JUNE W EEK SCENES, 1932. JUNE WEEK SCENES, 1932. 0--i E- --er-4 __ SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT of the Association of Graduates of the United States Military Academy at MTe.st Point, New York Jutne 9, 1932 93rinted by The Moore Printing Company, Inc. Newburgh, New York _ _I o a; C) o Oel 3E4 C) 0 4 u re Lo W E-l 0HE- p; w 4 5- Od- Ww41, ;4P- w To z E-4 w GONTENTS Foreword by Palmer E. Pierce. Report of Annual Meeting. Annual Report of the Treasurer. Annual Report of the Secretary. Officers of the Association. Board of Trustees of the Association. Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund. Constitution and By-Laws. Program for June Week. Program of Alumni Exercises at Thayer Monument. Address by General J. G. Harbord, U. S. A., Retired, Chairman of the Board, Radio Corporation of America. Contributions by Classes to the Endowment Fund. List of Class Representatives. Visiting Alumni Officially Registered at West Point, June, 1932. Graduates Who Have Died Since Last Annual Meeting. Announcement. Necrology. List of Unprepared Obituaries. List of Unknown Addresses. Index to Obituaries from 1870 to 1932, Inclusive. Index. cli cl(Jo l\ i- Wi-n W i-s U 'g X^- E- -le JOREWORD ALTHOUGH the Association's effort to raise an Endowment Fund /\\,\ suffered a severe set-back due to the unfortunate economic / C,~_change that occurred shortly after the initiation of this fund, nevertheless, considerable success has been attained in spite of all difficulties. On September 1, 1932 the total cash and securities on hand in the Endowment Fund amounted to $60,912.85. The trustees of this fund have carefully invested these moneys and the fund has provided a small but steady income which has not diminished, even though securities have in general suffered severely during this period. All members of the Association owe a debt of gratitude to the trustees for their wise administration of this fund. When conditions improve, it is to be hoped that this fund can readily be raised to $100,000. All graduates and ex-cadets who can possibly do so, are encour- aged to set aside a sum in their wills either for the Endowment or the Memorial Hall Funds. Eventually a new assembly hall must be built and we should be prepared to make it a memorial to the graduates. Cullum Hall is completely filled and there is no room for memorials to World War Veterans. A list of the trustees of the two funds will be found on page 23. During the past year three Circular Letters were distributed in an effort to keep all members of the Association informed concerning the changing conditions at the Military Academy. The Secretary will welcome constructive criticisms and suggestions concerning these letters. The distribution of the new volume of Cullum's Register was com- pleted during the past year. The income from the sale of this volume slightly exceeded the cost of printing. For three years the Association has had the services of an active officer to whom have been assigned the duties formerly carried by the late Colonel Wirt Robinson as the officer in charge of Cullum's Reg- ister, of the Treasurer, so faithfully executed by Colonel Charles P. Echols for a period of twenty-nine years and of Secretary carried by Colonel Roger G. Alexander for a period of ten years. A shortage of personnel has made it necessary to assign the officer now fulfilling all of the above duties to additional work as a full time instructor in one of the departments. It is understood that this is a temporary condition. Near the! end of this Report there is an alphabetical "Index To Obituaries." This is an index to all obituaries ever published by the Association of Graduates and covers a period of 62 years. It should be most useful in any reference work which concerns the life and ac- complishments of Academy graduates. Attention is especially called to the resolutions adopted at the last Annual Meeting concerning Major General Wm. R. Smith, former Superintendent, U. S. M. A., Colonel Charles P. Echols, former Treas- urer, Association of Graduates and Captain Wm. H. Donaldson, present Secretary and Treasurer of the Association. PALMER E. PIERCE, '91, President. Annual Report, June 9, 1932 11 Report of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Graduates Held at West Point, New York, June 9, 1932 1. The meeting was called to order at 2:20 P. M. by the President of the Association. 2. Prayer by Chaplain Kinsolving of the U. S. Military Academy. 