Whitewood Inn Restaurant, Bar & Grill open for Һ j33199;!8ধ2+!;¤Wj,32'f¤ff¤ $150 PER COPY (GST included) www.heraldsun.ca Publications Mail Agreement No. 40006725 -YPKH`1\UL Serving Whitewood, Grenfell, Broadview and surrounding areas • Publishing since 1893 =VS0ZZ\L Lightning storm CHRIS ASHFIELD | GRASSLANDS NEWS A thunder storm last Sunday evening produced a spectacular lightning show throughout much of the area. Here, the Richardson Pioneer terminal south of Whitewood is lit up by numerous bolts of lightning making for a spectacular site for people. The storm, which came up from the south, passed to the east of town and veered towards Moosomin. While little precipitation came from the storm, there was rain expected Friday through Sunday. Gov’t announces new senior home for Grenfell By Sarah Pacio new long-term care facil- advocating for a new care repeatedly presented the building, but the money third party provider part- Grasslands News ity. Rod Wolfe, Grenfell’s home and demonstrating need to Saskatchewan remained in a trust fund. nership. mayor, acknowledged the their commitment to pro- Health Ministers, work- By 2016, one wing First, the government efforts of past councils, viding for the seniors who ing hard to make their of the home had to be issued a Request for Ex- Nearly two years after adding particular praise helped establish their voice heard. In 2006, the closed, displacing eight pressions of Interest in the Grenfell Pioneer for current officials. “Our town. Over the years, community raised $1 mil- residents. In May 2018, the fall of 2018. Then, in Home was shut down, the thirty-plus years of hard Grenfell’s town council lion to be used for a new mould was discovered in February 2019, it issued provincial government work here is finally pay- several areas of the build- a Request for Proposals has finally given approval ing off,” the mayor said. ing and by September the (RFP) to construct a 33- to proceed with advanced “Special congratulations remaining 21 residents bed long-term care home. planning and design to re- goes out to our council of were moved to Saskatch- After the RFP closed in place the facility. the day, (MLA’s) Stephen ewan Health Authority June 2019, the Ministry The Government of Bonk, and Warren Kaed- facilities in neighboring and SHA began review- Saskatchewan announced ing – they’ve been very communities. All 63 em- ing proposals and prepar- Tuesday morning that it instrumental in this.” ployees were laid off from ing a business case. One would provide $73 mil- The original Grenfell the Grenfell Pioneer year later, they finally lion for new long-term Pioneer Home opened Home or informed that announced funding spe- care facilities in Grenfell in 1968 and the 22-bed their temporary positions cifically designated for and La Ronge. “The Gren- facility provided Level were terminated. the care home in Grenfell. fell Pioneer Home project III, Level IV and respite The Ministry of Health Local officials do not will be funded from the care for local seniors. By and the SHA assured the have any specific infor- $203 million provided by the mid-1980s, the build- town that Level IV care mation yet but they do the infrastructure stim- ing was showing signs in Grenfell was a prior- anticipate the govern- ulus initiative,” Colleen of disrepair so the town ity and the service would ment will pursue a pri- Book, consultant for the began consultations with continue to be publicly vate build option. “One Ministry of Health, said the government. Some re- funded, but fulfilling the way or another it’s going in an email to Grasslands pairs were made over the promise has been a long through,” Mayor Wolfe News. She stated that the years and the government process. The Ministry said. “We haven’t seen project cost and specific acknowledged that more wanted to consider all any details yet, but there building model are not was needed, but renova- possible options for re- will be more announce- yet finalized, and will be tions or replacement was New home coming GRASSLANDS NEWS FILES placing the nursing home ments in the near future.” shared at a later date. repeatedly postponed. Nearly two years after the Pioneer Home in Grenfell including a traditional The final decision on the It has been a long Municipal officials government-owned and procurement process is road for the town as it and local residents per- was shut down, the provincial government has an- operated facility, an af- expected later this sum- has sought support for a severed, continuously nounced a new senior home will be built. filiate arrangement, or a mer. SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 15 OF THIS WEEKS HERALD SUN! OPEN: Monday to Friday 10 AM to 4 PM Appointments available for after hours and Saturdays 815 Broadway Avenue