644 Broadway LLC Vs. Falls Lake Fire and Casualty Company and Falls

644 Broadway LLC Vs. Falls Lake Fire and Casualty Company and Falls

Case 4:20-cv-08421-JST Document 1-1 Filed 11/30/20 Page 1 of 197 EXHIBIT “1” Case 4:20-cv-08421-JST Document 1-1 Filed 11/30/20 Page 2 of 197 SUMMONS FOR COURT USE DNl. y_· (SOLO PA,RA USO DELA CORTE) (CITA CION JUDICIAL) (A6J~ci Ii' g;;;z~:~b~: FALLS LAKE FIRE AND CAS,UAL TY COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORP.ORATION;, (CONT'D) YOUAREBEING SUED BY PLA.INTiFF: (!:6 ESTA DEMANDANDCJ EL DE_MANDAN[E): M4 BROADY\'f.YLLC, A 9ALIFORNIA .LIM!TED LJABILIJY·CQMPANY N9TI.GE!. You haye !>_een sued .. Tl)ci.court may decide _against yiiu 'W,ithput yourpeing·heard unless you respond;Withip 30 .. dl)ys;Reaq the informatil:,n below .. , . .,. .. , . · ··. · ·You. have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this sumrnons and legal papers'ai'e s~rved,6n you. to fife a written respoli~e.:at this <:'oyrt i;ind i:,a11e a copy· served on the plainliff. A letter Of phone calhvill not pr9t~d:yoµ:,yo(i(Wrme~ i:~sp9fisii:n'!u,\\t. be in propedeef?lfqr,,:i:i)fyou'yi3ni'ihep9urt IQ liear-.youf c~si;,, Theft mdy,?e a C'.Oll[( form that yi:iu can u:s~Jqr Y,'?ur,respqn$,e. ?(liu ,~fi firig,,t~~se CPU~ ,f9,rrns, an9 rr.ore IJ1fprm11!Jon .at the;C!;Jlif0J,11ia Courts . 011U11e_ Self,Help Center (w.w;.courtinfo.ca.gov/sel{help); your,_countyJaw library; or the.courthouse n,earest,youJ(you cannot pay·the filing fee, ask lhe court cJerJdor a f_e.e waiver, form. If, yoLLdO not file your re,sponse· on.,tli-oe:;.yoLi.' may lo:se:.tbe :case,by;'defa'uJtfahd'Yoik wages; money, and property may, be'taken w1llioutfurtherwarning·from·the court. ·· · • · · ·· ·· ·· · · · There are. o.t~~r: legal re_g~irerniints. You may _w~ntlOc',ill a.rt-~- ·,ey):jglitiao/~f irYotl;QB ooJ ki]o\~'ari:~~~fl,iijyi.yo_u r'ii~y_viant tCJ ~all an aitornef referral service, If you cannot afford ari aitOrney;you mayb_e . _. JorfreelegaJ'services:froma,nonprofif!egafservices,program. Yo.u.can.loc:ate tp~se opnprofit groups ai ttie Calilo,ri.ia. Legal Sectices. Web;site(www;l~wiieip,ciliforrifa:◊rg), ifie .Calif~;.;;ia Courts:t>,Iffne 'Self-Reip Center (www:courtinto:ca:goviselfhelp), or i'ircontaciing your localcourtofcount'/ b~fasso'ciatiori:-f,JOTE: Thfcou[t has-a'sfutulbfy,ffeh for Waived fees .a_rid costs on anysett!ement orartiitralion award of $'10,000 or11iorejii a'dyiJ,case.,Ttje\ci:itirt'.s'.Hen_l'liust:be-paid befor(J,~tie 2ciuf(i/,ill dismiss the.case. j'AVISO! La_h_an' demaild~qo, s) no resporide denf(d de :10:i;Jr~t; )a ~~t1,fp'4,?,il,~,deqldjr'in iJ tonira Iin·e':~~udh;;}t! vers/ori' [~i;! ia ';nformaci6n a: continuaci6n . .Tiene 30DlifSDE°CALENDAR!Odespues de que /(yen/reguenesta ciiaci6tiy,pape!&s legates para presentar,unatespuesta porescrito en.esta corte.y hacerqua se entregue·una copia el demandante. Una0tarta:o'iliialla,mbdate/6f¢n,iqfno'.fo.pi_oteg'.en', $/J[fJ,spWstapoies~tito'.tierie qi.ttf estar eri fdr{riato liiga/ci:irrecli, sf d_esea que prose sen sif c~so e_ri,)r(cqi:ffi,:. ££$,p<f.