WHITEDEVONTA SENIOR ATKINSMANNY SENIOR RICHARDSONRASHAAD SENIOR HUNTERR.J. SOPHOMORE 2013-14 SCHEDULE SHORTER (EX.) AT WESTERN KENTUCKY* @BA!B6G!%+*-##C!@! G;HEF!=4A!,*-##C!@! FORT VALLEY STATE (EX.) ARKANSAS STATE* @BA!ABI!'*-##C!@! G;HEF!=4A!$)*-##C!@! SOUTHERN POLY UALR*(DH) F4G!ABI!,$-##C!@! F4G!=4A!$+%-&#C!@! AT VANDERBILT AT LOUISIANA-LAFAYETTE*(DH) GH8F!ABI!$%+-##C!@! G;HEF!=4A!%&+-$(C!@! MCNEESE STATE ARIZONA) ALABAMA, RUTGERS, (HOSTS: DUKE, (HO AT LOUISIANA-MONROE*(DH) @BA!ABI!$+(-&#C!@! STS F4G!=4A!%((-##C!@! : D ALABAMA/STILLMAN COLLEGE NIT PRESEASON P SOUTH ALABAMA* GH8F!ABI!%#(-&#"+-##C!@! G;HEF!=4A!&#*-##C!@! SEMIFINALS UT ARLINGTON*(DH) T @BA!"J87!ABI!%("%*G54"A8JLBE>A!L! A F4G!985!$%-&#C!@! R IZON A CHAMPIONSHIP ) AT UALR* GH8F!"9E<!ABI!%)"%,G54"A8JLBE>A!L! G;HEF!985!)G54 AT FIU TEXAS STATE* F4G!ABI!&#(-##C!@! G;HEF!985!$&*-##C!@! YOUNG HARRIS AT TROY*(DH) J87!786!'*-##C!@! F4G!985!$(+-&#C!@! AT SOUTHERN MISS LOUISIANA-MONROE* F4G!786!*'-##C!@! G;HEF!985!%#*-##C!@! OLD DOMINION LOUISIANA-LAFAYETTE*(DH) F4G!786!$'%-##C!@! F4G!985!%%%-&#C!@! GEORGIA SOUTHERN AT UT ARLINGTON* 9E<!786!%#*-##C!@! G;HEF!985!%*+-&#C!@! AT UTSA AT TEXAS STATE*(DH) FHA!786!%%%-##C!@! F4G!@4E6;$(-&#C!@! AT EAST CAROLINA AT ARKANSAS STATE* FHA!786!%,$-##C!@! GH8F!@4E6;'G54 TROY* WESTERN KENTUCKY*(DH) G;HEF!=4A!%*-##C!@! F4G!@4E6;+%-&#C!@! @SOUTH ALABAMA*(DH) SUN BELT CHAMPIONSHIP F4G!=4A!''-##C!@! G;HEF! FHA!@4E6;$& $)A8JBE?84AF?4! * SUN BELT CONFERENCE GAME; (DH) INDICATES MEN’S AND WOMEN’S DOUBLEHEADER ALL HOME GAMES PLAYED IN GSU SPORTS ARENA - 125 DECATUR STREET, ONE BLOCK FROM STATE CAPITOL ALL DATES AND TIMES (EASTERN) ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE .. THIS IS GEORGIA STATE MEN’S BASKETBALL 7=$ >= $(>= % * 7&8) ?)<& )6 \ ) , 7 ! " # $ !%& '() *) ')+, -./+ %"" - $&" 01 & 234. 0 " 1& &* 4, # && $&"01 & 342 ' 2+ 0 4 1& =) * 9 & #& % " C) ) ! 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These values should be manifest not only in athletics partici- pation, but also in the broad spectrum of activities affecting the athletics program. 2013-14 GSU Men’s Basketball // . THISTHIS ISIS GEGEORGIAORRGIA STATESTATE MMEEN’SN’S BASKETBALLASKETBALL 2 //// 2013-142013-14 GSU Men’s BasketballBasketball .. THISTHHISIS ISIS GEGGEORGIAEORO GIG A STATESTSTATATE MMEEN’SN’N S BASKETBALLASKETTBALLL 2013-142020133-114 GSUGSU Men’sMMen’s BasketballBasketballl //// . THIS IS GEORGIA STATE MEN’S BASKETBALL GSU PRESIDENT ince beginning his tenure as Georgia State University’s seventh president in January 2009, President Mark P. Becker has provided a vision for the future of Georgia State University and led the institution into a period of marked growth and advancement. Reflecting his vision of the urban public vision for the modern research university. research university for the 21st century, the Seeking to position Georgia State faculty and university adopted a dynamic 10-year stra- students to thrive in an increasingly complex tegic plan that has Georgia State well on its and global landscape, Becker has worked way to becoming one of the nation’s premier with faculty leaders and international part- urban research universities. ners to enhance Georgia State’s global profile. As a first generation college student who In 2010 the university partnered with Beijing began his educational career at a community Language and Culture University to establish health sciences. For most of his professorial college, Becker is personally and profession- a Confucius Institute with an emphasis on career he was a member of the faculty in the ally committed to ensuring that students of all business and commerce. In 2012 the institute Department of Biostatistics at the University economic backgrounds succeed and are given was named a “2012 Confucius Institute of the of Michigan, where he also held appointments opportunities to compete on a level playing Year.” in the Institute for Social Research, and the field. Under his leadership, Georgia State’s Becker is particularly committed Department of Statistics. He was made a Fellow graduation