cover:Layout 1 7/27/2011 3:30 PM Page 1 First Fully ÂãUÜè âÂê‡æü English-Hindi Magazine ¥¢»ýðÁè-çãU‹¼è Âç˜æ·¤æ 25 III No.8 ¥»SÌ TO OBC LEADERS AUGUST 2011 ¥ôÕèâè ¥»éßô´ ·¤ô Pg. 39 NEW DELHI Vol. WHO IS THE Father of Modern India? ¥æÏéçÙ·¤ ÖæÚUÌ ·¤æ çÂÌæ ·¤õÙ? Pg. 6 LEST HE FORGET! Ìæç·¤ âÙÎ ÚUãðU! cover:Layout 1 7/27/2011 3:30 PM Page 2 Content:Layout 1 7/27/2011 3:30 PM Page 1 11 Who is the Father of Modern India ¥æÏéçÙ·¤ ÖæÚUÌ ·¤æ çÂÌæ ·¤õÙ?11 PAGE 6 PAGE 49 Lest He Challenges of Forget! a Joint Family PAGE 37 â¢ØéÌ ÂçÚUßæÚU Rajput Ratan Ìæç·¤ ·¤è ¿éÙõçÌØæ¡ Betrays Dalit Lalia âÙÎ ÚUãðU! ÚUæÁÂêÌ ÚUÌÙ Ùð çÎØæ ÎçÜÌ ÜçÜØæ ·¤æð Šææð¹æ PAGE 17 Job Loot in Bihar Legislative Council Secretariat PAGE 58 çßÏæÙ ÂçÚUá¼÷ âç¿ßæÜØ ×ð´ Ùõ·¤çÚUØô´ ·¤è ÜêÅU Dr Ambedkar’s PAGE 42 PAGE 45 Buddhism: Interview With A Buddha Face, Rajendra Yadav Corruption: On Writing Well Psychological A Jesus Voice ÚUæÁð‹Îý ØæÎß âð Diagnosis and ©Uæ× Üð¹ ·ñ¤âð çܹð´ âæÿæ户¤æÚU Prescription ÇUæò. ¥¢ÕðÇU·¤ÚU ·¤æ ÖýcÅUæ¿æÚUÑ ×Ùôßñ™ææçÙ·¤ Õõh Ï×üÑ PAGE 21 çÙ¼æÙ ¥õÚU ©U¿æÚU Õéh ·¤æ ¿ðãUÚUæ, TATA Jagriti Yatra Øèàæé ·¤è ¥æßæ•æ ÅUæÅUæ Áæ»ëçÌ Øæ˜ææ PAGE 31 PAGE 25 HINDISTANãU×æÚæUU William Carey: Breaker or Builder of India? çßçÜØ× ·ñ¤ÚUèÑ ÖæÚUÌ çßÙæàæ·¤ Øæ ÖæÚUÌ çÙ×æüÌæ? PAGE 52 Cover & Graphics: Mitra T ForwardThinking:Layout 1 7/27/2011 3:28 PM Page 2 Anyone who walks into my office notices two things be- side/behind me: the red Phule pagdi (turban) and a portrait of a balding William Carey with the caption “Friend of India, First Indian Periodical – 1818”. It also has a motto emblazoned on it: “Expect Great Things From God; Attempt Great Things For God”. Most who visit me there know of Mahatma Jotirao Phule but few, if any, including journalists and publishers, have even ORWARD heard of William Carey. When I introduce them to FTHINKING Carey they are usually excited and astounded that they have never heard of a man who contributed so greatly to the making of modern India. Vol. III No. 8 Bilingual AUGUST 2011 The very first issue of FORWARD Press featured an introduction to Carey, the first of a series by Thom Wolf, “You Owe Him but Do You Know Him?” We plan to publish a Dr Silvia Fernandes Chair, Aspire Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. collection of this series as separate books in English and in Hindi. But on the occasion of Prabhu Guptara the 250th birth anniversary of this great man, this “friend of India”, FP is probably one of Patron and Chief Advisor the few magazines in the world and possibly the only one in India that is focusing on Sunil Sardar William Carey. Our tribute to him includes my Editorial Essay raising the serious Patron and Advisor question of who is truly the “father of modern India” and making the case for a rewriting Satyaveer Chakrapani of the history of modern India. FP plans to soon launch this project on its pages. Director and Advisor Meanwhile, in this issue, Vishal Mangalwadi has contributed a tongue-in-cheek review of brahmanical criticism of Carey as “the nastiest Englishman that ever came to India”. Ivan Kostka This month also marks the 25th anniversary of the leading Hindi literary magazine Editor-in-Chief Hans. FP Hindi editor Pramod Ranjan and I had the privilege of an extended interview Ashish Alexander with both Hans editors