www .thenewsenterprise.com EWS- E Just desserts Anthony embraces 'sweet' for the fence career choice • Prep baseball: Bizabethtown @ North Hardin WEDNESDAV'S WOMAN, . 10 • Prep softball: laRue County @ Bizabethtown Sports, 111 lURCH a, 2012 • SERmG HARDIN COUNTY SI NCE 1914 • REACH SUBSC RIBE R SE RVICES AT (270) 505-1T7D 50 tlnll Fiscal Court weighs jail safety and ri t to faith By MARTY FIN LEY tion member, said the chlU'ch members joined Brothers on Local church feels mfonkry@th."" ..... n"''P'io<.oom quietly hali advocated a repeal Tuesday during a presentation of the ban for years. As believ­ before Hardin Fiscal Court. ban on baptisms The Elizabethtown Church ers, Brothers said, the church Church members hoped of Christ sees a ban on bap­ is compelled to stand publicly counly govemmenl would act at detention center tisms at tlle Hardin Coullly for what it believes in, includ­ to change the policy. Detention Center as an in­ ing the right of all Americans, Jailer Danny Allen said the fringement on the Arneri<;:an including inmates, to partici­ ban does not specifically tar· infringes upon right of free religiOUS expres­ pate in baptism as an affimla­ get baptism by immersion in ............. """~ water. It's a policy prohibiting .Ioe Brothers, of t he Elizabethtown ChuI<'h 01 sion. tion of belief inJcsus Christ. Christ . addresses H,,,dln COIInty Rsc:al Court inmates' freedoms J oe Brothers, a congrega- A small group of church TumIO JAlL.AI3 at H.B. FIle Cou rlhouMlln Elizabethtown. Motion filed Early to plant, early to pick, except ... to suppress statement F Ie ther mrapecase• rries farmers By SARAH BENNErr >[email protected]""""""n'ftVri""·oom Last year's April rain A public defender representing Kelly C. ferguson, an EH7.abethtown man facing first.degree rape and forced widespread sodomy charges, filed multiple motions Tuesday in Hardin Circuit Court including a motion 10 suppress field replanting a statement by the defendant. Ferguson, 35, is a registered sex olTender. He was By AMBER CDULIl:::R found guilty in 1997 of first·degree sexual abusc_ [n [email protected]."-..n"'Pn ...c<>m August, he was arrested by Kentucky State Police af­ ter an alleged sexual encounter with a female Area farmers might take advan· YOWlgCf than 16. tage of UJlSeasQnably warm weather According to a citation, the teen alleges forcible to plant com early this spring, de· rape and sodomy. The citation also states Ferguson pending on potential rainfall over the ~con fessed" to the encounter. next several dap. Ferguson's attorney, Carolyn Brown, filed a Mati Adams, a Hardin Coun:r ,,­ tension agent for agriculrure an nal· 14m 10 .·ERGUSON. "12 ural resources, said farmers in the county could begin planting com this week or by the second week of April if rain predicted for today and later this week does not make soil too wei and temperatures do not dip too low Elizabethtown next month. The traditional earliest time for planting is between April to and April IS. Adams expects most com planting to invest $llM to be fin ished by May if rains hold off. Memories of last year's weather could innuence farmers' decisions on in sewer work when and how much to plant before mid· to late April, Adams .said. ~ I don't think it will be a tremen· Project aims to hamper overflow dous number of acres, ~ he said. Tum to FARMS, AI. By MARTY FINLEY [email protected] ...",-..nt«prloe .<:<>m Elizabethtown officials divulged plans Monday to INSIDE invesl roughly $11 million in new sewer work in the city where sani· tary sewer overflows are prevalenL [H SIDE The plan devised by H D R EUzab8thtown Area producers, Engineers targets the Poplar Drive, Cit,y Cooocil Valley Drive, Hawkins Drive and examilHls park_ businesses line up Harvard Drive areas and olTers ing tIDwntown projects officials believe will ease to help West Liberty overflows and upgrade a system NnE 112 that has eroded. farmers. In making the improvements, ~_rn~ __• the city must create solutions rather than dear one Page A14 Patrick Preston takes a measurement Monday as he Install. new disc openett to problem upstream and push the problem down­ e n ~ ure they wilt create the proper treneh when he _ com thl ~ spring at his farm Tum to> SEWER. AI2 between Glendale and White Mlils . INSIDE WEATHER • TODAY'S OBITUARIES SINCE YOU ASKED PULSE, THURSDAI Bradley Alan Burnet! Sr., 47 ABBY ..............A. NEIGHBORS ..... A8 OvaJustice,95 Resull!i of Tuesday's The Nrrm-Enla­ CALENOAR ___. _. _A4 OBITUARIES ... __A4 • COMP\.£IE O8IIUARIES." priuonline poll, as of 7 p.m.: ClASSIAEOS ... 84 OPINION .......... A6 COMICS .......... B9 PUUlES .........88 QUESTION: Should George HELOISE •.•.•.•.•. B8 SPORTS .•.•.•.•.