September 15, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1645 Korea remain partners dedicated to peace, This six billion dollars represents a seven shows, and a legacy of significant literary pro- freedom, democracy, and global stability. percent reduction in the crop insurance pro- gramming. The relationship between the United States gram’s baseline from FY 2011–20, making the Without any doubt, the Fitzgerald Theater and Korea is a comprehensive and dynamic Committee on Agriculture the only Committee has contributed a century’s worth of memo- one. We are major trading partners, with in- in the U.S. House of Representatives that has ries, ideas, and insights to Saint Paul and the vestment ties deep among our countries. accomplished deficit reduction this year national cultural and literary community. The However, we have not even come close to through decreasing mandatory spending for Fitzgerald will thrive into the 21st century, realizing the full potential of this relationship. programs under its jurisdiction. If other federal playing a critical role for future generations in In 2007 our two countries signed a Free Trade government spending was trimmed by a simi- bringing ideas and information in the areas of Agreement that, by every estimate, will im- lar percent reduction and the savings dedi- news, culture, literature, and music to a broad prove the lives of people in both Korea and cated to deficit reduction, we would reduce the audience, both in Saint Paul, Minnesota and the United States by creating jobs, reducing budget deficit by almost three trillion dollars nationwide. prices of products and services, and expand- during FY 2011–20. Madam Speaker, please join me in rising to ing consumer choices. This agreement when Federal spending to support production agri- honor the centennial season of the Fitzgerald implemented will remove 95 percent of the bi- culture, according to CBO, represents less Theater and its contributions to the rich history lateral tariffs between our countries that are than one-half of one percent of all Federal and culture of the city of Saint Paul and the currently holding back what could be tremen- Government spending. With these reductions, state of Minnesota. dous growth for both sides. I believe agriculture has gone above and be- f Unfortunately, the agreement has not yet yond any expectation with regard to finding IN MEMORY OF FRED SHAW been brought to Congress for a vote. I hope cuts to reduce the deficit. However, this does that, in the coming months, my colleagues will not mean our programs are completely free of HON. KEITH ELLISON recognize the economic boost that ratifying waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement or OF MINNESOTA this agreement will generate. inefficiency. As Chairman, I can assure you IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As a co-chair of the bipartisan U.S.-Korea that I will continue to lead the Committee’s ef- Free Trade Working Group, I will be working forts through investigations, hearings, and Wednesday, September 15, 2010 to ensure that we can meet President general oversight to find other ways to im- Mr. ELLISON. Madam Speaker, it is with Obama’s stated goal of being able to resolve prove further the operation of the government great sadness I rise today to mourn the pass- outstanding issues by November so that we programs under our jurisdiction. ing of my friend Fred Shaw. A stand-out stu- can once and for all remove this impediment f dent in China, Fred first came to the United to an increasingly productive economic rela- States seeking an advanced degree in Civil tionship. CELEBRATING THE FITZGERALD Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of I look forward to a vigorous discussion of THEATER’S CENTENNIAL SEASON Technology. He moved to the Twin Cities in the merits of the agreement as ratification AND ITS PLACEMENT IN THE NA- 1947 to complete a Ph.D. at the University of would further consolidate the longstanding TIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC Minnesota. friendship between the United States and PLACES Fred made his first mark on the Minnesota Korea, an alliance forged in battle and sharp- business community in 1974 when he co- ened through six decades of business, cul- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM founded the Shaw-Lundquist Contracting firm, tural, and political exchanges. OF MINNESOTA which stands presently as one of the most Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prominent general contractors in Minnesota join me in remembering the success of the and is the largest Asian-American-owned con- Incheon Landing on its 60th anniversary, sa- Wednesday, September 15, 2010 tractor in the nation. The motto of his com- luting the veterans of the Korean War, and Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, today I pany, ‘‘Be honest, fair, and reliable and treat recognizing the bright future ahead for our two rise to commemorate the centennial season of people right,’’ is a lesson in which everyone countries when we can finally realize the mu- the Fitzgerald Theater, located in downtown can find truth. In addition to his business en- tual benefits of the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Saint Paul, Minnesota. On September 18th, deavors, Fred played a pivotal role in the ad- Agreement. 2010, Minnesota Public Radio, which owns the vancement of minorities in business having f theater, will celebrate the 100th season of ‘‘the been a founding member of the National As- FINDINGS SUBMITTED PURSUANT Fitz,’’ as it is affectionately known, and com- sociation of Minority Contractors (NAMC) of TO H. RES. 1493 memorate its placement on the National Reg- Minnesota and the Chinese American Busi- ister of Historic Places. ness Association. Fred’s dedication and tire- Originally called the Sam S. Schubert The- less work will continue to inspire minority HON. COLLIN C. PETERSON ater when it opened in August 1910, this the- groups in the business community for years to OF MINNESOTA ater has long served as a cultural center for come. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the many visitors and residents of Saint Paul. Furthermore, Fred will be remembered as a Wednesday, September 15, 2010 In 1910, a young Saint Paul resident named great supporter of international education. He Mr. PETERSON. Madam Speaker, pursuant F. Scott Fitzgerald was only 14 years old and and his wife Jennie established a scholarship to House Resolution 1493, I am submitting yet to author the great American novel, ‘‘The with the University of Minnesota China Center changes in law that will help achieve deficit re- Great Gatsby.’’ which helps send students to China for aca- duction by reducing waste, fraud, abuse, and Eighty-four years later, another great artist demic study. mismanagement; promoting efficiency and and resident of Saint Paul, Garrison Keillor, Madam Speaker, Minnesota has lost a true government reform; and controlling spending led the charge to rename the theater in honor trailblazer in the promotion of minority busi- in the programs within each Committee’s juris- of F. Scott Fitzgerald and his role in American nesses with the passing of Fred Shaw. diction. letters. And thus, in 1994, what began as the f This year saw significant deficit reduction re- Schubert was reborn as the Fitzgerald The- IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF sulting from crop insurance changes enacted ater. Now, at 100 years old, the building is the JOHN THOMAS SABOL by Congress in the Food, Conservation, and oldest surviving theater space in Saint Paul Energy Act, FCEA, of 2008. In that legislation, and is a cultural landmark for the state of Min- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH the Committee included a provision directing nesota. OF OHIO the Administration to renegotiate the federal The 1,000-seat theater continues to serve IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crop insurance program’s Standard Reinsur- and strengthen regional and national commu- ance Agreement, which sets the financial nities as Minnesota Public Radio’s largest Wednesday, September 15, 2010 terms and conditions for companies which par- broadcast studio. The Fitzgerald Theater is Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise ticipate in the program. The fruits of our effort also home to the nationally-broadcast radio today in honor and recognition of John Thom- were borne when USDA completed its renego- show, A Prairie Home Companion with Garri- as Sabol, devoted husband, father, grand- tiation this past June, resulting in a more effi- son Keillor. More than 100 years after its father, friend and United States veteran. Mr. cient crop insurance program and net savings, opening night, the Fitzgerald Theater con- Sabol lived life with great joy and an unwaver- according to the Congressional Budget Office, tinues to evolve, while maintaining its commit- ing dedication to his family, community and of almost six billion dollars for deficit reduction. ment to compelling performances, live radio country. VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:56 Nov 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E15SE0.REC E15SE0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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