THE JOURNAL OF NUTRITION* OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION R i c h a r d H . B a r n e s , Editor Graduate School of Nutrition Cornell University, Savage Hall Ithaca, New York H a r o l d H . W i l l i a m s E. N e i g e T o d h u n t e r Associate Editor Biographical Editor EDITORIAL BOARD S a m u e l J . F o m o n W i l l i a m N. P e a r s o n M . K . H o r w i t t P a u l M . N e w b e r n e F. H. K r a t z e r K e n d a l l W . K i n g B o y d L. O’D e l l H. N. M u n r o H e r b e r t P . S a r e t t H. E. S a u b e r l i c h D o r i s H o w e s C a l l o w a y G e o r g e G . G r a h a m R o s l y n B . A l f i n -S l a t e r J . M . B e l l W i l l i a m G . H o e k s t r a G e o r g e H . B e a t o n R o y S . E m e r y W a l t e r M e r t z B . C o n n o r J o h n s o n M. R. S p i v e y Fox VOLUME 95 M AY-AUGUST 1968 p u b l i s h e d m o n t h l y b y THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF NUTRITION BETHESDA, MARYLAND THE JOURNAL OF NUTRITION® ® Trade mark registered, U. S. Patent Office Copyright © 1968 by T h e A m e r i c a n I n s t i t u t e o f N u t r i t i o n All rights reserved Contents No. 1 MAY 196S Grace MacLeod — A Biographical Sketch. Clara Mae T a y lo r................... 1 Severe Zinc Deficiency in Male and Female Rats. Helene Sivenerton and Lucille S. H urley ......................................................................................... 8 Effect of Calcium and Vitamin D3 upon the Fecal Excretion of Some Metals in the Mature Male Rat Fed a High Fat, Cholesterol Diet. Alan I. Fleischman, H. Yacowitz, Thomas Hayton and Marvin L. Bierenbaum .................................................................................................. 19 Influence of Limited Dietary Calcium upon Zinc Absorption, Placental Transfer and Utilization by Swine. Sam L. Hansard and H. Itoh . 23 Tissue Cation Content of Rats: Effect of supplemental dietary amino acids in pyridoxine and potassium deficiencies. E. W. Hartsook and T. V. H ershberger....................................................................................... 31 Effects of Arginine or Serine on the Requirement for Glycine by the Chick. S. S. Akrabawi and F. H. K ra tzer........................................................... 41 Kidney Function of the Progeny of Rats Fed a Low Protein Diet. Sandra M. Hall and Frances J. Ze m a n ................................................................. 49 Effects of Dietary Deficiencies of Lipotropic Factors on Plasma Choles­ terol Esterification and Tissue Cholesterol in Rats. Ibert C. Wells and J. M. H o g a n ......................................................................................... 55 Effect of Arginine on Weight Gain of Chicks Consuming Diets First- limiting in Lysine or Tryptophan. D. C. Hill and Tsang-Cheng Shao 63 144Ce-144Pr as a Particulate Digesta Flow Marker in Ruminants. W. C. Ellis and J. E. H u ston ......................................................................................... 67 Kidney Arginase Activity and Lysine Tolerance in Strains of Chickens Selected for a High or Low Requirement of Arginine. M. C. Nesheim 79 Total Lipid and Cholesterol Levels in Plasma and Liver of Rats Fed Diets Supplemented with Sulfaguanidine or Succinylsulfathiazole. Gilbert A. Leveille and Krishna Chakrabarty...................................................... 88 Zirconium, Niobium, Antimony and Fluorine in Mice: Effects on growth, survival and tissue levels. Henry A. Schroeder, Marian Mitchener, Joseph J. Balassa, Masayoshi Kanisazva and Alexis P. N a s o n ........... 95 Enzyme Activities in Tissues of Zinc-deficient Rats. George A. Kfoury, John G. Reinhold and Simon J. Sim onian............................................. 102 Effect of Neonatal Food Restriction in Mice on Brain Growth, DNA and Cholesterol, and on Adult Delayed Response Learning. Evelyn Hoivard and Dan M. Gran o f f ................................................................... I l l Dietary Factors Affecting Utilization of Urea Nitrogen by Sheep in Puri­ fied Diets. Clara R. Bunn and Gennard M a tron e................................. 122 Effect of Diet on Serum Protein Fractions of Hong Kong Chinese Children. Peggy Crooke Fry and Hazel Metz F o x .................................................... 129 The Journal of Nutrition Guide for A u th ors.................................................. 137 in IV CONTENTS No. 2 JUNE 1968 Synthesis of Serum and Sub-cellular Liver Cholesterol Esters in Fasted and Fed Rats. Leon Swell and M. D. L a w .............................................. 141 Urinary Nitrogen Excretion in Fowls Fed Acid or Alkali. Jun-ichi Okumura and Iwao T a sa k i........................................................................ 148 Effects of Pyridoxine Deficiency on the Lymphatic Organs and Certain Blood Components of the Neonatal Chicken. Joseph A. Asmar, Nuhad J. Daghir and Henry A. A z a r ...................................................... 