THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY mcTU VD1R Nrv Entared as Secoad Class Matt*r Published -Fir i H IRAK INO. Poat Office. Wentfield, N. J. THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1955 Every Thursday 44 Page*—.$ Centt uildingRestrictionPlan Bd. of Education Awards Contracts Local Election ails Of Council Support For Construction oposal Referred High School Junior Lacks Interest Cited for Bravery Loral Firm to Build Additions !o Three Where You Vote Planning Board At Monday's meeting of the Elementary Schools Contests for All Woman's Ciub of Westlield, the* S'oUs will be open from 1 members present acting upon a The Arthur Venneri Co., West- a.m. until 8 p.m. Tuesday. Savage Denounces recommendation from the execu- FIRST WARD County Positions tive board, voted unanimously to field, will be awarded the general 'Look Alike' Houses construction contract for the addi- First District — Roosevelt present a citation to Kenneth Junior High School. Remine, a junior in the Westfield tions to Franklin, Jefferson anil Weslfielri Man Seeks proposal to amend the build- Washington schools, according to Second District—Roosevelt ordmance and ban the con- High School and Explorer Scout H. 1). Merrill, chairman of the Junior llinh School. GOP Assembly Nod ;tion of groups of identical of Troop 72, "for his outstanding committee on new sites and build- Third District — Benjamin es, as in some developments, bravery, quick thinking and heroic ings of the Board of Education. Franklin School, action in saving the life of seven- Tho local Primary Election d to get council support at the The Venneri Co. made the lowest Fourth. District — Muncipal Tuesday, lacking an abundance of lar meeting of the town gov- year-old Margaret Ann Post of bid — $540,500 — on all three Building. 534 East Broad street, when she candidates or contests, holds little ag body in the Municipal schools, divided as follows: $142,- Fifth District — Benjamin promise of political excitement. ding Monday night. was seriously burned in her home 000 for Franklin, $215,500 for Jef- Franklin School. March 26. The four members of the Town U'oduced by Councilman A.. ferson, and $183,000 for Washing- Sixth District — Municipal Council whose terms expire at the ncy Savage, the ordinance, ton. Building. end of this year are candidates for eled on the "Princeton ordi- Sub-contractors who will be SECOND WARD re-election with no opposition. The rc", failed to get a "second", 2000 to Attend awarded contracts on the basis of First District — Giant Democrats have no candidates on owing- a half hour recess. A having mtide the lowest bids are: School. their side of the ballot. ititute resolution was passed Auxiliary Parties Structural steel, Raynor Machine Second District — G ra n t The incumbents, all Republi- testing the Planning Board to & Iron Works, Shrewsbury, $15,- School. cans, are Clancy D. Council, 260 de the minimum amount of 215 for Franklin School, and In- Third District—Washington Walnut street, first ward; Robert space which would be re- Proceeds to Aid terstate Iron Works, Hillside, $22,- School. F. Gumbert, B53 Hillcrest avenue, ed for future developers. !)40 for Jefferson and $17,237 for Fourth Putrid — Wilson second ward; Howard M, Bilden, rior to introducing the pro- Children's Home Washington School. School. 8!>5 Boulevard, third ward, and I, Councilman Savage stated: Heating and ventilating, Charles Fifth District — Wilson James P. Mitchell, 800 Willow lave the dubious distinction of Two thousand women will play Simkin U H-j.-> inc., Hope Lawn, School. Grove road, fourth ward. oducing an ordinance with the cards for the benefit of the Chil- $37,078 for Franklin, nnd George THIRD WARD wledge that it cannot possibly dren's Country Home at the Sen- Jet Pilot Lands L. Dennis Co., Newark, $38,732 On the county political scene, Mrs. Kniffin Of Country Home First District — Lincoln the picture is a much different ior'Auxiliary's annual dessert par- for Jefferson and $31,5(15 for School. ties at the Hotel Suburban, Sum- Washington. one. Local interest centers on the ouncilman Robert F. Gumbert, Second District — Lincoln candidacy of former Westfleld presided in the absence of mit, the last week of April, Mrs. Flaming Plane Hails Success OfSalk Vaccine Electrical, Acme Electric Co., School. Paul Haines, ticket chairman of Elizabeth, $l(i,(i84 for Franklin, Councilman Donald II. Bagger, 'or H. Emerson Thomas, ex- Third District — Columbus who is one of eight Republican ned later that council members the affair, predicted today. Only Locul Serviceman and Curl Schultz, Inc., Newark, School. a few tables are still available for Nowhevc in the country has. the $41,000 for Jefferson uml Wash- candidates vying for four nomina- in agreement