NUMISMATA GRAEGA GREEK GOIN-TYPES CLASSIFIED FOR IMMEDIATE IDENTIFIGATION PHOTAT HHOTIIRRS, PHINTERS, MACON (ihANCe). NUMISMATA GRAEGA GREEK GOIN-TYPES CLASSIFIED FOR IMMEDIATE IDENTIFICATION BY C ANSON TEXT OF PART VI SCIENCE AND THE ARTS ASTRONOMY, SCULPTURE, MUSIC, COMEDY, GAMES, ETC, CRESCENT, STARS, SUN, ZODIAC SIGN OF, STATUES, BELLOWS, LYRES, SISTRUM, SYRINX, TINTINNABULUM, MASKS, ASTRAGALOS. VARIOUS k.NKH, ARM BENT, BALANCE OR SCALES, BOOT, CIPPUS, CROSS, CROWNS, CUNEIFORM STROKES DIADEM, DISK, DOUBLE FLORAL PATTERN, EYES, FISH-SPINE, FOOT, HANDS, HEART, IIOOF OF ANIMAL, HOOK, LABARUM, LABYRINTH, LAMP, LION'S SCALP, MAEANDER SYMBOL, MARKS OF VALUE, MONOGRAM IN WREATH, PARAZONIUM, PENTAGRAM, PEDUM, PINNA NOBILIS, PLAIN REVERSE. PLOUGH, SCARAB, SCEPTRE, SPOKE OF WHEEL, STELE, SWASTIKA, TIARA, UMBRELLA, WHEELS, WING, WITHOUT DENOMINATION OF TYPE (DOUBTFUL), ETC. LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., L^ BROADWAY HOIISE, CARTER LANE, E. C. 1916 CJ ph(o GRESGENT Metal Place Obvehse Revebse No. SlZE CRESCENT AND LEAF No. ; GKESCENT AND STAR Metal No. Plack Obversi-: Revehse \Vt. Denom. D.A Pl.ATE R EFEREXCR SlZE Crescent and Slar •21 Populonia. Head of Pallas, Cull face, Y^i. Crescent, horns up- .i\.85 Etruria. towards 1., wearing wards, enclosing star 21 earring, necklace, and of four rays, the whole Athenian iielmet with wilhin a border of dots three crests ; hair half oir the coin ; to the loose ; border of dots. !., outside of this border, are traces of the obverse- typc and border of ano- ther specimen, incuse, also half olV the coin ; the two borders forni langent semicircles. 22 Aes Grave. Wheel of eight spoiies, Crescent; above whicii, star Cenlral each terminating in of eight rays ; bencath, Itali/. doujjle hooli. • • • •. 2:5 Venusia. Bustof Ilelios, full-face, horns upwards Crescent, ; Apulia. radiate ; border of within, star of sixteen dots. rays beneath, • ; S ^ plain border. 24 Marciano- A MANTnN.rOPAI MAPKIAN OnOAI N^ polis. ANO- Head of Gor- Crescenl, wilhin which Moesia Inf. dianus r., Jaur. star. 25 Nicopolis. AVKAI CEVHPOC- NIK ITnNnPO CICTP. Moesia Inf. Ilead of Sepl. Severus Crescenl and star. r., laur. 26 Byzantium. Head of .^rleniis r., in BVZAN TinN- Starabove Thrncp. front, bow ; behind a erescent ; beneath, pellet. quiver. Similar. Similar ; no pellet. 28 Similar; wilhout bow. Similar. 29 MAMAIA AVr. Bust of BVZANTinN. Crescent, Julia Mamaea r., drap- and star above it. ed. 30 Iladriano- ••nTrETACK isic). AAPIAN 0:'AITnN polis. Busl of Geta r., laur., Crescenl, within which Thrace. in cuirass and palud. star. 31 Uranopolis. OTPANIAnN Star on a crescent. Maccdoine nOAEn^ Urania in " Stola " seated on a globe ]., in the r. hand sceplre; wearing cap. ; ; CRESCENT AND STAR Metal Reverse Wt. Denom. Date Plate Reference No. Pl-ACE Obversb SlZE 32 Pharcadon, Horse r., feeding. OAPKA Grescent, invert- ^.65 benealh, 16 Thessaly. AONIHN ed ; star of eight points. 33 Leucas. Stag standing r. ; above AEYKAAinN.Grescentand Acarnania. star. 34 Cydonia. nAIIflN. Ilead of K Y Star within cres- Crele. Apolio r., laur. ; bor- A Cl cent ; border of der of dots. dots. r. of 35 A n ('?)