(Jf Football, Summit Victory Loan vs. Westfield Drive Is On * 67th YEAR. No. 11 SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1945 $3 A YEAR 6 CENTS Lester For Mayor Heads "Trophle* From Tokyo" II Trophies From TokyoII G.O.P. Election Sweep Here for Victory Loan § What happened here in Tuesday's general election fol "Trophies from Tokyo," cavalcade of the U. S, Navy', Ipwed the usual expectation. The Republicans carried the will be on display in Summit on Saturday morning, No- m City by a six to one majority, The voting was light, only vember 17, according to Arthur T. Dailey of the Summit • 3,038 of the city's 8,547 registered voters bothered to go War Finance Committee. Mr. Dailey, who is executive to the polls. Councilman Maxwell Lester, Jr., Republican, vice-president of the Summit Federal Savings and Loan le- d tir-•'"e ticket wit••h 2,577 votes ~ ———— Association, is chairman of the Chamber of Commerce closely followed by Republican committee for the sale of victory bonds to industrial and Ernest S. Hickok, councllman-at- large, with 2,551 votes to succeed Hon. Joseph C. Grew business houses, and in charge of arrangements for this hlnuelf, for runner-up position as presentation. votegetter. December Speaker The cavalcade will arrive In In £he First Ward, C. Philip Mrs. G. R. Martin town at 8:30 a. m. and remain Dean, Jtepublican, with 1,152 votes, until noon. The city of Summit was elected councilman to succeed For The Athenaeum has given permission for this ex- / to Mr, Lester's chair in Common Tbe,_pjogram committee of the Charges Neglect hibition to use the park at Broad *" Council. In the Second Ward, Athenaeum today announces its street between Elm and Maple Councilman Louis G. Dapero, Re- speakers for the lectures of the streets. Two trucks with trailers'' publican, was elected to' succeed 1945-1946 season. Of Teen-Age Boys almost 20Q feet long contain cap- ilmtelf with 1,138 votes. Andrew On Thursday, December 13, Hon. ATLANTIC CITY-The countr; tured Jap weapons and equipment IkfcNattara, Republican, received Joseph C. Grew, former Ambas- Is'devoting too much attention ti including a complete Jap amphi- 1,405 votes as justice of the peace. sador to Japan, and former as- returning soldiers and not cnoug] bious tank, and are presented by As has been the situation for a sistant secretary of state, will give to boys of high school age, to the U. S. Navy. Nine officers and Cavalcade of the United States Navy will be seen on Saturday number of years past, the Demo- an off-the-record speech on the Y.M.C.A. and American Legion Home, Elm street. The showing is young to participate in the wa men will be on board to show the in the interest of the Victory Loan Drive. crats offered no slate for city of- situation in Japan. This is one morning, November 17, 8:30 to noon, on Broad street, between the in the opinion of Mrs. George F trophies. fices. of the very few appearances Mr. Martin of Summit, state chairmai The offlcer-iu-charge is Sgt. A few scattered write-in votes Grew is making this winter. To Moke Official Visit Overlook President Dies of education of the New Jerse; Walter Pritchard, U.S.M.C.R. from *- for local offices crept in here and On Thursday, January 10, Nora Can Labor Warfare Federation of Women's Clubs. Alameda, Cal. He led a squad of there. • In the Second Ward, first Wain, author of "House of Exile" First Birthday Addressing a Fall district confer 22 marines on Iwo Jlma out of district, Ralph P. White, Republi- and of half a score later books in- ence at Jefferson Hotel Friday which 19 were killed and three can, of Oak Ridge avenue, received cluding, "Reaching for the Stars," Of Summit Union Be Prevented? Mrs. Martin said she was not dis- wounded. He holds the Asiatic, three ".votes for mayor, and, for- will speak on the progress of re- paraging the job done by GIs bu Pacific, and American theater rib- mer Mayor Guido F. Forster re- construction in Europe. Mrs. Wain that "our responsibility concernin bons and the Purple Heart. An- ceived one vote for mayor, as did is now in Europe, on an extended Printers Observed Topic At League youth's ideals and in inciting youtl other combat hero accompanying Eleanor Gllson. In the Second tour, so she will epeak from first- Members of Summit Union No. "Can Labor Warfare Be Pre- to go on with his education ha, this unit is Platoon Sgt. Herbert Ward, first district, Mr. White hand information. 