145 HOAb k 30^^ 49284 SPK'iNGW\ •••••••• , Area merchants & services Waterviiet Youth Baseball Rash of B&Es solved by listed in ad ••• page 7 Champs pictured ••• page 9 Coloma Twp. cops ••• page 12 NEWS & ADVERTISING FOR THE WATERVLIET RECORD, COLOMA COURIER & HARTFORD NEWS TO SUBSCRIBE, CALL 463-6397 DEADLINE FOR NEWS & ADVERTISING IS MONDAY NOON The news and advertising dead- line for next week's TrirCity Record is noon on Monday. Call the Record THE TRI-CITY RECORD at 463-NEWS (463-6397). The fax 109th Year Issue No. 27 July 7,1993 FIFTY CENTS number is 463-UFAX (463-8329). Most agree jet skis are biggest problem Paw Paw Lake boater Youth Fair speed limit opinions split opens Men. among audience at DNR The Van Buren Youth Fair opens Monday, July 12, and runs through public safety meeting July 17. The popular fair, located By Melissa Polfus east of Hartford on CR 681 and Red The DNR held a public hearing front of boats," "drive too dose to Arrow Highway, officially opens last week at Coloma City Hall to piers and shorelines," "don't watch with a ceremony and parade at 6 give Coloma and Waterviiet town- for swimmers," and "are careless p.m. on Monday. ships' residents a chance to voice and rude in general." Headliners in this year's free their opinions about watercraft The question of how old the legal grandstand shows are Mark Ches- safety and problems on Big Paw age to drive a watercraft vehicle nutt and the Charlie Daniels Band. Paw Lake. arose. Preston reported the legal Chesnutt will perform on July 15 Presiding over the meeting was age in Michigan is 12. Many in the and his show promises to be a real DNR Conservation officers Robert crowd were shocked at the young treat. He'll be performing some of Preston and Mike McGee. Over age which is allowed, yet many his greatest hits, including "Too seventy-five people filled Coloma reported seeing children who ap- Cold at Home," "Bubba Shot the Township Hall, with 63 choosing to peared to be under the age of twelve Sheriff," "Blame It on Texas" and speak and make their opinions driving watercraft on the lake, "Old Country." public. Another issue that all agreed with The Charlie Daniels Band brings The meeting was held because of was boaters and jet skiers need bet- music that is as fresh and pro- resolutions passed and presented to ter education about lake rules. The gressive today as it was twenty the DNR by both Waterviiet and Paw Paw Lake Advisory Board has years ago when Charlie released Coloma townships requesting that already taken steps toward educat- "The Devil Went Down to Georgia." the watercraft speed limit on Paw ing lake users by placing signs He'll also be performing "Long- Paw Lake be lowered from its cur- stating lake rules at the public ac- Haired Country Boy" and his latest rent 55 mph to 45 mph or less. cesses. Also, the Paw Paw Lake hit, "America, I Believe in You." Public opinion was almost equal- Yacht Club and the Sheriff's Area youths will be busy all week ly mixed for and against the lower- Department offer safety classes, with judging of their animals, pro- ing of the speed limit. Many public often free of charge. It was sug- GROUND IS BROKEN...Drs. Adelbert Stagg and Seth Udlis are shown breaking the ground for the new duce, and crafts going on each dadayy . officials such as Waterviiet Super- gested by many who spoke out at medical facility in Hartford. Flanking doctors Stagg and Udlis are (far left) Ron Postem, President of the The Livestock Auction is Thursday visor Robert Morlock, Waterviiet the meeting that permits or licenses Board of Directors for Community Hospital in Waterviiet, and Michael E. Alfred, President and CEO of and the Small Animal Auction is trustee Bob Koshar, Coloma Police which prove the driver of the water- Borgess Health Alliance Company. On the far right is Doug Rahn, Administrator at Community Hospital. Wednesday. Chief Robert Cottier, Thomas Yop craft vehicle has taken a safety There are plenty of activities of the Berrien County Sheriff's class should be mandatory. each day at the fair and special Department, and past Coloma. other discussions held included designated days throughout: Township Supervisor Rod Krieger the weekend lake congestion. Many Ground breaking ceremony Children's Day, Tuesday, July 13, all voiced opinions in support of rsidents claimed that watercraft offers free admission for those 18 lowering the speed limit. congestion was such a problem they medical clinic project in H years old and under until 6 p.m.; The lowering of the speed limit wouldn't even go out on the lake on Ladies Day, Wednesday, offers free was the only issue in which there weekends. Many comments were By