23894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE September 15, 1987 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, September 15, 1987 The House met at 12 noon. DISPENSING WITH CALL OF Thousands more hang on the very Rev. Edwin L. Ehlers, D.D., pastor, PRIVATE CALENDAR edge of financial disaster and are anx­ Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, The SPEAKER. This is the day for iously awaiting the outcome of the McLean, VA, offered the following the call of the Private Calendar. farm credit debate. prayer: Mr. BOUCHER. Mr. Speaker, I ask This year, we have the rare opportu­ Loving God, You have brought us to unanimous consent that the call of the nity to influence the quality of life in a new day, and we give You thanks. Private Calendar be dispensed with our rural communities and landowner­ You have called us to serve You in our today. ship patterns for generations to come. daily tasks and our varied ministries, The SPEAKER. Is there objection The question is: Will the Farm Credit and we praise You. to the request of the gentleman from System and its private competitors We come here today, 0 God, out of Virginia? continue to provide necessary credit differing backgrounds and experi­ There was no objection. on reasonable terms to those in our ences, out of different needs and rural communities who need it and de­ serve it most? struggles. WELCOME FOR REVEREND In the midst of our varieties of back­ EHLERS I urge my colleagues to favorably grounds and resources and talents, consider H.R. 3030. make us aware of our calling to serve <Mr. PENNY asked and was given You and all people. Guide us in the ac­ permission to address the House for 1 minute.) HIGH RISK OCCUPATIONAL DIS­ tions which we must take, keep our in­ Mr. PENNY. Mr. Speaker, it is with tegrity intact in all of our words and EASE NOTIFICATION AND PRE­ special pleasure that I welcome Pastor VENTION ACT decisions, strengthen us in our resolve Ed Ehlers, our guest chaplain. to be good stewards of these gifts Pastor Ehlers is a close personal <Mr. GAYDOS asked and was given which You have given to us. friend of my family. When we first permission to address the House for 1 We desire, 0 God, that You would came to Washington, DC, and were in minute and to revise and extend his hear our prayers on behalf of others. search of a congregation, he made us remarks.) We know some of their needs. We are feel right at home in a city that was Mr. GAYDOS. Mr. Speaker, every personally involved with some of new to us. year, according to Government esti­ them. We sense the needs of this We thank him for the message that mates, as many as 100,000 workers die world in which we live, the world of he brought to us today and for leading and as many as 400,000 are newly dis­ which You have made us stewards. the Members here in Congress in abled due to diseases caused by work­ We pray this day for the leaders of prayer. place substances. And, every year, ac­ nations around the world, for Pope cording to a 1984 Department of Labor John Paul in his journeys in this land study, these deaths and disabilities these days, for the President of the FARM CREDIT SYSTEM cost American taxpayers $5.4 billion in United States. Prosper the labors of LEGISLATION Social Security, Medicaid, and Medi­ those who take counsel for the nations <Mrs. SMITH of Nebraska asked and care payments. H.R. 162, the High of the world, that mutual understand­ was given permission to address the Risk Occupational Disease N otifica­ ing and common endeavor may be in­ House for 1 minute and to revise and tion and Prevention Act, is designed to creased among all peoples. extend her remarks.) save those lives and lower those costs. Into Your hands, we commend all Mrs. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. All of the information obtained by for whom we pray, 0 Lord, trusting Speaker, we are now at one of the the high-risk program is confidential, always in Your love and care. Amen. more important crossroads in the his­ in accordance with the substantive tory of American agriculture. No other and procedural provisions of the Priva­ industry has witnessed the wild fluctu- cy Act of 1974. Any documents which THE JOURNAL ation that the agricultural sector of mention the identity, diagnosis, prog­ . the economy has experienced over the nosis, or treatment of an individual The SPEAKER. The Chair has e~- past decade-from an era of unbound­ employee will be kept confidential and amined the Journal of the last days - ed optimism in the late seventies, to a may be made available only for pur­ proceedings and announces to the period of disastrous depression in poses prescribed in the bill. House his approval thereof. recent years. The language contained in H.R. 162 Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Today, cautious optimism prevails, incn~ases protection of the high-risk Journal stands approved. but uncertainties remain that are di- program records beyond those pro­ rectly related to agricultural credit tections currently offered to similar policy as will be discussed when H.R. records. Disclosure outside of the pro­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE 3030, the farm credit assistance bill, is gram is permitted only with the con­ A message from the Senate by Mr. brought to the floor. sent of the individual employee or his Hallen, one of its clerks, announced Farmland values have fallen to or her personally designated repre­ that the Senate had passed bills of the levels nearly within reach of thou­ sentative. To protect the privacy of following titles, in which the concur­ sands of eager, well-qualified Ameri­ workers and employers, the bill delib­ rence of the House is requested: cans-young people itching to get a erately establishes a more rigorous start in farming, or small farmers test in order to keep to an absolute S. 1628. An act to extend the Aviation In­ surance Program for 5 years; and hoping to expand to make room for minimum those disclosures made in S. 1667. An act to authorize certain atmos­ another generation of farmers in their connection with the bill's operation. pheric and satellite programs and functions families. These are people willing to At $25 million a year, H.R. 162 is a of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric invest in the future success of agricul­ cost-effective program that identifies Adm1nistration, and for other purposes. ture. workers at high risk of disease, noti- D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. September 15, 1987 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 23895 fies those workers of the risks, and en­ ARIAS THREATENED WITH TWO HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSA­ courages medical monitoring. It is not CUTOFF OF FINANCIAL AID RY OF CONSTITUTION AND a compensation bill, it's a program de­ <Mr. BONIOR of Michigan asked PRESIDENTIAL VOTE signed to save lives, and I urge my col­ and was given permission to address <Mr. DE LUGO asked and was given leagues to support H.R. 162. the House for 1 minute.) permission to address the House for 1 Mr. BONIOR of Michigan. Mr. minute and to revise and extend his Speaker, I was disturbed to learn from remarks.) AUTHORIZING THE SPEAKER TO recent press reports that a Member of Mr. DE LUGO. Mr. Speaker, when we DECLARE A RECESS ON this body threatened the President of mark the 200th anniversary of our WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, Costa Rica with a cutoff of financial Constitution, we're not celebrating a 1987 assistance if he continues to speak his document that has become static or Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask mind on the issue of Contra aid. lifeless. unanimous consent that the Speaker This action by our colleague shows a The Constitution is not just a bril­ be authorized to declare a recess on complete disregard for the courageous liant political plan for the conditions Wednesday, September 16, 1987, sub­ role President Arias has played as ar­ of 1787. The framers had the wisdom ject to the call of the Chair, to allow chitect of the Central American peace to provide for the ongoing political de­ Members to attend the ceremony plan. velopment of this country. Under the "Celebration of Citizenship" on the It demonstrates contempt for the Constitution, for example, the United west terrace of the Capitol in honor of sovereignty of Costa Rica and it is this States has advanced by extending the bicentennial of the U.S. Constitu­ kind of action which will torpedo the voting rights and political rights to tion. prospects for peace in Central Amer­ more and more citizens. The recess will begin at approxi­ ica. But that process is not yet complete. mately 12:45, and the House will Instead of criticizing the peace plan, In this great Nation, we still have citi­ resume its business at approximately we should embrace it. Instead of zens who are denied the right to vote 2:15. threatening President Arias, we should for their President. Our citizens in the The SPEAKER. Is there objection embolden him to continue his tireless U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American to the request of the gentleman from efforts on behalf of peace in Central Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands Washington? America.
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