Rajendra Yadav and Sanjeev, as well as some their literary visitors. Editor We carry the first of two parts with FP’s heartiest congratulations on this milestone Pramod Ranjan Editor (Hindi) achieved and wish Hans another 25 years at least. We also wish Hans would engage in the dialogue/debate on OBC Literature initiated in our July issue. Not only has there been a CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Prabhu Guptara (Europe) flood of serious and lengthy response to FP (some of which are in this month’s Letters to Dilip Mandal (New Delhi) the Editor) but it has been discussed at length on Facebook and Hindi websites. Vishal Mangalwadi (USA) I received a letter from Muslim community leader Syed Shahabuddin. Since his Gail Omvedt (New Delhi) Thom Wolf (New Delhi) objections were mainly directed to Pramod Ranjan regarding his research on caste composition of Bihar media, I got him to respond. We have published both the full let- ter and the response side by side. This underscores that while FP does have a point of Mitra T. Chief Designer view we welcome serious opposing or critical responses and will publish them, if neces- Office: FORWARD Press sary with a response. 803 Deepali, 92 Nehru Place Starting this issue with Vineet Kumar’s critical review of Ratan Rajput after Agle New Delhi 110019 , FP would like to more regularly examine trends in popular Tel. (011) 46538687 Fax: (011) 46538664 Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo Email: [email protected] culture. Printed, published and owned by Lastly, up front we carry a PhotoFeature on the release on bail of the notorious Ivan Anthony Kostka and printed at leader of the murderous Ranvir Sena, Brahmeshwar Mukhia. The photos of M.P. Printers, B-220, Phase-II, Noida, UP - 201301 and published from Dalitbahujan victims of the Ranvir Sena’s massacres are intended to be disturbing – 803 Deepali, 92 Nehru Place lest we forget the killing fields of Bihar, lest Mukhia forget his many victims, lest Nitish New Delhi 110019 Kumar forget who re-elected him a second time. FORWARD Press logo designed by Etienne Coutinho; assisted by Amogh Pant Disclaimer: The views expressed in the articles are those of the writers. The magazine will not bear any responsibility for them. ForwardThinking:Layout 1 7/27/2011 3:28 PM Page 3 Áô ·¤ô§ü Öè ×ðÚÔU ¼$ÌÚU ×𢠥æÌæ ãñU ßãU ×ðÚÔU ¥æâ-Âæâ ¼ô ¿è•æô´ ÂÚU •æM¤ÚU »õÚU ·¤ÚUÌæ ãñUÑ ÜæÜ Èé¤Üð »ǸUè ¥õÚU »¢Áð ãUôÌð Áæ ÚUãðU çßçÜØ× ·ñ¤ÚUè ·¤æ 翘æ çÁâ·¤æ ·ñ¤ŒàæÙ ãñU ÒÒÈýñ´¤ÇU ¥æò$Ȥ §¢çÇUØæ, $ȤSÅüU §¢çÇUØÙ çÂçÚUØæòçÇU·¤Ü, v}v}ÓÓÐ ©Uâ·ð¤ Ùè¿ð ¿×·¤èÜð ¥ÿæÚUô´ ×ð´ °·¤ ¥æ¼àæü ßæØ Öè çܹæ ãéU¥æ ãñUÑ ÒÒ§üàßÚU âð ×ãUæÙ ·¤æØôZ ·¤è ¥æàææ ·¤ÚUô; §üàßÚU ·ð¤ çÜ° ×ãUæÙ ·¤æØôZ ·¤æ ÂýØæâ ·¤ÚUôÐÓÓ Áô Üô» ×éÛæâð ç×ÜÙð ¥æÌð ãñ´U ©UÙ×ð´ âð ¥çÏ·¤æ¢àæ ×ãUæˆ×æ ÁôçÌÚUæß Èé¤Üð ·ð¤ ÕæÚÔU ×ð´ ÁæÙÌð ãñ´U, Üðç·¤Ù ÕãéUÌ ·¤× ãUè °ðâð ãUôÌð ãñ´U, ˜淤æÚUô´ ¥õÚU ¤æòÚUßÇü Âý·¤æàæ·¤ô´ â×ðÌ, çÁ‹ãUô´Ùð çßçÜØ× ·ñ¤ÚUè ·¤æ Ùæ× Öè âéÙæ ãUôÌæ ãñUРȤ çß¿æÚU ÁÕ ×ñ´ ·ñ¤ÚUè âð ©UÙ·¤æ ÂçÚU¿Ø ·¤ÚUßæÌæ ãê¡U Ìô ßãU ¥æ×ÌõÚU ÂÚU ÕãéUÌ ßáü III ¥¢·¤ 8 çmÖæáè ¥»SÌ 2011 ÚUô×æ¢ç¿Ì ¥õÚU ¿ç·¤Ì ãôÌð ãñ´U ç·¤ ©U‹ãUô´Ùð ©Uâ ÃØçÌ ·ð¤ ÕæÚÔU ×ð´ ·¤Öè ÙãUè´ âéÙæ çÁâÙð ¥æÏéçÙ·¤ ÖæÚUÌ ÇUæò çâçËßØæ ȤÙæZÇUèâ ·ð¤ çÙ×æü‡æ ×ð´ §ÌÙæ ×ãUæÙ Øô»¼æÙ ç¼ØæÐ ¿ðØÚU, ¥SÂæØÚU Âý·¤æàæÙ Âýæ. çÜ. 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