music Carly Rekindles an Old Flame Carly Simon. "Torch" that Coolidge invests with more l personality than she's usually in- ! Carly Simon always has infused noted for. Album highlights her work with a natural ' and clude a subdued but oddly appea- j steamy sensuality, so it's really ling reworking of Dusty Spring- 1 not much of a surprise that her field's "Wishin' and Hopin' " and a new album contains a number of tuneful version of Carole King's I venerable "torch" songs, most of "Walk On In." But the album's them first Jit Jn the njghicjubs of apex4s-th- e aggressiver"full-blow- n ex- driving track a real the '30s and '40s. As with all BBBSB' ' tJSHsBHBI and title periments, this album has its hits breakthrough for the singer. and its misses, but generally it works. Bohemia. "Deviations." i The singer's voice, with its smo ky edge of passion and sex, is A great live band and justifiably quite effective, extracting gener--i popular in Chicago Bohemia ous amounts of pain and lone- has made a splendid transition to liness, but coloring it all with a vinyl. Deviations, the group's de- worldly wisdom. Mike Manieri's but album (an EP preceded), accu- production gives the album a rately captures the band's verve, smoldering sheen, and Warren vibrancy and occasionally surreal Bernhardt's piano work adds a sad funkiness. Robin McBride's able group's and graceful counterpoint. The al- -' production keeps the bum opens with a stong perform-- I sound bouncy and taut. ance of Nicholas Holmes' "Blue of The disc opens with the swirling kineticism of "Standard Devia- Blue," a 1981 tune that nonethe-- J Carly Simon less sets the tone of the record. tions," a dance-rocke- r that ra- ! Simon stumbles a bit on Alec diates heat, light and other forms I Wilder's 1931 "I'M Be Around," ing, though Faithfull sings them of energy. Drummer Mark Wallner ! never quite getting to the song's with conviction and a crackling (newest member of the band) lays i knowing and melancholy center. charisma. Though she examines down the frantic beat, and lead But her rendition of Duke Elling- such standard themes as lost singer Carla Evonne supplies the ton's "I Got It Bad (and That Ain't youth, love and chances, her zesty focus. Another dance-floo- r Good)" is superb. She dazzles on brittle-toug- h voice", worn down by dazzler is the disc's closing tune, Hoagy Carmichael's "I Get Along experience, reveals self-confiden- ce "How Could You Advertise?" Without You Very Well," but her and strength. "Sweetheart," Between these two tracks, the version of "Body and Soul" lacks the disc's opening track (written band stretches its creative mus- something of both. - with band member Barry Rey- cles and comes up with a number Though Simon wrote additional nolds) is an affirmation of person- of impressive exercises in rock 'n' lyrics to two Holmes songs, she al freedom. Yet "Tenderness," one roll excellence. "Hydrogenic," a contributes only one original, the of the record's most successful girl-meets-muta- nt love story, moody "From the Heart." songs, mourns the failure of ro- could give a new definition to the Torch demonstrates Simon's mance and human connection. phrase "nuclear family." Guitarist ability to discipline her earthiness "For Beauties Sake," a collabora- Lee D'Buddah's "312" is a gritty and emotion. It also shows that tion with Steve Winwood, contains slash of urban life, Chicago-style- , she is well on her way to becom- the dark elements of English folk with no long-distan- ce waiting for ing a real chanteuse. song. "Easy in the City," the re- effect. Bassist Zirbel contributes cord's most overt rocker, could two ambitiously "artistic" songs Marianne Faithfull. "Dangerous even become a radio hit. with artful results. "Empty Acquaintances." Room," framed by Evonne's alm- Rita Coolidge. "Heartbreak Ra- ost-hollow vocals and glazed by Dangerous Acquaintances is a sat- dio." Fast Frank's saxophone, has the isfying, if not stunning, sequel to moodiness and punch of an Ed- Marianne Faithfull's remarkable Smoky-voice- d Rita Coolidge hasn't ward Hopper painting. "White revelation, Broken English. On exactly had a fire-breathi- ng career, Couches," which also benefits . that late-197- 9 gem, Faithful got mostly because she hasn't had from Frank's saxophone work, is a ' rid of her demons in a compelling a good sense of direction. Her dramatic and arresting reggae way. Now that she has exorcised dreamy, understated singing style number. her fury and bitterness, she is left (a little sultry, a little laid back) re- Several tracks from the album with her artistic vision, one that is quires the right vehicle and the are given the video treatment in a still a bit murky. As a result, Dan--; right production to make commer- program now being edited. In tan- gerous Acquaintances is an un- cial contact. New producer An- dem with that video, Deviations even performance. drew Gold just might be the one to should push Bohemia to the wider ; - This record doesn't boil with take some of the "cool" out of audience it deserves. The group is psychic energy, and Faithfull opts Coolidge and put in some spark too good to be a Chicago secret. for songs that are accessible and and sizzle. catchy. The lyrics she wrote Heartbreak Radio is a ine ef- By Chuck Pratt -- - . most of them are hardly arrest- fort, a varied collection of tunes Chicago Sun-Tim-es.
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