Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 11-16-1983 Spectator 1983-11-16 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1983-11-16" (1983). The Spectator. 1694. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1694 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. TheSeattleUniversity Spectator Vol. Lll, No.9(478-800) The Spectator SeattleUniversity,Seattle,Wash. Wednesday, NovemboMß, l9B3 Recruiters say patriotism increasing by MichaelGilbert "We've always been a nation thai stood now feel- As the last of the American U.S. troop* for pride, values... and those killed inGrenadaand Lebanon ariivedhome ingsare startingtocomeback around," said seniorcadetBrentBarklcy 10 be mourned by loved ones across the . nation, long-lost, almost forgotten "I think Americans are lircd of getting a around," agreed freshman Robert American attitude once again joined the kicked forefrontofpublicopinion. Vio, an S.U. student enrolled in the Navy Patriotism, a feeling thought to be dead ROTCprogramat the Universityof Wash- andburiedby thelongordealof Vietnam,is ington. anythinghut gone. "Lots of people Italked to support ... Militaryrecruiters report growing enlist- the ideaof America beingnumber one.. ment figuresand military men both on and of feelinggood about being a freenation." off campus say that patriotismisonce again saidsophomorecadetMark Barkley,Brent's apartoftheAmericanvaluesystem. brother. '"The Vietnamera is gone, thank God," The resurgent patriotism has not, how- said ArmyrecruiterStaff-Sgt.NormPoppe. ever,spreadeverywhere. "Six years ago there was not near the Marine Gunnery Sgt. Louis Moore, a degree of patriotism there is now," said recruiter for three-and-a-half years, said Poppe,al5 year veteran. things werebetterforhimafewyearsago. Thomas, L.t. Col. James military science "I'vefound that threeyearsagothey (the professor and head of S.K.s ROTC pro- high he sought to recruitj 20-year school students gram, is a veteran Of the Arms. werea hellofalot moreinterested in joining having served three lours in Vietnambefore themilitary,"hesaid. workinginthePentagon.Hesaidhehas seen some changes inpublic attitudextowardihe Moore's recruiting area is in the urban military Seattlearea. Heenlistedin1963. hesaid, whenwearing After signingup68 youngmenand women a uniform and being a military man wu in 1981-82. Moon- recruited only 25 from respectedbythepublic. October 1982 to October 1983. He said he "Inthelate '60s,someof my contempor- hasrecruitedfiveso far thismonth. aries their u> would not wear uniforms In his recruiting area, attitudes may be work,"suidThomas. differentthan inothers,hesaid.While pendulum those "But the has swung the other youngpeopleinruralareas may feelastrong waynow." to inthemilitary,menand women enrollment program call serve The of S.LJ.'sROTC inthe urbanareasmightnot seeatimewhen significantly past rusdimbed overthe three troops areunder fire around the worldas a years should, Thomas, and said grow again goodtimetojoin the service,hesaid. this year. In1979. 82 students wereinROTC.down But live a month makes 60 a year,unit sevenfromtheyearbefore. In1980, 101 were Moore said recruiters in other areas were enrolledand108thenext year.Last year.132 doingwell. students wereinROTC GunnerySgt.MichaelGreen,whoreinuts Thisyear the totalis )12, butThomassnid in Bellevue, said patriotism Is there and that number will exceed last .year's total growing, but those who feeJ' it are usually beforetheendof theschoolyea: quieterthanthosewhodon t Thomassaid amongmany factors,a shift . palriotieheir(in sentiment and a poor "Therearcthose whoare in national economic Bellevue) mote restrainedthan outlook for young peoplehavecontributed but they are mostpeople,"he said. lv the growing enrollment. " Iheotherhand, Ijust got aphonecall ArmyROTCenrollmenthasalsoclimbed. On froma father whodoesn't want hisson tobe In1977-78. 57,000 students nationwidewere patriotism?" inROTC. Tills year, nationalenrollment Is bothered.Isthat 70.000. Armyrecruiter Sgt Norm Poppe says the nation has finally put Vietnam Greensaidinthenineyearshehas worked Many join ROTC. h« said, because it behind it young people joining military as a recruiter in the area he has noticed a and nationwide are the In greater highschool offers M/eable financial assistance to many numbers. trendthatupper-class, wealthier who wouldotherwisenot be able to afford graduatesdonotjoin. " there, college.While the cadets might be init for Forty-one S.U. students receive full and said. 