Catskill Mountain Region September 2012 GUIDEwww.catskillregionguide.com THE GREAT OUTDOORS IN THE CATSKILLS By Jeff Senterman Trail work on Romer Mountain for a new section of the Long Path e have had some thunderstorms rumble through, but we This first section was made possible by the cooperation of Whave had a hot and dry summer and the New York State the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), who Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Forest Rang- granted trail access to the FLTC. This was the first foot trail access ers would like to remind everyone to be careful with any fire and permit granted by the DEP in Delaware County. Access was also to follow any posted information about campfires at trailheads granted by two private landowners, thus eliminating five miles of and campsites. road walk. Trail building took place from April 30 to May 2 of September sees cooling temperatures in the mountains, mak- this year by the Finger Lakes Trail Conference (FLTC) Alley Cat ing it the perfect time to get out on the trails and enjoy all the Crew. beauty and majesty of the Catskills. We have a new section of the The second portion of the FLT relocation will occur this fall Finger Lakes Trail to enjoy, Fire Towers continue to be open to in the Downsville area. The trail will be relocated from its present the public on weekends for amazing views and information, the path from Campbell Mountain, down Campbell Brook Road and celebration of the Catskill Park that is the “Lark in the Park” runs the Hamlet of Corbett, to a new path from Campbell Mountain, from the end of September through the first weekend in October, thru the Village of Downsville and then onto Bear Spring Wild- and the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference (Trail Confer- life Management Area. Prior to this relocation, the FLT did not ence) continues to build new trails in the Catskill Mountains and pass through any villages for 90 miles but this new relocation will spearhead the stewardship of those trails through ongoing trail now offer hikers access to Downsville stores and businesses. maintenance efforts. The third and final step in the FLT relocation will hopefully occur next summer, again near the Cannonsville Reservoir. This New Section of Finger Lakes Trail opens near relocation will eliminate nearly the entire 20-mile road walk. As Cannonsville Reservoir with more to come! with the first relocation, the DEP will be granting the FLTC ac- The Finger Lakes Trail (FLT) Catskill Area Coordinator, Rick cess around the south side of the reservoir utilizing the old D&H Roberts, has announced that the long awaited trail relocation railroad bed. The new trail will then cross the NYS 268 highway of the FLT near the Cannonsville Reservoir has officially been bridge, use the old abandoned Route 10 highway path, cross opened. The new seven-mile section, running from County Route present Route 10, enter DEP lands and continue northwest to 47 to Dryden Brook Road, is the first in a three part attempt to Dryden Brook to connect with the first new relocation. relocate the FLT from its present long series of road walks, to a The FLTC wishes to thank the DEP and the DEC for their more wooded and hiker friendly path. cooperation in achieving these vital relocations. In doing so they 16 • www.catskillregionguide.com have allowed the trail to be moved to a much more safe and of untreated firewood to no more than a 50-mile radius from enjoyable path. its source. This was done as a precaution against the introduc- tion and spread of EAB and other invasive species because of the Some Background on the Finger Lakes Trail documented risk of transmission by moving firewood. After more The FLT Catskill section is the longest portion of the 567-mile than three years of outreach and education efforts about the risks Finger Lakes Trail. The entire FLT stretches from the Catskill of moving firewood and the state’s regulation, DEC is increasing Park near the Village of Phoenicia to Allegany State Park near its enforcement efforts to prevent the movement of untreated Salamanca, NY. It connects to the Long Path near Denning and firewood into and around New York. from it, the Appalachian Trail can be reached at Bear Mountain DEC urges residents to watch for signs of infestation in ash and take a hiker to Georgia or Maine. The FLT is also part of the trees. To learn more about EAB and the firewood regulations, or North County Trail in its western portions, and near Corning, to report suspected EAB damage, call DEC’s EAB hotline at 1 NY the FLT connects with the newly created Great Eastern Trail. 