~ible qup ha'J.a ;,l!n'fo[iriilfanoqu,fJ U§_led,ptieW UScl,f',para SlJ respues,ta, P,ued,e efi,;_optrar et;tosformulario,s de fa c_orle, yma_s i'r,foiT!)ac,i¢n¢n ¢{ P¢!flm.,cie/AY,µd?,cfe/as Cof!e,s,.de,9afiforf!i'!JW!yw.sucorle.ca.gov), en la biblloteC?J:rf.e /eyes ,le SU conilado. Q en la carte, que, le qu,ed,eJn{Js_ c_e,rqa, 'Si nq pu!irJe Mgar, taw.ota d.~ preserytircJ6n,, p(da a/secretario de la corte que: le'_de un iormLJ/ario de exencion de-,pago de cuofas. ·s; no ptesenta,sa·respuestaa-liemp'o';.pue.'de percfere/'cas6poi.incilmplimiehto y:ia corte Je p6dra quitars1rsueldo, dinero ybieneain mas adverteo'cia. · .. · · · · · . Hay btips'!;equisitqs iegales. Es recomendat;le qi{e 1/ame a_:µj a#ogat:lq li,Jn)e,iJtat~nieQ/ri., Sino con<fce [!. tit) a/J{Jgado; pued_e ilamat a un servk:;io de · rerii,isi6n, a,abogad,os, Si no pue,de pagara un abogado, e,s poslbJe _qu,r1;cumpiac_on)os:re,quisito.spara.o,btener§e,Mcios iega!es grat4itos de: un, programa .. de seNicios·Jega/es sin. fines.de.lucro .. P'uede0enconlrar estosJ1ropo$ 'sin'fines.de)ucto'en el ·sHhWeb.db Califdmia Legal Servfoes, (WWiv.iawheipcalifomia.org), .ertet Centro·de Ayuda .de las· cortes''diJ,calito'inia~ (Wllilv:sl1coite,ca'goV)'o pdnleridoiie 'en cplitactci'.i-:ori la ·corle o er toleg_io de abog_ados JocvliJii, _AV/SO!. Por flilf,}a coite /ierre derecnq a:r~.a~tr!i¾f /as;cii_dta_sy /qp::osioi~x~rJIOs ·porfmpofieYun grav~men sabre cua/quier; recuperacion de S,10,QOO 6mas dp valoirecibida wed{ar,?e µriapueh:i_o,q CJri~ con¢~s(6n. d(l_arbftrajf/ _en:4n-qaso de qerecho.civil. Tiene que pagar el grayamen dfJ la, carte antes_de·que fa corfe ptJecla d_qs_echar, efi;a$,O .. The name and address·cifthecourt'is: (El nornbrq y diretc(6n de fa done es): San Francisco S:i.Ji?eridi°Gourt 400 McAllister Street. Sari Fraocisco, GA 94102 The name; address, and ,telephone number of plaihtilfs att?i:he-yi,or plaintiff lt\!tih,0~1tan.attom~y; is; (E,}:(iornbr~. la dir1ccf6n y el numero de te/efono delabo[Jado de/ demandante, o de/ demandante,que.po tiene abog_ado1 .es): Terry J. Mornca, Esq,, MOLLICA LAW, 560 Firs!Street; ~uit~ B201, B~~i~ia, Cl>JJ4510 Tele .. ,925 2;}9?380 , Dep1,1ty DATE: OCT O, 9 '• ' Cferk of the Court Clerk, by (Fecha) (Secretario) (Adjunto) (For proof of seNice of this summons, use Pro.of cit Service ofSummons. (form POS-010).) (Para prueba de entrega de est a citation wie -el forrr(u/ado: Proof'qfSeryice of Summons, NOTICE TO THE PE:RSON .SERVED: You are served 1. D as an individual di<fend;,irit By 2. D as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): _· . · 3. D on behalf of (!5pecify): FAX under: D CCP416,10 (corporation) D CCP 416:60 (minor) D CCP 416:20 (defunct corporation) D CCP 416.70 {conservatee) D CCP 416.40 (association or partnership; D CCP 416.90 (authorized person) D oihor (specify): 4, ! ] by personal delivery on (date) PaQe 1 of 1 Form .A,:,cpfed for f,,1aridatocy !J1:.e SUMMONS Code or C:vi:I Prnced1,m1 S,§- •112.20, 465 ..1ua1cial Council of Catfom;a INWW.courts.ca.f;ov surl~ HHJ {Rev ..