LIST OF PUBLICATIONS FOR BO JÖNSSON (2015-04-27) Published papers - original research communication published in English in international peer-reviewed journals: 175. Mattsson K, Källén K, Rignell-Hydbom A, Lindh CH, Jönsson BAG, Gustafsson P, Olofsson P, Ivarsson SA, Rylander L. Cotinine validation of self-reported smoking during pregnancy in the Swedish Medical Birth Register. Nicotine and Tobacco Resesearch, in press. 174. Ali N, Mattsson K, Rissler J, Karlsson HM, Svensson C, Gudmundsson A, Lindh CH, Jönsson BAG, Cedervall T, Kåredal M. Analysis of nanoparticle-protein coronas formed in vitro between nanosized welding particles and nasal lavage proteins. Nanotoxicology, in press. 173. Høyer BB, Ramlau-Hansen CH, Vrijheid M, Valvi D, Pedersen HS, Zviezdai V, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH, Bonde JP, Toft G.Anthropometry in 5- to 9-Year Old Greenlandic and Ukrainian Children in Relation to Prenatal Exposure to Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances. Environmental Health Perspectives, in press. 172. Hemmingsen JG, Møller P, Jantzen K, Jönsson BAG, Albin M, Wierzbicka A Gudmundsson A, Loft S, Risller J. Controlled exposure to diesel exhaust and traffic noise - effects on oxidative stress and activation in mononuclear blood cells. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, in press. 171. Lenters V, Portengen L, Smit LAM, Jönsson BAG, Giwercman A , Rylander L, Lindh CH, Spano M, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki JK, Chumak L, Piersma AH, Toft G, Bonde JP, Heederik D, Vermeulen R. Phthalates, Perfluoroalkyl Acids, Metals and Organochlorines and Reproductive 1 Function: A Multi-Pollutant Assessment in Greenlandic, Polish and Ukrainian Men. Occupational and Environomental Medicine, in press. 170. Covaci A, Hond ED, Geens T, Govarts E, Koppen G, Frederiksen H, Knudsen LE, Mørck TA, Gutleb AC, Guignard C, Cocco E, Horvat M, Heath E, Kosjek T, Mazej D, Tratnik JS, Castaño A, Esteban M, Cutanda F, Ramos JJ, Berglund M, Larsson K, Jönsson BAG, Biot P, Casteleyn L, Joas R, Joas A, Bloemen L, Sepai O, Exley K, Schoeters G, Angerer J, Kolossa-Gehring M, Fiddicke U, Aerts D, Koch HM. Urinary BPA measurements in children and mothers from six European member states: Overall results and determinants of exposure. Environmental Research, in press. 169. Góralczyk K, Struciński P, Wojtyniak B, Rabczenko D, Lindh CH, Jönsson BAG, Toft G, Lenters V, Czaja K, Hernik A, JBonde JP, Pedersen HS, Zvyezday V, Ludwicki JK Is the fact of parenting couples cohabitation affecting the serum levels of persistent organohalogen pollutants? International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, in press. 168. Smit LAM, Lenters V, Høyer BB, Lindh CH, Pedersen HS, Liermontova I, Jönsson BAG, Piersma AH, Bonde JP, Toft G, Vermeulen R, Heederik D. Prenatal exposure to environmental chemical contaminants and asthma and eczema in school-age children. Allergy, in press. 167. Høyer BB, Ramlau-Hansen CH, Pedersen HS, Góralczyk K, Chumak L, Jönsson BAG, Bonde JP, Toft G. Motor development following in utero exposure to organochlorines: a follow-up study of children aged 5-9 years in Greenland, Ukraine and Poland. BMC Public Health. 15: 1465, 2015 166. Specht IO, Bonde JP, Toft G, Lindh CH, Jönsson BAG, Jørgensen KT. Serum phthalate levels and time to pregnancy in couples from Greenland, Poland and Ukraine. PLoS One, 138C: 264-270, 2015. 