generally on the Fourth District — Lincoln tions to positions in the State inancc but want more time to what promises to be the biggest Escapes Injury news of the success of the Salk ington. vaccine for polio been received School. Assembly. ly the proposal and determine and most festive in a long series Plumbing, A. F. Ruehl Co., New- Fifth District — Jefferson it has worked in Princeton of parties given by the auxiliary A local Air Force pilot glided with greater joy and ii.terest than ark, $18,5110 for Jefferson and Despite the megger Wostfleld in Westfield, which has supported School. other communities. for what many consider Weslficld'* his flaming jet 80 miles from 20,- $11,070 for '." ashinglon. Sixth .District — Columbus slate, the ballot this year is jammed Councilman Savage stressed the pet charity. Lilian O'Urady's Shop 000 feet up and walked away from the battle against this disease No bids for plumbing at Frank- with candidates. There are 23 Re- through the. Children's Country School. d of "speedy action" to prevent will present a fashion show at each his landing at Landstuhl, Ger- lin School were received. Thcnc FOURTH WARD publicans seeking nine contcsU'J ders from developing the few of the affairs, Monday through Fri- many, Thursday night, the U. S. Home. Said Mrs. Harry Knitlin, specifications will be advertised nominations and live Democrats Air Force has revealed, manager of the home, WKluy. "The First District — McKlnTcy aming areas available into day, April 25 to 29. Mrs. A. B. again today and April 21. Sealed School. trying for four Assembly Boat* etions resembling mining camps Conlin is chairman. Air Force authorities Friday re- Children's Country Home today bids will be received at the Board With the election only five dayi rejoices with all the people of the of Education office by 8 p.m. on Second District—McKinlcy away, the campaigns of candidates, li houses all similar in, construc- The proceeds of the parties go vealed del ails of the incident in School. lle said that more than 900 which Lieut. Thomas E. Wilson of world that a vaccine has been May 3. which have been almost entirely into the Home's general fund for found to combat poliomyelitis. Third District — Senior its are being planned in scal- running expenses, which, without 820 Mountain avenue brought his devoid , of issues or name-callingi crippled craft to a safe landing. Over the years Children's Coun- High School. are drawing to a close, still lack- ed areas throughout town. the support of the people of West- Fourth District — Senior )ouneilman Savage also pre- The plane just made the runway. try Home has cared for children ing excitement. field, could not be met. Sixteen so afflicted. Nationwide Test High School. ,ed builders or their lawyers dollars a day fs now the cost of He walked away from the Fifth District — Jefferson In the OOP Assembly rnce eight Mvse every means of influence treatment at the Home, Mrs. Harry F80D jet and received the plaudits "We know the hiwtachvA of School. candidates Including four incum- legal technicalities to delay ae- Kniffin, the manager, revealed, of his fellow airmen. children and parents caused by Alert in Offing bents are vying for four nomina- on the ordinance as long as while the rate charged to patients The Air Force said Lieutenant this dreaded disease. I cun think tions. Mrs. Florence P. Dwyer, O. "k Councilman Gumbert as- is f 12 a day, "if they can afford Wilson was.on a.routine training of no higher honor than can come JAMES WOLFEc Clifford Thomas, William R. Van- t no officials have been it". This is the amount paid by flight when the turbine wheel of to one or a more genuine satis- National Guard Antiques Show derbilt and Carlyle W. Crane aro in an effort to exert in- polio insurance, and is supple- his engine stopped with a sudden faction than to have been able to Units to Mobilize seeking renomination. Their chal- jolt and severe vibration. A fire attain this accomplishment. It lengers include Mr, Bagger; Ar- mented by the Crippled Children's stiirted in the rear section. Glee Club Plans Starts Tuesday Commission in Trenton, or by may be some time before the Chil- The 50th Reconiiisissance Bat- thur O. Nelson of Itosellu, Good (matter was first brought up Aided by a T'iii jet trainer, dren's Country Home can turn its meeting last Wednes- county organizations. talion, New JerHPy National Guard Government candidate; Arthur E. which watched for estcrnal lire attention to other types of pa- Annual Concert will jiliiy an important part in the Coiigrcgutionul Lloyd Jr. of Union, and Mrs. Jano I night by Mr. Savage and some Typifying the treatment at the breaking out, Wilson flew the jet tients. • ' L. Meineke of Moselle.
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