•\i!y 1. 200£-J For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear This Form button after you have printed the form. I, erin.t ~hi'rsJOl"IJ:l l I Save this form I Case 4:20-cv-08421-JST Document 1-1 Filed 11/30/20 Page 3 of 197 SUM~200(A SHORT TITLE: '{;ASE.~UMBER: 644. Broadway LLC v. Falls. lake Fire and Casulaty Company; et;at INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE· ➔ This form may be used as an attachrrieni to any s1.frnrnonsif?p;:i~e,does ryofperrnihhe_iistihg ofa))parti~s on the summons. ➔ lf this a!!achment is used, inseitthe following sfatern~nl'in the plaintiff-ordefondantbox:onJhe,suhimdns: "Al:ldit[onal.Parti~s Attachment form is attached." List additional parties (Check only one box. Use 13sepfii:;1te,,pafie '&r:eJ,phitype.Qf pa,:ty:h D Plaintiff G'] Defendant O tt6ss;..Cpti1plainari( 0 'Cti;isscDe.fehi:lanl FALLS.LAKE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ·A.NbHiOCORPORATION;ANb'bb'iis 1 iHR60GH50;JNCLUSIVE Page of Page 1 of 1 Form Adopted for tialiC:atory Ust: ADDITIONAL PARTIES ATTACHMENT Ju•::ic~i Co;,mcil cf CaHornia SlJMv200(A) [Rev. Ja'l'.l'Jr-1 1. 2007j Attachment to Summons For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear This Form button after you have printed the form. l Pr:iri(this fo}·frj,J I Sa~e this form I Case 4:20-cv-08421-JST Document 1-1 Filed 11/30/20 Page 4 of 197 Mmtin W. Jaszczuk, Esq. Daniel Schlessinger, Esq. Maiia G. Enriquez, Esq. 2 Tamra Miller, Esq. (Bar No. 224040) F. I I. E D JASZCZUK P.C Superior cfou'rt of California 3 311 S. Wacker Drive, Suite3200 County of San Francisco Chicago, U~ 60606 4 Telephone: (312) 442-0509 SEP 3 02im0 5 mj aszczuk@j aszczuk. com COURT [email protected] 6 menriquez@j aszczuk. com [email protected] 7 Terry J. Mollica., Esq. (Bar No. 139816) 8 MOLUCALAW 560 First Street, Suite B201 9 Benicia, CA 94510 Telephone: (925) 239-2380 IO Facsimile: (925) 239-2382 [email protected] 11 Attomeys for plaintiff 12 644 BROADWAY, LLC 13 SlJPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 14 CITY A'ID COUNTY OF SAN f'RA.NCISCO 15 16 lJNLll\:UTED JURISDICTION 17 CaseNo:CGC=2 = 18 644 Broadway LLC, a California limited 0 58 / 0 71 liability company, 19 COMPLA.INT FOR BREACH O.F Plaintiff, COT\TRACT AND 20 DECLARATORY RELIEF 21 V. Jury Trial Demanded 22 Falls Lake Fire and Casualty Company, a Califomia corporation, Falls Lake National 23 Insurance Company, an Ohio corporation; 24 and DOES 1 through 50, iriclusive, 25 Defonda11ts 26 ')'7 _/ NOW C01VlES 644 Broadway LLC, a California limited liability company 28 ("Plaintiff' or "644 Broadway''), and for its Complaint against Falls Lake National Case 4:20-cv-08421-JST Document 1-1 Filed 11/30/20 Page 5 of 197 Insurance Company and Falls Lake Fire and Casualty Company ("Defendants"), alleges as 2 follows: 3 l.

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