: www.magicvcvalley.com 1 h e :D l !m ■ _ u50 ccnts : m lesday, Octobv*r31,:1 ,2 0 0 0 _____________ Twin Falls,, IiIdaho/95th year, NNo. 305____________ Gcx>p MOlORNING W e a t h e r Abater rig h ttsth ree a t re^m airIS F lull ; Today:lay: Partly sunnymy with areas ^ - three central IdahoI wi ilderness ngrcserve(ved w ater rights claimed minimum quantity neet5cc«sary to _ ^ ^ •^Sjj^offogog this mom- ^ O U)urt reversal areas hasn't really chalanged. by the U.JU.S. F o rest Service for fulfiU th e purposes off ithe Wild 0 * 1 " ^ ing.W.Winds becom- The Idaho Supreieme paMBpHpHiB the[ie Salmon River and and Scenic Rivers Act." Court last week ruledI thatd oth<ther rivers under the Just what that mininimum is, cam 'ing west at 10-20I m]mph. High 48. Q O Cesn’t . eliminate however, must be deddtided in the ■PButly cloudy tonigilight, with a . the federal governmin e n t M jW jjM y y B 196:968 Wild and Scenic snow. Low 30. iG Oieral Z claims doesn’t have a reservrv ed l illltiM M M RivtJvers Act. Sth District Court. A nd th at '1 flight diance of sno water right in three Idxdaho “1“These claims cast a court’s decision couiu!d have 1^ Page A2 By N.S.■S. Nohkentval wilderness areas, overertum ing its shadow verv the w ater suppUes repercussions for wot<iter rights I I T1me»-W>-Wewt writer______________ own year-old ruling of the UppJpper Salmon,” Anomey holders from Stanley to Salmon, W ^ -1 .le X a d ; But the court, in a s ep a rate General AlA) Lance said in a pre- from Leadore to YellowwPine. M a g i c V aUJ i . jKY TWDn N FALLS - Tlie one thingS o p in io n , also unala n im o iisly pared stateutement. “The impact of the! iwild ond , Tower talk: Blaine„e County has « P Pjnents - feared most abouc“ upheld a Snake Ri'liv e r B asin The courDurt ruled that the feder- rail project ■ved federal vrater rights inn Adjudication court ruiu lin g granti- al guvemrrnment is enritled to “the Please see WATEF ^acted-a moratori:onum on cell phone towers. will scaitart Thursday' PageBl By John I.r.Hudtly Hi TImaa-Newawa ^writer______________ Rebuilding efforts:!j: IVvin Fhlls County^ new buildinding code in^ TORtM Y ;SKII TWIN FAFALLS - The city will c r e a ^ fees for butldaiding permits. start blazi:azing a nev\ iru il th is PageBl _____I week. C ity leilenders announced Monday th<that they are ruady to H' start.const:nstruction on the ntyv CoMPUTiii^::r s Canyon RinRim Trail East projcrt, ru n n in g• eieast of Blue Lak«s & T e c h n o[()L(x ;y Boidevard■d NNorth. Portartable private LaMar- OiOrton, the city's pliit- ning nndd z(zoning director, s;ild eye?.3? A wireless grading anand preliminary trail eking device d evelopmiment, e should begin ers benefits, Thursday.y. t raises priva- The trailail 'will start at the Buiu questions. Langdnn1 ViVisitor Ccnter parking PageC3 lot. stretchitching east about 3,000 feet alonglg thetl canyon rim. It will tracki include four viewpoints and will offers be 10 feet•t wide.w Hbutrc ^HH The cityty hhas $50,000 budgeted cyqui for the projproject and $100,000 in Gooding ■ ■ ■ allocated1 rc:reserves. The Cityity (Council in Septem ber king plant approvedd a $139,897 construc- /, but it’s tion bid fromfrc Stutznian Inc. to :ect that will o n e y build thei canyoncai rim east trail, M ■mers. Just ist of the Perrine Bridge. Spud trouble: A Go PageBS Las Vegas;as developer Craig H. fresh-potato packir H I B Neilsen owowns about 12 acres, Thut propeoperty. called Canyon Bled bankruptcy, b r/r-l< P ark East,ist, is eai;marked for a unclear what effeci f -fj ’ retail develcvelopment. have on local farmcteady to run: }. • \ Neilsenn rtrepresentative Gillian rhe CoUege of Silver saidlid Neilsen granted the ‘ city an eascasement through the Jouthem y to allow for a trail, daho women’s ■; proporty ti S p o r t s Neilsen alsoilso plans t<i build a trail jasketbaU ' ^ • through his Canyon Park North Reaeam launches ^ MUM MBM/n* IM property on 13 acres west of the Hts ie 2000-01 J Perrine BridJridge. klei In Twin Fallt on Monday.y. ILocal triek-or-traatera could Sourampaign this UndIndo Williami and h«r daughter,r, JiJulia, 2, pick out a Hallowaeiten pumpkin under leaden akiei It's doubtlubtful that the trail will ., H H H m Ida)veek in hav(ava a tough tlma of It tonight