Parks & Recreation Inventory 29 FEBRUARY 2017 CHAPTER 4 Recreation Inventory Proud Lake RePcrroeuadti oLna kAer eRaecreation Area ¨¦§96 ¨¦§96 Proud Lake Recreation Area ¨¦§96 Walled LakWealled Lake Brighton Kensington MetKroepnasrikngton Metropark Brighton Wixom WWailxleodm Lake Kensington Metropark Brighton Wixom Island Lake Recreation Area L I V I N G S TLOI VNI N G S T O N Island Lake Recreation Area O A K L A N DO A K L A N D Brighton RecreBartigiohnt oAnr eRaecreation Area I N G H A M I N G H A M I N G H A M Gregory SLGIAV IGNreGgoSry TSGOAN Island Lake Recreation Area O A K L A N D Gregory SGA Gregory SGA Brighton Recreation Area I N G H A M Gregory SGA Huron MeadowsH Mureotnro Mpaerakdows Metropark Novi Novi Gregory SGA Huron Meadows Metropark Novi South LyonSouth Lyon South Lyon Proud Lake Recreation Area MaybuNryo Srttahtev PilalrekNorthville Unadilla SWA Unadilla SWA ¨¦§96 Whitmore Lake WPrheistmerovree Lake Preserve Maybury State Park Unadilla SWA Whitmore Lake Preserve Maybury State ParkNorthville Independence LInadke pPeanrdkenWcea Llalkeed P aLrkake Pinckney RecrPeiantciokn eAByr erRaiegchretaotinon Area Kensington Metropark IndependencWe Liaxkoe mPark Pinckney Recreation Area Proud Lake Recreation Area INVENTORY OF EXISTING PARKS, NATURAL AREAS, AND Park Lyndon Park Lyndon ¨¦§96 Hudson Mills MeHturodpsaornk Mills Metropark Park Lyndon Walled Lake L I V I N G S T O N Island Lake Recreation Area OKeAnsinKgtoLn MAetroNparDk RECREATION FACILITIES Brighton Recreation Area Hudson BMriillgsh Mtoentropark Wixom Plymouth Plymouth I N G H A M Gregory SGA Park Northfield 23 23 Park Northfield Gregory SGA West Lake PresWerevset Lake Preserve _` _` Plymouth L I V I N G S T O N Island Lake Recreation Area O A K L A N D Park Northfield Huron MeBaridghotowns R Mecreetartoiopn aArrkea 23 Northfield WNooovdNsio Prtrhefsieelrdv eWoods Preserve I N G H A M West Lake Preserve ` REGIONAL RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES I N G H A M Gregory SGA _ Gregory SGA Northfield Woods Preserve Albert J. Miller aAnldb eRrto Jb.e Mrt i&lle Nr andcy R Sombeitrht &P rNesaenrcvyeH uSromn Mithea dPorwes sMeertrvoepark Novi SoutDhe xLteyr-oHnuron MDeetrxotpear-rHkuron Metropark Weatherbee WoWodesa tPhererbserev eWoods Preserve Waterloo Recreation ArAelabert JC. hMeilsleera a SndG ARobCehret l&s eNaa SnGcyA Smith Preserve Waterloo Recreation Area Burns-Stokes PBreusrenrsv-eStokes Preserve South Lyon As seen from the map on the right, Pittsfield Township is in close proximity to a Dexter-Huron MetropDaerlkhi MetroparkDelhi Metropark WeatherbeKeo sWcho-oHdesa Pdrweaseterrvse Preserve Chelsea SGA Osborne Mill PaOrksborne Mill Park Tom A. FreemaKno Pscrehs-Herevaedwaters Preserve Waterloo RecreCaativoann Aauregah LakCe aPvaarnkaugh Lake Park BurnBsa-kSetor kWeso oPdrse sPerrevseerve Tom A. Freeman Preserve Baker Woods Preserve Fox Science Preserve Superior Center Fox ScDieenlchei MPeretrsoeprvaerk Raymond F. GoRodaryicmho Pndre Fs.e GrvoeoSduripcKehor iPsocrrhe Cs-Herenvatedrwaters Preserve variety of recreational opportunities. Within Washtenaw County, there are about CavanaTurginhk Llea kMea Prsahrk atT Erinakslteo nM Faarsrmh aPt rEeasestrovne Farm Preserve Osborne Mill Park