165. Andreuccia A, Mocevic E, Jönsson BAG, Giwercman A, Lundberg Giwercman Y, Toft G, Lundh T, Bizzaro D, Olmer Specht IO, Bonde JP. Cadmium may impair prostate function as measured by Prostate Specific Antigen in semen: a cross-sectional study among European and Inuit men. Reproductive Toxicology, 53: 33-38, 2015 164. Axelsson J, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Lindh CH, Jönsson BAG, Giwercman A. Prenatal phthalate exposure and reproductive function in young men, Environmental Research, 14: 2, 2015. 163. Mörtstedt H, Ali N, Kåredal M, Jacobsson H, Rietz E, Kronholm Diab K, Nielsen J, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH. Targeted proteomic analyses of nasal lavage fluid in persulfate-challenged hairdressers with bleaching powder-associated rhinitis. Journal of Proteome Research, 14: 860-73, 2015. 162. Johansson GM, Jönsson BAG, Axmon A, Lindh CH, Lind ML, Gustavsson G, Broberg K, Boman A, Meding B, Lidén C, Albin M. Hairdressers are occupationally exposed to ortho- and meta-toluidine. Occupational and Environomental Medicine, 72: 57-63, 2015 161. Bornehag CG, Carlstedt F, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH, Jensen TK, Bodin A, Jonsson C, Janson S, Swan SH. Prenatal Phthalate Exposures and Anogenital Distance in Swedish Boys. Environmental Health Perspective, 123: 101-7, 2015 160. Høyer BB, Ramlau-Hansen CH, Obel C, Pedersen HS, Hernik A, Ogniev V, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Bonde JP, Toft G. Pregnancy serum concentrations of perfluorinated alkyl substances and offspring behaviour and motor development at age 5-9 years - a prospective study. Environmental Health 14: 2, 2015. 159. Jensen MS, Anand-Ivell R, Nørgaard-Pedersen Jönsson BAG, BondeJP, Hougaard DM, Arieh A, Lindh CH, Ivell R, Toft G. Second Trimester Amniotic Fluid DEHP and DiNP Metabolite Levels: Associations with Fetal Leydig Cell Function, Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias. Epidemiology 26: 91-9, 2015. 158. Ludwicki JK, Góralczyk K, Struciński P, Wojtyniak B, Rabczenko D, Toft G, Lindh CH, Jönssond BAG, Lenters V, Heederik D, Czaja K, Hernik A, Pedersen HS, Zvyezday V, Bonde JP. Hazard quotient profiles used as a risk assessment tool for PFOS and PFOA serum levels in three distinctive European populations. Environment International 74: 112–118, 2015 157. Jørgensen KT, Specht IO, Lenters V, Bach CC, Rylander L, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH, Giwercman A, Heederik D, Toft G, Bonde JP. Perfluoroalkyl substances and time to pregnancy in couples from Greenland, Poland and Ukraine. Environmental Health, 13: 116, 2014. 156. Ekman E, Faniband MH, Littorin M, Maxe M, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH. Determination of 5-hydroxythiabendazole in human urine as a biomarker of exposure to thiabendazole using LC/MS/MS. Journal of Chromatography B 973C: 61-67, 2014 155. Høyer B, Ramlau-Hansen C, Henriksen T, Pedersen H, Góralczyk K, Zviezdai V, Jönsson BAG, Heederik D, Lenters V, Vermeulen R, Bonde JP, Toft G. Body mass index in young school age children in relation to organochlorine compounds in early life: a prospective study. International Journal of Obesity, 38: 919-25, 2014 154. Consales C, Leter G, Bonde JPE, Toft G, Eleuteri P, Moccia T, Budillon A, Jönsson BAG, Giwercman A, H.S. Pedersen HS, Ludwicki JK, Zviezdai V, Heederik D, Spanò M. Determinants of global methylation levels in sperm DNA of fertile men from three different geographical regions. Human Reproduction, 29: 2065-72, 2014. 