the count? democrat. n In CU "' " July April o—T.evolt nnrthnrn Greeoe nß rcvc ue 12—National convention of the 10" British nnd French troops landed nt August Thyssen, German steel mag- oso mo?!"’ Elks opened Puiiett Buvernment .up- Hankow, &%oJ. in Chicago. uKuinnt China. nate. 12 —Konuie pnsßod Its lax bill, i r„i‘‘V.reducing Fourtoen Sun Francisco men, worth Pr General Carmona, premier of Portu- April 9—llenry Miller, veteran actor- fcdt-rnl revenue 1456,000,000. give AprU Tuan ot gal. assumed *100,000,000, formed foundation to 10-Pr/nldentby coup Chl-Jul the presidency. nmnnger, In New York. Sure Relief 5* Senate and house adopted doponen of r P 8 surplus wealth for benefit of the com- China nutlonul *Nnv. 30—King Ferdinand of Rumania Burbank, world- i. 1 for ,nuUl,,K Inauguration issued warning April 11—Luther Chronology date mIn °i“ munity. ¦.r.nylcader.. ° a to former Crown famous horticulturist, at Santa Rosa, January nnd convening of nni rlnco Carol f gress two con- Kansas City Rtnr and Times sold to J and all others not to at- ( Calif. months after Pekin*. tempt the passed election. present management for *11,000,000. evacuated President Tuan re- a coup d'etat to seize throne. April landscape OF Rouse omnibus puollc bulld- 14—Otto Stark, THE ings July E. S. *n Premier Condylls of Greece resigned , painter, bill carrying *166.000,UU0. 14—Linton Wells and in n * troops and in Indianapolis. Evans completed circuit of globe In April 19—?] . ! occupied Alexander Zalmis formed a new April 20—Ogden McClurg of Chi- r eb. 16—Army und navy bills, with .K'rTuan lied to T. 28 days, 14 hours 37 minutes. Peking; President Tlen- cabinet. cago, totui of *660,600,000, passed by house nnd Dec-. by publisher and explorer. senate July 19—Corn committee met I—Elections in Ontnrlo won and separately. belt —PI* 11 crowned the prohibition . April 23—Joseph Pennell, American Year-1926 Feb. In Den Moines to plan renewul of 18Anril 26 Pahlevi wets; to be abandoned etcher. Si] Hot water 19—Seiiute und house conferees Persia for government agreed tax fight for agricultural relief. as shah of control of liquor sales. April Key, J on bill with cut of *381,811,- captured Suelda, Dec. 3—Socialist government 25 —Ellen Swedish writer. 00 July 26—Senate slush fund commit- French chief for- of Den- April 27—Marshal Kawamura of Ja- mm ] Sure Relief 0 ; Druses in Syria. mark resigned after elec- tee begnn Inquiry into Illinois sena- tress of defeut in pan, hero of Battle Feb. 23—House accepted conference Chicago. April 30 —British miners struck. tions. of Mukden. report oh tux bill, torial primary expenses, in Dec. , April 28—Miss Jeffreys Lewis, Amer- 364 to 28. July 30—A. F. Myers of lowa ap- May I—Mexico ordered seizure of 6—Yugo-Slav cabinet resigned. Bert 16. Haney of Oregon resigned by priests. Dec. 17—German cabinet resigned. ican nctress. Compiled by EDW. WEBSTER pointed member of federal trade com- Catholic churches closed April 30—F. D. Countiss, retired Chi- DELL-ANS from shipping board. Lithuanian government mission. Negotiations between British govern- Socialist cago Feb. 24—Senate approved new tax operators and miners overthrown by military and Catiioiic ' financier. bill by 61 to Aug. 6—lowa Republicans nominated ment. mine fail- revolt; May 3—Oscar S. Straus, former am- FOR 10. D. to term trades Union congress Major Plehavlchius made dicta- INDIGESTION March Supreme W. Stewart fill unexplred ing, the British tor. bassador to Turkey, New York. I—United States of made ordered general strike of 5,000,000 men in 25<t and 75t Pk js.Sold Everywhere court tax law Senator Cummins. Democrats Dec. Prince Victor Napoleon. Bonapartist decided Wisconsin's gift no May 3. Government declared state 19—Antona Smctona made presi- nomination. for H 'i«i dent of Lithuania. pretender to throne of France. Invalid. Aug. MacCracken, emergency Prime Minister INTERNATIONAL House passed Watson-Parker bill 9—William P. of May 6—Howard Van Doren Shaw of Ready money doth great cures. Chicago, secretary Bnldwin became virtual dictator. p abolishing railroad labor bourd and appointed assistant general Chicago, noted architect. wBit re7roacU v« „rSiS providing means for settlement of rail- of commerce In charge of aviation May 3—British strike began INDUSTRIAL May B—Rida Johnson Young, Ameri- * development. midnight. lco ,“ ne P role n nnd land laws. way labor disputes by conference, med- at Jnn. 11—Supreme can playwright. oK V! iation Aug. 10—Ivnlghts of Pythias opened May 7—Norge, Amundsen s polar dir- court held uncon- “DANDELION BUTTER COLOR” .,'. I,1 - Strawn, American and voluntary arbitration. Kings stitutional prohibitive tax "put May 9—Benjamin B. Odell, former Half 1 March B—Treasury offered public convention in Chicago. igible, reached Bay. Spitsbergen. on and governor deltKate. made chairman of Interna- for biennial call” trading boards of New York. vegetable tlona1 subscription *500,000,000 30-year Ohio Republicans renominated Sena- May 9—Lt. Commander Richard E. on of trade. May A harmless butter color commifcslon on extraterritorial- in Y. Virginia and Floyd Feb. l—Trainmen on Eastern roads 10—Alton B. Parker, Democratic ity In bonds at :; per cent interest, lowest tor Frank B. Willis, nnd named M. Byrd of Bennett candidate for 1904, in by millions for 50 years. Drug China. 