Tom A. Freeman Preserve Baker Woods Preserve Maybury State ParkNorthville Unadilla SWA Unadilla SWA Pierce LakWe hGitomlfo Creo uLraskee &P rPeasrekrve WhitmoreF Loakxe SPrcesi ernvece PresMearvyebury State ParkNorthville Superior Center Trinkle CMahrsehl saet EaaPstieornCc eFh aLreamlks ePe Graeoslef rCveourse & Park Raymond F. Goodrich Preserve 15 preserves, 12 county parks, and three metro parks, as well as three state parks 94 Pierce Lake Golf Course &¨¦§ 9P4ark ¨¦§Independence Lake Park Pinckney Recreation Area Chelsea Meyer PreserveMeyer Preserve Independence Lake9 4Park in the northwestern section of the county. In addition, there are severalPinckney Rlakesecreation Area ¨¦§ DeVine PreservDeeVine Preserve SquiersP aPrkr eLysnedornvSequiers Preserve MeyPear rPkerer sMeirlvl ePark Hudson Mills Metropark Ann Arbor Parker Mill Park W A Y N E W A Y N E DeVine Preserve Ann Arbor that provide unique recreational opportunities such as fishing, kayaking and Squiers Preserve Park Lyndon Scio Woods PreSsceirov eWoods Preserve PlyPmaoruktehr Mill Park 1W2 A Y N E 12 23 Park NAortnhfienld Arbor County Farm Park _` _` Hudson Mills Metropark West LWake APreSserHve T E NWAAWS H T E N A W _` County Farm Park canoeing, and swimming. Among the different types of open space, Pittsfield Northfield WoodSs cPiroes eWrveoods Preserve 12 Goose Lake MinGi-o SosGeA Lake Mini- SGA County Farm Park _` Albert J. MWiller AandS RoHbertT & ENanNcy ASmiWth Preserve Plymouth Clark & Avis SpCiklea rPkr e&s Aevrvise Spike Preserve Dexter-HBurorna uMetro Pparrek serveBrauer Preserve Weatherbee Woods Preserve Chelsea SGA Park Northfield Ypsilanti Ypsilanti residents can enjoy both passive and active outdoor activities. J A C KGSooOseN JLaAkeC MKWinaiSt-e rSOloGo NARecreation Area Burns-S2t3okes Preserve West Lake Preserve _` Delhi Metropark Clark & Avis Spike PrSehsearvoen Short Hills PreserOvseborne Mill Park Tom A. Freeman Preserve Kosch-Headwaters Preserve Swift Run Dog Park Cavanaugh Lake SPahrkaron Short HilBlsak Per rWeosoedsrv Pereserve Brauer Preserve Swift Run Dog Park Fox Science Preserve Superior Center Ypsilanti J A C K S O N Trinkle Marsh at Easton Farm Preserve Northfield Woods Preserve Raymond F. Goodrich Preserve Sharon Short Hills Preserve Swift Run Dog Park Chelsea Pierce Lake Golf Course & Park 94 ¨¦§94 ACCESSIBILITY EVALUATION Albert J. Miller and Robert & Nancy Smith Preserve ¨¦§ ¨¦§94 PITTSFPIEILTDTSFIELD Dexter-Huron Metropark WeaMtehyerr Pbresee rvWe oods Preserve 94 Chelsea SGA ^_ ¨¦§ Waterloo Recreation Area DeVine Preserve ^_ Burns-Stokes PreSsqueierrvse Preserve PITTPaSrkerF MilIl PEark LD Belleville Delhi Metropark Ann Arbor TOWNSHHIarPWwoAoYdN HEeritaHgea rPwroeosde rHveritage Preserve Belleville Osborne Mill Park Tom A. Freeman PreseTrveOWKoscNh-HSeaHdwaItePrs P^_reserve Cavanaugh Lake Park Scio Woods Preserve 12 Baker Woods Preserve County Farm Park _` Belleville Description W AFSoxH ST cEieNnAcWe Preserve Raymond F. Goodrich PreseTrveOSuWperioNr CeSnteHr IP Harwood Heritage Preserve Trinkle Marsh at Easton Farm Preserve Goose Lake Mini- SGA Rolling Hills ParRk o&ll iWnga Hteirll sP aPrakrk & Water Park Clark & Avis Spike Preserve Brauer Preserve Ypsilanti Chelsea