• t)\vl ; border Similar; no border dots of dots. 36 Magnesia AYTKMAN rOPAIA MArNHTnN. With stars ad NOC- I^ust of ^or- between lelters of inscr. Maean- dian r., laur., wear- crescent with star bet- drum. ing cuirass and palud. ween liorns. lonia. 37 Magydus. Bust of Athena wear- MATY. Star in crescent. Pamphylia. ing Aegis. 38 Carrhae. AK.MAYP.ANTON. KA-KOMH nOAA- Star Mesopola- Ilead of Elagabalus within crescent. mia. 39 AYTO KANT.rETAC- KOAMHTPOnOAIC KA|. Heads of Cara- KAPPHNnN.Starwithin calla laur. and Geta crescent. bare; back to back. Orodes I Bust of Orodes I 1. 40 ; BACIAEnC BACIAEnN,r. king of close beard ; wears APCAKOV, in ex., EYP- Parihia. diadema, spiral neck- TETOV AIKAIOV, 1. lace, andcuirass ; bor- Eni0ANoVC OIAEA- der of dots. AHNOC. Star, within "^. crescent ; in f. r., 41 Similar. Similar. 42 Similar. Similar. 43 PhraatesIV Bust of Phraates IV 1., Same inscr. : with 2 ins- king of with pointed beard tead of C- Grescent and Parlhia. wears diadem, neck- star ; in f. r., /R. lace and cuirass ; beh- ind head, eagle !., with wreath in beakcrown- ing king's head ; bor- der of dots. CRESCENT AND TWO STARS No. CRESCENTS TWO BACK No. CRESCENTS TWO AND STARS No. ; CRESGENTS THREE AND STARS Metai. Obverse Reverse \\'t. l)l. Da Plate Re No. Place SlZK Crescents three 73 Caelia. Ilead of Pallas, r., wear K Al A IN nN- Three ^.55 Apulia. ing crested Corinthiai crescents, horns out- 14 helmet, necklace. wards, within each • plain border. 73' Head of Pallas, • • • Similar. 74 Venusia. Cockle-shell. Three crescents, horns out- ApuUa. wards ; within upper- most, mon. \£. 75 Crolon. Head of Persephone r., KPO- Each letter within Bruitii. wearing wreath of a crescent, horns out- corn. wards. 76 Cydonia. Youthful head r. ; hair K ; around, three crescent; Crele. short (somewhat bar- border of dols. barous). 77 Similar 1., ivy-wreathed. Similar. 78 Young head r., wreath- Three crescents, back to ed; border of dots. back, in centre a dot. 79 Tanus. Head of young Dionysos TAN- Pellet between three Crete. crescents. 80 Athens. Head of Athena r., in Three crescents, E Attica. close fitting crested ^G horns inwards. helmet, adorned with tloral ornament. STAR Metal No. Place Obvehse Re SlZE 10 STAR No. STAR H Metal No. Place Obvkhse Re Wt. Deno.m. Date Pl^ATE Refehence SlZE 103 Uranopolis, OYPANiAEnN no. Star. /E.55 rime Mionnet, III, S., of t rania in 14 p. 174, No 1126. Macedonin. AEflZ- Cas- " " stoia seated on a sander globe 1., in the r., handsceptreand wear- ing cap. lOi Pherae. Man iiude retaininsj OEPA- Star in the middle R. 7 ,, p.305, No250. Thessaly. horse which isrunning of incuse square. 17.5 1. 105 Issa. I2ZA- Female head. I2IA. Star. .-E. 9 4tii Head, Hist. Num., /s. Illi/ria. •22.5 cent. p. 268. B. c. 106 Simiiar inscr. Mead of Star with eight rays ; in yE.85 Mionnet, III, S., Artemis r. field ? •21 p. 358, No 13. 