62nd Year—No. 27 Women Voters Emergency Services Rendered To Hear Talk On Civil Rights In Big Blow Win City Praise A discussion of constitutional The many services performed for the general welfare rights by Joseph Breacher, State and safety by their fellow citizen* and the city department* Parole Board member and former during the ravaging storm of November 25 waa the subject Assemblyman, and Roger N. Yan- of a. strong letter of prais« to Common Council by Mayor cey of Newark, assistant UA District Attorney, will feature Percy M. Bland Tuesday night. Council President Ernest S. the Monday, December 11, meet- Hlckok emphasised the concur* ing of the Summit League of of council with the mayor'* Women Voters. The meeting W lett«r. be held at the'First Baptist Rve fleeted 1 would like to express on tint Church at 2 p.m. part of all of u* In tha city,1* Mr. Brescher wilt speak on To Serve on wrote th« mayor, "our heartfelt state rights under the state eon' gratitude and thanks for the sew stitution and how these rights lv«a rendered by the officer* and Virginia Davit parallel those granted under the Chamber Board personnel of our Police Depart* federal Constitution and what Five new directors of thf> Sum- nvent, Fir« Department and Public these protections actually mean. mit Area Chamber ht Commerce Works Department. While it Sm Speaker Selected Mr. Yancey will give a resume of have been elected by mail ballot, true they Are «mprloyeea of tha the federal rights and will dis- W. Rae Cr&ne, executive secretary, city, their performance was1 fa# cuas phase* of the McCarthy announced Tuesday afternoon. beyond the normal call of duty/* For Fortnightly investigation. The meeting is open Those elected for the merchant's Th* mayor added: to the public division of the Board were Frank Also to tha local chapter of Annual Program Today, a large group of League N, Dunning, manager of Buach it American Red Cross our sfacer* members will attend a regional Son; Robert Dunamore of the Virginia Davis, , daughter of gratitude and thanks for their conference of New Jersey League* Marian Dunamore Shop: Ch&rlei fine cooperation and assistance in Meyer Davis, Internationally being held at Fairlawn. ftoUowJag Horn, Jr. of Roger'* Pharmacy known dance band conductor, will •o many way* as to beggar de- a morning of discussion groups, and Harold 8. Spltser of Spttter't scription be the featured speaker at the the members will hear Prof. Les- Dreasj Shop. Mr. Dunning U at annual mother-daughter day of ter Chandler, economist at present a member of the board and the Fortnightly Club to be held Princeton and author of wall- Is chairman of the merchant's Wednesday, December 13, at 3 known books on credit and bank' committee of the Chamber. Mr. Ccttncilmon Make* p.m. at Summit High School log, speak on the topic "What Spitter is a put member of the Tlin«l/ Suggestion auditorium. The annual Christmas to Do About Inflation." NBW 09V1CSB 8UBLI>l|ftt to be erected by Chubb k Boa, New York Board and past chairman of the tea will be served following the morchant's committee. With Common Council ad- meeting at the chibhouae. New League members who have City insuraaoe firm, «tt Morris Turnpike. The two-story building, journing at etSO Tuesday night, joined in the last year were fu*stf which win cost more than |i million, will house 700 to 1000 clerical Elected to the Board as repre- Misa Davis will speak on the io the clock in council'* chain* at a dessert party held last eve- Yale Professor and accounting personnel. The building and 13-acre tract leased front Traditional Yule sentative of th«» profewlonal and topic "Portraits in Song." She bere at CJty Hall read. OoneU« ning at Community Church. The the Prudential Insurance Co. will be adjacent to the Canoe Brook civlo group vu Frederick C will recreate an Irish country girl nun Ogden D. Genseraer affair was given by the League Country dub golf oounw aftd the Passaic river. The Commonwealth Kent*, Jr., local attorney, going to her wedding, a Negro taenrlit •omethlng shoold be board of directors with Mrs. Next Speaker Water Co. reservoirs are in the rear. It is hoped that the building Program of YWCA The deadline* for voting m S woman chatting over a dead boy, daae about the aitaation. Ac- David Ludlow, membership chair- win be> completed by October, J9B1. p.m. Tuesday. A total of 111 vote* an Arkansas squatter and an oordliuly. he Inbrodoeed a feae» man, and Mrs. William Sartorius, At Athenaeum waa cast For the first time In the lotion as foUowat anxious old woman booking for To Be Held Sunday history of the Chamber the name* orientation chairman, in charge A week from tonight members nVberesw thu late