CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 SERIES-14 MYSORE DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BIDAR DISTRICT PART X .. A: TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY PART X-B: PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT P. PADMANABHA _ 'tU IND~ ADNlNISTRA'IlVE SEIlVJCB D~ c:w CiI)lIUS O:rDATIONS MYWSE 74 7S 76 77 7. 79 24 12 0 24 72 MILES : ... ,._ I I : M1f~®U I ; i ; i i 20 0 20 40 60 eo 100 KILOMETRES ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS, 1971 i-', ./ /" <i....,• ..,r STATE IIOUNDARY ......J'. 0 J DISTRICT Ci '\.-... _.,. AlihICI '\ " .,j... ,. 0 "'yo.'" TALUK 18" 1 '" Build .... ,,"',," " 18" ....."...·0 !:: ........, \ ..... ~ }s.. ' , .... , ""'/ STATE CAPITAL ",·or. 1 kaI~-j" 0 '. t:BIDAl .J ". !Hllonnabld.. t"T .. ...._ .I';{;.... '.-r ~ DISTRICT HEADQUARTIRS * I S ~ ./' ..... "-"..,,,. T"LUK o ( '".,_·.,.,._· ..... 11·· ~/',..J ( '. .... ~~~V'""-. " , \ ........ ".;) ' ...~ GULBAIlGA \ . "A&oIput T. Narulput - ThlrwnakudI.. Narulpw­ 0 <;' -'(_ < •>-..-t ,j..,.. ....,) r ,.1 ... ,: ('~..J. MAlIARASH TRA. )... 1Ddi./ ~··I· •• .I;' 0 I. 0 Ho-Hoopet I' \ '. 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'. 0 .,.; <'~ 0 ,,\' . ..._• ..; (Ark'l~d l 0 ,',; '. \ OJ \ r" "\ 0 ...... ..,'''Kri.hn'''lpn MA.NDY A 0 CI"u,".p~m. ~_ '''\'ot' i'MdavaputaO:' ® M..-J<lu, .,." 0 \. ". x.q:hnaMlj.lf__ o '\.... ~.-'.)J ",...i ')-."'-<;·KanakaplI .."! (Ii £Pe . To., • • ·..,_ .. ··05'ltatl..... ""'..... "\ J " MtmCAI\A ..... ' . ; '-1.,'(' .' ~ .... .,-. .-!-.~y~pa';'.\ " 0 .; @ '1:, ~..., OM",~11_ •....._ _ _.r "'If( . \ cQoaG / Hunour [MYSORE \T.N"",!I~·O '. ~ ' ..... /" ~Inoj "./.,.,..... -;;\,., .. , .... ,......... A .•, •..':"·ICo!lept -'-", ~"1 '-'" pet "'~d •.f.Vlln~N~i~~;~·\e.::~ .. IFw j ~ -·-'t. 'P"" ·L.':.;~) J.... --I --1 "'""'-. ...j ... Gund!~pet d,r'/~' .r\ . ~ ; -..... TAMIL NADU 77· 78· 79° ii MADARASA AT BIDAlt (Motif on the Cover) The timeworn but magnificent structure of the Madarasa of Mahmud Gawan at Bidar is depicted on the cover page. Mahmud Gawan (1461 to 1481 AD.) Prime Minister of the Bahmani Kingdom established this college in 1472 AD. on the: same magnificent lines as its prototypes in Khurasan and other Islamic countries. The walls of the Madarasa measure externally 242' from east to west and 220' from north to south. This building suffered great damage from lightning in 1696 AD. and lost half of its front and half of its southern wing. Subsequently, it deteriorated through neglect and weathering. The minaret at the end of the facade and the wall adjoining it towards the south are comparatively the best preserved portions of the Madarasa. The minaret has an octogonal base 67; 4(/ in girth at the ground level, over which five bands of carved masonary have been built, gradually decreasing in dimensions in order to fit in with the circumference of the tower, which is 45' above the uppermost band of the basement. This tower which is 13 feet high has three storeys, the first and second having balconies, which project from the main body, but have no brackets to support them indicating the Persian architecture of the building. The tower has a dome 8 feet in height with a pinnacle 3 feet high. The wall adjoining the tower towards the south forms the facade of a mosque built in the north­ eastern part of the building and extends to a length of 59 feet from the tower. The facade is divided into several compartments, the windows of which are adorned with trellis work. When sunlight blazes on the exterior of this building, the trellis screens fixed in the deep recesses of the arches have a shimmering effect. The facade includes a band oftjle work arranged in an artistic manner. Below this there is a broad compartment containing five arches, the spandrels and side walls of which are decorated with encaustic tiles. The second or the middle compartment abo contains arches adorned ,,,,ith exquisite tiles. The third compartment which adjoins the plintL of the building comprises of five :ectangular ~anels:, The interior of the mosque comprises of a single hall, 50' x 25'. The ceiling is vaulted and is divided into 3 compartments by two stately arches which rise to a height of 34 feet from fioor level. At the northern wing adjoining the mosque is a square hall 27' at each side of the base with a dome­ shaped ceiling. This hall was apparently meant for the residence of the principal-teacher of the Madarasa. Corresponding to this hall there is said to have been another in the southern wing of the building, which has now disappeared. The northern and southern wings of the Madarasa have a large hall, with pairs of rooms built on either side. These rooms rise to three storeys and in all there are 36 suites of rooms capable of accommodating 108 students. PREFACE It has been the tradition of the Census of India to present demographic data in as detailed a manner as possible so as to serve effectively the interests of the users of census data. It has alw been a tradition to publish special volumes which incorporate both demograrhic and non-censu[' data which are considered to be of great utility. In accordance with this practice,
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