107 In gen. Caps of Ihe Dioscuri AneiPflTAN written bet- .E. 7 ,, p. 361,No20. Epirus. surmounted by stars. ween the rays of the star. 17.5 I 108 Corcyra. ig . Kantharos to r., Star, the alternate rays B. c. Part. B.M.ThessaIy,p.l28, /s. Epirus. peduni. lonirer. 15 300- Pl. VII No 225. 229 433 122 I Locri- an Circle of dots ; within of /R.45 Obol. B. C. Part. B. M. Centr. Gr., 109 Z c" Amphora ; Opunti. 0.0 star of sixteen rays ; bor- 11 .79 387- Pl. I p. 1, No 3. Locris. ivy-leaf on eitlier side der of dots. 369 80 of Amphora. bunch of within slar of sixteen ^R. 4 8» Hemi- B. C. Part. I p. 5, No 35. 110 Or ON O , , f,n-apes on either side rays; border of dots. 10 .54 obol. 369- Pl. V of Amphora. 338 284 to Similar. R.45 10-> B. C. Part. I p. 6, No 48. 111 AO KP- -Vmphora , , I. grapes, to r., ivy- II .66 338- Pl. V leaf. 300 •281 11-2 in the alternate B. C. Pl. I 56, No 36. Orchome- Boeolian shield, along EPXO /E.55 , , p. nus. which ear of corn. spaces of a star of eight 14 387- 112 Boeolia. rays. 374 11.3 Asteria. Beardless head r. A between the rays of a yE.45 Pl. Harwood, Numis. (bet^een star. 11 Supp. Gr., p. 7. Ithaca and 113 Cephalo- nium.) /s of Elis. 11 i Itanus. Head of Pallas 1., in Star of sixteen rays. R. 4 1" B. C. Pl. I Hunterian Coll., Crete. crested helmet. 10 .46 400- 114 p. 190, No8. 300 115 Gambrium. Ilead of Apoilo r., laur. rAM. Star. ^.65 B. C. Pl. I B. M. Mysia, p. 62, Mysia. 16 3"i 115 No 2. cent. 116 Similar; border of dots. Similar. /E.5 Pl. I No 11. 12.5 116 12 SUN No. ZODIACS 13 Metal No. Placi; Obvehse Reverse Wt. Denom. Date Plate SlZE Reference Suu and Moon as slar wilhin Crescent 125 Uranopolis. Simila The suu and Moon, (a star M. 5 Macedonia. of eigiit r.iys within cres- cent) ; borcier of dols. u CANCER Metal Obvebse Ri \\^T. Denom. Dati; Pi.ATi; Reference No. Pl.ACF, SlZE Aquarius sign of 131 .\lexandria AYTKTAIAAAP Bust of Kronos 1., wearin"; Anto- Pl. II Hunterian Coll., Egypt. ANTCONINOC C€B€Y. veil and globe on head, 32.5 ninus 131 p. 409, No 467. Bust of Antoninus at 1.. shoulder falx ; in Pius. B. M. Alexandria, Pius r., laur., in cui- frontstar; benealh youth p. 128, No 1088. rass and palud. swimming 1., looking- back and holding in\er- ted jar on his hands Ijen- eath date LH (144-143 A. D.) (Saturn in Aqua- rius). Aries sign of 132 Antioch. Head of Zeus r., laur. ANTIOXEHN MHTPonO JE.15 Seleucis and AEflZ- Ram leaping r., Pieria. with head turned back ; above, star of eight rays ; beneath, date BM (11-12 133 ANTIOXEON- Head of EniKOYAAPAToY- Ram Tyche r., veiled and leaping r., with head turreted. turned back ; above, star of six rays ; beneath, date : AP (= 55 A. D.). 134 Nisibis. AVTOKKMANrOPAIA CenKOA 0N6CIBIMH Mesopota- NONCABTPANK... TP. Bust of Tyche bf NAC€B- Bust, face to city r., draped, veiled, face, of Gordian III r., ancl turreted ; above her laur., wearing cuirass head, sign of constellation and palud., and of Aries r. ; before and Tranquillina I., drap- behind her, a star. ed and wearing- ste- phane. ; TAURUS 15 Metal Pl.ACE No. Obverse Reverse Wt. Denom . Date Plate Refebence Sl/.E Gemini sieii of 136 ELicarpeia.
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