and la- her husband, of women member* appeared on of arrangements. ' of the Summit Athena*um will The traditional and annual mented •torm •ppeara to have A student of native songs, Miss Summit Office May Employ tht ballot. The total vote cast fer hear one of the nation** most "hanging of the greens" ceremony paeeesi bejond the llmtte of this Davis has sung with Pittsburgh the three woraen nominated vu articulate liberals, Theodore 11 to deeorate the YWCA for the «lty and where** ita •neeeesor and Toledo opera companies and 110. ha» appeared in New fork CH^ Old Guard Elects Greene, protector of phiioeophy 1.000, Chubb & Sons State Christmas holiday season will take la net yet to rig at, I thtwfcw at Yak University, present "A Employment for TOO to 1,000 per- who ma* *t the press conference, place thta Sunday at a JMH. A The newly elected directors will now mere that the clock In in "Susan and God" and "Call Me attend their first meeting Mon- Mister." Liberal Manifesto" as an answer sons at th« new Chubb «V Bon stated that Prudential Is still mak- •pecial program will follow at eoancll'a eaamber* be restere4 Mapfewood Man and in contrast to the Comma- clerical and accounting office ing plan* for tha shopping center. 4 p.m. day, December 11, at 6:30 p.m. at te EMtern Stwdtrd Tim*." the Hotel Suburban. At that time nist manifesto building to be located at the Pru- He said that the planning for the Decoration o! the butldliig will Council actually adjourned at dential Lit* Insurance Company's 70-4tor<» development requires con- officers for the 1901 season will. S:S9 Mtv The, eouncUmaw's ac- College Club "At a time when the world is be under the tflrcctlon of Mr*. b« elected. As President becoming: all too famttiar with shopping center tract on Morris stant >evt*ums and that the war Frederick Stone and the house tion brougbt churkl«s to his After three terms of service by the ttjwnlm of the Communist Turnpike was predicted b. $ iy. ,r •u»cj.»n bill * retarding effect committee and Mrs. Albert J. Other director* are Thomas W. wwoelate* and tihe naif dosen Nets $1592 Albert'». Fettle «* director, Ed- ratnifeito we welcome such-a New York City Insurance fin; •;»,' Jpr* the esft!f)fe?« Blaaf. Bastbtoioaicw anu Che gieerM com- Goleman, Hurry C Kdbes, Outl elttwiw s4t*i»Aii>« the acwaloti Ward Herbert, vice-director, of lfa- statement," Rev. David K. Bant» a press conference held Tuesday Joint Announcement mittee with YW member* «ad 8. Hulutt, Silem Boorujy, Frank plewood was unanimously elected, morning at the Prudential offices J. K^ttignn, Thomas A. Miller, well, president of the Athenaeum, According to the announcement, gueifts. Greens have been collected In Book Sale on Tuesday «t the Old Guard meet- said. "We especially welcome it at Newark. for the ceremony by Mrs. Hans Carleton VV. Plerson and John Q.< -Partlcularly, I would like t« ing a» his successor. Report* were made jointly by Chubb and Pru- A net profit of $8,592.23 for the from Professor Greene because According to Albert Wall, a Sltan and her committee. Segelken. commend and Iwsaitlly thank for made on absent members, nine No- dential, the site of the new build- 15th annual College Club Book this is hie second appearance on Chubb partner, his firm now em- There were no nomination* made us the auxiliary police of tha * vember birthday men and Henry ing is a 12-acre tract adjacent to The program following the dee- for directors representing the In- Sale held last October Is reported an Athenaeum program and we ploys 1.000 persons in the depart- the regional shopping center which orating; Is under the direction of Summit Civilian Defense organi- by Mrs. Walter M«cNair, chair- Allsop, one day efter his 90th know how warmly he was received dustrial division as that group now sation. The officers and men of birthday, were congratulated and ments that will be shifted to the Prudential hopes to construct in Mrs. Woodruff English and Mrs. man of cashiers. Thia Is not quite, here before." has full Board representation, UhLs group are men from tbe> T. "NrOndnir"of Summit was re- Summit area. The personnel move the near future. Last year the Frederick Eberhardt. The pro- equal to the•'record $3,640^ realised Professor Greene U the third will be made in two shift), the Prudential acquired 135 acres gram will consist of a Christmas community who have volunteered ceived into membership, Roy Baker for emergency police service ill in 1949 but ia regarded «a most reed from recent cards and tetters speaker of this season for the fir.it involving 400 employees and fronting on the Morris and Bsoex script written by Mm.
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