... Thursday Issue a The Courier-Gazette Entered as Second Class Mail Matte. Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, January 1 2, 1939 THREE CENTS A COPY V olum e 9 4 ...................N um ber 5. The Courier-Gazette Monument Men Rockland Lions i THREE TIMES-A-WEEK ON THE COSTER YACHT A COLLAPSING CUPOLA j “The Black Cat” Editor Will Hold Convention In Asked Miss Daly Lots of WM. 0. FULLER Boston — Dorman of Questions But Got Very Associate Editor Capt. “Ellie” Freeman Tells Of a Very Inter­ I One Of Several Reasons Why the County Debt I FRANK A WINSLOW Thomaston On Executive Prompt Replies Subsertpttons *300 per year payable. Com m ittee In advance; single copies three nenes 1 esting Experience Miss Ellen Daly, superintendent Increased Last Year Advertising rates based upon circula , tlon and very reasonable. Edward T. Dornan of W. E. Dor- , t-t m i , jof Knox Hospital, was guest speak- NEWSPAPER HISTORY I . , ..... Tire Rockland Gazette was estab- “an & Son. Inc.. Ls a member of the “Who the Hell arc you, and what which was owned by the late suicide ■ er at ^le Llons meeting yesterday, Knox County's debt was increased save it. In connection with this job Hsb'd in 184G in 1874 the courier was executive committee making plans broker. Philip Coster. J but reversed the usual order by established and consolidated with the do you want?" $5,646 last year for very sufficient we found it necessary to put a new Gazette in 1882 The Free Pre .- was for the annual convention of the In this craft Capt. Baker made having questions asked first. These metal covering on the flat roof of eca b llsh ed In 1855 and in 1891 changed That was the question which as­ reasons which are made known sub­ Its nam e to the Tribune. T hese papers Eastern Memorial Associates which the court house. The m atter of many Florida trips in the winter qucr|e.s and responses related sequently in this article by the consolidated March 17. 1897 takes place in Boston on Jan. 36 sailed Capt. E. W Freeman of this seasons Philip Coster and his wife changing the jail heating system I largely to Miss Daly's annual re­ and 27 at the Hotel Kenmore. Ac- city when he boarded Philip Cos­ boarding the craft for weekends. County Commissioners: whose re­ was attempted as an economy mea­ 7 cording to Mr Dornan. this third ter’s yacht Carolita at Bridgeport, Since the tragic death of the port which was published in Tues- port was made public Wednesday. sure. There is still some work to be i It is always a good thing to ••• annual. exhibition and convention | By The Roving Reporter j Conn., the other day and inquired owner, and expose of the swindle, day s issue of this paper The repdrt of the county treas­ done on this job. We have done look beyond the surface of held by the association promises to — th in g s and Into m en's hearts. _ I for her skipper, Capt. William Capt. Baker has been besieged by Miss Daly answered affirmatively urer, I. Lawton Bray shows that away with the jail boiler and are ♦ —P resident Franklin D R oosevelt ♦ ^c the biggest and best New Eng- I heating the jail from the court reporters and camera men, who got the question as to whether there $28,928 was paid on the county tax There is never any excuse for wife ♦ ♦ land retail monument dealer's Baker. very little satisfaction from him. was nQt a house boiler. This eliminates a hard "* "* inhering from every point of view, “Well you see drawled Elmer, “I shortage of student J of 1938, leaving an unpaid balance beating, but the Ohio woman who “You can tell The Courier-Gazette" coal fire and puts a small increase chopped off her husband's nose on from exhibits, subjects discussed j happen to be a relative of Capt. nurses at the present time. The j of $14 989. said he “that all those wild newspa­ onto our soft coal bill. The net account of it may have been a bit On The Committees and attendance, which will com per yarns about the Carolita being number of registered nurses is 19 I Tlle balance in the treasury Jan. result is estimated to save you about Baker, and thought I’d like to see ‘ 1, 1938, was $11,519. The year's re­ severe. ------ ' prise all the leaders in the industry a gun runner are bunk." The speaker said that student $600 each year. The actual figures him.'' ! 