52 grzE Andover's Own NewspaperlrCWNSMAN Since 1937 VOLUME 65, NUMBER 28 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 1, 1952 PRICE 5 CENTS se by iresass=usw TANIgisocam- linallor" he Record Primary Vote of e. Cast Here; Republicans 'HARMAC1 Prefer Eisenhower 2-1 PH. G. Reg. Pharr!). Andover cast a surprising vote SQII R F. Air Observer of 2453 ballots in the presidential primaries Tuesday and Republican Force To Go On voters showed a preference of ?r for '52—the great. Eisenhower by more than two-to- n the low-price field) 24 Hour Duty one over Taft. The air-ground observer force The vote: Eisenhower 1419, Taft 620, MacArthur 7, Stassen out like its beauty. New Ford will go on full time, 24 hour a day ger ... with more interior con. duty beginning about May 17, 5, Warren 2, Lodge 2. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee suty and bigness, there's bruit according to instructions received led the field in the Democratic aletely new car in its field host by Civil Defense Director Albert write-in vote getting a total of 74 th sturdier K-bar frame. Cole Jr., from Gen. Hoyt S. Van- while Truman and Eisenhower got denberg, commander in chief of 11 each, Richard K. Gordon 10, the U.S. air force corps. Taft 5, Harriman 3, Dever and In ordering full time duty for the Douglas 2 each, John McCormick, aircraft observers, consisting of Herbert O'Connor and Harriman 1 about 150,000 volunteers in 36 each. states, Gen. Vandenberg states In the district delegate votes that "danger of possible attack is Andover, like the rest of the state, sufficient to make it advisable to rolled up a good lead for Group 1 man the observation posts 24 hours which was pledged to Eisenhower. a day." Both the delegates and the alter- A vast network of warning sta- nates in this group received a sub- tions equipped with the latest and stantial two-to-one vote over the most powerful radar and electronic Group 2 delegates and alternates equipment is rapidly approaching 411 pledged to Taft. iolstery combinations completion. Navy ships with simi- In the Democratic contest for lest choice of powct lar sets patrol both the east and district delegates and alternates west coasts. Group 1 received much more than !,c1 car offered so much! Take Andover has one of the non- the combined vote of Croup 2 and s so many body, color and Here are some of the 2453 of the town's 7338 registered voters who went to the polls Tues- mechanical detection posts and day the candidates not grouped. style ... only Ford offers 18 to vote in the presidential primary. Top photo shows view In polling place at the Square & personnel to man this station con- Compass club. Lower photo shows part of the waiting line outside the building shortly after For the Democratic town com- sr . only Ford offers o tinually until further notice must mittee 10 were to be elected but 6 p.m. (Look Photos) f-8 and a 101-h.p. high- be signed up very soon. - as only nine names appeared on Those interested in offering . only Ford offers Fordomatic Plan Observance the ballot there was a contest for tiona I I their services for this duty should the 10th place by a write-in vote. Of Loyalty Day Service Club To Sponsor contact one of the following: This resulted in the election of Francis J. Rodericks of the And- Richard K. Gordon who had 15 Veteran organizations of the over Service club; Frank J. O'Con- town will join at 7:15 o'clock this Junior League Ball Team nor, Andover Catholic club; William (Continued on Page 14) evening to conduct a formal retreat • The committees of the Andover Watt, Clan Johnston; Allen Flye, at the flagpole in front of the li- Abbot Announces Junior League baseball team have St. Matthew's lodge, Harold Haller, International Fiesta brary in the square. been announced by Harold E. PTA council, Herbert H. Otis, To Be Staged Here This will be the local obser- Two Honor Groups Heseltine, president of the And- Andover council of churches. ct range of power! vance of Loyalty day. All veterans Two announcements of impor- over Service club which is spon- An international fiesta, spon- of the town, whether they belong to tance in the spring calendar of soring the local team. The league Plan To Use .Added sored by the directors of the Inter- any of the local organizations or Abbot academy were made last is for boys in the 13 — 15 age national Institute will be held at not, are invited to participate. week by Miss Marguerite Hearsey group. Playground Space 8 p.m., Friday, May 16, in the Veterans taking part will form and Miss Alice C. Sweeney. On Officials of the league and the Memorial auditorium. on Park street near the Legion