January Special Meeting Agenda A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District #35 has been scheduled for Friday, January 15, 2021 at 10am via Zoom. (All policies can be found at www.gallatingatewayschool.com.) Call to Order Presiding Trustee’s explanation of procedures Public Comment- Non Agenda Items- Sign in sheet New Business Review and Respond to Montana Historic Property Record prepared by Lesley Gilmore Next Meetings: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 6pm- regular meeting Adjournment ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION: 1. Login details are on the district website-- See District Calendar 2. Please ensure your mic is muted until called upon by the Chair 3. Public Comment is accepted two times during the meeting: a. During non-agenda public comment for items not on the agenda b. When the Chair opens it for public comment as determined appropriate 4. To participate from a mobile device or computer: a. Please use the “Raise Hand” button under “Participants” button at the bottom of your screen b. Once called on please unmute yourself to provide comments 5. To participate from a phone when dialed in: a. *9 to raise and lower hand for public comment b. Once called on please press *6 to unmute yourself to provide comment “The Gallatin Gateway School community empowers our students to take responsibility for their learning so they may achieve their individual potentials as lifelong learners and productive citizens.” Excerpt from GGS Policy #1441- Audience Participation Audience Participation The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional rights of the public to participate in governmental operations. To allow fair and orderly expression of public comments, the Board will permit public participation through oral or written comments during the “public comment” section of the Board agenda and prior to a final decision on a matter of significant interest to the public. The Chairperson may control such comment to ensure an orderly progression of the meeting. Individuals wishing to be heard by the Chairperson shall first be recognized by the Chairperson. Individuals, after identifying themselves, will proceed to make comments as briefly as the subject permits. The Chairperson may interrupt or terminate an individual’s statement when appropriate, including when statements are out of order, too lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant. The Board as a whole shall have the final decision in determining the appropriateness of all such rulings. It is important for all participants to remember that Board meetings are held in public but are not public meetings. Members of the public shall be recognized and allowed input during the meeting, at the discretion of the Chairperson. Cross Reference: 1420 School Board Meeting Procedure Legal Reference: Article II, Section 8, Montana Constitution – Right of participation Article II, Section 10, Montana Constitution – Right of privacy §§ 2-3-101, et seq., MCA Notice and Opportunity to Be Heard “The Gallatin Gateway School community empowers our students to take responsibility for their learning so they may achieve their individual potentials as lifelong learners and productive citizens.” 1/13/2021 Gallatin Gateway School Mail - Gallatin Gateway School Historic Property Record Form - DRAFT Carrie Fisher <[email protected]> Gallatin Gateway School Historic Property Record Form - DRAFT [email protected] <[email protected]> Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 12:56 PM To: Carrie Fisher <[email protected]> Cc: Gallatin History Museum Research <[email protected]>, Donna Shockley <[email protected]> Hi Carrie, We have completed the draft form that records the history of Gallatin Gateway School. Mary Martin had expressed interest in seeing the draft. Will you please share this with the school board, superintendent Keel, etc. as you see fit for their – and your – review? While we have been careful in our research, we welcome any data corrections. We plan to submit the form to the State Historic Preservation Office by Monday, January 18, 2021 and hope that gives you all enough time to review it. I’m also attaching some basic historic preservation information about standards used industry-wide for designing with and around historic properties. This should help the design team as they move forward with their design. Thanks for facilitating, etc. – and for having Fraulein provide us with scans of historic documents. That information was immensely helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. Lesley M. Gilmore, AIA 180 N. Low Bench Road Gallatin Gateway, MT 2 attachments 2021 01-08 Sec Standards GGS.pdf 916K Gallatin Gateway School Property Record Form DRAFT 2021 01-08 red.pdf 7482K https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=20d9611616&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f%3A1688349915197377524&simpl=msg-f%3A16883499151… 1/1 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD For the Montana National