• B1 LOnERIES ...... B2 WEONESOAY·S Zimmernlan be chllfged in the shoot· MONEY ............A9 WOMAN ....•...• A10 IN THE NEWS ing death ofTrny:von Martin? MOVIES ...•.•.•.•. B8 TELEVISION •.•.. 88 • HIRE" VET. J ob fair aims to YeS: 47 p<..·r<:o:nt No: 53 pc r ~ent STOR CHANCE provide assistance to veterans. HEARTLAND, 12 TODAY'S QUESTION: Do you think Ihe • STUDENTS PERFORM PASSION Kentucky General Assembly will pass a budg<:t this so;:ssion? 77/49 STORY TODAY. SI.JarnC$ pUI!i story of Christ on stage. fni!he poll QI.leSIion~!he .opn;on' meru at Do teens grasp the horror • COMPLEl"E REPORT. A2 HEARTLAND, 12 ,,-,~e.prI&e.com of 'The Hunger Games'? A2 1lIE NEWS-ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, lURCH 28, 2012 LOCAL NEWS AND NOTES FROM AROUND KENTUGKIANA LOOKING BACK DAILY BRIEFING ON THIS DATE IN 1834, the Job fair aims to provide OW ENSBORO U.S. Senate voted to cen­ sure President Andrew Man pleads guilty Jackson for the removal of in investment scam federal deposits from the Bank of the United Slates. assistance to veterans The owner of an invest· IN 1898, the Supreme ment company that prom­ Court ruled a child born in thc Kentucky Education and 29,000 veterans residing in this ised big returns on deposil.'l the U.s. to Chinese immi­ Hire a Patriot event Workforce Development Cabinet. area, plus their family members, but delivered nothing has b'Tanb was a U.S. citi~n. Those who attend the fair National Guardsmen, reservists pleaded guilty to .scamming IN 1919, America's worst should be prepared to be inter· and transitioning veterans, em­ investors out of nearly commercial nuclear acci­ set for Thursday viewed and bring proof of milit>1.ry ployers will have an excellent pool $500,000 in a mail and wire dent occurred inside the service, such as a VA or military of varied skills instrumental for the fraud .'Kheme. Unit 2 reactor at the Three in Elizabethtown ID eard, and an updated resume, efficient opeT<ltions of your busi­ Pleading guilty Tuesday Mile Island plant near according to the news rdease. ness," Cruz wrote in the letter to in federal court WlL!l 27-year­ By MARTY FINLEY Middletown, Pa. ~ Our emphasis for this job fair employers. ~A proven, superb old Cory George of Owens­ mf,nl.y@ lhen_nl.rpn ... tQm will be on miliwy veteran job work ethic of discipline, dcpend· bora. George is scheduled IN HARDIN COUNTY for sentencingJ une 16. 30 YEARS AGO, homemak­ A job fair spedfkally aimed to seekers and companies looking to ability, loyalty and service to our nation make the veteran an oul· Gevrge owned G3 Cap· en from throughout H ardin place veterans in front of prospec­ hire them. This is a great opportu­ nity for job seekers and empl oyers st.1nding potential employee." ital Management. Accord­ County gathered at Big tive empl oyers makes its way to ing to the plea agreement, Spring Baptist Church to Elizabethtown this week. to connect in person and make Cruz said the veteran unem­ multiple contacts in a SbOl1 time ployment rate hovers around 15 Georgc defraudcd invcstors help th e Big Spring Home­ The second Hire a Patriot job between Dec. 15, 2009, and makers celebrate their 50th fair is fram \0 a.m. to 3 p.m. period ,~ said Hector Jim~ Cruz, percent, higher than the national local veterans employment repre­ unemployment average. April 27, 20\ I, by promis­ anniversary. Sally Fargo of TIlursday at American Legion Post senlalive for the Office of Employ­ ~This wlemployment issue has ing 3 to 5 percent returns on the Town and Country 113 on Ring Road. The event is ment and Training. been identificd at the highest level investmenl$. I'rosecutors HomcrnakCflI of Hardin hosted by the Office of Employ­ said Geo.-ge never put the CoWlty created an anniller­ Cruz in an email said employers of government and il pl eases me to ment and Training in conjunction are altending from as far away as see such a great nationwide effon money in certificates of de­ sat)' cake for the event. with the American Legion, the Atlanta and SI. Louis. to assist and care for those so much posit, but instead used the 20 YEARS AGO, Elizabeth- Disabled American Veterans, funds for tradiug in the town ham radio operator Cruz, in a letter to employers deserving our assistance," he said Veterans of Foreign Wan and the inviting them to the fair, said or­ in an email. ~,\re believe in sup· commodities market or Shelby F"nnis was feMlred. U.s. Chamber of Commerce. spent the money on person­ He linked the space shuttle ganizers expect this year'$ event to porting our troops, even after they Nearly 45 employers are ex­ be larger and more successful than are no longer proudly wearing the al expenses. Atlantis to students at peeted to attend the job fair and in· U.S.
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