3 4 Spitsbergen to pole, asked wage increase of *1 a day. Presidency In used Maj. Gen. William rate since first Liberty bonds were Cooper for governor. Democrats named fiew from .North New York. general Lassiter named to and It thrice and returned without Feb. 12—Anthracite coal strike end- stores, and stores sell bottles Bucceed General Pershing as president issued. Atlee Pomerene for senate re- circled ed by signing of five-year contract; May 13—John T. King, former Re- or lucna-Arica March elected Mrs. nominated Governor Donahey. landing. , publican leader of “Dandelion” for 35 cents. —Adv. plebiscite commission. 9—Seattle, Wash., wages not raised, check-off not men- in Connecticut. Jan 27— Great Britain Bertha K. Landes mayor. Aug. 15—American authorities near French bombarded Midun quurter of May 15—Mrs. Christine Nielson Blgned and Italy men Damascus, killing 000. tioned. debt funding agreement. Air secretaries In three departments San Diego, Cal., arrested 150 police Feb. 16—Twelve thousand fur work- Dreler, American contralto, in Chicago. A swat In time saves getting one. Jan. 30—Allies recommended by E. W. Morrow, chair- mobilized for Mexican revolt under May 11 —Berlin broke up roy- May 16—Mohammed evacuated the first to \ on Hindenburg ers of New York struck. VI, ex-sultan of *ono of occupation in the Khinelnnd. man of the President’s aircraft board. General Estrada, and seized quantity alist plot make dic- March com- Turkey. 14—Board of temperance, pro- of tator. 2—lnterstate commerce —United States formally March arms. , mission rejected plan May 17—A R. Metcalfe, whist au- Don't Forget Cuticura Talcum hriii of the Methodist Coolidge decided expedition In the Norge Van Sweringen notified League of Nations and 48 na- hibition and morals Aug. 16—President Amundsen for merger of Nlcklc Plate, Chesapeake thority, In Chicago. 1 hud Voted lo enter church charged Coolidge administra- intervention in Mexico was unwar- started from Spitzbergc-n for Alaska. May 19—W. E. When adding to your toilet requisites. court world resigned. >v <>hlo, Hocking Valley, Pere Mar- Stokes, New York tion, because of political conditions, ranted. Belgian cabinet quette hotel man. An exquisite face, skin, baby and dust- not May strike nnd Erie railroads. Alureh 8—Special session of League was keeping men in otlice who are Aug. 28—Dan Moody defeated Miriam 12—General In Great -March 15—Announcement *40.000,- May 20—Donald Robertson, actor and or Nations opened with sympathy of the Ferguson run-off nomi- Britain called on: negotiations with of stage coach. ing powder and perfmne, rendering Viscount lshli In with enforcement in primary for 000 merger of 18 quarry companies in in the chair. over prohibition laws. nation for governor of Texas. miners to be resumed. June 6—Meyer London, former perfumes superfluous. may mem Deadlocked new for started limestone district around Bedford and So- other You hers. Spain to resign. House appropriated *10,000,000 Aug. 31—Senator S. M. Shortridge re- Marshal Pilsudski revolt in Bloomington. cialist congressman from New Leaguethreatened buildings. against government Tnd. York. rely on one of Cuticura .March 8 of Nations received foreign embassy nominated by California Republicans. Poland of Premier June I—Charles P. Howard of Chi- June 7—John D. Spreckels, California it because the German application for entrance. Dun lei F. Steck (Dem.i, was held to John B. Elliott, named by Demo- Wltos. cago elected president of International capitalist. Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum), March 6—Germany's admission have been elected over Senator Brook- Chancellor Luther of Germany, cen- defeating J, June 9—Louis Sherry, famous to crats. relchstag. resigned. Typographical union, M. res- 25c each everywhere.—Advertisement. KUe °f Postponed hart (Rep.), lowa, In report submit- Sept. 7 —Senator Lenroot of Wiscon- sured by Lynch. taurateur, In New York. Nation's until Norge passed fan ted by subcommittee of the senate elec- sin defeated for renomination by Gov., Airship over North June 3—Eastern railroads rejected Sanford B. Dole, former president of ®—Secretary Kellogg tions committee. John J. Blaine. Senators Moses of New pole. Republic of Hawaii, in Honolulu. to strong. to submitted federal 13—Norge alighted at trainmen’s demand for 20 per cent To believe is be Chile and Peru new plan to The White bill, to create a Hampshire and Oddie of Nevada re- May Teller, wage June 14—Earl of Dunraven, English settle to increase.
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