rate has already increased by 10 to developing strong partnerships with of the American Statistical Association, and percent, and the university is becoming a universities in rapidly growing economies. the American Association for the Advance- national model for undergraduate education. As a result, the university is working to ment of Science. Becker has been principal It leads the nation in eliminating disparities strengthen relationships with counterparts investigator on research grants from the in graduation rates based on race or ethnicity, in Brazil, China, South Africa, South Korea National Institutes of Health and the National and, as one of the most diverse universi- and Turkey. These partners are the basis for Science Foundation. He has published exten- ties in America, is first in the nation among the development of new student and faculty sively in leading journals, and his doctoral non-profit institutions in graduating African- exchanges, study abroad programs, research students have gone on to successful careers American students. collaborations, executive training initiatives, in leading higher education institutions and By promoting the achievements of the government and private sector networks, and with multinational companies. Becker served university, making it more visible locally and dual-degree programs. on multiple editorial boards, was co-editor of nationally, and demonstrating the value of Becker has aggressively advanced Sociological Methodology, and was a guest a Georgia State degree, the university under the campus’ physical development and editor for Sociological Methods and Research Becker’s leadership has set a series of univer- revitalization of downtown Atlanta. This has and for the Journal of the American Statistical sity records for enrollment, graduation rates included major additions to campus housing Association. and total graduates. Becker has also placed and dining, research and academic facilities, Prior to his appointment as president high priority on ensuring financial support as well as intramural and athletics facilities. of Georgia State, Becker was executive vice for students, and as a result need- and merit- In 2010 the university added football to president for academic affairs and provost at based scholarship funds distributed by the its athletics program, and in 2013 added the University of South Carolina and dean university have tripled since his arrival. sand volleyball and moved to the Sun Belt of the School of Public Health and assistant Becker’s passion for student success Conference to advance into the Division I – vice president of Public Health Preparedness has been matched by his commitment to FBS level of NCAA competition. and Emergency Response at the University of increasing multidisciplinary research and Throughout his career Becker has served Minnesota. From 1989 to 2000, Becker was economic development as facilitated by the on boards and committees of civic, govern- a professor in the University of Michigan’s creation of new research centers, the Second ment and professional bodies. He serves, for School of Public Health, where he also was Century Initiative—an ambitious program to example, on the boards of the Coalition of associate dean for academic affairs. He has hire one-hundred senior faculty members to Urban Serving Universities, World Affairs held academic appointments at the University serve in interdisciplinary research clusters, Council of Atlanta, Georgia Chamber of of Washington, the University of Florida and and an enhanced emphasis on the transla- Commerce, Georgia Aquarium, Georgia Cornell University. tion of faculty research into products and Research Alliance, Woodruff Arts Center, Becker attended Harford (Md.) Commu- companies. This commitment has brought the and the Atlanta Committee for Progress. He nity College, earned his bachelor’s degree in university to new heights of research accom- also serves on the executive committees of mathematics from Towson State University
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