and Thursday morning at the regular committees, who have been noti- The selectmen at their meeting For the occasion the hall will be D.A.R. rooms at 7:15 p.m. and chapel service, Miss Sweeney fied to meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight Monday night made plans to invite a lively scene of color. The par- march to the library. Townspeople read the names of those members at Ford's Pastry shop, are as representatives of the school com- ticipants will be dressed in their are invited to attend. of the Class of 1952 who are can- as follows: Timothy J. Scanlon, mittee, the recreation committee national costumes and the epi- didates for membership in the president; Charles W. Bowman, and the hoard of public works to a sodes staged by several nationali- national Cum Laude society. They secretary; James R. Mosher, conference to discuss plans for ties will be an endeavor to demon- BUNNY'S are as follows: Mary Dozier Hawes treasurer; finance, Frank L. Brig- the newly acquired lands at the strate some of the finest from ,..,,,_.• CATERING SERVICE of New Canaan, Conn.; Susan Hun- ham, Harold Wennik, Joseph H. playstead. their own traditions, music and Weddings—Receptions—Testimonials ter of Westport, Conn.; Anne Lord Higginson, Donald S. Burns Jr., The board also received an in- art. Handicraft and embroidery Any Size — Anywhere of Swampscott, and Anne Sanborn Robert F. MacMackin. vitation from the Andover All- will be exhibited and choice foods Women's post, 427, American Le- Caterer Of Distinction of Andover. Candidates are in- Equipment: Stanley F. Swanton, native to many of the groups will it gion, to attend the annual installa- be for sale. ..._, Tel. TEL. LAW. 4323 ducted into the society at the, W. R. Hill, Wallace Brimer, John , MI close of the session. The regional John N. Cole, George L. Follans- tion of officers of the post to be Ball room and square dancing ma meeting of the organization will bee; field & grounds, J. Aubrey held in the Legion hall May 5. will follow the program. Charles Lundergan and Donald THE FOLLOWING take place Thursday, May 1, at St. (Continued on Page 14) Members of the board of di- Wheelock of the Disabled American Mark's school in Southborougts, and rectors are working to make this Veterans appeared before the will be attended by the Abbot fiesta one of unusual interest to fdidest rtotitTrad ANDOVER Regent Returns board to request use of the square candidates with Miss Marguerite all who attend. Mrs. B. Allen the evening of Thursday, May 1, Hearsey, principal of Abbot, who From Convention Rowland and Mrs. Deank K. Web- for Loyalty day services to be STORES Mrs. Roland Weeks, regent of ster Jr., are co-chairmen. (Continued On Page Ten) conducted jointly by all local Priscilla Abbot chapter, NSDAII, veterans organizations. The re- ANNOUNCEMENT OPEN recently attended as delegate the PLOWING continential congress held in quest was approved. The board voted the Lawrence Washington during the week of DR. C. V. DONEHUE FRIDAY NIGHTS Gas & Electric Co., permission to HARROWING Apr. 19. Mrs. Weeks was among the erect 11 poles on both sides of Chiropodist — Podiatrist 'TIL 9 Small or Large Areas guests received by Mrs. Truman Cutler road, northerly from Lowell street. announces the opening of !LUNGS': CARRIAGE TRADE SHOP; is the newly renovated presiden- • M. COLE: ELANDER & SWANTON; Estimates cheerfully tial mansion at a tea and reception his office at tendered the delegates. 'ou can't buy ORD'S; HARBORNE SHOP; W. R. given — Call And. 1546 FLAGSTONES 26 CHESTNUT ST., ANDOVER ILL'S; MICHAEL JAY'S; REIN- Further details of the congress HOLD'S; J. W. ROBINSON CO.; and highlights of the year's pro- ASSORTED COLORS. WOOLWORTH'S; THE STRATFORD W. A. WATSON gress of the chapter will be heard By Appointment Only SHOP. at the annual meeting to be held M. O'Ma honey Co. ART Merchant s Committee after luncheon at the Manning CALL ENT, 5109 (No Toll Chg.) S ANDOVER BOARD OF TRADE 54 Salem St. Andover Manse Wednesday, May 14. 6 West St. Lawrence Tel. 6149 TFE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 1, 1952 240 Now Engaged In Fund Campaign Early returns indicate a good Curtis, Mrs. Samuel S. Rogers; response to the current Republican nor John K. Hill; Precinct 2 — Albert fund canvass in Andover. L. Kerr Sr., Mrs. Edwin E. Lei- Robert M. Kimball, director af the the business administration divi. stir The following additional workers dich, Mrs. Theodore E. Tyler; have been enrolled in the neighbor-- Precinct 3 — Mrs. Walter R. Davis, sion at M.I.T., and Charles Am Gage, vice president of E.
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