788, International TyWgraphlcaJ vented?" will be the topic dis- sort of passed by" and "the hig E. Hill, U.S.M.C. of Pittsburgh, polled two votes for mayor, and On Thursday, February 14, Lieut. Union, observed the flran^gpivlr- cussed by Dr. William Tucker, a school group has had no fanfari Mass, He is a veteran tank man Ogden Gensemer, of Valley View Commander Harold. E. Stassen will sary of the organization of the public member of the state media- because they were not old enoug who has survived the campaigns of avenue, one vote for councilman. speak on present-day politics. This branch with a birthday dinner at tion board, before the Summit to - take part in the 'glamorous Guadalcanal, Guam, and N«w 1 » A voter in the First Ward, seventh lecture and that of Mr. Grew will Ryan's restaurant, Vaux Hall, on League of Women Voters, Mon- job. " Georgia. He has had experience * district, cast a write-in vote for In American tank warfare and In. , be open to members only, guest Saturday night. day, November 12, at 2 p. m., in "The youth coming along has Mr, White as justice of the peace. defensive anti-tank tactics against tickets not being honored because Twenty-one men sat down at the the Methodist parish house, been built up to the thought tha The' Rev. Jacob Trapp of Maple the Japs. A veteran from the USS of the capacity of the high school. tables, the head one of which was ' Dr. Tucker, who Is now pastor the GIs will get the jobs," she said, Street, received a write-in vote for Arrangements for the March and decorated with a birthday cake of the Second Presbyterian . groun. coining._u».ia-'36. justice of the peace from the Sec- u April meetings are not entirely with one candle shining In its cen- Church in Princeton., and-was for and '65 will frame the policies o He i8 Thomas D. Crowther, GM2c, \. ond Ward, third district. complete; but it is expected that tor. All these men, with the excep- •many-years connected with the old the democracy. Now they are a U.S.N.R. from Elwood City, Fenn. * evidenced elsewhere ,' As was the March speaker will be a con-_tj01,.of.t.wo.(rom,Mad.ison, argein- First Church in Newark, Is one of the impressionable age that if they (Continued on page 19) throughout i •ttmporary -pifflOBopSirTlind The ployeea of the. 'Carter Publishing this oldest members of the media- get an inferiority complex of tliel fContinued" on page 4) closing; meeting will be an excur- Company, with ^ J.1 Edwin Carter tion board. For 10 years Dr. Tuck- opportunities they will let down. sion into the field of letters. seated in thfcenter as the invited er, with, industrial and labor mem- They have dona a marvelous job In 39th Annual Safe There-are still a few member- guest of the1 occasion. At Mr, Car- bers of theboard, has been study- their contribution to the war ef legion Group ships left; but when the; 'number ter's' right was Rogers D, Grover ing the various labor problems WALTER A. STALB fort. They are just as importanl Of Yule Seals has been filled, later applications president of the Union and John H. which are in the headlines now. aa the GI." will go on a waiting list Applica- He will express his viewpoint on Sponsors Gifts to Janssen, secretary-treasurer. On ROBERT J. LAIEB A prediction thafa nationa Starts Nov. 19 tions with checks for 15 covering what, government can hope to ac- Mr. Carter's left was Ferguson V. of Cranford,'District 18-A gow Overlook Hospital vitable In Dr, John ET Runnells of Scotch ' two Reason pickets and two guest [i.pfob In settling labor disputes Yanks Who Gave Bass, production ~ manager. nor of Lions Internatiw'.al, vTO> ;ited Jj|t>Jt> wasjr ade b; Plains, president -of the Union tickets good tor any except the Jore thiSy reach the boiling This year Summit Post 138, , Mr. Janssen was toastmaster .of, make his official visit to Summit !&r uP'Belmar, County Tuberculosis League, Inc. • Grew and Staasen lectures, may p'omt. , - Araer|can Legion . .and ^Auxiliary the evening and upon his invita- Lions Club today at its weekly Board of trustees* state 'chairman of drama of tbi announced today that the 39th an- be sent to Ronalfl, ,C.-Anderson, Mrs. Jacob Trapp, chairman of Will, launch their second annual tion President Grover welcomed luncheon in the Hotel Beechwood, federation. She based her opinion nual seal sale will begin this year treasurer, c/o, The,Summit Trust the labor committee of the Sum- appeal for Christmas boxes to be Mr. Catte'r and the assembled Lion Daniel Kautzman, supervisor on the fact soldiers had the oppor on November 19. Co., or to -Henry- B.
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