153 Metabolic Changes in Liver Associated with Spontaneous Ketosis and Starvation in Cows. F. J. Ballard, R. W. Hanson, D. S. Kronfeld and Fiora Raggi ......................................................................................... 160 Effect of Protein Deficiency on the Spleen and Antibody Formation in Rats. Mary Alice Kenney, Charlotte E. Roderuck, Lotte Arnrich and Felicitas Fie dad ............................................................................... 173 Effects of Age and Impending Parturition upon Serum Copper of Thoroughbred Mares. Howard D. Stow e ................................................... 179 Some Effects of Amino Acid Deficiencies on Antibody Formation in the Rat. Stanley N. Gershoff, Thomas J. Gill, III, Simon J. Simonian and Arthur I. Steinberg.............................................................................. 184 Copper-Molybdenum Interaction in Sheep and Chicks. Richard P. Dowdy and Gennard M a tron e................................................................................. 191 A Copper-Molybdenum Complex: Its effects and movement in the piglet and sheep. Richard P. Dowdy and Gennard M atrone........................ 197 Parathyroid Influences upon Phosphorus Balance and Homeostasis in Cows. G. P. Mayer, C. F. Ramberg, Jr. and D. S. K ron feld ............... 202 Systematic Oscillations in Tyrosine Transaminase and Other Metabolic Functions in Liver of Normal and Adrenalectomized Rats on Controlled Feeding Schedules. M. Watanabe, V. R. Potter and H. C. P it o t .................................................................................................... 207 Systematic Oscillations of Amino Acid Transport in Liver from Rats Adapted to Controlled Feeding Schedules. Earl F. Baril and Van R. Potter ............................................................................................................. 228 Systematic Oscillations in the Metabolism of Orotic Acid in the Rat Adapted to a Controlled Feeding Schedule. Elizabeth D. Whittle and Van R. P o tte r ....................................................................................... 238 Acute Choline Deficiency in Germfree, Conventionalized and Open- Animal-Room Rats: Effects of neomycin, chlortetracycline, vitamin B12 and coprophagy prevention. Stanley M. Levenson, Arnold L. Nagler, Erving F. Geever and Eli S e ifter................................................ 247 Effect of Alterations in Protein Intake on Liver Xanthine Dehydrogenase in the Chick. R. W. Scholz and W. R. Featherston............................ 271 Biochemical, Skeletal and Allometric Changes Due to Zinc Deficiency in the Baby Pig. E. R. Miller, R. W. Luecke, D. E. Ullrey, B. V. Baltzer, B. L. Bradley and J. A. H o e fe r ................................................................ 278 C O N T E N T S V Maternal Dietary Zinc, and Development and Zinc, Iron, and Copper Content of the Rat Fetus. Sandra A. Schlicker and Dennis H. Cox . 287 Effect of Imbalanced Diets Containing Natural Proteins on Appetite and Body Composition in the Rat. Juan C. Sanahuja and María E. Rio . 295 Effect of Source of Carbohydrate as Influenced by Dietary Fat: Carbo­ hydrate ratio and forced exercise in rats. Richard A. Ahrens, Susan S. Welsh, Yvonne L. Adams, Ruth P. Taylor and David L. K e lle y ......... 303 Effect of Linoleic Acid Deficiency on the Fertilizing Capacity and Semen Fatty Acid Profile of the Male Chicken. Robert J. Lillie and H. Menge 311 Errata (Tollenaar, D., 90: 444); (Miller, W. J. et al., 94: 397) ............... 317 No. 3 J U L Y 1968 Invitation for Nominations for 1969 American Institute of Nutrition Awards ......................................................................................................... 319 Invitation for Nominations for 1969 American Institute of Nutrition Fellows ......................................................................................................... 321 Invitation for Nominations for Honorary Membership in the American Institute of Nutrition ................................................................................. 322 Experimental Amyloidosis in Mice: Effect of high and low protein diets. William T. W est ......................................................................................... 323 Effect of Feeding Different Protein Sources on Plasma and Gut Amino Acids in the Growing Rat. W. G. Bergen and D. B. P u rser............... 333 Response of Lipogenesis to Repletion in the Pyridoxine-deficient Rat. R. Radhakrishnamurty, J. F. Angel and Z. I. S a b ry.............................
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