withwitl a poaaiblllty of siww pradiidlctad for the area. be pavedJ bjby this winter, howov- bas:: out our sea- er. The cityty 1hopes lo extend the r - \ x T r trail to Shos!hoshone I'alls. its^ Page Dl j P g Cuy leadeaders also announced! carr a r t s o f ] Vd i n i - C a ;i s s i a g e tt b l a n k ee t o f s n c Monday thattha the Shoshone Falls! we€of three dead- Pork imiprovement p n project is; Montana. Check on that’s good news to TTommy scheduledid uto begin Nov. 13. ,8-man high ByDanFliFields National Reserve haveI'C already er inch ofof a c cu m u latio n on t son p iw e w . Dahl. >rk will Ik; closed during; samsare 7im«^Nov«lewa wrtter_______________ received 8 inches of snsnow, said Wednesday,”ly,” she said. I The park ayoffs this ----------- Sharon Alden, thu leadI f<forecaster Alden saisaid Twin Falls and Dahl is ticket manajlager at constructiontion of the new overlook;, Pomerelle Ski Resortrt ncnr <;i, EnRinci v ^ d BURLiX£Y - While much of the with the Nationnl \W e a th e r Hailey slioul<)uld not see any effects 1 in eer Gary Young said, •; itorm. She said temper- 1Albion, and if tlie snowfallall keeps •ant to totally discouragot Tlebrraken TVvo strichof on Magic ValleyVi is receiving a slow Service in Pocatello. Al\ld e n said from the stor the snow will fall in “sipjpnifiamt” • atures in BurleyBu and Twin Falls tup, she m ight be working"S "> tl"-' anybody trofrom going down therii’ und steac•ady rain, parts of the val- near future. locked Class A-4,8- e already Betting heavy amount.s, with a snoww lev el of will range frcfrom the middle 30s to r .. during thele Vwork.” lie s;iid. ^ school footbaU tear Pago Dl ■‘=y ‘ about 6,000 fcMt. upper 40s,, “b“but the main focus of “If it keeps snowing likelilt this, The $11 mmillion park improve-; snowfall that we might b e open for the headed tb the playc H S ™ could continue “Tliere's a heavy snowiw warning the warningng is south of (Burley) v •oject will include the; in effect for those ureas,s, meaning and northh and east through cend,” Dahl said. “We’’X e * co t! new falls> ovoverlook plaiform, pliisi w eetend after a wi througli Thurs- " .1aboui a foot right now, a tiebhsaker in Dietri they will receive monire th a n 6 Pocatcllo." n g l w . other work:irk: a bigger parking lot,^ 10 inches,” So far. tliehe storm has produced sstill snowing. It’s coming Monday. laho Supreme The first inches of snow, up to 10 more parkiirking spacos an d now^ said Alden, who noted1 tth e warn- only one minninor accident. Aroimd r pretty heavy.” IS. ; to reverse its white Wablanket of winter isn’i pro- Pomerelle will provide u complete covcr. Tlie storm ing Ls in cffect for townsns south of noon Mondnday. a car slid off ark projeci slioultl h<j' Burley including Albio:ion, Almo. Interstate 8484 near Sweet2e r Pass con the resort’s opening •dby May 30.2001. J : bringing snow to Mini- Intemet page, Dalil said. isn’t going to provide tlie Malta and Oakley. in southernm Cassia County, the I O p i n i o n However, Alden said1 tth e snow- Idaho Statete Police said. No one ' PageAS S“h“ e "stuff to the Magic and Dan Fields is 77je Titnc:ks -Ncws' Tirna-NmNctt's staff writer John T.' River valleys - providing fall will begin taperingB off start- was hurt, amand damage to the car •an be rcachctl in Twiiv^ Wet spot: The Idah Wood Ri was minimal.ml. Mim’-C'issia editor. He.it.can hc Court was right to r only cloucsudsand rain, ing today. nxjchcd ut 677-4042 oi-by e-mail a Falk at 733-1’33-0931. Exi. 2C,9 nr n spots, the snow is heavy, “There niiiy be anotlvIher 1 to 3 Snow in tliI the South Hills could r 'mddu&'nuicicvcilliiu.ct)niz wilderness waterr d<SECTION „ But in J :hn)ugh Thursday, and <jdiidds&magicvallcy.com mail at jfindi P o rtio nns s of the City of Rocks indies (today) and maytyl>e anotli- continue thn today’s editorial Idaho/Westsaj ..4 Money ....5-7 * ' Section C x \lyanN l atitions leacd e r C l o s8IN G T IHE DE^ S e c t i o n byCommunity s .1-2 ^ ^ Section A Computers“ ..3 ;y '' Gore,3 , Bush fight ■;^C-icKC-= i Weather . ., .2 Classified. .4-8 les for baiinkruptc N ation. , .3,5 Co , it outit in usually ng might delay hantinding over of comnpoiind ^ Momlng break 4 Section« D .
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