4ceipts were $63,460 making total re­ How Knox County Fared In Exhibition-, will be shown pertain Capt. and Mrs. Freeman have re­ wil not be available until the next "Capt. Baker!" shouted his inter- nurses required a better academic ceipts amounting to $74,980. The A Rockland boy who long ago be­ th e List Of Legislative natural stone, granite, marble rogator up companionway. turned from New Britain where report. o and 1C PYamnlne nf background than they did 10 years year's payments were $68,184, leav­ came a power in the financial world and slate, as well as examples of "there's a guy up here who says he's they spent three weeks with their The matter of bridges Is again ago. The nature *f their work is ing a cash balance Jan. 1, 1939, at Portland goes by the name of H. Appointments memorial art and photography from rejated to "you son. Charles Bicknell Freeman. The very prominent In our financial af­ Through the^tesv of Alin I i*’** °f crafUsmen in New I What Capt. Baker .said when he such that they object to being just of $6,795. Nelson McDougall. He has just visit to Bridgeport, to see Capt. fairs. In our report of December 31, Through the courtesy of Alan - Eng,and and elsewhere wU1 I of “hands" for the doctors. They Bills of costs, according to the been re-elected president of the Baker, was but one of the many 1937, we called your attention to the must know what medicine they are county commissioners amounted to National Bank of Commerce. Bird. The Courier-Gazette has b e e n a number of large granite firms | h dLssipaWd any doubt the man interesting side trips they made. , . x , matter of bridges built in Appleton $35,009. and here are the principal provided with a list qf the Joint fvom Maine and companies afflli- On their return they v sited . ... u . „ and Camden. Owing to the fact may have entertained. ls one who does things mechanically. items: Cast of Superior Court, Here are some real old barbers, standing committees of the 89th ated witli the indu-try are also tak- Capt. Freeman's sister, Mrs. Louise that this expense was created after Capt. Freeman found himself in It is not a question of blind obedi­ $2,942; police court, $3,742; sheriff's whose names are supplied to me by Maine Legislature. Knox County tug part in the convention by plan- the midst of a farewell banquet and j Clark, in Marlboro. Mass., and in our 1937 and 1938 estimates had ence; rather there must be a con­ bills. $2,593; prisoners $3,788; main­ an elderly Northend woman who is members are represented th u s:. jning to take exhibition space at was immediately invited to partake I Cumberland Mills, they called upon been approved by the legislature, scientious viewpoint. Tile day has tenance and repair of jail. $4,830; one of my oldest and best friends— Appropriations and Financial Af- the show Mayor Tobin of Boston, of it. And In the end he brought j Mr and Mrs. Hovey Thompson, this amount <$6.284 50) has never come when we consider that nurs­ maintenance and repair of Court F A. D. Singlii, Amasa Sldeliner fairs — Representative Cleveland nnd Gov. Saltonstall of Massachu- away a nice souvenir of the Yacht j formerly of Rockland. been on your tax bills. We borrowed Sleeper of Rockland. | setts are expected to attend, and ing is separate and distinct from House. $11,026, (repairs, $4,105); in­ and Frank Spear. Probably they this money and there has been an the medical profession. Today's surance. $2021; addition to Register have passed out of the memory of Commerce—Representative Lloyd among some of the speakers to interest charge created to add to standard calls for four years of High of Deeds. $1 356; fuel $1,583; main­ most Rockland citizens. Crockett of North Haven. address the convention will be War­ the original cost. Therefore we find Indian Affairs — Representative ren L. Lane, president of Becker MILL WILL BE OPERATED “ School training, and the student tenance of county offices, $4,134. it necessary to include a figure of Mrs Edith (Demuth) Young of nurse applicant must have 15 credits The county's liabilities are $53,500 Crockett. College in Worcester, and Dr. $7000 in the tax estimate for 1938 J Owl's Head says: “I ought to re- Inland Fisheries and Game—Sen­ and some scientific background. and the assets $21,715. leaving a net George S. Foster of Lucy Hastings and 1940 to cover this expense. member when George Rackliff used Some States have laws regulating county debt of $31,715. ator Albert Elliot of Knox and Rep­ Hospital in Manchester. N. H During 1939 there will be built to 'call off the dances.
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