Moosomin, SK 1-306-435-2154 www.zaylie.ca Arvelle & Wayne McGonigal COMFORT, QUALITY AND VALUE FOR EVERY ROOM IN YOUR HOME! COME VISIT OUR BEAUTIFUL SHOWROOM - OVER 6000 SQ. FEET 2 June 19, 2020 0HOYLOOH$GYDQFH:KLWHZRRG*UHQIHOO+HUDOG6XQ)RUW4X·$SSHOOH7LPHV Grasslands News Creative approach to keep art program running By Emily Jane Fulford make the idea come to fruition, Hearn they can be posted on the online gallery Beginner (ages five to nine), times: 9:45 Grasslands News had to figure out which technology plat- on programs website. – 10:45 a.m.; Intermediate (ages 10-14), forms would work best for the classes. The Summer Art Program runs times: 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Advanced Since not everyone is familiar with the Monday to Friday starting July 6 until (ages 14-18+), times: 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. For Melville Community Works is well different software options available, August 14. There are three different more information visit summerartpro- known in the city as an endless pleth- finding a product least likely to mal- hour-long sessions a day starting with: gram.wordpress.com ora of creativity and potential, hosting function was key and the arts commu- everything from traditional art classes nity was determined to find a way to in painting, drawing and music to more continue with the program despite the complex expressions such as stained limitations. glass and wood sculpting. With such a “The Melville Arts Council operates variety of activities and things to learn, this building as a non-profit and one of it’s no wonder that Melville is referred their primary mandates is the promo- to as “bigger on the inside.” tion of the visual and performing arts; After the onset of Covid-19, many of that’s one of their main focuses,” said the options for learning and socializ- Melville Community Works Administra- ing across the country were impacted, tor, Joe Kirwin. “We were pretty confi- however, many members of the local dent this year when we asked Jayne to community have found creative ways come back that we would not be able to press on through these compromis- to do face-to-face art classes, but with ing times and find ways to bring people the tools that are available we can still together in safer ways. reach out. So that’s why the arts council The online Summer Art Program is proceeded this year.” one of these. The classes are aimed to Classes are currently planned to op- provide kids with fun art activities to erate through a combination of YouTube keep them busy over the summer as and Zoom thanks to the reliability and well as promote the love and importance ease of use of these web resources. A of lifelong art in the City of Melville. list of areas throughout the city where “Due to COVID-19 precautions, I materials and art supplies can be found created a website where YouTube vid- has also been provided so families don’t eos will be released containing lesson need to travel far to find what they need. instructions and materials as well as “This program is geared towards kids zoom links where kids can work along- with a love for the arts from ages five all side my step by step instruction and the way to 18,” says Hearn. still be able to socialize,” explains the “To join, you just have to go to the program instructor Jayne Hearn. “Each sessions page on the website and click week has a different theme including the Zoom link under the specified week, art inspired by animals, creative crafts, day, and ability level once it is posted. music/dance/drama, art inspired by na- There is no cost for sessions as students ture, abstract adventures, and cartoon/ will have their own materials at home. drawing. We cover all of the arts strands They can do as many sessions as they such as visual art, music, dance, and want and fluctuate between ability lev- drama.” els if they choose.” 68%0,77('_*5$66/$1'61(:6 Creating the program did not happen When kids are finished their artwork Summer art program without some challenges. In order to they can email images to Jayne so that 0HOYLOOH·VVXPPHUDUWSURJUDPLVDJREXWZLWKDFUHDWLYHQHZIRUPDW5XE\ 3DWULFN,VDEHOOD*LOPRUH.DLOH\6KHUPDQDQG%UHH.UDHNHUDORQJZLWKLQ- Librarian sows seeds of learning VWUXFWRU-D\QH+HDUQWDNHQGXULQJWKH6XPPHU$UW3URJUDP Plant a Seed - Read! Program WE’RE HERE By Sarah Pacio has maintained the gar- be vegetables for commu- Grasslands News dens herself. She planted nity members to harvest. WHEN YOU NEED US beans, cucumbers, “There should be enough squash, tomatoes, pars- variety there for people to Beans are sprouting ley, lettuce and radishes take a little bit and have We’re just a phone call away in the raised garden beds so that soon there will some salads,” she said.
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