Joe Cheshire admission for ladies up to 6 p.m.; was any disagreement. All other made stating congestion was not a Officials from Community used by other physicians in their tice. Senior Citizens and Veterans days issues brought before the DNR were problem on weekdays, only week- Hospital, Borgess Health Alliance, practice on a part-time basis as The partnership between Com- on Thursday offer free admission to considered unanimously by the ends. and Hartford City government well. munity Hospital and Borgess those who qualify up to 6 p.m. crowd to be as big or bigger pro- To further complicate the conges- gathered with several doctors from Community Hospital and Borgess Health Alliance is not a new' one. With hundreds of exhibits, ac- blems than the speed limit. tion, the lack of directional unifor- tiie area for the official ground- Health Alliance will be the owners "We have been sending our acute tivities, shows, fun, food and a great Even though many disapprove of mity raises the safety hazard on breaking ceremonies at the site of of the new building and will lease of- »±1 A. A. ^ T1 # A • « • ••n 2 JMmmm n mm a 1 mm. ^.mm^m mm - m* lowering the speed limit, one speed weekends. Many complaints were the new medical clinic being built in fice space to the doctors. Doug issue which all agreed upon includ- made referring to watercraft going Hartford. The 4,100 square foot Rahn, CEO of Community Hospital, ed lower after-dark speed limits, no "every which way" on the lake, building will be located on South stated that the new building will critical patients to their facility week's paper. wakes after dark, and enforcement According to Preston, the legal Center Street and 60th Street. house the practices of Dr. Stagg and several times." of a no-wake zone in the channels direction to go on Michigan inland McClanahan Construction com- Dr. Udlis for now, but expansion is and around the islands. Channel lakes is counterclockwise. Again, pany of Coloma proposes to have planned to accommodate future and island residents complained of the question of whether or not the building, designed by Bates Ar- needs. erosion problems which are occurr- watercraft drivers were even chitectural firm of Kalamazoo, Dr. Udlis brings impressive Waterviiet Township site ing because of the wakes caused by aware of the counterclockwise rule ready for occupancy in October of credentials with him to Hartford. boats driving too fast in the no-wake arose. this year. The new building will He had his undergraduate training no longer considered for zones. Concerning the congestion, it was feature six examination rooms as at the University of Western On- The recklessness of jet ski drivers suggested that the public accesses well as a laboratory and centralized tario, his family medicine residen- was one of the top isssues at the be controlled to allow only a prede- office area. cy at the University of Saskat- St. Joe River dredgings meeting. Many lake residents, boat termined number of crafts on the The building is the result of a joint chewan, and is certified by the Col- drivers, swimmers, and fishermen lake. Many lake residents were in endeavor of Waterviiet Community lege of Family Physicians of By Melissa Polfus Force had decided as long ago as described the jet ski population and favor of access control, claiming Hospital and Borgess Health Canada. Waterviiet City held a special last March not to use the Township recklessness of the drivers to be that the problems are caused "by Alliance and will house the medical Dr. Udlis said, "I believe the key meeting Wednesday, June 30, to as a site for the dredging material. "out of control." Complaints were „ ' practices of Dr. Adelbert Stagg and to quality care is communication. decide the fate of the water agree- Wolfe exolainexpi d that the Task made that jet ski drivers "whizz in See LAKE continued on page 8 Dr. Seth Udlis. The facilities mil be As a patient of mine, we will ment between the City and the Force had turned down the site in become partners in health care Township. Earlier this year, the Ci- ' March and wasn't aware that the decisions and together we will make ty had refused to sign the agree- issue hadn't been closed locally, the right decisions for you." ment until the issue of the use of Wolfe stated many reasons why Crowning opens Waterviiet festival In an interview. Dr. Stagg stated, dredged material from the St. Joe the site was considered not suitable. "I'm not planning to retire, but I'm River as fill in a Township in- including that the Army Corps of starting to get older and a bit slower dustrial park was resolved.
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