t h e w e a t h e r VoKca** hy O. Bi Kew Ha*«» NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Continued fair and sUi^tly cloudy tonight and Sunday, aomewhat OB' THE EVENING HERALD warmer. for the mouth of June, 1927 ilattrbralfr lurntng l^pralb 4,990 PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1927. Claaaifled AdTortiaing on Page 10. VOL. XLL, NO. 239. School Consolidations Whata Job! To Teach Muscovy NO GAS IN CHICAGO Major Maurice JOHN DREW IS DEAD Here you have Effect O f Change On Campbell has fall­ Roy L. Davis, ex- en heir to the task of depriving New AS 3,000 QUIT WORK Princeton athlete, York of its boot- who has sailed to. Cheney Owned Schools !leg! Campbell’a AFTER LONG ILLNESS direct the educa­ the new prohibi­ tion of 15,000 tion administrator 1,800 Filling Stations Closed children in the By Howell Chwiey, for the Gotham DOG SAVES FIVE Near East Relief district. He’ll find schools of Russian This is the third in a series on the consolldatli^ and 500,000 Autoists For More Than 50 Years He KHo arhools in a single system prepared for The Herald by Howell of value in his LAWYER SAYS new work experi­ a ’s'rrom Chenev, chairman of the Ninth district school commltt^. Hcle discusses the Cheney owned school proporeties in the Ninth district ence gained in the LIVES IN $25,000 Face Stalled Car— ^Little Was Identified With the sas and already Volstead enforce­ HISCUENTIS i has made his and how they could bo transferred to the town. ment game last mark as a moun­ year up around If the schools of the, town are to be consolidated, what effect FIREMGILEAD Chance of Settlement. American Stage— His In­ tain climber in the the Great Lakes. Davis Caucasus. will this have upon the problem that nearly one million dollars Campbell teresting Life. A P ^ O I A C I worth of school properties are owned by Cheney Brothers. Chicago, July 9.— America’s first This property can be transferred erties J Big House and Dairy Farm major city gasoline strike descend­ _____ It may ed upon Chicago today severely FORD IS INVITED „ ellhsr one of two ways. It ma, “ thol BYRD AND HIS CREW crippling motor transportation in San Franciaco, Calif., July 9- be transferred to the town directly Tells Court He Will With­ equalization tax because it simply! Plant Destroyed; Giordano four counties. John Drew, veteran American ac- T A M I i IaT T U V I N F ' or it may be transferred to the dis- would mean that the district would Three thousand employes were lor, died this morning at six a. m., j l U l u L E l L D f i n t i j trict and by the district transferred thrown out of work. Eighteen draw From Case If Pris­ to the town. The result upon, the he debited with the increase In Us LEAVE PARIS TODAY after a five weeks’ illness of arthri­ assets of $956,000 which would be Family and Livestock Owe hundred filling stations were closed. amounts to be assumed through the Gasoline is procurable only in small tis and septic poisoning. equalization tax between the dis­ offset by an Increase In its indebted­ oner Keeps On Talking to ness by the same amount. Its net lots from garages and that supply is Barrymore at Bedside tricts will be the same In either Lives to Collie. estimated to end before nightfall. event. If these properties were worth would remain at the same Drew was 7 3 years old. Rockaways Planning Wel­ figure, and the amount to be as­ To Take Motor Trips Until The streets of Chicago present an At the actor's bedside when the Reporters. transferred directly to the town the appearance dating back more than end came were his daughter, and town would have to bond itself to sumed by the town would be the same. Fire, the cause of which is un­ thirty years to the horse era. her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack come to Flyer and Want pay for them, distributing the pay­ Tuesday When They Sail Slight prospect of settlement was Devereaux and Drew’s famous known, at 2 o’clock this morning, ments let us suppose oyer a period (Continued on Page 2) nephew, John Barrymore, stage and Benton, 111.. July 9.— Specula­ Auto King to Be There. of twenty-five years. If the prop- For Home. destroyed the 23-room house, barns, seen over screen star. tion as to the ultimate defense of and entire dairy farm plant owned The move was precipitated by Several times Drew has come Charles Birger, Ray “ Izzy Hyland by Ernesto Giordano and located in employes of the Sinclair Refining dangerously near to death in his and Art Newman, Southern Illinois New York. July 9.