866 640 0652. Go to the Finger Lakes Trail Web site at www.fingerlakestrail.org for more information about the FLT and its Trail Crews. Catskill Fire Tower News There are five fully restored fire towers in the Catskill Park; with Emerald Ash Borer Found in the towers on Hunter, Tremper, Red Hill, Overlook and Balsam Lake Kenneth L. Wilson Campground mountains. For more information about the Catskill Fire Tower New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Project, visit the Catskill Center for Conservation and Develop- (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens has announced that an Emer- ment Web site at www.catskillcenter.org/towers. ald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation was found in the Catskill Forest Volunteer Fire Tower Stewards man the towers most week- Preserve at a state-owned campground. The discovery was con- ends through Columbus Day. Even if the tower is not staffed, firmed after a DEC employee recovered a single EAB beetle from these towers make great hiking destinations. While you will not a purple prism trap that was placed in DEC’s Kenneth L. Wilson be able to enter the fire tower cab on top, just climbing the stairs Campground in the Town of Woodstock, Ulster County. of the towers can give you stunning views of the surrounding After EAB was first discovered in Ulster County near Kings- mountains. ton in 2010, state and federal agencies initiated an EAB quaran- tine, which restricts the movement of ash products and firewood Balsam Lake Fire Tower Stargazing out of the quarantined area. Although this infestation exists In celebration of their 125th year, The Balsam Lake Mountain within the quarantined county, this detection lies about four Volunteer Crew is continuing with their special events schedule. miles west of the previously defined area of infestation. With this Join us at the summit of Balsam Lake Mountain Fire Tower on being the first time EAB has been found in a DEC campground, September 14 for stargazing from a very dark site. The clearing it highlights the threat EAB poses to New York campgrounds around the Fire Tower affords excellent views of the heavens. and the Catskill Forest Preserve. The EAB is a small but destruc- Amateur astronomer Tom Rankin, co-founder of the Mid-Hud- tive beetle that infests and kills North American ash tree species, son Astronomical Association, will be on hand to point out stars, including green, white, black, and blue ash. constellations, and planets. A small telescope and binoculars will At this time, DEC is implementing a response plan to best be available, but guests are welcome to bring their own optical manage this detection and its impacts at the campground and in aids. nearby areas. The immediate plan has several elements, includ- ing creating an inventory of all ash trees in this campground and Note: The summit is reached by either a 2.5 or 3 mile hike. nearby DEC campgrounds, assessing the health of these ash trees Participants must bring a headlamp for the walk back down. A and conducting a thorough visual inspection for potential EAB red setting on the headlamp, or a red flashlight for the observing infestation. session is recommended. The hike to the top takes at least one Damage from EAB is caused by the larvae, which feed in hour. Plan to be at the top before dark. We will start as darkness tunnels just below the ash tree’s bark. The tunnels disrupt water falls, and continue as long as we can. There is a lean-to near the and nutrient transport, causing branches and eventually the entire summit if guests wish to camp. In case of poor weather, we will tree to die. Adult beetles leave distinctive D-shaped exit holes try again September 15. Please contact Laurie Rankin at laurier- in the outer bark of the branches and the trunk. Other signs of [email protected] for any additional details you may need. infestation include tree canopy dieback, yellowing and exten- sive sprouting from the roots and trunk. Infested trees may also Morgan Outdoors’ 4th Annual exhibit woodpecker damage from larvae extraction. Five Fire Tower Hikes In 2008, New York adopted regulations that ban untreated Do not forget to stop in at Morgan Outdoors in Livingston firewood from entering the state and restricts intrastate movement Manor to pick up your Fire Tower Passport and get a chance to September 2012 • guide 17 win a Mountain Hardware Lamina 35 Sleeping Bag. All you have Catskill Mountain Trail Maintenance Crew to do is stop in at Morgan Outdoors, pick up a passport, hike to Are you interested in Trail Maintenance but not ready to adopt the five fire towers before October 8, logging your hikes in your your own trail? The Trail Conference is in the process of develop- passport. Then return your passport by 6 pm on October 8 to ing a Trail Crew dedicated to trail maintenance over the 200+ Morgan Outdoors and you will be entered to win the sleeping miles of trail that they have adopted in the Catskill Mountains.
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