PierceS Lhaakreo nGvoillfe C SoGuJArSAsheCa K&ro SPnOavirNlkle SGA Sharon Short Hills Preserve Swift Run Dog Park Rolling Hills Park & Water Park 1 None of the facilities/parks meet accessibility guidelines 94 Saline Saline Sharonville SGA ¨¦§ PITTSFIELD Meyer PSreaselirvnee ¨¦§94 2 Some of the facilities/parks meet accessibility guidelines LeDoenVainrde PPrreesseerrLvveeonard Preserve ^_ Squiers Preserve Belleville TOWNPSaHrkeIr PMill ParkHarwood Heritage Preserve W A Y N E Leonard Preserve Ann Arbor 3 Most of the facilities/parks meet accessibility guidelines Scio Woods Preserve Rolling Hills Park & Water P1a2rk Ervin-Stucki PreEsrevrivne-StucCkio Purnetys eFraverm Park _` W A S H T E N AShWaronville SGA Saline 4 The entire park meets accessibility guidelines Goose Lake Mini- SGA Ervin-Stucki Preserve Leonard Preserve Clark & Avis Spike Preserve Brauer Preserve Ypsilanti J A C K S O N `12 _`12 5 The entire park was developed/renovated using the principles of universal design Sharon Short Hills Preserve Ervin-Stucki Preserve Sw_ift Run Dog Park 12 _` 94 Riverbend PresReriverbend Preserve ¨¦§Draper-HoustonD Mraepaedro-Hwosu Pstroens eMrveeadows Preserve Sharon Mills PaSrkharon MPillsI PTarkTSFIEL_`D12 Pittsfield Township’s accessibility rankings span the entire range of scores 1-5. Riverbend Prese^_rve Draper-Houston Meadows Preserve Sharon Mills Park Riverbend Preserve Draper-Houston Meadows Preserve Belleville Sharon Mills Park TOWNSHIP Harwood Heritage Preserve Milan Of the 18 recreational areas evaluated, the average of scores was 2.9. The lower Milan Milan Milan Hayes State PHarakyes State Park Rolling Hills Park & Water Park scores of “1” were mainly attributable to undeveloped sites which did not have Hayes State Park Sharonville SGA Hayes State Park Saline trails, facilities, or parking lots to accommodate visitors. A score of “1” means that Leonard Preserve M O N R O E neither the park nor the facilities meet the accessibility guidelines. Only Hickory L E N A W E E M O N R O E M O N R O E L E N A W E EL E N A W E E _`23 Ervin-Stucki Preserve Tecumseh M O N R O E Woods was rated a “5” because the park and its facilities are well developed and L E N A W E E _`23 _`23 use the principles of universal design. Some of the features attributed to its high Tecumseh Tecumseh _`23 12 Tecumseh PITTSFIELD TO_`WNSHIP 0 2.25 4.5 score are a paved parking lot and a ramp leading to the park’s several amenities: Miles RegionalRegional P Parksarks M ap RivDataerbend PSources:reserve State of Michigan Geographic Data DLibrary,raper-Hous toPittsfieldn Meadows Pr esTownship,erve FEMA, Washtenaw sidewalk, picnic pavilion, restrooms, and the play structures. Sharon Mills Park Data Sources: State of Michigan Geographic Data Library, Pittsfield Township PITTSFIEPLITDT STFOIEWLDN STHOIPWNSHIP 0 2.250 4.25.25 4.5 County GIS Michigan State Game, Wildlife, and Park Boundaries Miles ^_ Pittsfield Township Milan Miles PITTSFIELD TOWNSHIP (! 0 2.25 4.5 While all parks in Pittsfield Township have most of these amenities, the Township Cities Metroparks Miles RegiRoengailo Pnarl kPsa Mrk(!asp Map Hayes State Park LegendDNR Lands County Parks would
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