'Hey, you're doing agood job.'" "Thereis no(patriotic)awareness themoney at first, Thomassaid, theseniors ROTCscholarships. hesaid. hesaid. "The joke we always used to hear who have been in the program are as Other military iccruiters agicc that pat- Twice in thelast week hesaidhehas been was 'if Iwant myson to join the Navy. I'll motivated by patriotic feelings as anything riotism and support of the military run stoppedby civilians inpublicto becongratu- buyhimaship.'" else. strongertodaythanintherecent past. lated ahum the Marines.He *aldpeople|UM He said his job in the Eastsidc especially "'Patriotism in not automatic." said Staff Sgt, Bill Rowe, a Marine Corps wantedtoshakehishand. entails educating young peoplethatserving Thomas."It'salcamedfeeling.." publicaffairsspecialist,saidtherehasbeena "lireally makesyou feelgood,"hesaid. one's country i* not bad. but positive, 'Several |nn up say Thomas explainedas cadets gci to know noticeable increase in patriotic feelings come and"' 'we're andnothingtobeashamedof. more about the military through ROTC, especially tragedy proudtobeAmericansBgftlfl ■ since the inBcruit and the that they become more awareof its service role S.U. ROTC cadets agree potriotism has "It'speoplelikeJanelonda screwed invasionofGrenada. up everyone." said,referring the andtheidealsitclaims todefend "Peoplehaveapproachedmeonthe street beenrenewed. It for he to . movie actress'involvement againstthe Viet- nam war."She ought tobe shot for treason." Senate primary boastsrecord turnout Peoplelikehermadesoldiersfeelguilt v byCatherineI.rwt* wantedtomakesureIwascounting thevotes final willgo the same. correctly,"saidIp. Studentparticipationinlast Wednesday's Moransaidhe hoped tocanvass thecam- flyers was the best S.U.1! According to Ip. S.U. does not have a pus with but withsomanyrestrictions primarysenate election ballot, placed Inside this years snid Steve Ip, ASSU election secret whichhethinks isunfortunate. onthecandidatesit wouldn'tbeeasy. had in by "We tread ASSU boardcoordinator. The present system wasdeveloped Todd have to lightlybecause the Monohon,1981-82ASSUpicsident. has to seeeverythingbeforeit iscirculated.I Ipconsideredthe455totalvotes, about10 issue: Reilly, and junior got quiteafewviolations whenIwasafresh- percent of S.U.s enrollment, "a good Bob senate candidate man, I'm easy."hesaid. transfer student fromFt.Steilacoom Com- sonow takingIt start." He said he hopes to increase the Mana Oorvallis. freshman, who earned number of voters for today's finalelection munity College, who received235 votes, the " Morrison highestnumberofallcandidates-,saidhe was 159 votes, said she was excited about the The Hoteland by publlcl/mg the location of the polling primary results. "I'm anewcomer to S.U. stations. surprised that he got so many votes. "I'm DowntownEmergency brandnew to S.U. I'm not very and I've never witnessed an election here Polling '' and well before, Shelterfeed andhouse stations will be open today in known, hesaid, addingheexpectedthe ap but as far as Ican sec. things arc Chieftain from 8 a.m.-8p.m., in the book- pearance of his name at bottom of the goinggreat." thosein need. store Si the Corvallis from a.m. 5 p.m., and Bcllarmine ballotwouldhavedepletedvotes. considered concentration on from11a.m.- 1p.m.and4-6p.m. getting the votes of the two candidatesthat Seepgs. 6and7 Reilly did not increase his campaigning did not qualify primary Ip said he was glad nothing marred the in the as her surest this past weekbecausehelooksonthe senate waytoearn votes. primary, such as violations or incidents asastudentservice and "campaigningis the Case,S.J., returns, challenge validity Other senatecandidates whocouldnotbe Frank which would the of Ihe wrong approach." he explained. "I'll jusi results, and that he hoped the final " reached for comment, include Michelle tells of generalassembly added keeptheposters Ialreadyhaveup Murphy,junior major, electionwouldgoas smoothly. business whoearned Man Moran,whowasasenatorhis fresh- 234 votes; John Worden. freshmanhonors inRome. However, Ip did mention that ASSU man yearandis trying for another term,re- student, who earned 181 votes; and Matk Seepg.3 President John Heneghan voted twice, iiis ceived223 votes.Hesaidhe waspleasedwith Tillmnn, second-year MRC student, who qualifying those ballots. "I think he just the outcomeof the primary and hoped the earnedls:Uotcv PageTwo/November16, i963fThe Spectator Fear motivates censorship, say Bosmajians byCatherine lewfa vation of censors lies in their assuming silencing a speakerof truth," he explained, cards burned and buildings occupied, the Students'right tofreeexpressionas wellas human nature is weak. "They fear tr.m-.i "you deprive yourself and other* of thai focus of the 1960% was symbolic speech,he to receiving information
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