3. Upon motion, duly passed, the calling of the roll was dispensed with. 4. In his address to the Association, the President, Palmer E. Pierce, '91, stated that the distribution of Circular Letters had been adopted in the nature of an experiment and in an effort to keep the Alumni in touch with their Alma Mater. The President informed the meeting that 238 out of a total of 262 of the graduating class, as well as 28 other graduates and ex-cadets, a total of 266, had joined the Association during the past year. Letters had been sent to all non-members inviting them to join the Association. The President pointed out that the distribution of the new volume of Cullum's Register had been completed during the year and that he wished to express to General Smith the appreciation of the Asso- ciation for making possible the publication of the new volume by securing the services of an officer on the active list for the combined duties of Officer in Charge of Cullum's Register and Secretary and Treasurer of the Association of Graduates. 5. The Report of the Treasurer was then read and approved, sub- ject to audit. (Appendix 1.) 6. The Report of the Secretary was then read and approved. (Appendix 2.) 7. The President reviewed the status of the Endowment Fund, spoke of the fact that although the market value of the securities had shrunken from about $61,000.00 to about $44,000.00 no default of interest had accrued and he felt little concern as to these investments. He expressed appreciation of the work of Avery D. Andrews, '86, former President of the Association especially in connection with the raising of the fund. 8. A telegram from Mr. Joseph B. Strauss, Chief Engineer of Golden Gate Bridge, welcoming the class of 1932 into the service of the nation, was read by the Secretary. It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the Secretary should make a proper acknowl- edgment to Mr. Strauss. 12 Annual Report, June 9, 1932 9. Palmer E. Pierce, '91, reporting for the Memorial Hall Com- mittee, stated that his committee had been inactive during the year. It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the committee be continued. 10. William R. Smith, '92, former Superintendent, pointed out that a new console for the chapel organ was needed, due to the con- siderable increase in the number of stops, as well as changes incidental to modernization. It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that the President appoint a committee to look into the need for a new console and report to the Board of Trustees whether it was advisable for the Association to take steps to provide the funds, and if so, the steps that should be taken. The President subsequently appointed the following committee-Chairman: Major General Wm. R. Smith, members: Lieutenant Colonel Chauncey L. Fenton and Captain Wm. H. Donaldson. Arthur P. S. Hyde, '00, suggested that by a system of mirrors, it would be possible to place the console in a less conspicuous position and yet enable the choirmaster to see every member of the choir. 11. Samuel B. Arnold, '92, spoke of the destruction of Mt. Taurus by a gravel company and moved that the President be requested to appoint a committee to see what, if anything, could be done to prevent it. The motion was seconded and carried. The President sub- sequently appointed the following committee-Chairman: Major General William N. Haskell, members: Colonel Samuel B. Arnold and Lieutenant Colonel Charles D. Hartman. 12. The President then spoke of the noteworthy accomplishments of the former Superintendent, William R. Smith, '92. The following resolution pertaining to the services of Major General Wm. R. Smith as Superintendent of the Military Academy, was moved by J. J. Morrow, '91, seconded and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, The term of service as Superintendent of the Military Academy of Major General William R. Smith, Re- tired, which commenced February 26, 1928 has ended-and whereas, his administration was marked by many notable achievements, to wit: (a) Maintaining scholarship standards, discipline and customs of the Academy in accordance with the ideals and standards of West Point and (b) Securing authority to purchase some 15,000 acres of additional land, much needed, and in fact indispensable for the efficient operation of the Military Academy and Annual Report, June 9, 1932 13 Annual Report, June 9, 1932 13 (c) Building of polo field, hockey rink, commissioned and enlisted men's quarters, new cadet barracks, general re- ception hall and the general improvement of the roads, water system, Cullum Hall and other buildings, including the modernization of the post power plant and (d) Supporting the activities of the Association of Grad- uates so heartily that its organization has been perfected and its efficiency greatly increased- Therefore, be it Resolved, That there be adopted by the Association of Graduates and spread on its records, a vote of thanks and expression of sincere appreciation of the signal services he has rendered West Point and that a properly engrossed and authenticated copy of this resolution be presented to Major General William R.
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