Register of Historic Places Program and State Antiquities Database Montana State Historic Preservation Office Montana Historical Society PO Box 201202, 1410 8th Ave Helena, MT 59620-1202 Property Address: 100 Mill Street Site Number: (An historic district number may also apply.) Historic Address (if applicable): 100 Mill Street City/Town: Gallatin Gateway County: Gallatin Historic Name: Salesville School Legal Location Original Owner(s): School District No. 35 PM: Montana Township: 03S Range: 04E Current Ownership Private Public NE ¼ SW ¼ ¼ of Section: 11 Current Property Name: Gallatin Gateway School Lot(s): Block 13: Lots 1,2,10,11&12. Block 14: Lots 1- 10. &TR 1 COS 2046 Plus vacated street Owner(s): School District No. 35 Block(s): 13 & 14 Owner Address: P. O. Box 265, Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730 Addition: Salesville Original Plat Year of Addition: Phone: 406-763-4415 USGS Quad Name: Gallatin Gateway Year: 2017 Historic Use: School UTM Reference www.nris.mt.gov Current Use: School NAD 27 or NAD 83(preferred) Construction Date: 1915-1916 Estimated Actual Zone: 12 Easting: 474333 Northing: 5048618 Original Location Moved Date Moved: National Register of Historic Places Date of this document: January 8, 2021 NRHP Listing Date: Form Prepared by: Lesley M. Gilmore & Rachel Phillips Historic District: Address: 180 N. Low Bench Road, Gallatin Gateway NRHP Eligible: Yes No Daytime Phone: 406-600-0464 MT SHPO USE ONLY Comments: Research assistance was provided by Donna Eligible for NRHP: □ yes □ no Shockley and Chere Jiusto. Criteria: □ A □ B □ C □ D Date: Evaluator: MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 2 Architectural Description Property Name: Gallatin Gateway School Site Number: ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION Architectural Style: Classical Revival If Other, specify: Craftsman Style Influence Property Type: Education Specific Property Type: School Architect: Unknown Architectural Firm/City/State: N/A Builder/Contractor: Ora E. Long Company/City/State: Bozeman, MT Source of Information: SD No. 35 Board of Trustees Minutes, 25 Feb. 1915 Setting Gallatin Gateway School presents a series of four connected facades that face north towards Mill Street in Gallatin Gateway. A fifth wing that extends south of the original building is not visible from the street. The school is the town’s most prominent building, highly visible upon the Mill Street entry into town. The rambling school is located on the south side of the street, across from the Gallatin Gateway Community Center. The building portions, drives, and landscaped areas navigate a site the slopes down from the north and east. Drives from Mill Street provide vehicular access to parking at the west and southeast sides of the building. An L-shaped paved parking lot wraps the north and west sides of the furthest west wing. A service drive slopes down from Mill Street past the east side of the gym wing, leading to a triangular paved area at the rear of the building. This paved lot contains some parking spaces, provides access to the kitchen wing, and receives exiting from the classrooms and shower rooms at the south side of the gym wing. The east entry drive and parking area are enclosed with chain link fencing which is cordoned off with a gate at the entry. A 410-foot-long by 140-foot-wide portion of land extends west of this southeast parking area, with the east half dedicated to green space and playing fields and the west portion filled with playground equipment and a basketball court. This 1.32-acre area south of the school is reserved for public recreation under the auspices of the federal LWCF (Land Water Conservation Fund) program. Chain link fencing defines the north and west lot lines of the play area; gates complete the enclosure. A wood post and wire mesh fence along the south lot line separates the play area from the private agricultural property to the south. Heritage cottonwood trees, just south of the wood fence, provide the site with some shade. An asphalt sidewalk borders the perimeter of this recreational area of the property; it melds into the southeast parking area. A wood rail fence and metal shed separate the play area from this southeast parking lot. The building’s two north entries and west exit are accessed by a concrete sidewalk that is contoured to contain the angled parking spots immediately north of the 2002 wing. The unpaved areas of the site are planted with grasses, supplemented with intermittent trees and plantings. A row of bushes softens the hill north of the gymnasium wing, while also acting as a natural barrier at the steep slope up to the road. Each – 1915 and 2002 – entry is marked with a spruce tree. Additional plantings soften the concrete patio that fronts the 2002 entry. Fixed metal benches provide a waiting area by the drop-off zone. The west exit porch of the 2002 wing is flanked with fruiting deciduous trees, balanced with evergreen bushes and groundcover.
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