153. Leter G, Consales C, Eleuteri1 P, Uccelli1 R, O Specht IO, Toft G, Moccia T, Budillon A, Jönsson BAG, Giwercman A, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki JK, Zviezdai V, Heederik D, Bonde JPE, Spanò M. Exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and sperm DNA global methylation in Arctic and European populations. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 55: 591-600, 2014 152. Larsson K, Ljung Björklund K, Palm B, Wennberg M, Kaj L, Lindh CH, Jönsson BAG, Berglund M. Exposure determinants of phthalates, parabens, bisphenol A and triclosan in Swedish mothers and their children. Environment International, 73: 323- 333, 2014. 151. Brokken LJ, Lundberg PJ, Spanò M, Manicardi GC, Pedersen HS, Struciński P, Góralczyk K, Zviezdai V, Jönsson BAG, Bonde JP, Toft G, Lundberg Giwercman Y, Giwercman A. Interactions between polymorphisms in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor signalling pathway and exposure to persistent organochlorine pollutants affect human semen quality. Reproductive Toxicology, 49: 65-73, 2014 150. Schindler BK, Esteban M, Koch HM, Castano A, Koslitz S, Cañas A, Casteleyn L, Kolossa-Gehring M, Schwedler G, Schoeters G, Hond ED, Sepai O, Exley K, Bloemen L, Horvat M, Knudsen LE, Joas A, Joas R, Biot P, Aerts D, Lopez A, Huetos O, Katsonouri A, Maurer-Chronakis K, Kasparova L, Vrbík K, Rudnai P, Naray M, Guignard C, Fischer ME, Ligocka D, Janasik B, Reis MF, Namorado S, Pop C, Dumitrascu I, Halzlova K, Fabianova E, Mazej D, Tratnik JS, Berglund M, Jönsson B, Lehmann A, Crettaz P, Frederiksen H, Nielsen F, McGrath H, Nesbitt I, De Cremer K, Vanermen G, Koppen G, Wilhelm M, Becker K, Angerer J. The European COPHES/DEMOCOPHES project: Towards transnational comparability and reliability of human biomonitoring results. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 217:653–661, 2014 149. Hagerman I, Isaxon C, Gudmundsson A, Wierzbicka A, Dierschke K, Berglund M, Pagels J, Nielsen J, Assarsson E, Andersson UB, Xu Y, Jönsson BAG, Bohgard M, Effects on Heart Rate Variability by Artificially Generated Indoor Nano-sized Particles in a Chamber Study, Atmospheric Environment, 88: 165-171, 2014 148. Ode A, Källén K, Gustafsson P, Rylander R, Jönsson BAG, Olofsson P, Ivarsson SA, Lindh CH, Rignell-Hydbom A. Fetal Exposure to Perfluorinated Compounds and the Risk of Developing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, PLoS One, 23;9:e95891, 2014 147. Shu H, Jönsson BAG, Larsson M, Nånberg E, Bornehag CG. PVC-flooring at home and development of asthma among young children in Sweden, a 10-year follow- up. Indoor Air, 24:227-35, 2014 146. Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Tinnerberg T, Jönsson BAG. Trends in Human Concentrations of Endocrine Disruptors - Possible Reasons and Consequences, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 68: 4-5, 2014 145. Tinnerberg H, Broberg K, Lindh CH, Jönsson BAG. Biomarkers of exposure in Monday morning urine samples as a long-term measure of exposure to aromatic diisocyanates. International Archives of Occupational and Enviromental Health, 87:365-72, 2014. 144. Kronholm Diab K, Jönsson BAG, Axmon A, Nielsen J. Work related airway symptoms, nasal reactivity, and health related quality of life in female hairdressers - a follow up study during exposure. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 87: 61-71, 2014. 143. Lyngsø J, Ramlau-Hansen CH, Høyer BB, Støvring H, Bonde JP, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki JK, Zviezdai V, Toft G.
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