— Henry Ford, LEGS OF A WOMAN Gilead. The loss is said to exceed Company who voted a walkout un­ following his public retraction o MOTHER AND SIX Paris, July 9.— Cheered by huge less their demands of $10 monthly gangsters on trial here for tiin mur­ crowds, Commander Richard E. $25,000. The farm was formerly anti-Semitic articles which have ap­ owned by C. A. Lord of Manchester wage increase was granted. The der of Mayor Joe Adams of West peared in his Dearborn Independ­ Byrd and the crew of the America, last-minute decision of four larger k ( / ^ < Green and is still generally known Cit'' last December, was rife here ent, was to receive an invi .ation ^ FOUND IN BUNDLE oil companies which automatically todav following several unguarded CHILDREN KILLED Bert Acosta, G. O. Novllle and as the Lord farm. day to participate in the ‘ Welcoine The Giordano family, which con­ closed their service stations follow­ remarks of the defense counsel, in­ Home” celebration to Charles A. Bemt Balchen, bade farewell today ed. to Paris where they have been sists of the father, mother, two dicating that an insanity plea Levine, who with Clarence Cham­ grown sons and a daughter were An all-day conference yesterday would he fully justified by the berlin recently flew across the At­ showered with honors for the. last awakened by the barking of their and a midnight conference last present actions of two of the de­ New York Policeman Pick night between managers of the oil lantic ocean, when Levine return.s Father and Friend Badly ten days. four-year-old Collie dog “ Towser” I fendants. to his home at Rockawsy Park, and they owe their lives to him, for I companies and union officials broke Too Talkative Up Package In Bushes They left at noon from the Gare I up without any agreement being Queens. ■ h r the fire, once it got started, swept Attorneys for Birger were thrown The invitation to Mr. Fold to he Burned When Explosion Du Nord for Calais aboard the through the buildings very rapidly. reached. Compromises, however, into a panic over their client s talk­ present and take part in the (mle- “ Golden Arrow,” the Nord railway The farmhouse, barns and other were suggested. ative mood following Newmans iiraticn was sent by Richard M. Gip­ Near the Battery. company’s crack train. buildings were very closely adjoin­ A new meeting was called for to­ threat of exposing Birger’s connec­ Wrecks Home. day in hope of averting a gasless son, president of the Rockaway Dense throngs of people sur­ ed and it was impossible to have tions with two otner unsolved mur­ Chamber of Commerce, which is any of them. Sunday. ders in Little Egypt. W. F. Dillon, rounded the railroad depot and Daily Consumption. planning the reception for Levine . , „ -.r-a New York, July 9,— Evidence of Save Live Stock attorney for Newman whose revel­ upon his return. The letter reads: Reading, Pa., July 9.— Mrs. gave the American flyers a resound­ More than 700,000 gallons of a mysterious murder, probably com­ It was with great difficulty that ation to state authorities has al- The Lettei- '.Catherine M. Fair, 35, and his six ing send-off. Byrd and his com­ the cattle w'as saved by the men of gasoline are consumed in the me­ readv put responsibility for the mitted with an axe or hatchet, was tropolitan area of Chicago daily. "Mr. Henry Ford, children perished early today panions repeatedly waved to the the family. There were 17 cows, murder of State Highway Police­ discovered today when two patrol­ crowd. one bull and three horses in the Sunday consumption, runs well over man Lory L. Price and his wife on ^ when an explosion fired their home 1,000,000 gallons. ‘Dear Sir: men picked up a bundle in a dump Motor to Dunkirk. barns and all these except the bull Birger, openly staled that he wcnld were saved. It is understood the More than 500,000 automobile ‘The Rockaways have complet-j ^ear Bernvllle, 12 miles northwest of bushes at Battery Park and From Calais the flyers will motor make one more attempt to silence ed plans for the largest celebration j found it contained the crudely sev­ dog which gave the alarm was owners have been affected. his client and if unsuccessful would to Dunkirk, arriving in that chan­ Persons in touch with labor sit­ in its history, in honor of the dis­ Mrs. Fair’s husband, Mark, who ered legs of a young woman. slightly burned but he, too, is a appeal to the court or withdraw nel port this evening.
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