­ made in the way that several of made in dressirtg recently. She and a half late, they made the YOUR MONEY TO BE FOUND ANYW HERE ■Fo 30,000,000 C ^ s. ommends Centraliza­ -ii.; Or Three Months the officers are elected. This will aged afi Two Japanese A 1 l i e (i Headquarters in day aftrnnoon at two o’clock at tion at the Masonic Temple > t 8. went downtown 'shopping, prob­ day count, zero weather or no. Conditioning Unit for tion o f Controls_^ to Be Used in Hot Water the Mentorial hospital. Members be taken care of by Judge William ably looking for a Quarter of a Did someone say absenteeism? - Evangelistic Headed for the Mareth tine and Rommel’s rear guard are these NoXJi Africa, Feb, 22.-—(IP) Saturday, March 6 \ S. Hyde when he returns from his Three Styles of Houses to Choose Washington, Feb. — (A*) ^ British Highland Division tiroopa crossing the border from the Trlpo- Planes Are Destroyed.
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